A Paladin’s Mission (for shinyhappyfitsofrage)


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
As he came back, Hest smiled. "So, have a lovely time putting on your charms?" she teased. "Maybe learned a bit about the world?"

Madeline went up to him, excited to hear what he had to say. "Please, tell us what you learned!" she said enthusiastically, eyes wide and ears open.

Urgash crossed her arms and nodded. "I just hope you have something useful for us," she bluntly stated, looking down at him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion shook his head. "Not much, unfortunately. There are rumors that ice can help you focus against the commonly used sexual tactics of our foe, but that's just as likely superstition as not. Ultimately, it's a battle of wills." He told them of the event the halfling had related to him, of men hit with a gas and stripping off their own armor only to die. She'd suggested that taking a sample would mean someone could make an antidote, and discovering whether that was really possible was one of the reasons the church had sent them anyway. Thus far, it seemed, no one else had managed such a feat. Ultimately, it boiled down to willpower... and to that end, Bastion related that he'd bought two potions he normally wouldn't have paid the exorbitant cost for, one for fatigue, and one for fear.

"I fear we'll need every resource we can get our hands on." He shivered. "I do not like the idea of stripping off my own armor in a fit of amorous frenzying, in the middle of combat. Madeline, perhaps you'd like to ready some will reinforcing magic? I believe we may need support of that variety more than healing. I will be readying similar spells." Though, his would be weaker and fewer than hers... he was more of a martial creature, after all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Madeline, feeling quite scared after hearing what he had said, nodded. " I will definitely make sure to practice my protection magic; they may do worse to me and you than simple slaughter." She then looked to the side. "Of course, I'm more concerned for Urgash, who might be especially vulnerable to these poisons..."

The orc sighed. "The to admit it, but you're right; I could be driven mad with lust if I got overexposed, and then you'd have to deal with me. So you're concern is at least warranted there. Just...try not to hold that against me."


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion nodded to Madeline, and looked to Urgash when she mentioned it. He winced. "Probably the only preventative measure we have that will have any affect is to alleviate our amorous desires as frequently as possible." He sighed. He had no idea how helpful it would be in preventing sexual arousal from these techniques, but being in a rut before they even started would surely be counter productive.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Madeline blushed heavily as Hest, smiling, said, "well no shit we need to do that-personally, though I think there are a few more things to it-like learning how to hold yourself from falling to pieces under sexual pressure-but you've got the idea."

Urgash, nodding, said, "well, we should set up first before that...should we join the halfling's camp or go downstream?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion felt the sweat on his brow. "I'll, uh. Probably not be participating." He'd state simply, looking away from the group as he spoke. "Y'all do what you need. I will fortify myself through meditation." He was an extremely dogmatic, disciplined type... it was why he'd fit in with the paladin order. Self control was one of the greatest tenets of the oaths he'd taken. He couldn't simply act wanton... and he'd be ashamed of himself for doing so. He took great pride in his self control, a part of his powerful will.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
“Suite yourself,” Hest said, shrugging. “I’ll be heading over to that halfling lady.” She then looked to Urgash and Madeline. “And you?”

The cleric, not wanting to agree with Hest but agreeing with her, hesitated in her answer. Urgash, However, gave it to her straight, nodding as she walked up to Hest. “Might as well-I’ve got a few pelts on me to sell.”

Hest looked to Bastion. “And will you do the gracious honors of introducing us?” she asked, smiling.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion hesitated, too. "I'm not sure that's a good idea, Hest. What are your intentions?" He'd watch her calmly, evenly, gauging her answer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
"Well," Hest said, looking to the side, "I suppose I thought that halfling merchant looked cute..."

Madeline rolled her eyes. "Of course it would be something like that..." she muttered underbreadth, shaking her head.

The orc looked from the demoness to Bastion, unsure if she should say anything.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion actually looked angry. This was the first time he'd worn such an expression in front of his companions. When he spoke, his voice was low. "Hest. That woman just came from a nightmare of sexual warfare in which victims were routinely butchered for caving to their carnal desires. Do you not think it imprudent to foist upon her such amorous intentions, given the circumstances?" His eyes were locked on Hest now, those pink, less than threatening things strangely filled with intensity.