Bad idea brainstorming center


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
My giant scorpion idea is for a non sentient mob along the lines of cuntsnakes or cockvines. If you are defeated in battle they fuck you mercilessly with their "stingers" maybe an animal native to Vulcrim.

"Higher" zooerastia is not allowed on Fengames. You can use and kill little critters, but that's apparently okay.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Cuntsnakes and cockvines get around it because they're sorta kinda controlled by the PC. Honestly I don't see what the fuss is about where we all have to tiptoe around it; there are way worse things in smut. But still, just make him a dude with an exoskeleton and a stinger and it'll be fine.

Something that's like a tentacle beast would work too; where the scene is hot enough to not matter.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There's a reason why I highlighted the word "giant" and talked about "little critters". Cunt snakes seem to be close to cockvines enough to be greenlighted.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Cuntsnakes and cockvines get around it because they're sorta kinda controlled by the PC.

Except you're not controlling the cuntsnake when you defeat it then use it as a glorified condom

@Dongstar doesn't matter what classification the animal is, if Fen thinks it's bestiality then it's a no go.
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Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
Except you're not controlling the cuntsnake when you defeat it then use it as a glorified condom

@Dongstar doesn't matter what classification the animal is, if Fen thinks it's bestiality then it's a no go.

Well I guess it's a good thing I posted it in the bad idea thread and not the real idea thread.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Except you're not controlling the cuntsnake when you defeat it then use it as a glorified condom

@Dongstar doesn't matter what classification the animal is, if Fen thinks it's bestiality then it's a no go.


Unless it is a parasite. Or has tentacles everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Cuntsnakes and cockvines get around it because they're sorta kinda controlled by the PC. Honestly I don't see what the fuss is about where we all have to tiptoe around it; there are way worse things in smut. But still, just make him a dude with an exoskeleton and a stinger and it'll be fine.

Do what now?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
The thing with the current "non-sapient" sexual encounters (which, to my knowledge, only include cunt snakes, cockvines, and mimbranes), is that the creatures are just living genitals with the barest traits of actual animals attached.

Cunt snakes are cumvores (which is an absurd premise in and of itself) and the vast majority of their bodies are just long vaginas. The only reason they have a "mouth" is to subdue would-be hosts and to bite their ass and become a cunt tail. They also don't actually have eyes, but Chesh's bust is a little misleading. They're a hose with a vagina at one end and a means of attaching themselves to asses on the other. That's it. A living onahole.

Cockvines are literally just dick tentacles growing out of a bush. They're dicks that move on their own.

Mimbranes are also cumvores, and they're like... napkins. They're like flying napkins or something. Maybe they're supposed to be jizz rags. And you don't even have "sex" with mimbranes because they don't have genitals. They just absorb sex fluids and reproduce asexually.

There's a leap between these absurdist symbiote/parasite designs and creatures that have some nonsensical sexual trait stapled to them but are otherwise traditional or functional animals. Scorpions with dick-stingers are reached via said leap.

One could argue that cockvines don't fit into that definition because, as you say, they 'grow out of a bush'. They're a plant, arguably a creature that is not solely a parasite, even if they're capable of becoming parasitic. Fucking a semi-intelligent bush ok, fucking varmints not ok? :p It seems a very fine and arbitrary line, to me.What if someone wrote a tumbleweed with a dick? Or something like a bulbasaur that is part-animal, part-hentai tentacles?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
That's really where the division lies, I think. If something is just an animate sex organ/masturbatory aid (as all current non-sapients in TiTS are) it's fine. As soon as it becomes a creature with any facet to its existence other than "inter-species sex as its sole reason for existence," it's probably no longer acceptable unless it maintains a level of sapience and self-awareness that would allow it to consent.

Mmm... have you read the 'give yourself to the cockvines' scene? It's pretty suggestive that it has a creature-like level of intelligence. Acting in response to your level of resistance, putting you back gently when it's done with you... I guess it just gets a free pass because tentacle monster.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Yup. Because tentacle monsters are still basically just masses of animate penises. Intelligent or no, it's still just a bunch of dicks. It's not a creature with a bunch of tentacle dicks, it's only a bunch of tentacle dicks. In both TiTS and CoC, they're attached to a bush. 

I imagine if someone were to come up with some kind of creature, let's say a frog with a bunch of tentacles or something, it wouldn't be acceptable. Because then it's not about tentacle dicks fucking the PC, but about a frog fucking the PC with tentacle dicks.

Again, this seems pretty clear-cut to me. I don't know why everyone makes such a fuss about trying to pinpoint some kind of specific justification for it. 

Does the fact that it's semi-intelligent not make it more than a bush? It seems very much to me like a creature (bush or not) fucking the PC with tentacle dicks. The tentacle dicks do not each have their own consciousness in this form. The collection is referred to as one creature.

As for the why, that should be obvious: One, we want to know, in as much detail as possible, what is not allowed and why, for the purposes of future content creation. And two, some think the rule is arbitrary, and pointing out contradictions might get the rule changed, or at least officially defined.

For example, let's take your argument that the basis of 'allowed or not' for creatures is whether they are capable of consent.

As soon as it becomes a creature with any facet to its existence other than "inter-species sex as its sole reason for existence," it's probably no longer acceptable unless it maintains a level of sapience and self-awareness that would allow it to consent.

Why do we care if the creature is capable of consent when so many things in the game don't care whether YOU consent (including, by their nature, all of the sexual parasites)? Almost every combat encounter carries the risk of rape, slavery, or both.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yup. Because tentacle monsters are still basically just masses of animate penises. Intelligent or no, it's still just a bunch of dicks. It's not a creature with a bunch of tentacle dicks, it's only a bunch of tentacle dicks. In both TiTS and CoC, they're attached to a bush.


BTW, CoC tentacle monsters are actually intelligent creatures.

Again, this seems pretty clear-cut to me. I don't know why everyone makes such a fuss about trying to pinpoint some kind of specific justification for it. 


Because there are people who are interested in such content?


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
What if instead of a scorpion with a dick stinger, it was a spider that spun webs out of jizz and you didn't have intercourse with the spider but if you got ensnared in its web you got jizz all over your face? You could call them "Bukakkchnids."

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
And the dicks came slime monsters.

I've said it before. Fen doesn't make the rules. Fen's dick makes the rules. Fen just relays them. Sometimes miscommunication will occur, and that's perfectly normal.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Or it will irritate people and make them dig into their position even harder simply out of spite. Which this always does. Always.

Maybe. But, no harm done and nothing lost, right?

I still think these things deserve discussing, if for no other reason than to help new content creators see just where the lines are drawn. Case in point: the Mhen'ga hunter that other guy started writing. Not because I just like arguing or because I feel the need to "get the last word", Nonesuch.


New Member
Jun 30, 2016
A poison from a drider or a lamia that slowly turns you into one if you don't get it cured at a doctor.

I'm assuming this is where we dump our crap ideas


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
A poison from a drider or a lamia that slowly turns you into one if you don't get it cured at a doctor.

SSTDs were part of TiTS' advertising campaign. Will we ever see them in any shape? I'm afraid the answer's "no".


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
SSTDs were part of TiTS' advertising campaign. Will we ever see them in any shape? I'm afraid the answer's "no".

Hold on a sec, Kes. I thought that the idea of sexy space STDs and the idea of mobs that would forcibly transform a PC after a losing streak had been both considered as separate things.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't have a link to any fundraising campaign from Fenco at the moment, so I suspect you're right given how I can't remember much of its mechanics aside from "you might get some SSTD and, if you don't comply with safety measures and visit your nearest V-KO, TF smexy stuff will happen whether you want it or not!". I hazily remember something about chances of getting infected after visiting a planet (just like one's advised to get vaccinated if a visit to x country is in order), but my head somehow wants to assume that losing to enemies would be a way to start the infection, even if it has rarely been the case in Fengames.
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