Bad idea brainstorming center


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
A set of armour useable only by Taurs.

Not bad idea, actually. Just barely implementable with the current system. Though I've thought more about bottomless armor to wear on the humanoid part only.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
SSTDs were part of TiTS' advertising campaign. Will we ever see them in any shape? I'm afraid the answer's "no".

Unfortunately (GLANCES AT SHIP PROMISES AND ALTERNATIVE PLANET SHIT) everything like that is a backer promise and Fenco is obligated to shuffle it into the game at some point.

SSTDs will happen... eventually. 


A bad end mode where's there's a random chance of any encounter suddenly ending badly for you (even if you did win)


Well-Known Member
Another bad idea from me. It's a being or something like a Gray Goo, were the body is completely made of nanobots. Except instead of being goo-like, they would be like a swarm of something. They won't have corporeal bodies, immune to physical and ranges combat,  only defeated via lust combat. 

Either that, something like Ghostfreak. But less disgusting and creepy.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
'Taur armor DLC.


TiTS: Remastered Edition (It's the exact same game, but all characters are hyper furries and you play as Kiro).


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
A way for taurs to rub Suma on their balls. Either a willing friend (what else is your crew for anyway?) or some sort of reaching stick perhaps.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016

TiTS: Remastered Edition (It's the exact same game, but all characters are hyper furries and you play as Kiro).

Speaking of playing as Kiro...

A video game that was left plugged in during Kiro's rescue quest- The Erotic Space Adventures of Captain Hyberballs.
It'd just be a simple minigame, but I was thinking it could be a sort of meta nod to the interface and gameplay of TiTS...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
I had another idea and after debating whether it was good or bad, I decided to just post it here and let you all decide.
I've noticed over time as I've played through TiTS, I have grown so accustomed to the descriptions of each each tile that I hardly ever read them.
I was thinking that maybe the game could stand to have an active ambient display for planet tiles similar to the Steele log updates you get...
The idea is to make environments feel more lively by having an extra line or two have a chance of popping up when you enter a tile; say for instance you enter the tile between Jade and Sera's shops, you might ;overhear loud swearing coming from a shop; or "a petite young woman with Kaithir features ducks into the Fur Effect after looking over her shoulder".
Some instances will be based on location, while others might check the condition of your Steele.
Other ideas I had regarding this include seeing various xeno girls advertising illicit services along Tavros' Red Light District, seeing flustered visitors exiting Flandre's office once her exhibitionism is unlocked, overhearing drunken karaoke from bars, and stumbling across public sex on NT.
I was thinking it's possible this could be used for unlocking new Quests or finding clues to complete Quests.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I have grown so accustomed to the descriptions of each each tile that I hardly ever read them.

People ever read those? Given the map's existence, I've argued they're the biggest waste of dev time per-planet outside of dungeons.

But yeah, that's actually a good idea. Key would be making them not too annoying/frequent (like the Steele's Log after getting cumflated, oh god). 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So idea.  Star Ocean Crossover Spoiler Alert.   you find this weird gate on an off the grid planet you're sent to by Colenso, fight through a rush through enemies that require mastery at all forms of combat and then find an activate this weird gate and break through fourth dimension!   You get to interact with the writers! And fuck some of them. 


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Wait, there are tile... *starts up game* 

Oh my God. Savin why did you guys write all these? Just make the map slightly more prominent!

Because the map didn't exist when the game first released, and had I not literally coded it and forced the issue long before I was paid for this, we probably still wouldn't have one :V At this point it's mostly inertia and I guess to stop the instances where it would be good to have a room description from feeling out of place.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
It would be kind of neat to upgrade the map to a simple pixel tileset that can be abstracted to look like whatever you need for that space.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
It just occurred to me that there seems to already be something similar in the game to what I'm proposing.
Sometimes when you enter the NT barns and pass by a milking stall, you'll get a message in the title description about one of the NPCs coming in for a milking or waiting on another NPC to finish their milking.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You could just stop descriptions for all rooms starting with the next planet. Or hell even now, since Uveto is just now being worked on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Because the map didn't exist when the game first released, and had I not literally coded it and forced the issue long before I was paid for this, we probably still wouldn't have one :V At this point it's mostly inertia and I guess to stop the instances where it would be good to have a room description from feeling out of place.


Actually, since no one reads them, it serves for the contrary. Even if there are actually important information, no one would notice it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Those location descriptions help immersion in a big way. I'm extremely lazy when it comes to reading anything in English, but even then, if I get to the point when I start skipping tile descriptions, chances are I also won't be able to muster too much attention for the fights or the sex scenes.

Actually, since no one reads them, it serves for the contrary. Even if there are actually important information, no one would notice it.

That's what big bold letters are for. And if the player can't be bothered to notice those, they won't pay attention to any description that suddenly appeared where previously there was none.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
B-But...I read those tile descriptions. That's how I learned about that one shaded area up at the top right of the map in the Zil section. And I was going to ask about what y'all were going to do about the scorch marks on Mhenga once Phaedra II is out with a probe.

But I digress. This is the bad idea thread, so anything and everything said here is bad. My idea is this. A multitude of ships to choose from. I remember a while back people were trying to come up with a way to purchase ships in TiTS. One of the ideas was to award them as dungeon prizes. Another one was to have Steele pay in installments because there is no way a single TF would be as expensive as a capital ship. Did people ever come to a consensus on that? Bah getting off track again. If we go the way of installments, then Repossession of the ship if you miss a payment. Muahahaha.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
This is probably a bad idea, but I was just thinking, what if there was an option for Steele to mess with/attempt to reprogram Dr. Badger's slut ray themself during the quest?
If Steele is a Tech Specialist with a fairly high Int, they can do the task. If Steele is not a Tech, but has fairly high Int, they can attempt but they will mess up.

If not a Tech and have lower Int, Steele will play with the ray for a bit and decide they don't know what they're doing.
The reason for the attempt at messing with the ray is, I wanted to propose Dr. Badger boobytrapped the ray in case Steele betrays her.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
This is probably a bad idea, but I was just thinking, what if there was an option for Steele to mess with/attempt to reprogram Dr. Badger's slut ray themself during the quest?
If Steele is a Tech Specialist with a fairly high Int, they can do the task. If Steele is not a Tech, but has fairly high Int, they can attempt but they will mess up.

If not a Tech and have lower Int, Steele will play with the ray for a bit and decide they don't know what they're doing.
The reason for the attempt at messing with the ray is, I wanted to propose Dr. Badger boobytrapped the ray in case Steele betrays her.

Personally I'd love to see the ray's infinite balls effect applied to Steele.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Personally I'd love to see the ray's infinite balls effect applied to Steele.

My thoughts on Dr. Badger's boobytrap, is that if Steele doesn't reprogram the ray successfully and tries to use it on Penny, there will be some bimbo blowback.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I believe the scene I'm thinking of came from Rance Quest, but I think it would be funny to have a scene down the line after Steele has beat Jack/Jill a number of times where they can be met in a bar drunk off their ass. They complain to Steele about their stupid cousin who is always getting in their way of being great. After a while of ranting JJ will realize who they are talking to and will gather themselves up and act haughty as if they weren't just spilling their guts to the person of their hatred (read as love).


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Here is a list of truly horrible ideas.  Sadly, i lack any writing talent, so i do not expect any of these things to become reality.  :shibe:


One thing i want to see is a effect that allows Steele to shape-shift into a wolfie with most features locked, but some alterations possible (like myr venom, hair/fur color, genatails) with both appearances being saved able to be switched back to.   I'm pretty sure that lorewise this is within the capabilities of Steele's nanosurgons. 


Alright, this is sort of a weird kink, but it isn't that far off from cockvines.  Only problem i can see is compatibility issues with GaloMax

Color changer!

Probably a ship item like dong designer i hope, one of my big scum saving concerns is getting the proper color on the proper part, which can be really annoying for some parts (vinae marking, skin color when demon attributes are wanted, getting a specific skysap template) 

Nova Wings!

This is less weird then some ideas, but pretty much not gona happen in my opinion.  4 point armor debuff for Nova to sprout functional wings, shape customizeable. 


Lizans are something i really want to see happening.  I've really loved them in CoC, want to see them make their reemergence.  Even tried to write a transform, but it quickly became apparent that i have zero writing talent.

More fluid types!

Vanilla cum and milk, for a start.  I'm sure lots of people can come up with lots of interesting and extremely unnatural excrement types


Yet another thing i really loved from CoC and want to see here.  Also, i want to see a selffuck masturbation scene for prehensile cock types that can reasonably support it.

Psionic Crystal protrusion!

Probably the worst idea of the list, i would like to see a transform special that causes a crystal to protrude from the forehead/back of the hand connected to a cute but useless psionic ability along the lines of red myr venom.   Unremoveable except from Terrian Treats.
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Alright, this is sort of a weird kink, but it isn't that far off from cockvines.  Only problem i can see is compatibility issues with GaloMax

*cough* t-they already exist in game... Naleen cocks ARE snake cocks and they come in twos.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
  • the Rahn's home planet being playable

What is wrong with the Rahn's home planet?

I could see every race's planet in the game being a place you could visit near late game?