Breeding Season is DEAD!


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I can't fault Purple for abandoning what he felt was a failing business.   What i CAN fault him for is rescinding assets essential to the game's function, walking away with half the development money for doing vary little work and starting up a rival game when he had obligations to another one at the time. 

I think you can also fault S-purple for abusing his position as 50% owner to refuse the hiring of more staff so he could continue to rake in 9000$/mo for himself and not reduce his own salary. Demanding that other people employees do more and more.

On July 4th Vanilly gave me her two weeks notice, and explained to me that in addition to issues she had with my disorganized management of the project, there had been little to no direction in the art department and she had found herself in charge of essentially all the duties of the art director, in addition to PR and having to fix, redraw, color, and cut up animations before even being able to get to the task of actually animating, and as a result she was carrying a huge amount of the burden of the team while S had been reducing his own responsibilities.

Good on Vanilly that they quit. This kind of exploitation of employees is totally unacceptable. And HartistaPipebomb makes it out like he didn't have anything to do with this failure and there was nothing he could have done, but really it is all on him. He should have kicked out S purple a while ago.

If S purple takes his assets with him... so what, they were getting 30k a MONTH, that is more than enough to hire better artists to redraw everything. it would meant a delay, but the game could be completed with a more competent team, and additional staff could have been hired so that people like vanilly are not forced to do 4 people's jobs at once.

But he didn't, he just let things stew until all the other employees quit for being overworked, and then it was just him and s-purple, and the latter ran away with both the art assets and "his share" of the money.
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Feb 15, 2016
Well then, glad in retrospect that I never got around to throwing money at that game. H-Bomb encouraging people to go after S-Purple and steal the game's assets certainly doesn't seem like a wise idea, though. No doubt the more outraged fans were prepping to do that anyway, and he's not exactly helping his case that he was the better person here.

Not a great summer for crowdfunded games so far, between this and stuff like Mighty No. 9 being hurt by poor management --- something backers, with all their hopes and money, have no control over.

Still, makes me glad the projects I am currently following and/or backing seem to be run by people who appear to respect their backers and want to make a good game, rather than rake in whatever money they can get from it. I've been feeling a bit disappointed that FoE and Lust Doll were put on hold, but at least their respective creators had the courtesy to inform us in advance they were going on hiatus, and made sure we weren't putting money toward nothing in the meantime. Puts the downtime in a bit of a new perspective.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Well then, glad in retrospect that I never got around to throwing money at that game. H-Bomb encouraging people to go after S-Purple and steal the game's assets certainly doesn't seem like a wise idea, though. No doubt the more outraged fans were prepping to do that anyway, and he's not exactly helping his case that he was the better person here.

oh yea, that is very much stupid of him


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Wow, the dude gave out his Email address, AND his tumbler.

I actually went to one of their streams for the game once, and I thought the game was kind of interesting?

Not that it matters now of course...

Oh well, I suppose somebody is always out there trying to make a quick buck at the expense of others~ <3


Feb 4, 2016
Think alot of this is being looked at very one-sidedly. How about we find out S-purples side of things Then start judging people. 
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Jun 24, 2016
Or judge them both.


Feb 4, 2016
The internet Is full of liars, it could be S, or it could be HBomb. Either is possible, but you can't detect lies in the internet.


New Member
Aug 27, 2015
Frankly, this was a well earned end. HBomb couldn't run a project to put on his own socks with a million dollar budget and a twenty-man team, and is either the most naive person on the internet, or a blatant liar. I used to back them until he decided to go totally radio silent for two months, only to come back three days before the payment was processed to say he had a done a ton of work and had a decent, if modest, showing that would arrive on the last day of the month. Long story short, he never made the deadline, came out to say he basically only had half a menu diagram done (that took him a further two weeks to finish), and it was almost ready to be given sample functionality, and said sorry but was also kinda sick (and never thought to tell anyone prior) and that meant his nonsense was acceptable. I think he made $40000 that month. It didn't help that back when I was a patreon, the patreon rewards didn't exist. "Monthly pinups" didn't happen, and other crap that I vaguely remember either sucked or never materialised.  This was probably around late 2014, though, so maybe he actually manned up and hired the community manager he promised to hire at some point, and things improved. Still a bit salty about wasting cash on him and his shitty work ethic, though. 

Spurple was an ass from what I saw of his Tumblr and I never really liked him, but whoever it was that animated for them was pretty cool. There was no way this game was ever getting anywhere, and it's a miracle that it lasted half as long as it did.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
The internet Is full of liars, it could be S, or it could be HBomb. Either is possible, but you can't detect lies in the internet.

People tend to normally take things at face value, when enough evidence is present.

So I can see your point, but the thing is.

The fact that regardless of who started what, S leaving the game behind and taking away the rights to half the content currently being used.

This caused many people who were supporting the game with ACTUAL CASH, to have spent it for nothing.

I'm not taking sides for what happened, thus made everything come to this conclusion.

I'm taking sides on the choices of both parties, in the aspect of HBomb choosing the wrong thing to do what with giving out S's personal information.

And then S ditching Breeding Season, and taking away all his content under the threat of a lawsuit.

If either of them had enough character to be decent people they would complete the game, then never talk to each other again.

Seeing as people can sue both HBomb, and S for betraying their said promises I don't thinking taking sides on this is beneficial.

So my personal opinion of both people.

S-Purple: A major asshole who can't come through with promises, and quits when the going gets tough.

HBomb: An immature man who's first instinct when betrayed was to post most of S's personal information to the entire world.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
HBomb: An immature man who's first instinct when betrayed was to post most of S's personal information to the entire world.

Depending on where HBomb lives he better watch his ass. If he's in the US he can be charged with some serious crimes for releasing someone personal information without their permission, even if that other person lives outside the country. He's looking at prison time for doing that. There are several other countries that have similar laws.

What I found from looking around on the interwebs. Someone else made a post about it but here is the quote.

It breaches the constitutional right to privacy as well as various international declarations and conventions. You're releasing personal information that you don't have the right to give out. You can get fined, AVO'd, sued for defamation and damages and you can get up to 10 years jail time; and if the person whose information you're handing out is under the age of 18 you can be tried under conventions that protect children as well, such as the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child.

So yes both of them are in the wrong but one of them committed a serious international crime by posting the other ones personal information without permission.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
... but whoever it was that animated for them was pretty cool. There was no way this game was ever getting anywhere, and it's a miracle that it lasted half as long as it did.

VanillaCheeseCake.  She was always the staff member I thought was the coolest and most level headed of the bunch.  I do wish her luck in her future endeavors.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For those that don't follow their blog, S-Purple has recently posted a little bit about the drama. This post is both on his NSFW and SFW blogs:
And as for the news, I really have no idea how to react. On one hand, I was hoping that it would be completed because I really liked the concept. I've never been a fan to the usual monster-dom games, and once you have played one of those games, you've played them all. That and I like weird management games. I guess the reason I'm not as disappointed as I thought I would be because I never gave any money to the project. I just played the latest build (until they made it impossible to play the game in browser...) and moved on once I've bred some really powerful monsters and got the file erased by the newer build. xD

Looking at how this drama is being handled, both H-Bomb and S-Purple are clearly in the wrong. H-Bomb seemed sympathetic at first, until they released S-Purple's information and "subtly" wished for S-Purple to get doxxed. S-Purple is in the wrong as well, because if my research and the comments have told me right, this would be the second project S-Purple has left. There was Broquest, and now Breeding Season. That, and who in their right mind would think to strip the game of all of its assets rather than just leave the game as is?? 

I can't take sides on this because you have to choose the lesser of two evils. Do you choose the person who has left the game without any notice, stripped the game all materials they have made, and got the hell out of Dodge to their own project (which looks like Breeding Season with Blackjack and Hookers), or do you side with the naive game developer who set up the contract so S-Purple could get that much power over the assets, and revealed his previous partner's personal information (such as email and real name.)?
tl;dr version: It's best to just see where this train wreck goes. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Tch. Doesn't surprise me it crashed and burned. They kept changing the game so radically it became a mess. And the public builds where always so far behind it wasn't funny. I mean FFS they kept focusing on adding new shit instead of finishing the old stuff and getting the animations in.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
How dumb can they get? I mean they both are at fault and committed some serious and egregious acts of sheer stupidity. They aren't only victimizing themselves, they are also guilty of hurting their team members that were hired on and likely depended on the income they generated in whole or part to pay their bills. But the biggest thing they screwed over were the patrons paying for the game. All they get from their support is a hacked, legless, buggy shell of a demo that barely hinted at the promise it could have been. :nexus:

H-bomb should NEVER have given any revealing info about the identity of his former team member. That's possibly illegal and it exposed him to lawsuits and possible criminal charges. He also should never have hinted at the password to the dropbox that contained the latest build. In short, he gave out the latest build for free and encouraged certain anons at some chans to take aim at someone. Those anons are intelligent. H-bomb also put himself on the line because some of those anons will say "I'm on S-Purples' side so let's have fun with H-Bomb". That's not a situation you want to be in. :shepicide:

And S-Purple.. planning on walking out like that? Whatever happened to common decency with this lackey? He needed to sit down with the team and discuss the issues so they can figure out a plan going forward. He blames others of mismanagement but he's guilty of it as well. He's also guilty of fanning the flames by speaking up and alluding to lawsuits and coming across as a careless dick. :flaccid:

Yeah it's an insane situation that just got worse because of poor decision making by 2 glorified morons. I'm not taking a side on this train wreck either. Especially when the trains are piloted by 2 immature asswipes who don't have even a pebble of a brain to rattle around in their heads. So what's a smart guy to do? Just sit back and watch the resulting fireball with a cock in one hand and a tit in the other.  :munch:

*edited to correct grammar and added those lovely emotes.  :shibe:
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Aug 27, 2015
This is basically a classic example of how things go wrong in Kickstarter projects. Two guys who share a love for smut get together, think about what they'd like to do, create some nice artwork for it, and stick it out there. If sparks interest, snowballs, and BOOM! Suddenly they're pulling in tons of scratch for them to chase their half-baked dreams.

There are now two big problems. The first is that neither has the experience to manage that kind of money, or a project bigger than "you do this and I'll do that". Somebody up there mentioned that what you really need to do is hire a project manager, but think about it from their perspective. How absurd it would be, after suddenly breaking out of wage slavery to create independently, to then spend some of that money to hire a cold-eyed business degree git to stand over them and set proper deadlines. Fuck that.

The second is that money changes relationships. A lot. That guy on the internet you played vidya and dreamed about the perfect porn game with? Totally different man now there's 40,000 bucks per month on the line. Now you can't seem to get hold of him when you need to, and the fact there's so much at stake means you're terser with him when you do talk, which only makes things worse. Add complete business inexperience to the mix and you're just got hoping you picked your friends right, because contracts and agreements you nodded through when you were all just mates blue-skying look very different six months down the line.

I have and always will say this about Fen: For all his many (many, many, MANY, many) faults, he pays what was agreed and whenever I ask. Even now he's patiently working away at Offbeatr tier rewards that would look completely unrealistic on most funding project splashes. It's one of the reasons why I've stuck around, and I suspect many other people too. Taking bucketloads of cash from people in order to write and program porno seems laughably easy until you try it yourself.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
From experience programming looks easy till you start doing it yourself. And when you look back at your old code can only sweat and hope you dont have to use it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
This is basically a classic example of how things go wrong in Kickstarter projects. Two guys who share a love for smut get together, think about what they'd like to do, create some nice artwork for it, and stick it out there. If sparks interest, snowballs, and BOOM! Suddenly they're pulling in tons of scratch for them to chase their half-baked dreams.

It continuously mystifies me how the Japanese industry, be they small, independent studios or one-man productions, can brutally and consistently beat our asses at making H-games and anime and, like, 80% of the ATTEMPTS at making at least a good, maybe even decent, projects always crashes and burns to nothing. I mean, what the fuck? They mostly don't even get a budget as high as some of these and they go on to become... successful, I can't imagine VN-style or sprite-based games cost THAT much or requires too much effort to make. I could be wrong, but with the amount  some studios can pump out every month, I can't believe it that difficult to be on point. And were talking about fucking flash here, not 3d renders, not highly detailed cg's, flash assets!

I'm not saying It'd be easy, but it shouldn't be that fucking difficult to at least make a "complete" project".

I have and always will say this about Fen: For all his many (many, many, MANY, many) faults, he pays what was agreed and whenever I ask. Even now he's patiently working away at Offbeatr tier rewards that would look completely unrealistic on most funding project splashes. It's one of the reasons why I've stuck around, and I suspect many other people too. Taking bucketloads of cash from people in order to write and program porno seems laughably easy until you try it yourself.

Well, that did get me thinking, Tits was both crowdfunded AND has a patreon, so does FoE. What'll stop Fenoxo and the team or Alder from just dropping their games mid project for whatever crap reasons? Take CoC for example, it didn't even have a final dungeon or an ending before the production of Tits started rolling, and there are more loose threads in that game than a worn out knitted sweater - and Tits is supposed be more ambitious and wider in scope?

If it wasn't for CoC being completely, just insanely, great even without an ending (still playing it after three years) I'd be kind of wary.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Because making lewd stuff is a lot more marketable in Japan and, as an aside, the vast majority of it is complete hot garbage.

The market isn't really comparable. Japan lewd is the Newgrounds flash games of lewd, Western lewd is the random indie blog games spread on the internet that insists on using those terrible looking 3d models of lewd.


Jun 24, 2016
Because making lewd stuff is a lot more marketable in Japan and, as an aside, the vast majority of it is complete hot garbage.

The market isn't really comparable. Japan lewd is the Newgrounds flash games of lewd, Western lewd is the random indie blog games spread on the internet that insists on using those terrible looking 3d models of lewd.

We all know everyone in Japan has a pet tentacle squid for a reason  B|

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Because making lewd stuff is a lot more marketable in Japan and, as an aside, the vast majority of it is complete hot garbage.

The market isn't really comparable. Japan lewd is the Newgrounds flash games of lewd, Western lewd is the random indie blog games spread on the internet that insists on using those terrible looking 3d models of lewd.

by large Japan's always had better character design than western contemporaries, especially in the 3D department. I've seen a few games that were Western and I am always put off by the 3D character models.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Somebody up there mentioned that what you really need to do is hire a project manager

That was hbomb actually, the main owner of breeding season. He KNEW he couldn't manage himself out of a wet paper bag, so his plan was to hire a project manager according to the blog post. Putting that person in charge of himself and spurple. But spurple vetoed said hiring.

I am actually quite surprised he would want to hire someone to act as his boss.

Also, the comments on kotaku article are hilarious

shamelessly stolen from kotaku (which they even link as their source).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
by large Japan's always had better character design than western contemporaries, especially in the 3D department. I've seen a few games that were Western and I am always put off by the 3D character models.

There's always a certain "uncanny valley" effect over those basic 3d models.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
There's always a certain "uncanny valley" effect over those basic 3d models.

that, and also they usually tend to just look like shit. for all of 3d's potential, it is massively more difficult than traditional drawings. and thus most of it is just untapped potential and really really really ugly animations