Brothelmates Stranded OOC (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Hey peeps. So got some news which will make my time on this site hampered. With that said I won't be able to participate in role play any more. Happy posting to you all.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Well... I'm game. What do I do? For the character creation, I mean. Do I go crazy or what?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Want my advice? Pick one or two things you like, and go with that. So instead of making something ultra-specific, go for something that you can build on at a later time. Makes for much better RP, imo.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Khorne, I don't mind if you say your character has some cybernetic parts, but he can't be Robocop, if that's what you were hoping for.

Archangel, character creation method will be the same as the one we used for Rise of the Mutants. The four stats start at four and you have twenty points to distribute among them. As for what your character looks like, I'll let you all know that transformations won't be a big focus in this adventure, so just make you character look like whatever you want.

Woider, your character looks good, but go ahead and add whatever equipment you think you can justify her having. Being a thirty-something freighter, I think it's fair to say she's been around the galaxy a few times. Also, like I said, transformations won't be a super big focus in this game, so if there are any weird or rare traits you want her to have, go ahead and start off with them.

Aubrey, sorry to hear that you won't be joining us, but you gotta' do what you gotta' do. If things change feel free to drop me a PM and we'll see if we can still fit you in, if we're still playing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Woider, your character looks good, but go ahead and add whatever equipment you think you can justify her having. Being a thirty-something freighter, I think it's fair to say she's been around the galaxy a few times. Also, like I said, transformations won't be a super big focus in this game, so if there are any weird or rare traits you want her to have, go ahead and start off with them.
I've already listed the TFs, and now added some items.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Name: Dak Romanus

Gender: Male

Race: Demon Morph, (Formerly Human)

Age: 25

Appearance: Dak stands at 6'4" tall, and has deep purple skin with silvery swirling tattoos all over his body. A quad of black feathered wings stick out of his back, granting him the miracle of flight. He's well built, with a six pack, well defined muscles, and is somewhere between bulky and lean. His nails are black claws, about an inch long, as are his toes. He has two large black horns curling out of his forehead, and elven ears about 7 inches long. His eyes are rather colourful, with a crimson irises, purple pupils, and blue sclera. A long spaded tail hangs above his rump, perfect for smacking booty. His dick is about 11 inches long and three inches thick, covered with nubs that can easily pleasure a partner.

Personality: He is generally a pretty fun guy to be around, but piss him off and he won't let you walk away alive.

Backstory: Dak grew up in a rather odd home, with a missing father and mother who was hardly there. He practically ended up taking care of himself, which has made him pretty independent. He had no siblings, and as an only child, had the freedom to do whatever he wanted with nobody to stop him. His mother had, however, paid for a basic education, so at least he knew how to read and write. The rest of his knowledge, both perverse and otherwise, was gained through the public library near his house. By the time he was twenty, he decided to join up in the military due to a lack of funds. He quickly made a name for himself as a ruthless killer, and the army contracted him to do some "unofficial" and "unsanctioned" work that paid pretty well. After his term in the military was over, he left, "borrowing" a few bits of equipment from their armory to be returned after an "indefinite period".
Since he had always wanted to look demonic after a military buddy introduced him to the wonders of fantasy roleplay, he decided to go and get some mods. The wings and the elven ears were easy enough to get, plus the tattoos were a bonus; but the stuff that would turn him demonic was a little harder to get. He ended up going into debt, and is currently on the run from loan sharks.
[I'm practically feeding you a belt of ammo to kill me, aren't I? :p]

Weapon of Choice: Reaper Armaments Rifle Mk.IV, and a laser sword.

Items: Concussion grenades x3, incendiary grenades x1, Spec-Ops goggles that can switch between thermal and night vision.


STR: 4 + 5 = 9

AGI: 4 + 5 = 9

INT: 4 + 5 = 9

CHA: 4 + 5 = 9

Kinks: Anal, both giving and receiving, maid play, domination.

Mods: Sylvanol for the elf ears and tattoos, Dove Balm for the wings, and lots of Lucifier for the demonic look.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
New Jersey
Name: Vorlin Vosk

Gender: Male

Race: Shark-morph (usted to be human)

Age: 28

Appearance: Vorlin stands at 6'11" with sliver scales with black stripes expect for a blotch on his chest and on his inner thighs. With a set of gills on his lower neck let him breath under water. He is very well toned, and with a normal build with well defined muscles. His left arm has been replaced by an robotic arm made to resemble his right. His right arm has a fin coming from his elbow and has web fingers with black claws on each finger. His ears look like small salis on his head. His good left eye is light blue with the other is red and cybernetic with metal covering part of his face. He has an elongated face and a head fin that protruding out of the back of his head as well as a fin on his back. He has a shark tail protruding from the small of his back. His dicks are 10 inches long and 2.5 inches thick. They are human except with nubs on each of them. His balls are golfball sized.

Personality: Vorlin is very protective and serous but an all around nice and funny guy to be around. Just don't mess with his family and friends if you don't have a death wish.

Backstory: Vorlin was the oldest of five with an abusive father and an a very submissive mother. When he was 12 he had killed his father after he witnessed him beat and rape his mother and oldest sister. Once his father was dead his became the man of the house. His mother did the same to him as his father. Calling him master and taking orders and on several occasions waking him up in the morning with his dicks in her mouth. When he turned 22 he could no longer take it anymore and with that he forced his mother to remarry to a family friend and then he left to join the military where he quickly rose throw the ranks and became a majority the age of 27. During an op his command squad came under fire. He ordered his troops to fall back while he stayed to by time. He fought for two hours until an artillery strike mortality wounding him with his left arm blow off and part of his face ripped apart by shrapnel. He was recovered another thirty minutes later by his troops and givin cybernetic replacements. After his recovery he deemed himself unfit to continue and retired. He is currently working as a mercinary.

Weapons of choice: Trench shotgun, Magnum revolver and a Monofilament Saber.

Items: x 3 Plasma Gernades, x2 flash bangs, and a set of military grade armor, normal clothes, medical field kit.


STR: 4 + 6 = 10

AGI: 4 + 6 = 10

INT: 4 + 4 = 9

CHA: 4 + 4 = 8

Kinks: domination, dick worship (possible change), Lactation.

Mods: Shit ton of Shark bites, Terrence treats (for cock and balls), and Catnip (for dick nubs).

(Up for change if necessary)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That sounds like something off a very gorey and fanservice-y anime, for some reasons. You watch alot of that stuff?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
I was kinda thinking the same thing. XD
Also, weapons look a bit OP, if you don't mind me saying. Although I was planning to take a Vamp Blade too. :p


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
New Jersey
As I said it's all up for change. I don't actually watch a lot of anime really just liked when it piped into my head.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
So you're gonna be stealing our shit while we run around trying to blow you up with intentionally inaccurate shots?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
I'm still a major fan! Gotta love them Twi'leks. Mmm...

Yeah Khorne. I was pretty sad when I found out. May the force be with her! :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
I'd stick my dick in one of them anyday. :p
Also, lekku in the butt is a little too close for comfort, I think. XD
You know, I'm surprised there's no Star Wars porn out there...
Or maybe I'm just not looking in the right place. =.=