Chosen, an adult text game with roguelike elements

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
A Text-Based Adult Roguelike game Inspired by Faster than Light, Corruption of Champions, Pillars of Eternity and others. More info at

The player character, an outcast from society, is chosen by a mysterious being of light of questionable benevolence to end the blight ravening the world. They find themselves on a quest to travel east to slay the blights demonic master battling desperate humans and sexy monsters along the way. Along the way, they will encounter all kinds of creatures, locations, and events along procedurally generated maps.

The game blends elements from Faster Than Light, CoC, and D&D. It is text-based like CoC and takes place in a medieval fantasy universe, not a sci-fi one. Like FTL this game has roguelike elements including a procedural map similar to the FTL starmap. Like D&D you have a party of characters and dice rolls is used in combat. Defeat usually means permanent death and bad ends abound. Maps are procedurally generated.

Supported pairings: Male/Female, Female/Male, Male/Male, Female/Female

Fetishes currently in the game: Demons (Succubus), Transformation, Bondage, Alrune, Elves, Centaur, Tentacles, Witches and a few others.

More fetishes may be added to the game later. The game has a built-in mod system, so anyone can build a mod to support a particular fetish (underage not allowed). If there is a fetish in the game you don't like, you can probably avoid it by just clicking through the scene.

However, there won't be permanent transformations as the game does not have a system to support them. These will fetishes will definitely not appear underage (all characters should look and act like adults), scat, sexualized gore or gruesome violence. Ask about any other unusual or extreme fetishes via pm or forum post.

You can play the rerelease alpha at Afterward please kindly consider filling out the feedback survey.

You can support the game on patreon.

If you are interested in joining the team or want to give me some feedback you can pm me, post a reply to this thread or email me at

Join The Team
The game is still under construction. I am looking for collaborators to help make this great. I plan to do all the programming myself but I could use all the help I can get in terms of building content.

Well written scene content is vital for the success of this kind of game. If you have played games like CoC or TiT's and have been interested in writing for them this is a great place to start. As someone joining early in the process you have lots of creative freedom and getting your content into the game is very likely.

If you are interested take a look at the Writing Guide.

Anyone can play the game but doing rigorous testing is a bit harder. If your willing to routinely test new builds, fill out feedback forums, and try to break things in order to find bugs then you could fill this role.
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Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Game looks promising. Big blocks of text is unreadable, though (there is no way to scroll it down). Fighting mechanic is hard to grasp and some fights seems taking too long time.

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Game looks promising. Big blocks of text is unreadable, though (there is no way to scroll it down). Fighting mechanic is hard to grasp and some fights seems taking too long time.

No way to scroll down? Ahh I checked you're right, that is a bug. There used to be a scrollbar. It looks like I broke it last time I updated the game.  Edit: I found the bug, it was a very silly mistake. I will release a patch soon. Edit #2: Ok, patch should be up now and scrollbar should work.

As for combat, its current balance is very tentative. I am working on getting all the various combat mechanics and abilities in place before I start seriously working on what the numbers will be in terms of health damage ect. So the final combat could end up being faster (eg by making abilities do more damage or characters have less health). Feedback on it is appreciated though.
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Aug 28, 2015
Will this game be something for me to look into now or later regarding my thread "Looking For male muscle/cock growth games"? Since it say's no permanent transformation I think it will be leaning towards a "no" though,

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Will this game be something for me to look into now or later regarding my thread "Looking For male muscle/cock growth games"? Since it say's no permanent transformation I think it will be leaning towards a "no" though,

Probably not. The game does not have a system to track transformations to the player's body (due to the amount of extra work it takes to account for them in different scenes). There are transformations that exist in combat via the shapeshifter class. Also scenes or bad ends could have transformations. In the case of a bad end they could be permanent story wise. However, you won't be transformed in one scene and read about it in another as you would in CoC or TiTs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Honestly the first time someone plays a game colors their impression of the game from then on, unfair as that is. It might be a good idea to try and shorten the combat so that people can get a better idea of what the full game is going to be like instead of spending a large amount of time in battles. I like the concept and will keep up with the game as it progresses. 
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Aug 27, 2015
I like how smooth everything looks and interacts, it's a nice UI. I also like the temporary transformation abilities for the shapeshifter. It's so simple if you think about it, but I haven't seen much of that before.

I'll be keeping an eye on it.

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Honestly the first time someone plays a game colors their impression of the game from then on, unfair as that is. It might be a good idea to try and shorten the combat so that people can get a better idea of what the full game is going to be like instead of spending a large amount of time in battles. I like the concept and will keep up with the game as it progresses. 

This is true. I will work on trying to make the combat faster in the next version.

I like how smooth everything looks and interacts, it's a nice UI. I also like the temporary transformation abilities for the shapeshifter. It's so simple if you think about it, but I haven't seen much of that before.

I'll be keeping an eye on it.

Thanks, mostly the way the shapeshifter works came from me not wanting to code in permanent transformations or passive abilities. So I used what I hadd.

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think it's obvious where my main fetish query will lie, but I want to ask anyway, will there be futa/transgender in the game? It's alright if no, it seems very promising so far.

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think it's obvious where my main fetish query will lie, but I want to ask anyway, will there be futa/transgender in the game? It's alright if no, it seems very promising so far.

There could easily be a futa npc or enemy in the game. I could also see it as a shapeshifter ability. Something like Futafication: Gives you another set of genitalia for the duration of the battle raising your prowess by 1d6 (or something like that). But again, no permanent transformations like in CoC. Any transformation that happens the player will be contained to the scene or fight it happens in. Of course having this kind of content in the game (besides something minor like a single ability) requires someone willing and able to write it.

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I rebalanced combat to defenses less strong. Fights should not take as long anymore.

I also started a patreon campaign mostly to raise money for writing commissions.

You can read about both at my blog.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I'm really liking how easy and accessible adding content is, though I feel like there are a few really limiting things.

First off: You can't create your own abilities. While I get it would be really hard to let a layman create things to the complexity of the Erase spell, it still shouldn't be too hard to let somebody design their own basic skills. For example, I want an ability that's a basic, one-shot lust increase. But there's no such thing currently. The shapeshifter gets things like aphrodisiac barbs that make him deal bonus lust damage on attack, and the pheromones spell raises enemy lust for five turns, but there's no lust equivalent to bash, and it shouldn't be that hard to program in (not that I'm familiar with how any of this is programmed, but doesn't seem like a thing that should be hard). So I went over to spell groups, added a new group, and found that all you could do was add pre-existing spells to the group. Needless to say I was a bit disappointed. 

Secondly, you can't make logic gates for scenes. I want to add in a full sex scene, but since the player can be either male or female, and there's no way to limit which gender gets what scene, I can't really get too far. You can't write a unisex sex-scene. You just can't. You can make it so you have a button leading to the scene for males and a button leading to the scene for females, but besides the fact that that seems lazy and it breaks immersion, there's still nothing stopping a female character from picking the male option.

And finally, Items are nice, but also relatively limiting because they can only grant you stat bonuses. It'd be really cool to have tools that give you specific abilities. For example, getting the dildo could let you make an attack that actually uses the dildo, stuffing it into the enemy's ass or whatever, instead of just being a general "your lust-raising attacks are more effective". Or maybe have them be able to set flags, like, in the first area of the game you find a rusty old key that opens up something in a later segment. If nothing else, there should really be a health potion. Just sayin. It's like, fantasy item #2, right behind enchanted swords.

I realize that these would all require relatively large overhauls, but they would open up a lot of possibilities for future development both official and fan-made.

Something smaller that would be useful: A button to return to the main menu. When you test a scene, it spits you into a psuedo game and the only ways to get back to editing would be to either refresh the page or lose to an enemy. And if your scene is incomplete, you get stuck on the screen stating that the stage doesn't exist, so you HAVE to refresh the page
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I am not sure if this is a bug but the first place I went to was a Ancient temple which happened to be inhabited by priests of a war god(srry didn't think to report it when the problem came up) I was asked to fight someone and agreed to it. During the fight the only damage I took was the very first attack after that it would say I took damage but my health would never decrease. So I ignored it and just kept hitting the guy until he was at zero hit points. Once he hit zero nothing happened. He didn't die I couldn't attack him anymore but I could use my shape-shifting ability. Using the shape-shifting ability would cause him to take his turn like normal. The ability was lust barbs.

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Note: Response to DaviceMathews post at end. Also note the editor is being a bit finicky with me about quotes so some parts of levants original post have there formating messed up.

I'm really liking how easy and accessible adding content is, though I feel like there are a few really limiting things.
Glad someone noticed the editor. I was not actually sure how usable or intuitive it is without any sort of documentation. I do plan to add documentation eventually, but not until I am finished building the editor and all of the data types for it.

First off: You can't create your own abilities. While I get it would be really hard to let a layman create things to the complexity of the Erase spell, it still shouldn't be too hard to let somebody design their own basic skills. For example, I want an ability that's a basic, one-shot lust increase. But there's no such thing currently. The shapeshifter gets things like aphrodisiac barbs that make him deal bonus lust damage on attack, and the pheromones spell raises enemy lust for five turns, but there's no lust equivalent to bash, and it shouldn't be that hard to program in (not that I'm familiar with how any of this is programmed, but doesn't seem like a thing that should be hard). So I went over to spell groups, added a new group, and found that all you could do was add pre-existing spells to the group. Needless to say I was a bit disappointed. 
As you say at this point abilities are hardcoded into the game engine. Here are some examples of abilities from the game code.

Simplish ability 

var riftBolt = {
title: 'Rift Bolt',
desc: 'Creates a bolt of rift energy target dealing 5d6 irreducible damage to a target.',
category: 'arcane',
type: 'spell',
tier: 4,
targeted: true,
targetValidator: 'enemy',
cost: 85,
run: function(caster, target, battle) {
caster.log(, 'creates a swirling orb of rift distortions and tosses it at',;
caster.dealDamage(math.roll(5, 6), {
type: 'magic',
cannotBeReduced: true
More complex ability

var rift = {
title: 'Rift',
desc: 'Opens a destructive rift dealing 2d6 irreducable damage to all enemies each turn for five turns.',
category: 'arcane',
type: 'physical',
tier: 4,
targeted: false,
cost: 100,
run: function(caster, battle) {
var targets = battle.getEnemies(caster);
caster.log(, 'opens a gaping tear in the fabric of reality');
targets.forEach(function(target) {
name: 'rift',
onTurn: function(data) {, 'is distorted by the rift');, 6), null, {
type: 'physical',
uncounterable: true,
cannotBeReduced: true

onAdd: function(target) {
target.log(, 'is drawn by the rift');

tick: function() {
this.magnitude -= 1;
return this.magnitude <= 0;
}, 5);
This has always been somewhat of a dilemma for me. I certainly want as much of the games content as possible to be data rather than code. This allows me to iterate on the game more quickly and means that others can also add content or even build entirely different games using the engine. Creating an editor intricate enough to allow complex abilities to be created from pure data (eg sc2 editor) seems too complex to me. I also thought of just exposing JavaScript to the editor but this has its own set of practical, security and philosophical problems. The main solution I am considering at this point is pretty much the one you pointed out. Having an ability editor that allows users to select from a list of pre-existing effects and combine them then change numbers and messages. For example there could be a damage effect, a lust effect, an effect that applies one of my existing status effects (like burn or chill). It would not the creation of abilities as complex as the inbuilt ones but allow the creation of some abilities without having to program or have the games source code. Still this is nontrivial thing to program. It might be awhile before it gets into the game. No promises.


I am not entirely sure what you mean by logic gates.

In 0.0.1 you could make a scene like this

Non Gendered story stuff

if (pc.gender == male) {

 This is the male version fo the scene. I could put many paragraphs ehre

} else {

This is the female version of the scene


Any other non gendered stuff.

Also you can use tags like [pc.his] which will print out his or hers depending on the players gender.
In 0.0.2 I am adding the ability to  mark scenes as supporting any of four pairings.  Namely m/f (for straight and bisexual males), m/m (for gay and bisexual men), f/m (for straight and bisexual females) and f/f (for gay and bisexual females). Note bisexual men or women are randomly treated as straight or gay for the duration of a scene if it supports both. Along with new m/m {}, m/f {}, f/m {}, and f/f {} blocks. These blocks will hide the content within the curly braces from any character not of the right gender and orientation. The marking system effects map generation so players won't be shown scenes that are not marked as supporting their gender and orientation.

In 0.0.2 you could make a scene like this

Non Gendered story stuff

m/f {

You have sex with the woman.

} m/m {

You have gay sex with the man.

} f/m {

You have sex with the man.

} f/f {

You have lesbian sex with the woman.


Any other non gendered stuff.
You don't have to support all four tags. For example if the npc in your scene must be a woman for it to make sense then maybe the scene would support only m/f and f/f.

And finally, Items are nice, but also relatively limiting because they can only grant you stat bonuses. It'd be really cool to have tools that give you specific abilities. For example, getting the dildo could let you make an attack that actually uses the dildo, stuffing it into the enemy's ass or whatever, instead of just being a general "your lust-raising attacks are more effective". Or maybe have them be able to set flags, like, in the first area of the game you find a rusty old key that opens up something in a later segment. If nothing else, there should really be a health potion. Just sayin. It's like, fantasy item #2, right behind enchanted swords.

Items are much like abilities to me. To build complex item effects requires either a very complex data system or code. So far I have not even programed in a system for items to be given complex effects from the code side. Although I imagine it's basically identical to a permanent invisible status effect. Again, I think I will opt for the choice of giving the editor a set of preexisting effects which they can change numerically and combine. Again, this will take some time to implement and there is no guarantee it will make it into the game.

I realize that these would all require relatively large overhauls, but they would open up a lot of possibilities for future development both official and fan-made.


Something smaller that would be useful: A button to return to the main menu. When you test a scene, it spits you into a psuedo game and the only ways to get back to editing would be to either refresh the page or lose to an enemy. And if your scene is incomplete, you get stuck on the screen stating that the stage doesn't exist, so you HAVE to refresh the page

You can use your browsers back button to return to the editor. This will not cause the game to reload (unless you keep pressing back until you are no longer in the game). At some point I might add some extra tools into scenes and stuff when playing in devmode (devmode automatically turns on when you test a scene from the editor).


There are two major dangers in working with the current early version of the editor due to the way it stores your changes.

The game gets its data from two places. First it loads a file called game-data.json from the server. This file contains the official version of the games data as created by myself. Then it checks if you have made any changes on your local machine will cause an entire copy of the games data with your changes to be stored in your browser's localStorage. First this means you can easily lose your local changes if you edit in incognito mode or clear your cookies (which often also clears localStorage). At this point if it detects data in localStorage it will basically just naively overwrite all the data in the official version with your version. This can be a big problem if your version is based on an older version of the game as it will overwrite the new data with an old version that might not work anymore. I plan to create more sophisticated tools to merge data from different sources and otherwise deal with it. At this point the only real thing to do is export the two versions of the game to json files then reconcile any differences in a text merge tool or manually.

The second problem is related to the first. At this point I make no guarantees about forward compatibility of editor data. Just because editor data you create works in 0.0.1 does not guarantee it will work in 0.3.2 or 1.0.0 This is basically an inevitability of working with an evolving data model. I don't know exactly what will be in the final game so I can't finalize exactly how its data will be structured. I do try to make tools to automatically update data to newer versions though.

Weird. I don't suppose you could try opening the developer console (f12) to see if there is any output? I am not sure what would cause that. Also what browser are you using?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
The whole gender-specific scene thing was my main idea with the whole logic gate bit. Essentially, I wanted to lock a scene or option based on certain conditions. So for example, make it so you can have the option of running away from a fight before it starts, but only if your agility is high enough. Or the aforementioned sex scene deal. Since there's nothing really giving info about the editor, I had to learn from looking into the scenes that were already there, and though I saw the tags, I didn't see anything implying that you could make blocks of text in the scenes be gender-specific, and though that helps, it's not quite the same

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
First sorry my last post is being very glitzy. Some of the quotes disappeared and the text does not necessarily make sense without them to give context. For some reason the forum has locked me out of editing it.

The whole gender-specific scene thing was my main idea with the whole logic gate bit. Essentially, I wanted to lock a scene or option based on certain conditions. So for example, make it so you can have the option of running away from a fight before it starts, but only if your agility is high enough. Or the aforementioned sex scene deal.
Ohh so you mean to show or hide transitions based on some condition? That will be added at some point. In 0.0.2 you get the ability to gate entire scenes to supporting certain genders. I will give transition conditions that let you do this with individual stages as well eventually.

Since there's nothing really giving info about the editor, I had to learn from looking into the scenes that were already there, and though I saw the tags, I didn't see anything implying that you could make blocks of text in the scenes be gender-specific, and though that helps, it's not quite the same

The editor is certainly undocumented at this point and it's entirely understandable you missed what is basically a hidden feature. I will document it when it is at a more complete stage. Otherwise I feel the documentation could easily become obsolete as the editor is made more complete.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Weird. I don't suppose you could try opening the developer console (f12) to see if there is any output? I am not sure what would cause that. Also what browser are you using?"

I am using chrome as my browser and I had to restart the game to get out of the combat so I would have to recreate the bug to try anything with it.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
When I played this, I felt like I got more out of being an Archer than a Fighter. When you hit level 3 with the latter, you can't get anymore skills and you're stuck with those two. 

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Weird. I don't suppose you could try opening the developer console (f12) to see if there is any output? I am not sure what would cause that. Also what browser are you using?"

I am using chrome as my browser and I had to restart the game to get out of the combat so I would have to recreate the bug to try anything with it.

No problem. I kind of expected that. If you do see it again consider popping up up the dev console. Unfortunately I have not been able to replicate the bug on my copy of chrome. So no fix yet. Still thanks for the bug report.

When I played this, I felt like I got more out of being an Archer than a Fighter. When you hit level 3 with the latter, you can't get anymore skills and you're stuck with those two. 

Indeed, the fighter class is much less complete than the archer class. All of the classes will eventually have four tiers of abilities. Currently only wizard and archer have all four tiers done. Even then work will have to be done to balance the various classes. 

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
New version (0.0.3) is now up. 

You can read about the new version at my blog or just play at

This update should hopefully fix most of the issues people have encountered regarding shapeshifter abilities and the game map
Sep 5, 2015
I have problems committing to huge projects to work on, but I could easily do some grammar fixes for you, maybe contribute in other ways if it seems appropriate. I've played FTL extensively and TiTS a little bit, if that helps.

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have problems committing to huge projects to work on, but I could easily do some grammar fixes for you, maybe contribute in other ways if it seems appropriate. I've played FTL extensively and TiTS a little bit, if that helps.

Editing and pointing out typos is always appreciated. If you ever spot anything in the game feel free to pm or email it to me (it helps if you copy paste the url of the scene you found it in). If you want to get involved with editing more extensively I could probably arrange for you to have access to some new content to edit before it gets into the game.
Sep 5, 2015
Oh, so I've found out. Okay, so bug time. I got to the end of the first sector. Fighting some Tall Bandit Warlord woman. I have an extra party member in my party, it was the main character's turn. I guarded my second member. It became the second member's turn, and I guarded the main character. Then it became the opponent's turn, and I clicked on "cancel." an option that was still there. I then could use any number of skills on my second party member without it passing the turn. After attacking a few times it seemed to fix the issue, and then the Warlord landed a hit on my second character, which then got guarded by the main char, which then got guarded by the second, etc... repeating until the damage became zero. Except each time it had a numerical value the damage was actually dealt, so I ended up taking more damage than I should have?

Seems guarding is weird xD

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh, so I've found out. Okay, so bug time. I got to the end of the first sector. Fighting some Tall Bandit Warlord woman. I have an extra party member in my party, it was the main character's turn. I guarded my second member. It became the second member's turn, and I guarded the main character. Then it became the opponent's turn, and I clicked on "cancel." an option that was still there. I then could use any number of skills on my second party member without it passing the turn. After attacking a few times it seemed to fix the issue, and then the Warlord landed a hit on my second character, which then got guarded by the main char, which then got guarded by the second, etc... repeating until the damage became zero. Except each time it had a numerical value the damage was actually dealt, so I ended up taking more damage than I should have?

Seems guarding is weird xD

I imagined you might be able to do something weird with a guard loop. I will make it so that in the next version you can't use the guard ability on a character who is guarding somone else. Hopefully that will prevent damage redirect loops.
Sep 5, 2015
Or maybe just make it so the damage has a variable of guarded or not guarded, and guarded damage can't be guarded again or something. If statements, etc. I don't know quite what language you're coding in, so I can't help with syntax or any of that.

Edit: Maybe you should do something about rounding gold and experience and essence values to whole numbers? More visually appealing.
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Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Or maybe just make it so the damage has a variable of guarded or not guarded, and guarded damage can't be guarded again or something. If statements, etc. I don't know quite what language you're coding in, so I can't help with syntax or any of that.

Yes that is probably a better solution, especially as the game already has a system for adding attributes to damage (like irreducible or uncounterable). I will just add a new redirected attribute and make it so that no bit of damage can be redirected more than once. This should prevent redirect loops in general (rather than just in the special case of the guard ability).

New guard effect source code (JavaScript) if you want to see.

effects.guard = function(effectCaster, percentage) {
	return {
		name: 'guarded',
		onHit: function(data) {
			var caster =;
			if (caster === undefined || data.attributes.redirected)
			if (!caster.defeated) {
				var attrs = data.attributes;
				attrs.redirected = true;, 'defends',;
				caster.takeDamage(data.amount * percentage, data.attacker, attrs);
				return data.amount * (1 - percentage);
Sep 5, 2015
Yes that is probably a better solution, especially as the game already has a system for adding attributes to damage (like irreducible or uncounterable). I will just add a new redirected attribute and make it so that no bit of damage can be redirected more than once. This should prevent redirect loops in general (rather than just in the special case of the guard ability).

New guard effect source code (JavaScript) if you want to see.

Hidden Content

Sounds good to me. Next issue:

In an arena, my companion Isaac was attacked after he used Defensive Stance. First off, I can't copy and paste text, the text is uncopyable. Makes it hard to explain situations. Second, when Isaac was attacked the text said how much damage he was attacked for (13.3) and how much his spirit prevented (1.4) and then said he took 9.24 damage. If you subtract 20% from 13.3 and then subtract the 1.4 the damage does come out correctly but the text should specify that Defensive Stance did something, to make the math clearer. 

Edit: Maybe underneath each character's name put a text box for statuses (aka the box would say "Defensive Stance: 20% DR, 10% AR" or "Guard: Isaac", etc.)

Edit 2: In another arena, Lucy and Brooklyn are two of my enemies. During Brooklyn's turn, the text said "Lucy dodged Brooklyn's guard." xD

Edit 3: Once you have more than three party members you can't see the fourth (or I assume fifth or sixth), no scroll bar. Or maybe resize the box for each character?


Also, I'm going to bed for now. I'll check up on this thread again tomorrow when I have spare time, haha. Sorry for all the stuff I'm finding!
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Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sounds good to me. Next issue:

In an arena, my companion Isaac was attacked after he used Defensive Stance. First off, I can't copy and paste text, the text is uncopyable. Makes it hard to explain situations. Second, when Isaac was attacked the text said how much damage he was attacked for (13.3) and how much his spirit prevented (1.4) and then said he took 9.24 damage. If you subtract 20% from 13.3 and then subtract the 1.4 the damage does come out correctly but the text should specify that Defensive Stance did something, to make the math clearer. 
The text being unselectable is probably unnecessary. Although it can be obnoxious to accidentally highlight a bunch of stuff. I removed that effect. I also added some messages for damage reduction and increase from the stances. Here is some example output

Henry, Brutish Orc's turn (#1)Henry strikes a defensive stance.

Sadie, Bandit Adept's turn (#2)Sadie attacks Henry. Henry is dealt 5.00 damage. Henry's defensive stance decreases the damage by 1. Henry's constitution reduces the damage by 2. Henry takes 2.00 damage.

Camden, Bandit Adept's turn (#3)Camden launches a bolt of fire at Henry. Henry is dealt 4.00 damage. Henry's defensive stance decreases the damage by 0.8. Henry's spirit reduces the damage by 1.2. Henry takes 2.00 damage. Henry catches on fire.


"Edit: Maybe underneath each character's name put a text box for statuses (aka the box would say "Defensive Stance: 20% DR, 10% AR" or "Guard: Isaac", etc.)"

There will definitely be some way of listing a character's status effects. I am considering several options like a popover, tooltip or a modal dialog that appears when you click on a character's box.

"Edit 2: In another arena, Lucy and Brooklyn are two of my enemies. During Brooklyn's turn, the text said "Lucy dodged Brooklyn's guard."  xD "

Weird. Doge chances should only apply to abilities from hostile sources. I will try to figure out what's happening there.

"Edit 3: Once you have more than three party members you can't see the fourth (or I assume fifth or sixth), no scroll bar. Or maybe resize the box for each character?"

The UI does not yet accommodate many characters. I will probably just add a scrollbar but am not entirely certain yet. The plan is for the game to support 6 characters like Pillars of Eternity (although maybe 4 would be plenty).


That is because its the only location listed in the jungle area. Basically the jungle area is totally unfinished. I threw all the other ones in just now but it will still just be identical to the grasslands. Having unique content for the jungle will have to wait for that unique content to actually be written.

"Also, I'm going to bed for now. I'll check up on this thread again tomorrow when I have spare time, haha. Sorry for all the stuff I'm finding!"

No problem. Fixing bugs is good even if all my silly mistakes are embarrassing. Although private messaging me bugs might be preferable to posting them here so this thread does not get too cluttered.
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