Alypia's Content Corner


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
This honestly is a porn game second at this point, im all for it for the lore. So giving us a cool teacher NPC who is also a lore dump is 10/10.
I hope you enjoy her smut all the same!

Runingman, who is extremely sweet, even made a Halloween sketch of her as a moo-mmy, hee hee

I also come bearing art of a certain radiant elf~


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Your OC looks about 10 years older in those new picks. And thicker. Looks good on her.
It's mostly the makeup and the facial expression, but she is a bit milfier than she used to be! That sneaky Lumia, giving people a little nudge to want to start a family~
What's the right amount of hype for the broken sword at her hip? Cause right now it's pretty dang high!
hee hee hee


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
canuck land.
I hope you enjoy her smut all the same!

Runingman, who is extremely sweet, even made a Halloween sketch of her as a moo-mmy, hee hee

I also come bearing art of a certain radiant elf~
Glad you liked the moo Elena looks stunning as well!


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Elena's makeup game is certainly on point, and the amount of detail in that outfit... I always envy some people's ability to flesh out their characters' appearance in so many individually small but meaningful ways.

Those ear adornments look especially stylish. Though every time I see them, I can't help but wonder how they manage to stay in place.

Serena's new pedagogic technique of teaching the kids arithmetic while spooking them might not be approved by the local magistrate, but it is probably quite effective, heh.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Reading on your first page about your teacher NPC got that catchy song from Mama Mia 2 'I kissed the teacher'.. damn glad to see more sexy ladies going to be put in game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Hey, friendos! Thought I'd share something neat.

Serena's content will come with a Codex entry on Education, and as part of the project I decided to experiment with it by creating a primary source Codex entry - an entry that simply presents the reader with an in-universe document with little additional context. I enjoy working with primary sources IRL, and I think they're a great teaching tool for any subject, especially history. It was fun to create, and Savin liked it quite a lot, but after I finished, I ended up settling on a non-primary source Codex instead. The reason was that, ultimately, the Codices are about sharing world information with both players and other writers; forcing them to decode things like writer perspective and what the writer does not say, making them infer based on limited knowledge, and suchlike things...those would mostly get in the way of their utilitarian purpose, and we wouldn't want that! After all, many of our readers struggle with things that are stated directly. Additional confusion wouldn't be a great idea.

So, here's the fun-to-write-but-ultimately-discarded Primary Source Version of the Education Codex entry! Since it is not in the game, none of the content here can be assumed to be canonical...but I ended up referencing a lot of the lore highlights anyway for the version that did make it into the game.

The following is an excerpt from a draft of a letter penned by Lanassa Laskarina, Archmage, Priestess of Nareva, and Rector of the Magical College of Marouka. It was addressed to the elected citizens' council of Marouka, but does not appear to have been sent.

With respect, fellow Maroukans, although this council has been extremely generous with its resources, our academy needs more spaces. It's an embarrassment not to be able to take on enough students and staff to fill these halls. In the days of the Empire, this building rang with the collegial conversations of the brightest minds of half a continent, but now? Now I have to turn away most of the best and smartest students I've ever seen solely because the council only finances the things that give the best and most immediate return on investment. Only the most devastating new combat magic discoveries or celebratory historical encomia seem to catch notice. Yes, I understand that we're not losing these men and women to our competitor institutions; Eldenstone has even fewer students and staff than we do. But that is a preposterously low bar to clear, and I cannot sit in the chair of magisters like Tyndareos Boromios and Lord Mikal of Hovilard and be content with it.

Instead, our students go off to tutor the wealthy in rhetoric and banal spells, and sit at the side of minor nobles at dinner parties so that they can demonstrate parlor tricks for their monied guests. And those are the lucky ones! The unlucky ones parlay their magical skills into work for whatever mercenary band happens to be hiring. It feels like half the thaumaturgic corps of the Bronze Shield mercenaries is comprised of my former students. Give me places enough to seat them at this college, and they could be leading our citizens' militia into battle instead, clearing the way with fireballs and shielding our infantry with wards. When the Khushkan Horde came to the Etymandros valley fifty years ago, we had sixty-three mages in our ranks to drive them off. Last year against the Gabans, despite an intervening generation of prosperity and a growth in the citizen body, we had… sixty-one mages to march alongside our militia. Need I remind the members of this council that over two hundred citizens fell at the Karphissian Falls? Need I speculate about the results if there were even ten more mages at their side? And that was a victory! Instead of fighting at our side, all too many of Marouka's magical sons and daughters are off spending half their time fighting for warlords' coin.

Worse still are the students who don't even turn to the mercenaries and instead finance their studies through nefarious means. The witch who lured away our farmers' sons a few months ago with promises of power, only to trick the poor unlettered sods into being her experiments instead? A mage who didn't make the cut in Eldenstone. And I hear that last year Belhar itself played host to a former student who tried to break into the old Waystone network and nearly cracked a hole to the darkness between worlds instead. The servants of the Goddess spent weeks dealing with the fallout from that. You all know how celebrated the Astrida are every time they visit our halls, how eager the students are to attend their symposia, how even the most warlike among them commands a knowledge of spellwork that amazes even me. The students that they meet and work with are well trained and safe. It is in all our best interests to keep them that way, instead of allowing our negligence to create interdimensional problems only Nareva's finest can solve.

In all, Councilors, the number of potential enchanters and archmages we're missing out on is staggering. First, obviously, there are the students who begin here at the academy but fall out of the system because they need to earn a teaching or researching place amid a painfully limited number of slots. I don't need to belabor those any further. Second, there are the urban poor. Some of them get their letters and numbers, but that's about it; they certainly don't attend this college and are a painfully untapped resource. Even worse, though, there are the farming and fishing families on the river and the sheep-grazers on Mount Mira. They all live within Marouka's chora — by the gods, there are six times as many Maroukans living outside the walls than inside them — but none of them will see the slightest bit of education from us. The only people who purport to teach letters out there are charlatans or malevolent or both; the country folk distrust them and I don't blame them.

What would be ideal is a financial outlay like the Deeprealms have. I have had the pleasure of visiting Khor'minos and watching the classes at their city lycea. The Minoans exhibit such a wonderful level of civic spirit; their citizens pay more in taxes, to be sure, but in return the magistrates provide them with teachers. Their children, male and female, learn their letters from a young age; cowgirls in particular go on to learn a proper Belharan diet of the literary and historical classics, along with rhetoric, mathematics, magic, and engineering. I daresay there are village cowgirls who could outargue some of the members of last year's council, though it would be churlish to name names. Unlike some of us, most cowgirls remember their rhetoric and can call on the words of Eulalia or Demetrios to lend their speeches gravitas. There are certainly Minoan thaumaturges that would be a boon to any city's magical defenses, and Minoan scholars who can craft histories and epics to stand with the Etymandrika or the Tarandaiad. As a result, their king is renowned far and wide as a patron of scholarship, and it's no coincidence that his city is one of the most prosperous and safe in Savarra. If any city is heir to Belhar's educational legacy, it is Khor'minos.

I understand that the money necessary to mimic the Minoans' ways is more than I can reasonably ask at this time. We cannot bring our villagers through a curriculum of rhetoric, nor can we school them in basic spells; it is probably too much even to provide for their letters as the Minoans do. At least let me increase the staff at the academy to keep more students on as lecturers, encomiasts, and experimenters. Let the arcane knowledge ferment as it did in Old Belhar's day, directed to the glory of our city and made safe by careful collaboration with the Astrida who guard us against the terrifying void between worlds.

As for cautionary tales against skimping on a magical college's staffing budget, I need only remind you of what happened in Melnidale five years past, and say no more on that note.

We who advance the cause of learning and shine a light into the shadows cast by our common catastrophe do so at the behest of the Bearer of Knowledge and the Keeper of Secrets, Councilors; to do this would not merely gain her favor, but ensure our city's continuing prosperity.

Someone has scribbled marginalia in a thicker, more forceful hand. They have been edited slightly for readability.

Fucking academics. It's a good thing you asked me to look at this before the rest of them. Not only would this have died in committee in less time than it takes you to conjure a wisp, you probably would've LOST staff. You'd be so short of funds that you'd have to use your fucking firebutt for a lantern instead of a candle. We CAN fix this before it gets to the council, but holy shit.

Dammit Lana you run the biggest and most famous mage college for a thousand Belharan miles and you want MORE???? What the fuck?

Half of the councilors ARE nobles and they pay YOUR former students good coin to teach their children how to be good councilors, because they KNOW that a Maroukan mage tutor has cachet. Shit, the girl I have teaching my Eirene right now is one of yours, and she's damned good at it, too. DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT THIS TO THEM US.

If you bring up this business about the battle last year in council, Alia and Hermis will call it sedition. It's touchy. Get rid of it. For the love of Mallach, you can read a hundred-scroll history but you can't read a damn room.

At least you managed to be halfway subtle about reminding the council who your parents are, with that Astrida mention. I can tell that you didn't run this by them first, though. Lady Takanda didn't just know how to fight; she knew how to play with the councilors, too. Here's some homework for you, Rector: sit down with your mother and apply her pen to this letter, too. See if she doesn't say the same stuff I'm saying right now.

Where is the money supposed to come from??? Do you think this council shits hawks?????? Unlike Khor'minos, this city was not built inside a literal fucking mountain of gold!!! And also unlike Khor'minos, the good citizens of the city, honest and redoubtable and friendly as they are, do not have a literal godsdamned herd instinct. The councilors are going to look at your complaint about the tutors and demand to know why scarce taxes should pay for farmers to have tutors instead. This is WAY too much of an ask for them to even think of taking you seriously, even if you do soften the blow a little bit after that. Do not bring up the cows. Just fucking don't. That is not how sandbagging works, and the councilors are not going to be shamed by it, either.

The comment about Melnidale has been crossed out repeatedly by the other writer, and "Fucking DO NOT" is written next to it.

Give me more to sell to the councilors! You need to tickle their balls. Sing them an encomium, find our city some new and special magical or historical thing to brag about, or, even better, get your fucking flower girl to finish her history of the Garmian War, the one that's supposed to make old Azchol look like he didn't sit on his ass for three days picking steak out of his tusks while we were supposed to march to our allies' aid. That'll switch the old orc's vote for sure. Might be able to get you ONE seat with something like that. I don't care if it's gauche. It's what the councilors need to hear.

It is known that, six months after this draft was written, Ilios Sarantapechos, Eponymous Archon of Marouka and rotating head of the citizens' council, was able to garner the votes for two new positions on the staff of the Maroukan magical college.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Oooh, I really like the idea of the primary source, shame it didn't get in but I can see how going with the alternative probably makes more sense for most players who don't geek out over that sort of thing. Thanks for sharing the original!

Was the Khushkan Horde inspired by Kushan, by any chance?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Was the Khushkan Horde inspired by Kushan, by any chance?
Possibly! The Kushk River is a tributary of the Murghab in Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, and those were the Kushans' old haunts, once upon a time; I was thinking about the river and not the empire when I named them, but the one might've given its name to the other! Our Khushkans aren't very similar to the Yuezhi in most ways, though. They were a very Savarran problem, not an expy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I can now reveal the nature of the scene that I wrote much earlier this year: Viviane using a ghostlight to pitch! It has been folded into Balak's Viviane companion content and expansion, and should release along with the rest of it. I was very happy to work with such a good friendo, and I'm excited to see what everybody thinks about her - and as far as my own contribution goes, hopefully y'all enjoy getting fucked by the lovely witch as much as she will!


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
Congratulations on all this hard work coming to fruition, it's very engaging to hear more about the behind the scenes and overall ideas and concepts for the games world-building and storytelling. Serena sounds like she will be a very fun character, and I'm excited to explore Khor'minos once it's in a more complete state.

I always wonder how writers tackle academic experts or professionals in specific vocations outside of their purview, having a socioeconomic and anthropological fictional world history tackling fields of study that people have to individually spend a lifelong career to engage with, multiple ones at that, and trying to make it sound cohesive, realistic and reasonable seems like a difficult writing challenge.
Considering the sheer amount of "scientific" gibberish that pops up in media, it feels like the fine-line between handling more complex themes and storytelling, and trivializing fields of study and work that take individual lifetimes to master would be immensely difficult. I believe I saw a good analogy in a representation of a circle as the breadth of knowledge available to humanity, and a PHD as an exceptionally thin line poking out to the edges in one very fine angle on the circumference.

I feel like an absolute broken record since this is basically all I post about (although to be fair this is a smut forum I visit like once every three months), I will be interested in seeing how the personality prompts work with Serena, especially in relation to bimbo's and the cunning stat. As always I'm still an advocate for heart full without an empty head, so (personally) I hope Serena isn't infantilizing to bimbo champions, or at least has some options to alleviate such.
I absolutely want to be a good bean though, and what you said sounds fantastic. Although I doubt the champion is going to school in the midst of their epic adventure, I love the idea of a bimbo champion being a studious and devoted student bringing love and joy to a teacher.
Mathematics? Magic? Engineering? Classical education? Hell yeah! Bending over at the waist after dropping a pencil? "Oh no! Who could have foreseen this!"

To be honest the definition of the word in the context of the games/community and the dictionary/historical meaning feel like they contrast greatly, but it's great fun.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Congratulations on all this hard work coming to fruition, it's very engaging to hear more about the behind the scenes and overall ideas and concepts for the games world-building and storytelling. Serena sounds like she will be a very fun character, and I'm excited to explore Khor'minos once it's in a more complete state.

I always wonder how writers tackle academic experts or professionals in specific vocations outside of their purview, having a socioeconomic and anthropological fictional world history tackling fields of study that people have to individually spend a lifelong career to engage with, multiple ones at that, and trying to make it sound cohesive, realistic and reasonable seems like a difficult writing challenge.
Considering the sheer amount of "scientific" gibberish that pops up in media, it feels like the fine-line between handling more complex themes and storytelling, and trivializing fields of study and work that take individual lifetimes to master would be immensely difficult. I believe I saw a good analogy in a representation of a circle as the breadth of knowledge available to humanity, and a PHD as an exceptionally thin line poking out to the edges in one very fine angle on the circumference.
Thank you!

This is definitely a shared universe and a fantasy smutworld at the same time, and lore's always going to be written around what's convenient for the story; as things are, literacy is awfully high, and Khor'minos is extremely urbanized and settled for what's supposed to be the Bronze Age, but both of those things are important for the game for other, more important reasons than historical fidelity (which, rightly, is not a very important reason at all!). I did my best to work within the existing lore and add things from stuff I've read to make stuff feel...well, hopefully it feels interesting and makes Serena feel like a real person, and has enough verisimilitude to not feel out of place!

I've been blessed with a relatively broad education and set of life experiences, rather than deep, so hopefully that helps to make sure things hang together.
I feel like an absolute broken record since this is basically all I post about (although to be fair this is a smut forum I visit like once every three months), I will be interested in seeing how the personality prompts work with Serena, especially in relation to bimbo's and the cunning stat. As always I'm still an advocate for heart full without an empty head, so (personally) I hope Serena isn't infantilizing to bimbo champions, or at least has some options to alleviate such.
I absolutely want to be a good bean though, and what you said sounds fantastic. Although I doubt the champion is going to school in the midst of their epic adventure, I love the idea of a bimbo champion being a studious and devoted student bringing love and joy to a teacher.
Mathematics? Magic? Engineering? Classical education? Hell yeah! Bending over at the waist after dropping a pencil? "Oh no! Who could have foreseen this!"

To be honest the definition of the word in the context of the games/community and the dictionary/historical meaning feel like they contrast greatly, but it's great fun.
Bimbo content is tricky because of how much variance there is in the way that people envision Bimbo Champ's personality. Some people have way more fun with the sex-fiend part, and others just love how sweet and bubbly she is. Some people really lean into the dopey aspect and others would just prefer a sweetheart. Canonically, all of those parts are part of the fetish, and there's no questioning that Bimbo Champ isn't supposed to be the sharpest crayon in the box. That said, I would say that my bimbo writes tend to emphasize the "sweetheart" part most. While she doesn't catch onto all of the subtleties of conversation very well and tends to speak in that stereotypical valley girl way, she's not brainless or infantile - and for some conversations, a Cunning Bimbo Champ will have slightly different dialogue. So hopefully her head isn't too empty either way. At least, that's the goal! Hopefully I managed to meet it.

If there are bits of Bimbo Champ that I write that y'all don't enjoy, by the way, feel free to flag specific examples! I want to be able to iterate on our sweet bean for future content. And honestly, that just goes for stuff I write in general. I want to get better!


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2017
I would say that my bimbo writes tend to emphasize the "sweetheart" part most. While she doesn't catch onto all of the subtleties of conversation very well and tends to speak in that stereotypical valley girl way, she's not brainless or infantile - and for some conversations, a Cunning Bimbo Champ will have slightly different dialogue. So hopefully her head isn't too empty either way. At least, that's the goal! Hopefully I managed to meet it.

If there are bits of Bimbo Champ that I write that y'all don't enjoy, by the way, feel free to flag specific examples! I want to be able to iterate on our sweet bean for future content. And honestly, that just goes for stuff I write in general. I want to get better!
I for one adore how you interpret/write the bimbo trait/personality! Personally I love the heart of gold side of bimbo the most followed by the airheadedness (because all that sweetness has to go somewhere xD) over the sex fiend side so scene wise, I really like how the personality comes across in the service top, nursing and sleep scenes with Ryn! She's such a cute blueberry <3

Because it differs per the author writing it, I don't like having it permanently active but I always keep a brew on me for when I want to see certain scenes or heavily spoil Ryn =D

I can't wait to meet Ms. Serena with and without it!


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
For me personally, I definitely like the sweet bubbly personality, "sex fiend" characteristics and approach to smut, sultry mannerisms, and the emphasis on heavy stereotypical femininity, its only that one facet that I try to minimize/avoid. The fact that there is so much content and flavour text associated with the flag is why I enjoy it so much in both games. I actually do quite like the valley girl accent and mannerisms in a fictional setting as well; the idea that your accent has a direct connotation on your intelligence rubs me the wrong way, so I personally just interpret it as a bubbly, sultry form of speech.

I haven't really encountered anything that clarifies genuine airheadedness as a canonical aspect (Trials goes out of its way to make it not so), and all the dialogue parsers I've encountered don't seem to make the Champion appear less intelligent or witty in conversations (and sometimes arguably more witty); what you have described sounds completely in line and reasonable. I have mentioned before that I wish cunning as a dialogue modifier wasn't directly tied to a combat stat, as that limits roleplay options, but that is a much broader thought that doesn't have anything to do with the actual writing.

By far my favourite content is often the extended sex scenes and scenarios (or more minor alterations to existing scenes) the modifier brings to content that writers like Wsan and Fen have often made, of which I haven't encountered a lot of in Champions (although I haven't explored all the content or looked at some scenes mentioned in another discussion yet). Honestly looking back at my incredibly limited contribution to conversations, my opinion on the subject hasn't really changed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Hey friendos! Lusina's new platonic friendship is in game. It's not much, but I had fun giving it DK/Champ/Bimbo variations (and a few Cunning ones too). For those of you who haven't brought the big titty moth to the marefolk village yet, consider it an alternative to victory sex! You know, if you're not super into victory sex with people who want to make friends with. The Wiki now reflects this alternate path to moff friendo, too.

Also, I've updated the Imgur album with Elena art in it! There's some new Etheryn stuff in there, and there's some of just Elena.
For me personally, I definitely like the sweet bubbly personality, "sex fiend" characteristics and approach to smut, sultry mannerisms, and the emphasis on heavy stereotypical femininity, its only that one facet that I try to minimize/avoid. The fact that there is so much content and flavour text associated with the flag is why I enjoy it so much in both games. I actually do quite like the valley girl accent and mannerisms in a fictional setting as well; the idea that your accent has a direct connotation on your intelligence rubs me the wrong way, so I personally just interpret it as a bubbly, sultry form of speech.

I haven't really encountered anything that clarifies genuine airheadedness as a canonical aspect (Trials goes out of its way to make it not so), and all the dialogue parsers I've encountered don't seem to make the Champion appear less intelligent or witty in conversations (and sometimes arguably more witty); what you have described sounds completely in line and reasonable. I have mentioned before that I wish cunning as a dialogue modifier wasn't directly tied to a combat stat, as that limits roleplay options, but that is a much broader thought that doesn't have anything to do with the actual writing.

By far my favourite content is often the extended sex scenes and scenarios (or more minor alterations to existing scenes) the modifier brings to content that writers like Wsan and Fen have often made, of which I haven't encountered a lot of in Champions (although I haven't explored all the content or looked at some scenes mentioned in another discussion yet). Honestly looking back at my incredibly limited contribution to conversations, my opinion on the subject hasn't really changed.
Writing a happy, sweet, very horny bean is probably the most fun part about writing Bimbo Champ. (But I do like having her, mmm, sometimes struggle with complicated words.) I've noticed that as I've written more and more for the game, the amount of dialogue variation I've given Bimbo Champ has expanded dramatically. She got something like a hundred parser checks in the Ryn sleeps, which ballooned to over three hundred in Serena's content. Admittedly, not all of them are major checks, but some of the variations are pretty substantial!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Once that cage comes off, Elena will spend the rest of her life in one stage or another of pregnancy.
I dunno, there's still a world to save and all the time in that world to have lots of children after the immediate threat of the sex demoness is dealt with. But it can't hurt to at least check that the Royal Sceptre is fully functional once it's brought out of hiding. And then maybe check it a few more times...
Hey friendos! Lusina's new platonic friendship is in game. It's not much, but I had fun giving it DK/Champ/Bimbo variations (and a few Cunning ones too). For those of you who haven't brought the big titty moth to the marefolk village yet, consider it an alternative to victory sex! You know, if you're not super into victory sex with people who want to make friends with. The Wiki now reflects this alternate path to moff friendo, too.
Saw the scene with my main Champ first and loved 'Savarra's tiniest smile'. Then I went back to an older save with my sweet bean bimbo Champ, took a while to find one that would work. If Lusina is the Swordy-Meanie, does that make Hashat the Hammer-Meanie? Hammer-Pony? Wait, she'd probably approve of that nickname...
Writing a happy, sweet, very horny bean is probably the most fun part about writing Bimbo Champ. (But I do like having her, mmm, sometimes struggle with complicated words.) I've noticed that as I've written more and more for the game, the amount of dialogue variation I've given Bimbo Champ has expanded dramatically. She got something like a hundred parser checks in the Ryn sleeps, which ballooned to over three hundred in Serena's content. Admittedly, not all of them are major checks, but some of the variations are pretty substantial!
I've said it before but your Bimbo Champ dialogue for the sleep scenes is really adorable. Stupid Dream [Champ] not tending to Ryn's needs properly. Better fix that right now...


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Once that cage comes off, Elena will spend the rest of her life in one stage or another of pregnancy.
Oh my! That would be a lot of baby (even considering how long frost elven pregnancies are). I think she'd probably space them out a bit. I'm not one for number gremlining; Elena and Ryn's family would probably be realistically sized. Of course, "realistically sized" does mean more than a few kids, given the time period and the goddess involved...
Saw the scene with my main Champ first and loved 'Savarra's tiniest smile'. Then I went back to an older save with my sweet bean bimbo Champ, took a while to find one that would work. If Lusina is the Swordy-Meanie, does that make Hashat the Hammer-Meanie? Hammer-Pony? Wait, she'd probably approve of that nickname...
Hee hee. That nickname might end up being canon if Hashat ever gets more content.
I've said it before but your Bimbo Champ dialogue for the sleep scenes is really adorable. Stupid Dream [Champ] not tending to Ryn's needs properly. Better fix that right now...
The sins of the Dream [] must be atoned for by the Real []. What a hardship... ;)


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Oh my! That would be a lot of baby (even considering how long frost elven pregnancies are). I think she'd probably space them out a bit. I'm not one for number gremlining; Elena and Ryn's family would probably be realistically sized. Of course, "realistically sized" does mean more than a few kids, given the time period and the goddess involved...
I'd still bet at around 7 or 8. "Lots" of kiddos.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I have a few images to share!

The first is something I got from anon, on the Discord: Elena exploring some Belharan ruins! Kind of a "what did she do before she ended up in the Frostmark" picture. A super clever perspective with lots and lots of neat loreful details - anon did a fantastic job making a gorgeous image that really tells a story!
The second was a gift that resident smut artist Joslyn got from other resident smut artist xtatoto: a little postgame sweetness! Elena's bed has been commandeered by a certain dottir; escaping this predicament would be easy, but she can't bear to take away her sleepy li'l nugget's nice warm wrap. Naturally, this needs to be recorded for posterity~
Finally, this! Although it's unlikely to see results before the holiday break's over, this might be of interest: