Characters,Favourite and Not?


Jun 17, 2016
I've been playing TiTS for a while,though I didn't get off of Mhen'ga with any of my latest characters; I always roll new games when a public release comes out. And,after having a chat with Professor Shep Darnock,I have come to a conclusion; If he were a human being,right in front of me,I would not hesitate to savagely brutalize him. I'll elaborate on why later. However,I then turn my mind to a different character,in an attempt to get my temper down,one of my favourites. So,ladies,gents,and everything else,let's share; Who are your favourite and most hated characters in TiTS,on a personal level,and why? Lemme start.

Most Liked - Shekka: Let's see here... She's smart,adorable,cuddly,and,most importantly,forward thinking. A seemingly rare trait amongst her species,the Raskvel. She carries herself with intelligence and confidence,and is fully willing to use anything she can get her mitts on to further her own ends. Also,she's fucking adorable. Seriously. Every time I run into her in TiTS,I just wanna pick her up,and cuddle her. Maybe hook her up with a university course,while I'm at it.

Least Liked - Shep Darnock: This man rubs me the wrong way. I realise that he means nothing but good in what he does,and that he's a very intelligent and learned man,but that makes it worse. He takes an Imperialist European attitude,and seems to exhibit the very worst of these traits,without slipping off the edge of "Complete Monster" territory. Every time he opens his mouth,all I can do is just mentally replace his dialogue with "White Man's Burden",or,more setting-appropriately, "Outlander's Burden". He swans in from the heavens,sets up shop,and does everything he can to force his values and culture upon the primitive natives,seemingly without any regard for their own values and cultures,or even their consent; No idea if you're aware,but where I'm from,if you tell a proselyte to stop,they legally have to stop,or else they're in violation of one of your fundamental rights,and Darnock seems like the kind of man to violate that right,which largely informs my stance on the man. He thinks he's doing good things. Or,maybe,he wants to think he's doing good things. And that just makes it bad enough to make me want to kick him in the balls,uppercut him in the nose,straight-kick his gut,then throw him over the terrace's railing; If the man ever bothered to look into history,or,more specifically,the Second Boer War,or the American expansion to the West,he'd see exactly the problem in what he's doing. Of course,I'm certain that Nonesuch intended this kind of reaction,and bravo to that; You got me to passionately hate a fictional man on the personal level. In a pornographic game. Bravo,Nonesuch.

So,yeah. Share! I honestly think it's a testament to the writing prowess of everyone who chipped into the game to get these kinds of reactions out of people,especially considering the fact that it's literally interactive porn. Come for the hot,hot smutfic,stay for the professional-level writing.


Jun 17, 2016
Not sure if you know what necroposting is,but it's something I don't do. I did search,and both threads are more than a month dead. So,does anybody have anything to contribute to the discussion?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If it about some liked or disliked npcs threads if you someone new and want share your thoughts on this particular matters I not think you would be treated as necroposting. I mean you new there to subject and brought something new aka your choices. Necroposting other threads on the other hand would be a bad thing that can end with you getting some punishment.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Least Liked - Shep Darnock


Hm... Maybe it's cultural differences, but I'm okay with him. Exchanging stone age culture for who-knows-what millennia tech and medicine? Sounds like a fair deal to me. Especially when we are talking about corporative dystopia setting. He is far from being the worst man in the world where straightforward slavery and mind control are common things.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Least Liked - Shep Darnock: This man rubs me the wrong way. I realise that he means nothing but good in what he does,and that he's a very intelligent and learned man,but that makes it worse. He takes an Imperialist European attitude,and seems to exhibit the very worst of these traits,without slipping off the edge of "Complete Monster" territory. Every time he opens his mouth,all I can do is just mentally replace his dialogue with "White Man's Burden",or,more setting-appropriately, "Outlander's Burden". He swans in from the heavens,sets up shop,and does everything he can to force his values and culture upon the primitive natives,seemingly without any regard for their own values and cultures,or even their consent; No idea if you're aware,but where I'm from,if you tell a proselyte to stop,they legally have to stop,or else they're in violation of one of your fundamental rights,and Darnock seems like the kind of man to violate that right,which largely informs my stance on the man. He thinks he's doing good things. Or,maybe,he wants to think he's doing good things. And that just makes it bad enough to make me want to kick him in the balls,uppercut him in the nose,straight-kick his gut,then throw him over the terrace's railing; If the man ever bothered to look into history,or,more specifically,the Second Boer War,or the American expansion to the West,he'd see exactly the problem in what he's doing. Of course,I'm certain that Nonesuch intended this kind of reaction,and bravo to that; You got me to passionately hate a fictional man on the personal level. In a pornographic game. Bravo,Nonesuch.

If your most hated character is Shep Darnock, you haven't gotten into the game very far. Just wait 'til you get to New Texas or Red Myr-occupied Myrellion, buddy. :p

I can't say he sparked any particular revulsion in me, for a few reasons. One, my understanding is that he only has ONE zil in his workforce - everybody else working on his farm is a prisoner of some (UGC I assume) legal system, who's working as part of their sentence. So, absent any further elaboration as to the contrary, we can assume all those people deserve to be there because they did bad things. Two, Able doesn't seem to be terribly upset about how he's being treated. He probably came in voluntarily because of his personality. And three, even if Darnock WERE subjugating the locals... the locals are a bunch of hostile rapists whose culture revolves around beating people up and drugging them, then raping them, so that they'll go away. It's not like the Zil are peaceful or even merely isolationist.

Now, you could argue that they have a right to do what they want with their own planet, and that they have a legitimate complaint, as the arrival of offworlders will inevitably mean change will come to their world, resources will be claimed and taken, and so on. However, they are not the planet's only sentient species - there are also the Vanae, Naleen and the Venus Pitchers, who are likewise primitive and arguably hostile, but for very different reasons, none of which involve an objection to the presence of offworlders on the planet.

As for me, my favorite character is probably Emmy, as she's one of the few 'relationship characters' that doesn't get into a weird dom/sub power struggle with you. She's also one of the few characters who won't just jump right into bed with you; even if the path to get there is intentionally cheesy and artificial, you at least have to prove you're actually interested in her enough to jump through some arbitrary hoops. Plus, hey, she gifts you back a powerful, unique weapon. She also seems like a regular person with compelling and believable problems, as opposed to some other characters I won't mention whose problems arise from careers that landed in their lap.

Least favorite character? Tough call. The game is full of pirates and slavers and slaver-pirates. There are pirates whom hold an entire planet hostage just so they can mine some minerals. There's New Texas, but at least they all seem to be happy and free after the treatment business. There's the Nyrea, whom are like the Zil except they don't even really use the 'defending territory' excuse - they just beat people up and rape them because they want to and because it elevates their social status.

At least the above are all honest threats. Even more despicable are the treacherous ones: Gene and Lane, whom pretend to be your friend whilst using their abilities to progressively bend you to their will the whole time. Zo'dee, whom turns up to enslave you if you OD on Gush. The Brothel Mistress, who mistreats Reaha and betrays you and gets you stuck into Carver's slave harem.

If I really had to pick just one though, it would probably be Lieve. Even though she's not particularly evil compared to the others- she is, after all, just a soldier doing things that are normal for Red Myr soldiers - her personality really rubs me the wrong way. She's gung-ho about the war and buys her government's propaganda hook, line, and sinker. She treats her 'trench wives' like playthings. She offers to take you on a tour and then treats it like a date. And then at the end, even if you make it abundantly clear that you're not having a good time on this 'date', she kisses you anyway, just casually dosing you with her venom like it's nothing. I think, if there was one moment where I wish Steele could snap and go on a rampage, I think it would be that moment.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
I started writing a thread like this the other night, but it was specifically for sex-buddies, named NPCs you could sleep with over and over.
I decided it was pointless and deleted it.


Aug 27, 2015
@Riddle78 I'm glad you took ol' Shep as he was meant to be taken. Sometimes I think I was a bit too subtle with him, given the rest of the game. On the other hand I couldn't really go overboard, because there's no way currently to argue or fight back against what he represents. So it is possible (just about) to take Trogdor's view on it - that he's perfectly nice if patronising to you and Able, and there's probably worse things going on in the galaxy than Thare. Still, it does seem strange to me that you'd think he was fine but at the same time would want to kill Lieve.

Anyways, this thread does come up quite a lot and usually ends up in an argument about the myr. However there are only a limited number of things that can be talked about in a game, so I don't see the harm in certain topics coming up again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I always feel like I have to walk on eggshells in these threads, because one slip will face-plant you right into hard kink-shame territory. 

Don't worry, us non kink shaming people do exist on these forums!

Favorite: Naleen Huntress because who doesn't like a little bit of snake puss am I right?

Least Favorite: Dr. Badger because while i'm okay with OC's being added, this one's not my cup of tea. Like I am a-okay with MILF's, but a MILF Badger who forces me to turn into some looking like her if I say the wrong thing? That's a no-no even for my standards (which are pretty low).


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Favourite: OMGod this is hard. Shade? Yes, it's still Shade. I'm not really into MILFs but Shade is so cool and cuddly and her cunt-tail is so adorable and just awesome. I'll stop it here.

Least Favourite:

Dr. Badger because while i'm okay with OC's being added, this one's not my cup of tea. [...] a MILF Badger who forces me to turn into some looking like her if I say the wrong thing? That's a no-no even for my standards (which are pretty low).

I just wish someone else would sell her items so I could bring her in jail without losing access.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I just wish someone else would sell her items so I could bring her in jail without losing access.

Ohh I agree it would be good (and she sells mostly only all illegal stuff).

On OP subject. I like mostly Bess and if not her then second would be....hum hum hum Reaha (if it not change would see after her cured path come ingame).

For least liked''s for dure not all fav pick in this thread. I mean we not even forced to interact with her due to any reason aside I think one illegal item that virtualy none other NPC selling ingame so far. As for true pick of mine I suppose after saying it I would just only get some punishment for daring to call this npc as most annoying things in tits I seen so far :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
If I really had to pick just one though, it would probably be Lieve. Even though she's not particularly evil compared to the others- she is, after all, just a soldier doing things that are normal for Red Myr soldiers - her personality really rubs me the wrong way. She's gung-ho about the war and buys her government's propaganda hook, line, and sinker. She treats her 'trench wives' like playthings. She offers to take you on a tour and then treats it like a date. And then at the end, even if you make it abundantly clear that you're not having a good time on this 'date', she kisses you anyway, just casually dosing you with her venom like it's nothing. I think, if there was one moment where I wish Steele could snap and go on a rampage, I think it would be that moment.

I don't care that it's an opinion thread, I will fight you on this.

She is one of the least racist myr on both sides of the conflict outside of extremely jaded and cynical deserters. Yes, she does buy into some of Red Myr propaganda and substitutes racism against all Golds with classist anti-Queen rhetoric. But you have to remember that she grew up in a militaristic society that was in a state of constant war, and that she experienced first-hand things that are known to instill even more hatred in people.

We have zero evidence of her abusing or mistreating Mayren and Sierva. Compared to an average trench wife owner as described by Anzhela, Lieve is a freaking saint. Pretty much the only thing her wife could not go to her with was the issue of sending a message to Gildenmere.

Lastly, there are the tour/date and the kiss. The former is just Lieve trying her hand at courting a lover 'gold myr style' for the first time and being simultaneously too roundabout and too direct about it. I would still be down with someone doing that IRL, cause sucking at dating is something most people I know were guilty of at some point. The kiss was just Lieve's way of venting her frustration, a desperate attempt to slavagd the date and a big 'fuck you too, buddy', all rolled into one. Not the right thing to do, sure, but think about the fact that she could have drugged Steele and have her way with them but chose not to.
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Jun 17, 2016
If your most hated character is Shep Darnock, you haven't gotten into the game very far. Just wait 'til you get to New Texas or Red Myr-occupied Myrellion, buddy. :p

I can't say he sparked any particular revulsion in me, for a few reasons. One, my understanding is that he only has ONE zil in his workforce - everybody else working on his farm is a prisoner of some (UGC I assume) legal system, who's working as part of their sentence. So, absent any further elaboration as to the contrary, we can assume all those people deserve to be there because they did bad things. Two, Able doesn't seem to be terribly upset about how he's being treated. He probably came in voluntarily because of his personality. And three, even if Darnock WERE subjugating the locals... the locals are a bunch of hostile rapists whose culture revolves around beating people up and drugging them, then raping them, so that they'll go away. It's not like the Zil are peaceful or even merely isolationist.

Now, you could argue that they have a right to do what they want with their own planet, and that they have a legitimate complaint, as the arrival of offworlders will inevitably mean change will come to their world, resources will be claimed and taken, and so on. However, they are not the planet's only sentient species - there are also the Vanae, Naleen and the Venus Pitchers, who are likewise primitive and arguably hostile, but for very different reasons, none of which involve an objection to the presence of offworlders on the planet.

As for me, my favorite character is probably Emmy, as she's one of the few 'relationship characters' that doesn't get into a weird dom/sub power struggle with you. She's also one of the few characters who won't just jump right into bed with you; even if the path to get there is intentionally cheesy and artificial, you at least have to prove you're actually interested in her enough to jump through some arbitrary hoops. Plus, hey, she gifts you back a powerful, unique weapon. She also seems like a regular person with compelling and believable problems, as opposed to some other characters I won't mention whose problems arise from careers that landed in their lap.

Least favorite character? Tough call. The game is full of pirates and slavers and slaver-pirates. There are pirates whom hold an entire planet hostage just so they can mine some minerals. There's New Texas, but at least they all seem to be happy and free after the treatment business. There's the Nyrea, whom are like the Zil except they don't even really use the 'defending territory' excuse - they just beat people up and rape them because they want to and because it elevates their social status.

At least the above are all honest threats. Even more despicable are the treacherous ones: Gene and Lane, whom pretend to be your friend whilst using their abilities to progressively bend you to their will the whole time. Zo'dee, whom turns up to enslave you if you OD on Gush. The Brothel Mistress, who mistreats Reaha and betrays you and gets you stuck into Carver's slave harem.

If I really had to pick just one though, it would probably be Lieve. Even though she's not particularly evil compared to the others- she is, after all, just a soldier doing things that are normal for Red Myr soldiers - her personality really rubs me the wrong way. She's gung-ho about the war and buys her government's propaganda hook, line, and sinker. She treats her 'trench wives' like playthings. She offers to take you on a tour and then treats it like a date. And then at the end, even if you make it abundantly clear that you're not having a good time on this 'date', she kisses you anyway, just casually dosing you with her venom like it's nothing. I think, if there was one moment where I wish Steele could snap and go on a rampage, I think it would be that moment.

Actually,I have gotten to (and conquered) Myrellion on previous runs. And the way I see it? Both sides in that conflict are wrong,their stances built on falsehoods and hate. The entire planet is just a massive demonstration of the "Silly Reason For War" trope. Once you cut through all the shit,it's a race war. They're waging war simply because their exoskeletons are different colours,even if they don't recognise it on a conscious level. The only truly guilty parties on Myrellion are those at the top of each respective totem pole for perpetuating their conflict; Everyone else doesn't know enough to know better. It took the threat of aliens turning their planet to glass from orbit to get them to stop trying to kill eachother... Openly.

Hate runs deep on Myrellion,and the only people who are in a position to put the planet on the road to recovery are either too mired in red tape,or they simply refuse to accept the facts. For the former,any attempts to help the situation would run dangerously close to exactly why I find Shep to be morally reprehensible. The latter likely don't want to surrender their positions of power and authority with such an about-face stance. At the end of the day,however,those in power on Myrellion were making the best of an awful situation; At the very least,their war was one of mutual consent,as twisted as that sounds. Shep? He drops in,and colonises. The way he speaks just smacks of exhaustive experience in his methods. He makes use of reeducation methods of brainwashing via indoctrination,specifically seeking naive natives who don't know any better,or an audience that has no choice but to listen. He tramples on the cultures and values of others,in a ham-handed attempt to introduce his own,seemingly without even considering the other party in any capacity beyond the fact that they aren't part of his culture and values.

I consider Shep to be far worse than the Gold Queens and Red Generals because,quite simply,he doesn't give even the tiniest of fucks about other cultures and values. At the very least,the Queens and Generals recognise that the opposing system exists,and while it has its merits,they see the other system as something that will slowly destroy the species culture as a whole. Just like with Shep,the road to Hell is paved with good intentions,here. But at least the Myr are educating themselves about the opposing system. The best way to look at Myrellion is to look at it like it's World War One. There's no good side or bad side. Just a tangled ball of fuck,and good intentions gone sour. It's obscenely complicated. Compare that to the cut-and-dry simplicity of a foreigner swanning in,and acting like he knows better than you,simply because he has shinier toys.

As I said; American expansion to the West,and the Second Boer War. And Canada's early attempts at dealing with Aboriginals. All of these events are good ways to describe Shep's behaviour. At least,that's how I see it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh ant planet do have npc's that makes people burn bright with hate....I'm quite amused by that. I mean if some not oves golds there are reds still or...well nyrea in the dark along with fungus/deep/goo queens (err there isn't goo queen yet on Myrellion, right?) and bhot...that race that NS working on atm.

I like quite a few npc from Myrellion like Shade, Embry ^^


Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Wow, that is a gross oversimplification of the Myrellion war. Sure, their respective countries are divided based on the subspecies, but I'd say its more a show of how hard it can be to end a war once one has started.

Gianna, Emmy, and Kiro are all fabulous. Anno is pretty rad too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Heh ant planet do have npc's that makes people burn bright with hate....I'm quite amused by that. I mean if some not oves golds there are reds still or...well nyrea in the dark along with fungus/deep/goo queens (err there isn't goo queen yet on Myrellion, right?) and bhot...that race that NS working on atm.

I like quite a few npc from Myrellion like Shade, Embry ^^


I noticed that most of the hated native characters are reds. And liked are mostly off-worlders. Maybe Liliana is an interesting character.

If I'd have to choose my favorites... Anno - no surprises here, she is useful, unostentatious and... well, normal - she is not a character built around a fetish, she is just a good character. Also, Kara - hey, [], I'm planning to raid a pirate base with an overwhelming army of scum guarding it, wanna join? Penny is very interesting initially, but all that bimbo/cumslut stuff is extremely repulsive to me, so I only can hope for the "pure" x-pack without raising her libido to the mind-crippling level.

And in a world full of scum and assholes I'm struggling to say who is the biggest asshole of all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I noticed that most of the hated native characters are reds. And liked are mostly off-worlders. Maybe Liliana is an interesting character.

But But Briha is red myr and she's adorable as fuck :allears: So why people keep saying that reds are all so evil and bad and villain and so on? -_-


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But But Briha is red myr and she's adorable as fuck :allears: So why people keep saying that reds are all so evil and bad and villain and so on? -_-

She is not really an exemplary red.

loyal to a fault. I’ve never heard one speak ill of her kin or country. First I thought they’d all been, I suppose brainwashed, but... I don’t believe that’s the case. Be it culture or nature, they are remarkably loyal and steadfast creatures.

I don't think that it is a good trait. Sometimes it is good to question if everything is actually okay. I guess that is same for the golds. Sentients should have their own... sentience.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
She is not really an exemplary red.

Does the fact she deserted mean she can't be seen as red myr? She still fight like one and her mindset isn't as much different from typical red myr soldier. And she can be mother of PC children(s) too ^^
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Ulysses "The Don" Trump, 99th Chairman of the Galactic Republic.

"Get in faggot, we're going to make Myrellion great again."


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I don't care that it's an opinion thread, I will fight you on this.

She is one of the least racist myr on both sides of the conflict outside of extremely jaded and cynical deserters. Yes, she does buy into some of Red Myr propaganda and substitutes racism against all Golds with classist anti-Queen rhetoric. But you have to remember that she grew up in a militaristic society that was in a state of constant war, and that she experienced first-hand things that are known to instill even more hatred in people.

We have zero evidence of her abusing or mistreating Mayren and Sierva. Compared to an average trench wife owner as described by Anzhela, Lieve is a freaking saint. Pretty much the only thing her wife could not go to her with was the issue of sending a message to Gildenmere.

Lastly, there are the tour/date and the kiss. The former is just Lieve trying her hand at courting a lover 'gold myr style' for the first time and being simultaneously too roundabout and too direct about it. I would still be down with someone doing that IRL, cause sucking at dating is something most people I know were guilty of at some point. The kiss was just Lieve's way of venting her frustration, a desperate attempt to slavagd the date and a big 'fuck you too, buddy', all rolled into one. Not the right thing to do, sure, but think about the fact that she could have drugged Steele and have her way with them but chose not to.

She grew up in a militaristic society that was in a state of war, yes. Constant war, the part about the Reds and Golds always being at odds, I don't believe. By Nehzara's own admission, the Golds were unprepared for the war, and have been steadily losing ground from the get-go. And so, in the face of being so close to total annihilation, I can't blame the golds for fighting dirty for their survival. Therefore I award Lieve no sympathy for falling victim to it.

And on the contrary, we have plenty of evidence of her mistreating her trench wives. First of all, she keeps dosing them with her venom - she's not making any effort to wean them off it. She likes having them nice and dopey - because they are just playthings to her. She's constantly rolling her eyes when they talk, patronizing them, etc. Further, because of Anzhela, we know that the Reds have the ability to take venom suppressants - and Lieve doesn't. She's no better in this regard to any other Red.

Lastly, it shouldn't have been a date in the first place. You asked for a damn tour. She has no right to be offended that her attempts to make it more than that didn't go well, and she certainly has no right to use her venom to 'salvage the date'. As for 'well, she COULD have raped you if she wanted to, but since she didn't that makes her a good person'? I have my doubts that that would have gone well for her. Maybe your Steele is completely lacking in the willpower department, but mine would have the business end of a gun in her face very quickly. In any case, Lieve is greedy and selfish.

Also, think for a moment about what you just said. You would be OK with someone using roofies to get laid IRL? That's pretty fucked up, man.

Lastly, I admitted that she's not the most evil character in the game. Only that she's the one I hate the most. Her callous willingness to just spread her venom around everywhere like butter on toast - or more accurately, to butter Steele's toast -  to get what she wants plants her firmly as my most hated character.

@Riddle78 I'm glad you took ol' Shep as he was meant to be taken. Sometimes I think I was a bit too subtle with him, given the rest of the game. On the other hand I couldn't really go overboard, because there's no way currently to argue or fight back against what he represents. So it is possible (just about) to take Trogdor's view on it - that he's perfectly nice if patronising to you and Able, and there's probably worse things going on in the galaxy than Thare. Still, it does seem strange to me that you'd think he was fine but at the same time would want to kill Lieve.

Why does that seem strange to you?

Lieve has mind-controlled a couple of well-meaning, civilized soldiers, and is using them as sex slaves. And she wants to do the same thing to you - someone she has no quarrel with.

Shep is attempting to civilize violent savages - and failing because he's not resorting to mind control drugs or other nefarious means. He might be  full of himself, but until you write him doing evil things, I'm not going to consider him an evil character. The guy's just making food using prison labor, and the only reason he's using prison labor is because the locals are territorial dicks who are mostly incapable of interacting non-violently with strangers. As for the land Shep took,

output("\n\n<i>“A natural clearing claimed by a rival clan,”</i> replies Able, looking at his feet. <i>“They always come back here every few years to reap its bounty, then leave to allow it to regrow. That is the other reason why many zil do not wish to work with Mr. Darnock.”</i>");

They were using it for food. Shep comes along and turns it into a place that's capable of making food much more efficiently, and instead of working with the man, they want to fight him over it.

That said,

output("<i>“Why are you here, Able?”</i> you ask, as you massage gel into your");
if(pc.isBald()) output(" scalp");
else output(" []");
output(". <i>“Doesn’t seem like the zil are sold on the professor’s gig as a whole.”</i>");
output("\n\n<i>“Before Mr. Darnock came, I was a zil amongst other zil. Happy but ignorant,”</i> replies Able in his calm, measured voice. <i>“I lived amongst the trees and within the moment, prey to the serpent-lions and evil sirens of the deep forest. Now, I have a name and a profession that I enjoy. I have gained perspective my fellows cannot. My sir is right - the coming of people with great knowledge from the stars means we must cast aside our ignorance and connect with them, learn from them. Otherwise we risk annihilation.”</i> ");
output("\n\n<i>“And so far,”</i> he goes on in a harder tone, <i>“only Mr. Darnock’s company has reached out to us. Not the people of the place you call Esbeth, who imprison us or drive us away with their giant white stings; not those who call themselves the Zen jinn, who covet the sirens’ dark secrets and kill any that stand in their way; and not the terrible black wings, who stalk this land now, spiriting our folk away.”</i>");
output("\n\n<i>“So why haven’t more zil taken him up on his offer?”</i> you say, looking over the tub’s rim at him.");
output("\n\n<i>“Um. I’m not </i>typical<i> of zil. I don’t think Mr. Darnock understands this,”</i> the slim zil says, shuffling his carapace-covered feet. <i>“For most zil, contests of physicality and sexuality are thrilling, and practically demanded when encountering a stranger. The struggles reveal the strengths and weaknesses of each party. Only after the struggle and resulting sexual relief do they consider trade or diplomacy. For an outsider, it would be even harder. Naleen and Vanae are poor conversationalists; why should your people be any different? That's why the others you see in the vault will lead off with an assault. I never liked that, because I preferred submitting straight away. It just feels so much better, you know? So I was happy to take orders from sir. My brothers and sisters though... for them it was a non-starter, because Mr. Darnock refused to act as expected.”</i>");

Vault? Zen jinn? Black Wings?

Actually,I have gotten to (and conquered) Myrellion on previous runs. And the way I see it? Both sides in that conflict are wrong,their stances built on falsehoods and hate. The entire planet is just a massive demonstration of the "Silly Reason For War" trope. Once you cut through all the shit,it's a race war. They're waging war simply because their exoskeletons are different colours,even if they don't recognise it on a conscious level. The only truly guilty parties on Myrellion are those at the top of each respective totem pole for perpetuating their conflict; Everyone else doesn't know enough to know better. It took the threat of aliens turning their planet to glass from orbit to get them to stop trying to kill eachother... Openly.

Hate runs deep on Myrellion,and the only people who are in a position to put the planet on the road to recovery are either too mired in red tape,or they simply refuse to accept the facts. For the former,any attempts to help the situation would run dangerously close to exactly why I find Shep to be morally reprehensible. The latter likely don't want to surrender their positions of power and authority with such an about-face stance. At the end of the day,however,those in power on Myrellion were making the best of an awful situation; At the very least,their war was one of mutual consent,as twisted as that sounds. Shep? He drops in,and colonises. The way he speaks just smacks of exhaustive experience in his methods. He makes use of reeducation methods of brainwashing via indoctrination,specifically seeking naive natives who don't know any better,or an audience that has no choice but to listen. He tramples on the cultures and values of others,in a ham-handed attempt to introduce his own,seemingly without even considering the other party in any capacity beyond the fact that they aren't part of his culture and values.

I consider Shep to be far worse than the Gold Queens and Red Generals because,quite simply,he doesn't give even the tiniest of fucks about other cultures and values. At the very least,the Queens and Generals recognise that the opposing system exists,and while it has its merits,they see the other system as something that will slowly destroy the species culture as a whole. Just like with Shep,the road to Hell is paved with good intentions,here. But at least the Myr are educating themselves about the opposing system. The best way to look at Myrellion is to look at it like it's World War One. There's no good side or bad side. Just a tangled ball of fuck,and good intentions gone sour. It's obscenely complicated. Compare that to the cut-and-dry simplicity of a foreigner swanning in,and acting like he knows better than you,simply because he has shinier toys.

As I said; American expansion to the West,and the Second Boer War. And Canada's early attempts at dealing with Aboriginals. All of these events are good ways to describe Shep's behaviour. At least,that's how I see it.

Er, I think either you or I missed something. My understanding is that the only Zil working for Shep is Able, whom came voluntarily. The other workers are UGC prisoners shipped in from off-world. So I don't see where you're getting the idea that Shep is using indoctrination/brainwashing/force. As for the land he took over, well, is Esbeth or any other colony any better in that regard? Are you suggesting everyone should just stay where they are and not try to seek out new places to live? That kind of puts you at odds with a whole lot of the game. The whole planet rush is all about going off into the frontier and interacting with the natives and colonizing new worlds. And every habitable world seems to have native life on it.

As far as the Myr go, I just don't buy the Red's story at all, for the reasons I mentioned above. I think the Reds attacked because they like fighting and claiming sex slaves, and it's only made worse by the fact that they appear to know tthat what they're doing with their venom is morally wrong, but they do it anyway because it helps them win. Then they have the audacity to complain about the Golds' sending inferior soldiers to fight and point to it as a reason why their leadership is bad. Nevermind the fact that they've had the advantage all along because they almost surely started the war and also haven't had to spend as many resources dealing with captured prisoners.


Jun 17, 2016
You seem to be refusing to look at what the man is saying, @Trogdor. Most words out of his mouth are dead ringers for what European imperial colonists said so long ago. Case in point; Whenever he goes on about "Fertile soil." Said fertile soil is his captive audience of penal workers,which he preaches to as often as he can,considering how deeply he considers his faith and values. I'm not saying that religion and hard work are bad; Religion is one way for people to try and better understand themselves and the universe around them,and hard work is sorta needed to get anything at all done. But the way he goes about extolling these virtues? Seriously. He actively and wilfully seeks to obliterate wholesale the culture of the Zil,Naleen,Vanae,and every other indigenous society on Mhen'ga,and replace it with his own. Just like the old European empires. Just like the Ottoman Empire. Just like the Byzantine Empire. Just like the Roman Empire. Just like the United States when it pushed to the West Coast. Just like Canada when it expanded outward.

His penal workers? I love the concept; If people will not serve society of their own will,don't give them a choice. Able? Personally,I'd have taught him the language,then handed him a library's worth of books to read,then ask him to pick his own name from that,if he didn't feel like giving himself a name in the Zil language. But,Able's a willing participant; His submissive nature means he isn't brainwashed,but rather it made him receptive to an outside party's attempt at unfamiliar diplomacy. I have no beef with the penal workers or Able; My beef is Shep himself,and how he interacts with those around him. His dialogue leaves no question in this regard; He preaches to his workers as often as he can,in an attempt to change their worldview. His dialogue leaves no question that this was his initial intent for the natives of Mhen'ga.

The man is a living cultural apocalypse. That is why I hate him so passionately. He actively strives for the annihilation of cultural identity. He actively takes steps to kill an idea. He is of the belief that his culture is the only real culture,because... Reasons? Because people in his culture don't constantly run around naked and fucking everyone they see? Shep is exactly the kind of man who can kill entire civilisations,without firing a single shot.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
I kind of remember my old thread for this, but instead it was about CoC.

All back in the old forums....good times....

It had over 20 pages. xD  

Favorite: Embry for her cute innocence, mixed with her sense of self discovery.

It was a great experience seeing Embry, go to Emmy.

Least Favorite: Doctor Badger....yea.

I can't stand anybody changing how another person views the world by force.

Without the use of my brain to it's full capabilities, I would kind of wish death at some point.

Always being a bother to others in messing up because I can't think of the proper answer to a situation.

Only thinking of sex, and nothing else thus causing discomfort for those feeling sorry for me.

Even an idiotic bimbo would realize something was wrong, and would want it to stop being wrong... </3

Edit: Sorry, I didn't read what anyone said up above.

I just read the topic, and had to get off my mind what I was thinking. :|  
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
We should be careful that this thread doesn't turn into another Myrellion discussion thread.

Even saying that, though, my most hated character is also from Myrellion. I'd have to go with Leave as well.

Her attitude concerning the war and trench wives really really rubs me wrong. It's the fact that she seems to think she's in the right and is actually helping them. I know it doesn't make sense to think someone who hurts people knowing full well they are hurting people is less worthy of hate than people who hurt people and don't know it, but I find, for whatever reason, that the idea of dicking someone over and thinking you are owed a thank you is oddly more repulsive to me than the alternative. At least the villain who knows they are a villain knows they are a piece of crap. Leave also has the honor of  being responsible for the very moment I picked a side in the red vs gold debate. If there does end up being a way to choose a side in the war and determine who "wins" Leave will be pleased to know she lost the reds the war. Though, admittedly, this is only because I hadn't run through all of Nezarahs dialog before meeting her.

She also has some kind of line about "respecting" the gold myr, as they are fighters even if they failed. "The gold myr we capture are warriors - worthy of respect, even if they failed." She shows them respect by turning them into drugged up sex slaves, which, I think may actually be the very least respectful way you can treat someone. I really wish Steele could call her out on her bullshit. She also has a murder boner for the Gold Queens, which is not only wrong in it's own right, but would basically completely destroy the golds entire culture. And she talks about using red venom to torture gold myr for information as if that was all okay.You know, because at least it isn't physically painful. Just mentally. Oof. I want a "slap Leave in the face" option. I got back at her by going on her "date" teasing her in the bath, then not following through on anything. I bet her head about popped. It's petty, I know, but it was all I could do at the moment. 

As for my favorite. Hmm. I haven't been playing super long, so I have not run into all the characters yet. Tavros is almost completely unexplored for me, but I suppose I would go with Anno or Leliana. Anno because she's down to earth and fun. Plus I like scratching her ears. Leliana because I'm just a massive sucker for cute. And she's just adorable.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
But But Briha is red myr and she's adorable as fuck :allears: So why people keep saying that reds are all so evil and bad and villain and so on? -_-

Who is Briha?


Aug 26, 2015
Likes: It's very difficult to beat the Dorna sisters, relatively vanilla though they are.  Del gets my MtF/corruption boner going, and of the furry futas I like Penny the most.

Dislikes: I dislike Shep for an entirely different reason than the above, which is that he made canon a religion whose inclusion I find a bit crass, and said as much the last time it came up on the forums.  This forced me to come up with a counterpoint denomination whose canonization will be ready "soon", if I can finish this scene of Hypothetical Steele getting fucked in the ass.  I mean, he's also a total white man's burden guy and that's pretty despicable, but also the religion thing.  Not a fan.

Lieve is also pretty up there, I wouldn't mind the option to tell her very sternly with the assistance of a rifle to watch where she puts her mouth.

I desperately want to like Kara, but she keeps refusing to meet me halfway by being likable.

Who is Briha?

Jim's red myr deserter.


Active Member
May 27, 2016
Hmmmm hard to say... if i had to this is harder than it was in CoC... i usuakky go for cow girls, but there really arent any full on cow morphs in TiTS... i huess as far as characters i enjoy fucking and spending time with and waifu material itd be a toss up between, Anno, Saendra, Emmy, and Embry cuz i loooove cute trans pussy... but that could change especially if the incestuous themes with Shade Irons and Your cousin are ever expanded upon, the bad end with her as your sex slave saying she loves you and cuddling hit me right in the feels.Also Aina if she gets more content, i have a weakness for the Horse Pussy... that leithans so far havent satisfied.

Who is Briha?

Briha is the Red myr deserters real name.