Adventures in Mareth


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Rebecca moves to the other door, opening it just a crack, and peeks through.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The whistle has the words Nightcaller on the side. Based on the positions of the tombs you can guess that they are there to guard the items on the alter.

The room is empty and a door is to the left.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hikari: "I would advise against touching those items on the table. I believe these coffins contain guardians meant to protect these relics."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Another empty room?" Rebecca muttered to herself. Moving over to the door, she repeated her last action; opening the door just a crack, and peeking through.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
To her right she sees the fountain, a human woman, a demon man and a wolf man while hearing the voice of another woman.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Seeing the demon, her eyes narrow, and she readies another spell. Then she spots the other people and rethinks the situation. Closing the door again, she concentrates on a different spell that sends her voice to the human-looking woman on the other side of the door. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" she demands, before sending the same massage to the other two in turn.
[Cast Message.]


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona wrinkles her nose as she looks over the tomb. Indeed, it appealed to her, the pristine gothic art woven upon stone and seasoned with time. A pity that it was spoiled by being in the territory of filthy beings and wretches. Ruby eyes track over the coffins and the items, musing what to do with them before her thoughts are jolted by that message.

She whirls around, eyes sharp. "Show yourself, lurker in the dark! Know that you stand before Lady Iona De Meredith! Step forward and delegate with us, unless you are the same sort of cowardly vermin as the greenskins here!"

She folds her arms tightly, looking towards the door.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hikari: "I assure you we mean no harm. I'm Hikari Mewberry, a priest Crusader of Goddess Marae. My companions and I have heard that a woman was taken by a horde of goblins not long ago. We've come to search for her."
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Never heard of you, little girl," said Rebecca, as she stepped out. As the party watched, a tall, well curved, woman stepped out from around the corner. Her legs were long and shapely, her skin tanned from long hours in the sun, and her thick chocolate brown hair tumbled down her back in thick curls. What was most notable about her, however, was the fact that she was completely naked, allowing everyone to see that she had four, very large, breasts perched upon her chest. They could also see many a piercing adorning the woman in the flickering torchlight. Each of her nipples was shot through with a silver barbell, and her clean-shaven womanhood had the telltale glitter of gold dangling from her lower lips. "But, you just found the captured lady. Name's Rebecca," she said, with a hand on her hip, making no effort to cover herself, and keeping a watchful eye on the newcomers.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona's eyes widen as she visibly balks at the sight of rebecca. The dark-clad, gothic princess, with all her ghostly allure claps her delicate hands over her mouth in shock!
"Your chest...your clothing! What on earth happened to you?! What on earth are you?!"

Lady Meredith waves a hand over to Zahir and Dolum, seething at the nearby men. "You two, surrender your shirt at least, give this Rebecca some decency!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
HIkari: *Makes her way to the screaming necromancer and sees Rebecca. The cleric hurries to her side tossing her pack tot he ground and giving the woman her night gown. This may be a bit small for you but it should work for the time being. Thank Marae you're alright. Are you harmed?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir grabbed his sword as he heard the voice in his mind which apparently the others did "Strange way to approach someone " He keeps looking around trying to see if someone was watching them.
Once Rebecca reveal herself, the sheets his blade and blushes lightly as he sees the woman (more out of surprise than actual shame) "Are you hurt ?" He walks over to her looking worried "were there any kobolds with you? He heard some kobolds were also taken by the goblins"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Rebecca pulled the thin gown over her head. The fabric pulled tightly across her extra breasts, causing her nipple to poke out prominently, and didn't do anything to cover the taller woman's lower regions. "Sheesh, I think I might have been better off naked," she muttered as she looked down at the flimsy garment. "Yeah, I'm fine; security around here isn't exactly air-tight, and yes their around here somewhere, " she explained.
[Can I get a slightly more detailed description of your characters?]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
*Hikari is a female cat with a lithe, but athletic 5 foot 2 inch figure. Her fur is white as snow and eyes shine an emerald green. From head to toe you see she has shortly cut wavy blue hair, a bright smile, and wears a cleric crusader's chainmail armor glittered with divine runes. She wields a shield and mace as her physical weapons but you can tell her preferred method of resolving conflict is through kindness. It is difficult to tell from her armor, but you can estimate that her chest could be quite generous for one her size.*


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
The ghostly girl certainly looked like she had stepped out of a land of rain, mist and woe. Clad in breathtaking finery, the teenage girl was certainly from a most noble house. Priceless effort and detail had went into her attire. Despite her monochrome appearance with her pale skin and dark dress, the lace of her skirt, the lattice of her fishnets and the solid lines of her corset broke up the darkness with it's many different textures and shapes. Ruby eyes, sharp and arrogant cut deeply into those who looked into them for too long, truly seeing a noble daughter setting forth to carve her name upon the world. Long, moonspun hair spilled down her back in a wave of beautiful white, only adding to the unearthly appearance of the gothic beauty.

Those more supernaturally attuned could certainly feel the chill of the grave from her, the shadows of the damned whispering and slithering around the gothic maiden, ready to lend her their power within a moment.

( or this! )

"It is good that you are now...somewhat decent." she sniffs, her high heels clicking as she paces around the room. "We have been tasked to rescue these Miners and Diggers, held hostage within their own holy temple." she fences her fingers across her brow, muttering. "Are you ready and willing to take battle to these disgusting savages? If not, we can take you back to the kobolds."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Honey, I've already taken the fight to half a dozen of them. And, I'm not leaving until I find my gear, and clothes," replied Rebecca.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Speaking of the kobolds the two bolds still up right carry their knocked out friend past the party to their part of the building and the gnome walks up to them. "Well hi there" He grins at the cat who can see he also has divine ruins on part of his shirt.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hikari: "We will assist you in that endeavor then, Rebecca. Please, allow us to lend you aid." *She soon see the gnome and smiles ear to ear.* "Oh my Goddess! Is that you Erky?!"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hikari: *walks over to the long lost friend and lifts him in a more than welcoming hug.* "Its been too long. Sir Alexander and the rest of the Followers had searched days for you. What happened?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He blushes a bit. "Well a few months back I was taken by the green lasses."


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona tilts her head, watching as the short gnome waddles up to the group. Upon seeing the hug, she assumes he is an ally. "Hmph, well, consider yourselves saved. Allow me to introduce the rest of us. As you all know, I am Lady Iona de Meredith." She flicks her wrist towards the men nearby. "The horned one is Dolum. The eared one is Zahir. Both are able men who will ensure your safety."

The necromancer looks over to the gnome. "So, the goblins kidnapped you as well? They seem to kidnap the kobolds as well. What is their plan?" she looks up to Rebecca. "Even you were taken, I assume they want to sell you off, or sacrifice you all to some dread god?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hikari: "And you appear to be relatively fine. Marae has undoubtedly protected you. Today is good day! You are the first of the Followers I've seen in months. We got separated during a campaign and I was captured by a young dragoness until these men rescued me. Oh please don't mind that Solum is a demon and Mrs. Iona is an undead necromancer. They have good hearts."


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona folds her arms, smiling smugly as the gnome bows to her. "Of course." she replies curtly, before looking over to Rebecca.

"Their kicks? Torturers then. We must make haste, lest they draw out the suffering of any more captives!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Solum clenches his fist with an audible crack at hearing the word 'torturers', before forcing himself to relax his hand. "I think she meant that in a more sexual way than torture, even if forced pleasure can be torturous in it's own way" he says to Iona with a forced grin, still trying to mask his reaction even as slight hints of hatred glimmer in his eyes.

(Solum is a lean 5'9'' demon-morph with violet skin, shaggy black hair that hangs low near the back of his neck and a pair of slightly gleaming red eyes. A curling set of horns and small demonic wings being the most obvious of signs of his corruption. He has two short-swords sheathed on either side of his hips and a longbow slung across his back with simple leather armor covering his frame.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir is a muscular wolf-morph with a bulky body shape, standing tall at 6'4" . His body is covered in dark grey fur except for his underbelly that was white, his fur was quite soft and well-groomed despite some marks around his body made from old battle scars. He had clear blue eyes and ears perhaps a bit longer and pointier than a normal canine. He wore a rather revealing leather armor that left most of his chest exposed, he carried a large two-handed sword which didn't seem to slow him down one bit. ( )

He smiles brightly as he sees that all the captors seem to have escaped without getting too hurt "Thank you for helping them Rebecca " he bows to her showing his appreciation "If you need anything just please let us know " he turns to the others that were kidnaped checking how wounded they were "and don't worry Erky, we couldn't leave Hikari like that, she is too sweet to just be a dragon's toy" he chuckles and apply first aid to the knocked out kobold "and you three ,do you think you can go back to the other without being escorted?"