Breeding Season is DEAD!


New Member
Apr 10, 2016
So after how many gorillion dollars put into this every month by some poor dumb mooks, the thing is just up and ended?  Wow. I mean, I can't say I'm surprised given the general mismanagement that that project seemed to have had from the get go, and the fact that the last project the artist in question worked on also disintegrated due to drama. Oh well, guess it's time to unfold a beach chair and watch the fallout rain down, and try not to be too jealous of the guys who collectively made millions over the years on a now dead project. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Well, I like 3D models when they're supposed to look cartoony, like what 3dgspot does, or a few other artist of repute do. Yeah, it's only when they're TRYING to be realistic that the models end up looking like rubber faced figures, but I think that's essentially failing the concept, as it shouldn't TRY to be reailistic.

while you have some good points, the worst looking stuff i know is from 3dcs which is the most common source of 3d models in free games and they look awful.


I think the western market could actually EXCEL at this porn making game because at least there is the potential for a wealth of new ideas and concepts. Japan, is mostly gonna stick to their rape-genres and vanilla incest romances shtick, where here, in the progressive world, at least the power dynamics tend to at least try shift between men and women and women aren't just constantly sold off as incompetent bimbos or females being put in to their place or something.

I agree, and in fact they already do. My favorite porn games are all western made


Active Member
Oct 6, 2015
This is the reason I no longer donate to these projects.

I've donated to a number of them over the years and ALL of them crashed.

Tch. Doesn't surprise me it crashed and burned. They kept changing the game so radically it became a mess. And the public builds where always so far behind it wasn't funny. I mean FFS they kept focusing on adding new shit instead of finishing the old stuff and getting the animations in.

That's true.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
This is the reason I no longer donate to these projects.

I've donated to a number of them over the years and ALL of them crashed.

What about overwhored. It finished, and well.

.... then again, that one was very different to other croudfunding projects.

IIRC the author had 1/3rd of the game done while saying on forums he might have to drop it because he can't afford to pay for commissioning the artists anymore. And we managed to (barely) convince him that it would be OK for him to run a patreon for the 6000$ needed to commmission the remaining images he would need to finish the entire game. And he did.

He never actually paid himself for making that game, and I am pretty sure he didn't reimburse himself for the images he commissioned from his own pocket before the patreon so he should have actually lost money. And he didn't take monthly donation, nor did he hire employees, instead he got a lump sum which he used to commission high quality and reliable artists, who delivered and got paid by the image.

Can anyone else think of a completed and unabandoned crowdfunded porn game?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
What about overwhored. It finished, and well.

.... then again, that one was very different to other croudfunding projects.

IIRC the author had 1/3rd of the game done while saying on forums he might have to drop it because he can't afford to pay for commissioning the artists anymore. And we managed to (barely) convince him that it would be OK for him to run a patreon for the 6000$ needed to commmission the remaining images he would need to finish the entire game. And he did.

He never actually paid himself for making that game, and I am pretty sure he didn't reimburse himself for the images he commissioned from his own pocket before the patreon so he should have actually lost money. And he didn't take monthly donation, nor did he hire employees, instead he got a lump sum which he used to commission high quality and reliable artists, who delivered and got paid by the image.

Can anyone else think of a completed and unabandoned crowdfunded porn game?

Noxian Nights comes to mind - recently finished, with a complete ending and gallery. There will be DLCs added but Hreinn Games delivered  - and is promising more...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Alright, alright. I think this conversation is getting a little... heated. I mean we all knew it would lead to that, but let's all back up a little. Take a deep breath, pump the porpoise a few times to some X-rated horse cock pr0nz and clam down. This whole event is still very new, it will take a while, months maybe for all the facts to be in, until then let's not speculate to wildly, or worse act on the those wild speculations.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
S-Purple is in the wrong as well, because if my research and the comments have told me right, this would be the second project S-Purple has left. There was Broquest, and now Breeding Season. That, and who in their right mind would think to strip the game of all of its assets rather than just leave the game as is?? 

re, broquest: you're wrong. And S-Purple has worked on more games that have been completed/haven't had the same level of rocky development cycles filled with ~drama~ associated to Breeding Season.

But, I digress. The fact of the matter is that Broquest was never a game. Not ever; the most we ever got out of the idea outside droves of concept art was a rather piss-poor demo and the basis for Shoulderon Gaiden up above. I was around on 4chan when the entire thing "Quest" phenomenon started on the /tg/ board because of RubyQuest, and I followed Broquest's "development," ever since S-Purple started contributing random bits of concept art to it -- but, again I reiterate: that's all Broquest ever was. Any ideas or developments to make it more than what S-Purple freely contributed on his own free time to the project were minuscule and haphazard at best; the "game," such as it was, was very much a collection of ideas that never quite got off the ground and not once did S-Purple "abandon" the project... because there barely was a project in the first place.

It just fell apart. Kinda like Breeding Season.

(Which, by the by? Has always had the problems S-Purple outlines in excruciating detail in his latest post here that tells his side of the story. Even when the original game started out on the LegendofkKystal forums some two-three+ years ago, and looked like this, there'd still be months of non-updates or radio silence from HBomb. Many people actually thought the original incarnation of the game had up and died at one point because of HBomb's habitual absences, but then S-Purple comes along and helps revive the whole thing by adding his art to the project. Without him, Breeding Season literally would have not gone on to become the powerhouse it became over years -- it would've died stillborn on the LoK flash project page like so many other good ideas.)

Seriously, a lot of people are crying foul at his behavior, but I feel like a lot of his detractors either: A) don't know his actual history of professional and indie game development, none of it plagued to the same degree that BS has been plagued, B) don't realize that what he feels HBomb would've done to him, re: keeping and sitting on his art, is exactly what others have done in the past wrt Broquest and Shoulderon... only this time a ton of money and his rep as a professional are on the line, C) have yet to read his latest post on the matter, or D) are taking HBomb's side because, what? They got word out first? Because you don't know their history of habitually and blatantly lying about deadlines and the amount of work they get done? Or the fact that their behavior as a developer now mirrors their behavior two-to-three years ago when Breeding Season first came out without S-Purple as their partner?

Not for nothing, but I'll take the story coming from the guy who has: 1) actually completed several projects, both indie and professionally, and 2) worked as a professional artist outside the Indie Game Dev scene with waaaaaay less grains of salt and skepticism than usual in this instance.

(N/B: the above might sound hostile or very strongly-worded, but that's not my intent. Please don't take offense, as I'm not trying to insult anyone here.)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
epidemico, it is worth noting that there are no laws against being lazy.  There will always be lazy people and bad managers, which is what the main issue in Breeding Season sounds to be.  There are laws about working on your own projects during company time and sabotaging projects you're working on.  Up until H-Bomb posted information about S-Purple, he hadn't done anything really illegal, he'd just been incompetent.  If you're ever in a situation like this, the only correct answer is to either deal with it or walk away.  There would have been absolutely nothing wrong with S-Purple just leaving the project, same as Vanilla and Fleet.  Breeding Season would have continued to limp on for awhile, but most likely would eventually have faded out of existence on its own with no foul play.  Working on a similar project while he remained a part of the project and then destroying the original one is a very clear conflict of interest and puts him in a far worse legal position than H-Bomb was in.  The witchhunting puts them both on roughly the same bad ground now, but before that point I would say that S-Purple was the only one who was really doing something wrong.

That is, unless breaking promises on crowdfunding is illegal.  In which case, H-Bomb would have a responsibility to return the money that he'd been wasting by not actually working on the project.  That would be the money that would have gone to his salary and not what was spent on other things in the project.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
lol there is no legal nonsense there wtf

He shut down a project that was very similar to his own, that he'd been working on while still employed with the company working on something that his project would be in direct competition with.  You don't think there might have been a bit of a conflict of interest here?


Oct 9, 2015
Well, if S was actually right, he actually made himself look like an asshole by acting like he did. I really can't understand how someone "profesional" and on the right as you say, would opt for such a shitty solution. So sorry if I don't take his side and kiss his ass, but no, I trust what I saw and what happened, rather than what people told me happened. 

We all knew for years now that H-bomb was inept at his job, but S way the most horrible possible way he could have taken.

And then releasing a new patreon, because he still doesn't have money to put a working anything.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Reading between the lines here

spurple practically admits he was vetoing hiring and says s/he got "hysterical" (spurp's wording) about managing money by declining extra hiring because s/he couldn't guarantee that people won't suddenly stop funding the game and they would be unable to pay (even though their funding vastly outstripped their expenses, with 18k being left over after all other salary and expenses were paid to be split between spurp and hbomb as their profit of 9k a month for each of them).

So, I am very inclined to believe the greedy to the point of harming the project claim.

Likewise, hbomb is very much complicit in that same scheme. guilty of most of what he accuses spurp of doing. And in fact even worse than spurp on most aspects of mismanagement. Also, hbomb actually has been doing illegal things like posting spurps personal info.

The vanilly posts are interesting, both of them are quoting her as a condemnation of the other; but to me it reads like it proves them both to at the wrong. Posting proof of the other guy doing something wrong doesn't magically absolve you.

What really amazes me is that they were stupid enough to kill the goose that lays golden eggs.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
epidemico, it is worth noting that there are no laws against being lazy.  There will always be lazy people and bad managers, which is what the main issue in Breeding Season sounds to be.  There are laws about working on your own projects during company time and sabotaging projects you're working on.  Up until H-Bomb posted information about S-Purple, he hadn't done anything really illegal, he'd just been incompetent.  If you're ever in a situation like this, the only correct answer is to either deal with it or walk away.  There would have been absolutely nothing wrong with S-Purple just leaving the project, same as Vanilla and Fleet.  Breeding Season would have continued to limp on for awhile, but most likely would eventually have faded out of existence on its own with no foul play.  Working on a similar project while he remained a part of the project and then destroying the original one is a very clear conflict of interest and puts him in a far worse legal position than H-Bomb was in.  The witchhunting puts them both on roughly the same bad ground now, but before that point I would say that S-Purple was the only one who was really doing something wrong.

That is, unless breaking promises on crowdfunding is illegal.  In which case, H-Bomb would have a responsibility to return the money that he'd been wasting by not actually working on the project.  That would be the money that would have gone to his salary and not what was spent on other things in the project.

1) S-Purple's contract -- if I'm reading it correctly -- basically assures him sole ownership of all the art and assets he created for Breeding Season. Legally -- again, if I'm reading this correctly -- he owes HBomb none of what he created for the game, doubly-so if he so chose to up and take the assets with him when deciding to leave the project.

2) S-Purple's original plan was to work on both his game and Breeding Season concurrently, and then resign at the same time as the other members of the team did. At no point was his plan to "sabotage," or "destroy," the game; his choice to take his art notwithstanding, as that is entirely a moral decision on his part, there is ample evidence to suggest he was creating art, animations, and assets for the game up until this most recent parting of ways. Dude was streaming just this month.

3) Breaking promises on crowdfunding isn't legal, no. Nor is accepting Patreon money for a product that barely updates. In that same vein, however: it isn't illegal to work on a passion project while another one dies a slow death in order to secure a job for yourself when the latter project invariably explodes. S-Purple knew that every member of the team was going to quit in either June, July, or August, and he planned accordingly. Breeding Season -- at least by S-Purple's opinion -- had more than enough money to start their own dev studio and absorb any issues that could have arisen from his leaving -- that HBomb chose instead to take the route he did and kill the game speaks volumes.

I'm not going to say either of the two people involved are more correct in how they handled things than the other party; but I will say that there's certainly more evidence in S-Purple's favor wrt to his work ethic and his side of the story than there is to defend HBomb and the route he took. That's all.

Again, you can be cautious and wary about this new project, but people here are making it sound like S-Purple is a lazy con artist and that is not the case. All it takes is a little going through his Breeding Season related stuff on tumblr and elsewhere to see how much time and effort he sank into the game.


Oct 14, 2015
He's opened his new Patreon with no demo no release date and no design document, accepting thousands of dollars in automatic monthly payments with no obligation to actually put forth a playable product, trying to capitalize on Breeding Season's momentum before the dust settles. That's a scam.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
1) S-Purple's contract -- if I'm reading it correctly -- basically assures him sole ownership of all the art and assets he created for Breeding Season. Legally -- again, if I'm reading this correctly -- he owes HBomb none of what he created for the game, doubly-so if he so chose to up and take the assets with him when deciding to leave the project.

Indeed, hbomb signed one of the dumbest contracts ever. Being too cheap to hire a contract lawyer bit him hard.

The most hilarious thing is that hbomb gave him 50% of all PROFIT, but not 50% of OWNERSHIP. This is an important. This means that whenever hbomb allowed spurple to veto a hiring decision out of greed hbomb was being a moron as spurp did not have the authority to make such vetoes. Furthermore, it means that spurp pulling his art is not a violation of any obligations to the donators because spurp is merely an employee (that happens to be paid 50% of profit) and NOT a part owner and as such has zero liability

Honestly. this is way too lucky to be coincidental. I am now strongly suspecting that spurp had a lawyer write up this contract in order to fuck up hbomb as much as possible and then pretend to have both of them write it together "without a lawyer" to make sure the turbo sucker hbomb signed it.

He's opened his new Patreon with no demo no release date and no design document, accepting thousands of dollars in automatic monthly payments with no obligation to actually put forth a playable product, trying to capitalize on Breeding Season's momentum before the dust settles. That's a scam.

That, or extreme incompetence. He might believe that programming (and everything else that goes into a game) is easy and he is doing all the hard work. And that all he needs is just to hire 1 guy to make the rest of the game with his assets and he would have a game hammered out in no time, easy peasy.

... oh who am I kidding. you are probably spot on and he is running a scam
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
Well for hbomb he is incompetent and and spurple knew this and exploited this as well. What other reason he would have need to veto a manager? Greed and need to make sure project sinks. And hbomb just went and quit it all is wrong as well. spurple wasnt even willing to sell assets what is a self egoistics prick move for him, i would never ever work as programmer only wish to spurple is he should sink as well. And hbomb go find work somewere else or go to university how to manage business. This whole contract thing is to fishy as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
He's opened his new Patreon with no demo no release date and no design document, accepting thousands of dollars in automatic monthly payments with no obligation to actually put forth a playable product, trying to capitalize on Breeding Season's momentum before the dust settles. That's a scam.
That, or extreme incompetence. He might believe that programming (and everything else that goes into a game) is easy and he is doing all the hard work. And that all he needs is just to hire 1 guy to make the rest of the game with his assets and he would have a game hammered out in no time, easy peasy.

... oh who am I kidding. you are probably spot on and he is running a scam

Rule in Thumb: If something looks too good to be true, with no evidence of a product (in this case, a demo), is already raking in thousands of dollars, with the only thing to show of the game's "existence" are a series of screenshots, then that should be enough to raise red flags in people. No matter how much trust you have in someone, it's still a smarter idea to hold onto your money before a playable product comes out.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
At the end of the day, what it comes down to is this.


  • An artist who has completed multiple projects, or at least completed his contractual obligation to provide art and assets to multiple projects over a period spanning nearly a decade.
  • Both a professional artist -- ie: he has worked on projects in the real world that don't revolve around porn games -- and the guy who essentially revived Breeding Season when HBomb first proved too incompetent to do so.
  • Did not accept or demand payment for the past month (June-July) where he -- and he even admits this himself -- began to ghost out of the development process for BS and focus more on his own game. (He even offered to give away free access  to his new game to BS backers since he couldn't refund their money, and is currently offering to give anyone who can show that they've backed BS three months+ of free access to Meadows so long as they email him proof of purchase.)


  • Started Breeding Season over on the LoK forums, and had much the same track record of spotty updates and false promises back then that they do now. (I'm not sure if this was his first game project or not.)
  • Is documented having disappeared for weeks or nearly months at a time during the development of BS, leaving his team of three (two before Van joined) to pick up his slack.
  • Chose to instead terminate his project rather than use the money he had to hire new artists and do all of the things "vetoed" by S-Purple now that S-Purple packed his bags, took all of his toys, and left.

Laziness isn't a crime, no. Neither is terminal mismanagement of a project; but at the end of the day the person who has shown the amount of work they've done and has a better track record at consistently getting shit done is S-Purple, and not HBomb. Argue morals and shitty business deals all you like, but never in the five plus years I've followed him has anyone but HBomb and his fans complained or accused S-Purple of being a scam artist, greedy, or manipulative.

Meanwhile, however, HBomb has consistently proven himself to be incompetent, lazy, and unconcerned with getting anything done in a timely manner.

  • S-Purple: three indie projects completed and/or worked on over the course of several years, with the fourth unfortunately blowing up in his face.
  • HBomb: one indie project that almost died not even a year after they started it, got revived, but has now fully bit the dust almost two to three years later due to mismanagement, bad business practices, and laziness.

Vote with your wallet, you're always free to do so; but let's also stop belittling a project we know nothing about and shit-talking the work ethic of a person who has proven themselves to be a hard working professional far more often than the person calling him otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Whether or not someone is a con artist or hard working isn't really the argument I'm presenting.  While I'm sympathetic to his situation, S-Purple really did choose the worst course of action in how he decided to quit.  Walking away from the project would be fine.  Starting his own version of the game after that is fine.  Reserving the art for Breeding Season, regardless of his intentions and ownership, is not okay.  Working on the side project that will be competing with his employer's primary project at the same time is not okay.  Someone who performs these actions is not a professional, and is either very shady or doesn't understand the proper business theory of conflicts of interest and employee responsibilities.  Both of these are very bad for running a business.

You are correct that people should vote with their wallets, but the insistence that some people do really dumb things like pre-order digital goods is evidence that many people are really bad at that.
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Oct 14, 2015
(He even offered to give away free access  to his new game to BS backers since he couldn't refund their money, and is currently offering to give anyone who can show that they've backed BS three months+ of free access to Meadows so long as they email him proof of purchase.)

"Dear rubes who were still giving away money to a dead game years after it had made any meaningful progress. Here's a brand new game to throw money at! We don't have a demo or any meaningful progress to show and we haven't even hired a programmer, but we'll take your money anyway! The first month is free!"

Voting with your wallet isn't enough. People like this are preying on those that are too naive to see that they're being conned and counting on the fact that there's little to no regulation set up to deal with crowdfunding. 


New Member
Jul 18, 2016
I would say before either praising of bashing any further lets see if there will be an actual demo put together in the short future, if not then we know not to expect anything from purps new game, if yes then opt to monitor its progress, no matter the past, patreon funding is made primary for games to be made rather then die within a year. The way i see it if this turns out to be a promising new game then even if the last game came to a dramatic end its worth to support,

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Dear people still giving this guy money, I have a Ponz- *cough* I mean, investment scheme you might be interested in.



Oct 14, 2015
I would say before either praising of bashing any further lets see if there will be an actual demo put together in the short future, if not then we know not to expect anything from purps new game, if yes then opt to monitor its progress, no matter the past, patreon funding is made primary for games to be made rather then die within a year. The way i see it if this turns out to be a promising new game then even if the last game came to a dramatic end its worth to support,

They don't even have a programmer, so I wouldn't expect a demo any time soon. Or even an ETA on a demo. Does anyone even know what platform they're developing for?


Oct 9, 2015
At the end of the day, what it comes down to is this.


  • An artist who has completed multiple projects, or at least completed his contractual obligation to provide art and assets to multiple projects over a period spanning nearly a decade.
  • Both a professional artist -- ie: he has worked on projects in the real world that don't revolve around porn games -- and the guy who essentially revived Breeding Season when HBomb first proved too incompetent to do so.
  • Did not accept or demand payment for the past month (June-July) where he -- and he even admits this himself -- began to ghost out of the development process for BS and focus more on his own game. (He even offered to give away free access  to his new game to BS backers since he couldn't refund their money, and is currently offering to give anyone who can show that they've backed BS three months+ of free access to Meadows so long as they email him proof of purchase.)


  • Started Breeding Season over on the LoK forums, and had much the same track record of spotty updates and false promises back then that they do now. (I'm not sure if this was his first game project or not.)
  • Is documented having disappeared for weeks or nearly months at a time during the development of BS, leaving his team of three (two before Van joined) to pick up his slack.
  • Chose to instead terminate his project rather than use the money he had to hire new artists and do all of the things "vetoed" by S-Purple now that S-Purple packed his bags, took all of his toys, and left.

Laziness isn't a crime, no. Neither is terminal mismanagement of a project; but at the end of the day the person who has shown the amount of work they've done and has a better track record at consistently getting shit done is S-Purple, and not HBomb. Argue morals and shitty business deals all you like, but never in the five plus years I've followed him has anyone but HBomb and his fans complained or accused S-Purple of being a scam artist, greedy, or manipulative.

Meanwhile, however, HBomb has consistently proven himself to be incompetent, lazy, and unconcerned with getting anything done in a timely manner.

  • S-Purple: three indie projects completed and/or worked on over the course of several years, with the fourth unfortunately blowing up in his face.
  • HBomb: one indie project that almost died not even a year after they started it, got revived, but has now fully bit the dust almost two to three years later due to mismanagement, bad business practices, and laziness.

Vote with your wallet, you're always free to do so; but let's also stop belittling a project we know nothing about and shit-talking the work ethic of a person who has proven themselves to be a hard working professional far more often than the person calling him otherwise.

I think you don't get us. Nobody in here believes HBomb is anything but an stupid, inept, hopelessly ignorant guy. 

But that doesn't make S the good guy, after what we have seen of him. He has proved to be a real asshole. And I choose not to suck his dick, for how he went through to do this. But you are free to do so.

I am actually surprised people are fine with him suddenly starting a new project, by actually daring to ask for even more money.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
re: the programmer

The project started with a programmer, they even mentioned this multiple times, but the programmer they started with left because they got a more lucrative job offer. They're currently in the process of hiring a new programmer because of it -- which is way more than what HBomb has done both recently and in the past when faced with similar issues.

Also, remember -- if you've bothered to read up on the situation -- S-Purple's original plan was to have way more of the project (including the hiring of devs) completed than what he has now; it was H-Bomb threatening him and saying that he "had not choice but to sell him the art assets he owned," if he was leaving because "he [HBomb] holds all the funds he needs and that it would be financially unsound for me [S-Purple] to actually take legal action against him." And that came about because HBomb learned that Meadows was in development and S-Purple planned to soon leave the team along with its other members.

I'll agree both could have handled the situation better, and that a lot of the choices made that people are upset about are moral choices on the part of S-Purple; but people are talking as if they know 100% of what's going on, here.

Searching for a programmer is really hard, he deserves to be paid a lot of money a month to do so. /sarcasm

Nowhere in anything that S-Purple has written about the situation -- that I've read -- has he asked people to donate to Meadows. He's publicly stated that anyone from BS interested in checking the product out will have free access to it for three months after they prove they had backed Breeding Season previously. The post literally reads: "If you have records of having supported Breeding Season, for the next 3 months of releases after we receive that message we will send you our $5.00 patron reward tier to the email provided. This is refundable at any time during our development cycle, and is meant to give you a chance at deciding for yourself, if we can make good on the spirit of Breeding Season before deciding to support us or not."

People are so quick to judge and jump to conclusions that they're missing things like this -- and, again: I've said it elsewhere that it's perfectly fine to be skeptical, it's fine to be wary about the situation because of the drama involved; but I think the Meadows team -- which has barely had their Patron open for a week at this point -- is trying their hardest to show they mean to be as professional as possible going forward. The project started with a Manager and a Programmer, and once the programmer left they made it their mission to go about trying to hire a new one. (Their first goal is to even make enough to pay said programmer full time, c'mon.)

Breeding Season, meanwhile, had none of this when it first started out, and its lead developer -- HBomb -- already had a reputation for flaking out on projects.

But that doesn't make S the good guy, after what we have seen of him. He has proved to be a real asshole. And I choose not to suck his dick, for how he went through to do this. But you are free to do so.

I am actually surprised people are fine with him suddenly starting a new project, by actually daring to ask for even more money.

And you're free to believe his moral choices are wrong. That's fine. I personally don't see anything wrong with attempting to protect your livelihood and professional reputation when an employer is risking all of it to failure by being lazy and incompetent. (Or, look at it this way: even if he had sold the assets and left quietly with everyone else, I feel everyone would still say was an asshole for letting HBomb get away with it for so long as BS died a slow, slow death while still racking in tens of thousands of dollars a month from non-updates. Plus, selling him the rights to the designs means that H-Bomb would actually have a legal standing to destroy S-Purple's game for being "too artistically similar," to his own; he'd be able to stonewall any farming/breeding-based H-Game S-Purple felt like making, or at least make it very difficult for him to go through with his plans, if he so chose. Perpetually.)

And, again: S-Purple hasn't overtly asked for money -- to my knowledge -- for the project. He's branded it as his attempt "to give fans of Breeding Season an opportunity to play a similar game," due to what he believed the inevitable cancellation of Breeding Season (his moral decision), but he's given anyone from the BS side of patreon free access to check out the game for 3 months if they so choose.

If you argument is that he should make that same offer to people who never backed BS, I'm going to have to ask you why you think that's appropriate here when no other Patreon for a game has ever done the same? (I'm honestly curious, no sarcasm.)


May 4, 2016
At the end of the day, it doesn't change anything about the fact that everyone is looking at smoking crater that was formerly the Breeding Season Project. Could the situation have been handled better? Maybe...but there is no way of knowing that now. Still, it is a bit funny to me that now, after the "catastrophe" went down, people are mostly interested in finding a "bad guy" to point fingers at and vent their collective rage on.

Of course it sucks. I wasn't that interested in Breeding Season, even though I can still remember playing a few versions of the game from what I now assume is the timeperiod before S-Purple joined. I never put money on patreon but I still enjoyed playing the game from time to time when I noticed a new release. Therefore I was unaware of all the hickups that happened during development, and now that the smoke has lifted, I have to say that I am more on S-Purple's side than H-Bomb's. Maybe it is the fact that one tried to be professional and the other released contact-data and real-life information on the net? Accompanied by something that some people might interpret as a "permission" to cause havoc?

I can kinda see why S-Purple doesn't want to sell his art assets to HBomb... looking at everything from an outsider's perspective, I also think it would've been very likely that Breeding Season ended up as a bottomless barrel that pumped other peoples' money "somewhere" without ever delivering a finished game.
Does this suck for H-Bomb and Breeding Season? Probably.
Does this suck for the people who gave money to Breeding Season's Patreon? Definitely

Personally, I can understand S-Purple's motives and why he acted the way he did. I wish him good luck with Cloud Meadow and want to see what happens next to Breeding Season. Will they "restart" the development?
I am not a 100% sure about the situation, but if H-Bomb has everything except the art, shouldn't it be easy (or easier) for him to look for a new artist to start replacing the lost content? It's not like Breading Season has to start from 0 all over again, right?


Oct 14, 2015
re: the programmer

If you argument is that he should make that same offer to people who never backed BS, I'm going to have to ask you why you think that's appropriate here when no other Patreon for a game has ever done the same? (I'm honestly curious, no sarcasm.)

I think he should suspend the account immediately until he has a prototype to demonstrate. There are people who use Patreon to fund projects they're passionate about, and there are people who use Patreon to do the bare minimum amount of work and abuse the generosity and goodwill of strangers to collect a paycheck. Setting up an active Patreon account with 7 still images, no concrete design document, no demo, no prototype, and setting himself up to collect $3000 a month puts S-Purple squarely in the second category.