Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Finally... mmmm, I've been waiting a long time for this..." She sighs, sinking down a little. Her sheath is quite broad, and completely hairless, just a bunch of skin containing her knotty footlong. Her balls are also properly revealed now. They're about as big as an apple or orange, and look quite heavy, similarly hairless.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016

Xerlai barely heard Milo's question, so preoccupied he was with staring contempt into Drakon's and Keigan's backs. The lads chose to fight now? He wonder with simmering anger. He had half a mind to jump on the ship's edges and enact the inevitable capsizing due to the brute's commotion. The chilly ocean water would give them clear heads. It was only when the two settled due to Drakon, who Xerlai glanced at suspiciously, did the rabbit like man look at Milo.

"Thanks old chap," he said to the boy like Cougar, "they aren't in a right state now. Now that H can't clip them I'll need a month or so before they fill out with new feathers. I'll fly then." With that his eyes became distant and he shook violently as if the worst chill ran through his body. After that, the picture of content formed on his face. "What's available of my mana was just restored."

His smile lessened as he considered something. "I was hoping to leave them out but with this cramp boat I should conserve space." With a gesture of his hands the wings shrunk and shrunk until they were no bigger than a hand. He winked at Milo before turning to Keigan. "Where are we Keigan, what lies west?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yes, since you and Lucia are going to be doing most of the rowing, mind telling us where we're heading?" Rebecca asked Keigan.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"I'm no navigator, either." Keigan mumbles, gripping a pair of oars as he gets into proper rowing position. True to his previous words, it seems he's insistent on going west. "The ship was headed for this massive island, a continent maybe, called Lachleva. You guys know the one. Wild place, literally. Hatiith must've been looking forwards to watching you all get fucked by savages."

Lucia pipes up to contribute as soon as he finishes. "Lachleva's to the west. I think that everyone's riding the bandwagon and going that way out of sheer coincidence, because the Atoll of the Anoles is definitely closer to the east. Plus, Lachleva's huge. It stretches far enough outwards for the Atoll to touch, but hey, what do I know?"
"Of course. I bet you're a big fan of that place." Keigan points bitterly at her serpentine lower half. "Like any of us are ever gonna set foot in there. Tribal kingdoms and rivalries are enough of a reason to stay away, but scales freak me out." He glowers at Drakon. "Full offense, lizard boy."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Jade rolls her eyes and continues to rest, enjoying the feeling of her maleness now being fee, and able to breathe. Perhaps a little too much, and soon her sheath begins to dilate, and a red, tapered crown begins peeking out from the folds of skin. As she closes her eyes and tries to find her inner center, the red phallus continues to push itself out, the shaft becoming thicker as it goes, until it's about 3 inches thick. Her cock is halfway exposed before she noticed. "Oh... hello again, big guy... long time, no see." She smiles, shuddering as she gently brushes her fingers against the sensitive skin.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
New Jersey
"I couldn't care less doggy." replies to Keigan as he folds his arms over his chest and closes his eyes relaxing in the sun.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Rebecca turned to Xerlai when he mentioned that his mana had returned. "Hey, that was druidism you were using earlier, wasn't it?"


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Xerlai's musing of their odds of survival was brought to a temporary hiatus. "It was... And I believed yours was arcane," he replied absently to Rebecca as the true culprit of his distraction was realized. Jade's growing member was coming out and he was interested in it, in her. The man always had a thing for futanari and now that she was putting her rod on display he found it slightly hard to concentrate on the matter at hand as he watched. He wondered about and imagined himself keeping it warm with his insides, whether it be with him riding on top or forced down with his ass up in some whorish inn. His red member grew hard within its slit once more.

Before he could put his dong on display however the small boat lurched forward due to Keigan's rowing. This dragged him from his perverted thoughts, however he looked at Jade with a slight blush and a quiet chuckle that pretended innocence. Good thing she couldn't read minds. "Can either of you tell us how far we are from where the cat expect us to land," he said to Keigan's and Lucia before addressing his brothelmates. "If things go according to plan despite the fire we may have expecting savages on the shores. If the cat tries to call order upon landfall we need to be ready to fight and flee....into a strange land."

[My bad ecna for Xerlai's short reply. I noticed your post just as I was about to post and had to make a quick edit.]


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Yeah yeah, chuckle all you want. This... thing hasn't had air for months..." She rolls her eyes, but the wind blowing against it is enough to make it push out even more of it's length, until a thick, 12 inch dog-cock is erect, standing like a flagpole with a bulbous clump of flesh near the base. "Fuck, was it always this big?" She mutters under her breath.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Jade's little dilemma isn't lost on Lucia, and she smirks down at the hard shaft as Keigan snorts in contempt. She answers Xerlai's questions sharply, legs crossed within her skirt. "If we make the big dog row nonstop with this clunky little dinghy, it'll take a day and a half to reach Lachleva, give or take a few hours. Three-quarters of that time to get to the Atoll. I've read up on my maps."

Soon as she finishes talking, Milo perks up. "Atoll of the Anoles, they really call it that?" He inquires curiously.
"Well, those who can't speak the native tongue call it that. Stupid name doesn't even fit. There're hardly any anoles left in the whole place. Fret not, the place is crawling with lizard morphs. Probably a wayward few of your kind too, dragon, and a handful of everything else you'd expect in a tropical place. So, east it is then?"
"The Atoll has my vote." Milo says, none-too inclined to run into their captors at the very shores of Lachleva.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"I don't really care, honestly. I'm free, and that's all that matters to me right now." She laughs, holding a one-woman staring content with her pecker.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, why not be proactive then?" Rebecca asked, as Xerlai confirmed her suspicions. "Druids can talk to animals, can't they? Wouldn't it be a pity if a few sharks, or a giant octopus were to take an interest in those other lifeboats? It would make a fine parting gift at the very least, because I second the vote for the atoll." Turning to Jade, and her newly emerged cock, she couldn't help but ask, "Do you need help with that?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"I wouldn't mind, but... I'd steer clear of mounting it. I've had alot of stuff put in me that... did things to me, inside and out... as you can quite clearly see." She says, ears twitching slightly for emphasis.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Focusing on Jade's member, Rebecca reached out with her magic and wrapped a telekinetic sheath around the large dong before starting to make jerking motions in the air with her hand. The magic field followed her hand's motions, moving slowly up and down the red shaft. Rebecca smiled as she magically jerked the futa off. "Little trick I picked up along the way," she said.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Fuck... yeah, that's good... so sensitive, though... probably won't last more than 30 seconds..." She moans, tail trying to wag behind her as pleasure radiates from her groin, and outward all the way to the tip of her fingers and toes. "Don't even know how much I'm gonna... let out..."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Rebecca reshaped the telekinetic sheath to form a large bubble at the tip of Jades dick, shifting the attention from her shaft to the head of her cock as a strong sucking sensation took over. "Come on, foxy lady, show us how backed up you are."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Jade's cock painfully throbs as she archs back, letting herself completely go with a cry of pleasure. Her knot throbs and pulses near the base as her dick practically widens to make way for the cum-load travelling up her urethra. She shoots up into the air, with thick, warm streams of cum raining back down on her, glazing her body with a hefty coating of her own musky nut-butter. After about 20 seconds of cumming, she slumps down, the jizz pooled on her body probably being able to fill one of the buckets from the ship. "Ha... ah, fuck yes..." She groans, one leg twitching a little as her erection dies down.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Damn girl, you cum almost as much as Xian did," said Rebecca. "Anyone else need a hand?" she asked to the rest of the group.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Don't remind me... my stomach would always be gurgling and sloshing after he had his way with my throat..."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, mind returning the favor? I could use some help draining these things," said Rebecca, as she walked over to the side of the boat and grasped her uppermost breasts and gave them a good squeeze, sending twin streams of milk into the ocean.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Alright, sure." Jade says, getting up and still coated in smelly cum. She scoots over behind Rebecca and grabs her lower set of breasts, squeezing and teasing the milk out, as her own oversized rack rubs against her back. "Like this, right?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yeah, that little bitch Lily hit me with a curse before she flew off. It's called the endless flow. Basically it makes whatever part of you it's cast on into a factory; magically churning out whatever it is that that body part is supposed to produce, and making it more sensitive the longer you ignore it," Rebecca explained. The breasts would be bad enough, but she also hit my pussy with it too. Which reminds me... Hey guys! I'm going to need a volunteer soon. Anyone up for a quick fuck?" she asked the assembled group.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"I wouldn't mind a fuck, either. Milo, Xerlai... I bet you two have some tight asses, eh?" She grins, at the thought of making one of them look like he got man-pregnant with a butt-baby.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
New Jersey
At the mention of more of his kind Drakon eyes open and a hand goes to his chin as he thinks while saying "More Drago-Kin .... Interesting." He raises an eyebrow as Rebecca and Jade have their fun and his dicks quickly harden and pop out of his slit, and with a laugh he shakes his head and goes back to thinking while occasionally looking over at the two of women.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Milo's eyes flick away from the sexual display as Jade gets up behind Rebecca. The arcane magic manipulating the sheathe wasn't the only thing that had caught his eye during their little session, and he swallows hard, trying to ignore the arousal stirring between his legs as he squirms in his seat. He lived a simple life on a simple farm, with some very, very simple and simple-minded people. Sex was for offspring, or so he'd been told. Yet the nonchalance of Rebecca's offer, followed still by Jade?

He certainly doesn't hate it, but it does little to stop his 7-inch kitty pecker, tapered, and covered with soft, fleshy barbs on the sides, from growing hard in his lap. Nor does Jade's request, but he just looks at Xerlai for help on that one as he dodges the question with one of his own. "Wait! But all that milk... you're not going to just drain it all out in the sea, are you?" He asks, tone panicked at the thought of such a bounty going to waste.

Lucia points a finger at Jade. "What? And you're not a bottom with a gape like that going on? Careful now, don't want to lose anyone up there." She taunts, before simmering down. "Tragically, I'd feel weird boning or getting boned with my leg all fucked up like this. I'll sit this one out."
"Suit yourself then, cunt." Keigan is quick to shove his way through, making the lifeboat rock from side to side as he makes his way to Rebecca, a 12-inch dog dick poking out of his trousers as he slaps the tip against her bare pussy noisily. "Been on a boat with nothing but whores all day. Course I'm ready to fuck."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Rebecca placed a firm hand on Keigan's chest, stopping his advance. "Whoa there, buddy, I said guys, not pirates." She snapped her fingers and the tips lit up with sparks. "Now unless you want your pubes going up in smoke like Xain's nose did, I suggest you sit back down and get back to rowing." The ice in Rebecca's voice could freeze the water around them as she leveled her stare on the dog-man.

[Charisma roll for intimidation?]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
[Auto win for charisma lmao]

"Are you a slut, or are you a prude? Pick one before I pick it for you." Keigan grumbles, before easing up and plopping irritably back down into his seat, oars in hand. "I guess we're going east. Believe it or not, you fuckers can't just become wild animals and function without order. This is a democracy here, and everyone said east." He says, very clearly still bitter, not to mention contradictory to his earlier statement, as he tucks his dick back into his pants and starts rowing towards the Atoll, mumbling bitterly all the while.

Meanwhile, Milo is still staring pleadingly at Rebecca, his tail twisting nervously behind him, and fighting his own urge to stare at her big, milky tits.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
New Jersey
" Hahahaha!! Denied dog. Oh that's good, yeah why don't you just fuck Lucia." Drakon says as he gets up and walks over to Rebecca and says "Oh what the hell there's nothing better to do."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, that's one volunteer," said Rebecca, turning to Milo. "How about you, kitten? You stare any harder and a girl might think you want something from her." As she spoke, she walked over to where Milo was sitting, and offered her hand.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
If any of them were to look at Keigan's turned back, they'd see his middle finger raised briefly, before he sets it back on the handle of the oars and rows aggressively out to sea, trying to tune them all out. Lucia is watching all of them raptly, smile on her face, and seemingly very content with both displays. Her chin rests in her palm, while her arm sits atop her crossed legs, face contorted in brief pain as she carefully positions her injured leg on the bottom.

Milo carefully takes Rebecca's offered hand and stands, only about eye-level with her massive breasts as he begins to feel woozy. "I just- I can't bear to see any of this go to waste." He says, the flush of his face hidden by his fur, despite the fact that his words are mostly all true.