A Paladin’s Mission (for shinyhappyfitsofrage)


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Madeline looked up, feeling a strong sense of menace radiating from above as she started to sweat. “Really?...could it be her? By the gods...”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion shook his head. "I... do not know. I doubt that is her that I sense. I hope not. I would hate to think the church would throw a being that powerful at us, inexperienced as we are, shackled or no." That would be a concerning turn of events. He rushed, putting on the rest of his armor, setting his bags and shield and mace, and rushed out the door. His brow was set, and he was aiming to find a way to the roof. He'd look around for some sort of attic access, and barring that, would go outside to see if he could see anything visually to confirm what he was sensing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Rushing outside, his fears were confirmed: sitting on the roof, Hest was looking out over the countryside, legs crossed and hands on her knees. Despite how intense the sensation had been, she appeared no different, clad in the same priestly robes he had first seen her wearing, her form unchanged.

Then, she turned her head to look to Bastion, and smiled. “So, are we leaving soon?” the demoness asked, calmly, before leaping off the edge and landing on her feet effortlessly. “You should probably wake up Urgash before deciding to head out; I doubt you would want to leave any of your party members behind.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion simply stared at Hest, blinking. It couldn't be. Such a power, such a presence... there was no way. Simply no way. He cast his spell again and looked at her just to be sure, too stunned to even remark on her comment, if he heard it at all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
As he casted his spell again, he saw that while the demoness definitely had an aura around her, it was nowhere near the levels of what he had detected before. Still, it was definitely strong, and not something the paladin would want to approach without any restraints.

”Practicing your spellwork?” Hest teased, grinning. “Well, I suppose your tonguework helps out with that-after all, you’re fairly skilled with it.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion blinked stupidly for a few more seconds, before breathing a sigh of relief. There was no guarantee she wasn't in contact with the fell being that he'd sensed before, but... it was reassuring to know the game hadn't been rigged from the start in that particular fashion.

"I practice many virtues, and deceit is not something I count among my talents, Hest. I used the paladin's detection of evil capabilities, and felt something... something monstrous. Far beyond our capabilities to handle. Coming from here. I don't believe it was you... but it seems possible that it was here with you. Hest. I won't ask you any foolish questions, nor will I resort to using the church's methods of torture. I will only say this. I am... putting my faith in you. I will give you the benefit of the doubt, as I would any boon companion. What I sensed, Hest. It shook me. I thought I was mentally prepared for anything, but that... that was something of a caliber my imagination cannot yet begin to encompass." He shook his head, his body still trembling. He was well and truly rattled, but starting to come to grips with the daunting revelation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Hest nodded. “Very well then- l suppose then we should be heading off. Go wake up Urgash while I wait here-don’t worry, I won’t be running away.” She then leaned against the wall of the building, closing her eyes and crossing her arms.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion watched Hest silently after that. It sent a trill of terror through his stomach, that she'd just nonchalantly ignored everything he'd said. She said she wouldn't be running away, but that was less than reassuring. Still... he'd stand by his words. He watched her for a long moment, before taking a deep breath, and turning back to go fetch the rest of the party. He'd make his way back to their room, and move to jostle Urgash awake, gently, and make sure everyone was prepared to leave.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Suddenly, without any warning Bastion was hit square in the chest and knocked on to his back, tumbling over himself several times. As he recovered, he saw the orc blearily blink her eyes before picking herself up, her gaze unfocused as she looked about. “Whas thar?” she mumbled out, too tired to form real words as she stood there naked, clearly having a case of morning wood.

Madeline covered her mouth to hide her expression; while she was definitely a little scared, she couldn’t help but be amused.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion ended up getting hit hard enough to move him, and his full plate armor, into a roll several times over. He'd never been hit so hard in his life... it was comparable to an ogre swatting him with all its might. He ended up hitting his head on a beam, and losing consciousness, blood trickling from the head wound. Such a loud crack had rang out from the impact, one might wonder whether it was the beam or his skull that had cracked.

It was his skull.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Madeline, now truly concerned , healed Bastion as Urgash, sighing, pulled up her trousers over her throbbing knob and got herself dressed in a minute. After putting on her leather armor, she shook her head and looked to Bastion, very concerned with his wellbeing. “Hmmm, I probably shouldn’t have hit ya so hard-I’m not exactly in the best mood.” She then looked down. “Also, if you don’t mind, I think I’m gonna have to have a wank outside.” She then exited the room, leaving the door open.

Madeline asked, “are you fine?”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion hadn't been aware that Urgash could hit that hard. In his concussion induced dream, he reflected that it was a good thing he'd encountered someone else with such monstrous strength, before he made the mistake of upsetting Hest, who was undoubtedly even stronger. It also put some things in perspective... like how weak he was compared to many of the things out there, his military training notwithstanding. Pain blossomed and his senses came back as Madeline's healing affected his skull, and reduced the swelling. He'd have been out of commission for weeks if not for her, and would have been lucky to get away without lasting damage.

When he was healed, he'd breath a sigh. "I believe I have much to learn about the world, Madeline. And I believe many very harsh lessons are coming my way." This was only the beginning, after all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Madeline, nodding, got to her feet. “No kidding...if that’s just an orc, there’s no accounting for how strong an ogre would be.” She then looked to him. “Do you think we could get that strong? Even if we are still humans, I’ve heard stories of even halflings being capable of punching a boulder into pieces! While I doubt they’re true, they’re could be something to that!”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion stood, holding his head and checking the lump still at the sight of impact. "I don't know. I've never seen such a thing for myself. There are supposedly spells that do much the same, and even pieces of armor to endow wearers with great strength. If others possess such formidable strength naturally... who's to say it's impossible?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Nodding, Madeline started to get armored up, putting on her gambeson before equipping her chainshirt over it. Picking up her spear and shield, she asked, “so, what about Urgash? Still feel good about her? I mean, she did punch you pretty hard...”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion watched Madeline put on her gambeson. He had padding under his plate, and bits of chain to cover the portions plate didn't. He looked towards Urgash, who'd left, when Madeline mentioned her. "It was a knee jerk reaction. It was my foolishness for waking her so carelessly. I'll be more careful in the future." He put everything in place, and thought about putting his helmet on. No, not until he was in battle. He left that off for now, and ran a hand through his hair. "We haven't even started, and I've needed your healing desperately. I think you'll be even more needful than I anticipated, Madeline. I'll have to do my best to remain worthy of your attentions in the field. Thank you."


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Madeline looked out to window. “I suppose you’re right; but still...” She then shook her head. “Anyway, I’ll be heading out to meet up with the others; come down stairs when you’re ready.” The cleric then left the room, closing the door behind her carefully.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion put his hand to the lump again, and sighed. That was... that was something. He hoped he would be able to do his duties adequately. His training could only prepare him for so much... he'd never tried his shield against someone that could hit with that much force. He squared his shoulders, and headed for the door, ready to catch up with the party.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
As he left the inn and stepped outside, he saw Hest and Madeline were standing at the road, while he could hear Urgash “tending” to herself behind the establishment. Apparently, this is what the orc thought was discreet.

After a few minutes, Urgash came and walked back around to the entrance, sighing in relief before looking at Bastion. “Well, I got that over with now,” she said, somewhat less grumpily. “You good?”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion cracked his neck, and thought about the merits of wearing his helmet all day, instead of just when battle started. He wished he had some sort of magical replacement for it... it really was vision restrictive, but sometimes things happened too quickly to put it on, and he needed to be able to take in the details of a situation. He nodded Urgash came around, not paying any mind to her indiscretions. From what he'd heard... that was nothing compared to what was about to happen to them all. "Aye. Madeline's healing is quite a bit more potent than my own." It was good to have a redundant healer, though... if Madeline ever went down, or they were too hurt to spread her healing around, he could help fill that gap. In fact, his healing was considered one of the more remarkable aspects of his capabilities... he might even be nearly able to match an average cleric in that capacity.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Urgash, nodding, walked over to the rest of the group. “So you all ready to head out?” The orc asked.

Hest nodded as Madeline said, “yes; we’re just waiting on Bastion is all.” She then pulled out a map. “Hmm, since we’ll be on our feet, the next place we should stop at is a stream a few miles away; Urgash can hunt for supplies while I can fill up some water sacks.” She then looked to Bastion. “What do you think?”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion looked around them. "Might want to take advantage of a well while we have one, actually. If the land is corrupted... taking anything from it, the further we go, probably becomes a more and more dangerous prospect. Urgash, do you know which way the streams and rivers flow around here? Would our stop be coming from a stream that flows from the corruption?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Urgash shakes her head. “It flows from the north east, opposite to the corruption; it should be safe for now at least. Anyway, I’m pretty sure it’s only reached the coast so far-this place is pretty safe from that. However, we should expect some trouble-a lot of panic is going about, especially among merchants who had a lot of business located over there. Expect all sorts of brigands and thugs to be about.”

Hest laughed. “Well that’s no trouble for me! Just an opportunity to stretch my magic-casting skills and burn up some foolish vagrants who dare to strike at the mighty Hest! Ha ha ha!”

Madeline raised an eyebrow, looking at Bastion as she heard what the demoness had to say, but nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion nodded at Urgash's reassurance, glad to hear it. Hopefully, they'd have some time to acclimate before the corrupted land started affecting them overly much. Hest's little boast didn't seem to raise much of an eyebrow from him, until he saw Madeline looking at him.

"Right... brigands and bandits are probably the least of our concerns here, but let us avoid lethal methods where plausible. I won't begrudge anyone defending their lives, but let's not forget what we're here for. Many of those bandits may simply be foolish unfortunates struggling to survive, and quite redeemable." It sounded like he had stories on the subject, and there was some emotion in those words.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Heat rolled her eyes, shrugging. “Whatever you say, pretty boy-speaking for myself, I think it’s better to leave people trying to kill me bleeding instead of breathing, but I suppose that won’t do well for you, would it?”

“I suppose you might have a point,” Urgash said, crossing her arms. “However, I don’t think we should kill people who aren’t an actual threat to us-we have to have honor when it comes to a fight.”

Meanwhile, Madeline grit her teeth, stopping herself from saying a command word. It was always tempting to inflict pain on the demoness, but if she was to get along with Bastion, she would have to hold back.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion shook his head at Hest. "Again, I won't begrudge you self defense. In fact, I will fight by your side... but I would appreciate your acquiescence in this particular matter. Given the chance, there are times I can make allies where we would otherwise find only enemies. Consider it like this... it is a part of my functionality, as a tool. Wouldn't it be a waste to wear such a tool and never allow it to perform its duties?" If he couldn't appeal to her sense of mercy, he'd appeal to her pragmatism. Having her on board with his tactics was important... in the heat of conflict, it was easy to rely on habit, and that would create needless friction within the group, where he could, likely, make seemingly impossible scenarios out of otherwise daunting circumstances, if he had the support of his allies.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
“...Well, I suppose I’m fine with it you’re saying it like that,” she said, smiling. “Although, maybe if you do a few things for me, I’ll try a little harder...” she then winked at Bastion, before adding, “although I wouldn’t mind if you wanted some of your friends to help out.”

Urgash looked down. “Goddamn you’re persistent...” she muttered. “Ah well; I’ll have to wait on that for later.”

Madeline rolled her eyes, but didn’t do anything else-Bastion would probably be fine, she thought, and besides, it wasn’t like it would be that awful. Instead, she hit the ground with her spear. “Sorry to interrupt, but we should be going soon-can’t spend all day chatting about.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion watched Hest evenly. It looked like he'd end up blackmailed for sexual favors after all... an arrangement he found rather detestable. But, sometimes, distasteful things had to be done to maintain cohesion. He'd think about it later. For now, Madeline was right... they were burning daylight. "Let us put some thought into formation, then. I've little doubt Urgash will want to roam at times, as our scout. Urgash, you're on point. I'll take the rear, where I can watch over everyone..." And react quickly when needed. He was a rather capable charger, and always liked to be able to interpose himself wherever he was most needed on the battlefield. He watched, he waited, and he used a keenly tactical mind to keep the battle flowing in his allies favor.

He'd start shuffling the group along, towards the stream that would be their first stop on this voyage, marching somewhat stoically behind the others. It was always good to keep a formation practiced, for any place on an adventure could potentially turn into a field of battle. On that note, he was constantly gauging terrain, spots where enemies could take cover, and other small details. He watched passerby, and he watched the flora and fauna. Bastion seemed to be rather incredibly diligent about his parties safety, at all times.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Urgash would keep some distance between her and the rest of the party (about 30 feet), every once in a while leaving for a few minutes to scouts ahead before coming back. Despite this, the ranger was far from a silent stalker-she rambled a lot about the proper way to prepare various animals in the area for eating, as well as what value their materials were. According to her, the most valuable (albeit dangerous) creature to hunt in the area was an albino owlbear, who was currently inhabiting the forest. While it was more sensitive to sunlight, it also had better darkvision than a regular owlbear and was very careful, only coming out at night to ambush its prey with a savage sudden surprise attack.

Hest walked out in front of the cleric, unconcerned about any potential dangers of the road while Madeline, who felt having some more caution was appropriate, would keep her spear and shield at the ready.

The journey itself, however, was relatively pleasant; the countryside was fairly low-lying where they were walking, with gently rolling hills in the distance and a sky of blue overhead. The road itself was a cobbled rather than a simple dirt path, most likely due to the presence of the church and the inn-while these lands were not fully tamed, they were not fully wild either.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion kept up his vigil, but also paid attention to the party's social dynamics. For the most part, the others tolerated Madeline well. He guessed they too saw the need for her healing, and were willing to tolerate her even if they felt some animosity, though he hoped they'd simply be more lenient in nature. She was self destructive socially, and he could only do so much to hinder such. She wouldn't likely change over night, and though she currently respected his opinion, familiarity and being away from the church's seat of power could easily erode such formality, even ingrained as it was. He'd have to make a real effort to keep her grounded. Urgash was far more independent, and probably the most resilient of the bunch on such things.

Hest was still an unknown. She disquieted him in many ways, challenging his assumptions about the nature of good and evil, and though he struggled against it, he had his suspicions about her possible involvement with their foe, especially after he'd felt that presence, and her answer.

Another bonus, in his eyes, was Madeline's diligence. Everyone save perhaps Hest took their roles seriously, and gave off an air of professionalism. That notwithstanding, Bastion had little doubt that Hest was the strongest among them.

He filed away Urgash's stories about owlbears. Such information might prove important later, and it was good to take learning where he could. The roads were mostly empty, which he felt for the best. Eventually, when Urgash's stories faltered, he'd chime into the conversation with stories of paladin training. He knew how to spin tales, and keep an audience's interest... he didn't meander on details that he felt important, but focused on the aspects of paladin training that'd be more entertaining to the public.

"Training is rather straightforward. Learn blade, mace and shield. Bow, for some. We call in gladiators and soldiers and knights and mercenaries and even well known thugs to give ourselves a wider breadth of martial knowledge. I once fought a minotaur monk that used a curious... pillar-like object for a weapon. He was nine spans tall, and I was advised not to try and block his attacks with my shield. It was advice I really should have taken more seriously."

Bastion cast his gaze to the sky for a short while. "I remember the wisdom of that minotaur. Yor was his name. He once told me that the good may gain strength, but they do not tend to hold onto it for long. For they tend to be too busy being good to be strong. More wicked men, with more ambition, almost always overtake them, and such are those that rule the world of men, in the end." He'd always thought poorly of such a sentiment, but at times, it seemed hard to argue the point. He'd barely stepped his toe in politics with but a single ball, and the things he'd seen and heard...

Few were the good men that played at games of power, indeed.
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