Back and want to start a game


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So I've been away from this sight for a long time and wanted to come back and see how it goes. So time to rp.

For this game I don't know if to go with the 5e system or just have it be a bit more like a story where fights flow as we see fit. Not going to lie I am leaning more toward 5e as it does make it harder to be over powered. The game would take place after Lethice is defeated. So the party would either be the ones that defeated her or they would natives or champions that didn't get to fight the big bad.

Now I haven't played CoC in a while so I might not uh act the characters from the game all that great so if someone wants to Co-gm that would be fine


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Been wanting to be part of a game on here for a while now. Interested in this game, have played tons of role playing games, can learn pretty much any system but know D&D 5e the best


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well seeing as there is an interest I might as well go into more detail. If we go into the 5e system, and it seems very likely that we will, players are allowed to use any race you class from any of the book but only the published books. This is mostly because I've been burned by home-brew. If the party wants to be the ones that beat Lethice then we'll start at 5th level, if they want to be new the the pervy world they will start at 1st level. As for the story the party will start in the area we all know before going out and exploring four continents each under the rule of their own version of Lethice and by that I mean demon lord or equivalent. If you want your character's can be from one of these lands. You don't need to know 5e to play as I can help people if they need help.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
I'm happy with whatever system you choose. Though if we go with 5e, I might be more inclined to go with the level 5, mostly because level 3 is when a lot of classes start to get fun


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
I'm very intrigued about this! And indeed, the bump to level five is where I'd be leaning towards too. That initial hump to getting everyone their subclasses can be a slog for some.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Alright so it seems like we're going the level five route. What are people thinking of playing?

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Well I did have a grumpy insta-kill wizard, but maybe not in a setting like this. So I'll probably play a fighter.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
I'm a bit late in replying to this thread, but I've been gone form this site for a while as well, and was interested in joining this. If you're already full, then that's fine too.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Eh... I'm stuck between a Warlock and a Druid... haven't played either of those classes in a hot minute, might choose one or the other depending on how the party shapes out


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Im down to play if there is room. I wanna go a cleric/wizzard depending


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well I think we have a group! So it'll be up to ya'll if ya want to post your characters here or in a private message. Since this will be a level 5 party that means the group defeated Lethice unless you want a different background. If you want your character to come from one of the four other lands please tell me so I can give the right info. And remember! Only stuff from the published books


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
Well, going to let my plan be known in here I suppose. Might as well let it be known ahead of time. Would be making use of an air genasi monk of the long death. Would like to be part of this group that partook in the attack on Lethice, but if you've a better plan for the origin I'm willing to hear it as well.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Still not sure if I'm allowed in or not, but if I am, then I'd like to play a Human Paladin of Conquest that helped to defeat Lethice. It's been forever since I've played a pally, and conquest always seemed like a fun route to go down.

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
I'll be playing a hobgoblin ranged fighter, and I'm fine with the defeating Lethice background.

Edit:Actually, I’ll be a kobold.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That all sounds fine. Should I make a roll20 room for the dice rolls?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Game link has been sent, we can start when everyone as sounded off that they're ready and with backstory


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yes and it shall be decided randomly right now!
Charisma: During your adventure to overthrow the demon lord Lethice you and the group fought a succubus trying to infect people with a disease that turned them into sex crazed maniacs! After stopping her you found a pendent that was in the shape of a heart. The Periapt of Health makes you immune to contracting all diseases while you wear it, however if you are already infected with one then the diseases effects are merely suppressed.
Taco: During your adventure to overthrow the demon lord Lethice your found a potion that looked like it would heal but something stopped you from using it. Good thing to! After going to a professional you found out this was a Potion of Poison! When drunk the potion deals 3d6 poison damage and the drinker must make a DC 13 Con saving throw or be poisoned. While poisoned this way the target takes 3d6 at the start of their turn. They may repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn, reducing the damage on the next turn by 1d6. The poison ends when the damage is reduced to 0.
Banana: During your adventure to overthrow the demon lord Lethice you and the group faced a corrupted wizard in a deep cave and after besting him you found a 1 pound glass globe. After speaking the word 'lux' it started to glow and saying 'nato' makes it float off the ground. Driftglobes are handy little things, saying a command word will cause it to emanate the 'light' or 'daylight' spell, once used the light effect can't be used until the next dawn. Saying another command word causes it to float no more than 5 feet off the ground where it will stay until you or someone else grabs it. If you move more than 60 feet away from it while it is floating it will follow until it is within 60 feet of and takes the easiest way to you. If prevented from moving it sinks gently to the ground and its light winks out
Mr Power (if he joins): During your adventure to overthrow the demon lord Lethice you managed to charm a dragon to the point where they gave you a Potion of Fire Breath with a wink. After drinking this potion you can use your bonus action to exhale fire at some one. They make a DC 13 Dex saving throw and take 4d6 fire damage on a failed throw or half as much on a successful one. This effect ends when you've used it three times or after 1 hour has passed. You also become more dragon like.
Scarves (If he joins): During your adventure to overthrow the demon lord Lethice you bought a dingy hat. After saying the word 'vermes' a random bat girl, frog girl, or rat girl pops out of the hat (your choice) they don't obey you and try to get away as fast as possible. They stay for 1 hour or until they go to 0 HP. The hat can do this 3 times a day and regains the charges each dawn.

And with that done look for the first in game post. Though I can't mention Power or Scarves characters since they haven't given them to me they'll show up later if at all.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Not gonna lie but that magic item makes me go how the fk do i use this xD

As for a chara im makin a female human wizzard by the name of Sindiana


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Question. Since the backround is beat lethice. Do we get anything else other than the items. Like proficiencies in things? or do we take those from standard 5e backrounds.

Im almost all set just those few things
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You use the standard backgrounds the beating Lethice is like backstory. Also if you and Power's characters are ready feel free to jump in.