A Paladin’s Mission (for shinyhappyfitsofrage)


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Hest smiled. “See? I told you it would be a problem. Besides, it isn’t just flirting and the like-it also includes various poisons that increase arousal, as well as spellwork.” She then looked to Madeline. “I feel you should do the honors.”

Madeline paused, considering it for a moment, but then nodded. Turning to Bastion, she muttered a prayer underbreadth, before lowering her mouth down to his tip. Looking up at him, she asked, “uh, any advice on this?”

Urgash, meanwhile, lowered her pants to the ground, leaving herself fully naked, her erect length bouncing slightly. Hest had to admit: even though the orc wasn’t as big as she was, she was pretty impressive at seven inches. The demoness, smiling, rubbed her length through the fabric of her robes, watching the two.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion was stunned. "They'd even bother with poisons designed to arouse?! What is the endgame of such a... if someone's fighting for your life..." He was baffled by this, and no one was providing an explanation that made any sense. And suddenly, Madeline was moving into his space, her mouth almost on him. He froze, staring, in absolute shock. What was happening, exactly?! "This... this is all moving way too fast!"

He looked over to find Hest masturbating through her clothes, and Urgash was standing around with her erection simply hanging out. Bastion was, by now, too confused. He pulled back from Madeline. "I don't... I can't. This doesn't make any sense to me! Is this some perverse jest at my expense?!" If it was a joke, he was the only one that wasn't in on it. There was a tension in the air that was far too heady for him. The boy looked sad, scared, and vulnerable. He was a soft thing... not just mentally, either. Despite being a trained warrior used to heavy armor, somehow, his skin was baby soft everywhere, unblemished, and not in the least reddened by his heavy burdens. His nails were immaculately cared for, his hygiene just as exactingly looked after.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Madeline, moving back, covered her mouth, looking away from him. “S-sorry, I...I don’t know what came over me!” she then looked to Urgash, seeing the orc’s erect cock.

Hest, sighing, asked Bastion, “do you want to know the REAL reason I want this? Besides any help it may give you?” She then pulled up her robes, revealing not only her barbed purple length, but also what was around it: a golden cockring, inscribed with runes in the same script as those on her collar. She then looked him in the eyes. “Do you know what this little thing does?”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion blinked. A ring... he winced. "I would hazard a guess that it's a torture device of a sexual nature. I did not think the church..." He turned his head away, in obvious shame at the actions of his peers. "That is... not..." He didn't even have words. What manner of business did the church have with magical cock rings?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
“This ring keeps me from ever climaxing,” Hest said, glaring angrily at Madeline. “I wanted to bring both of you to climax, so maybe I could feel a little rel-“

Madeline shouted loud a word in Celestial, causing the demoness to fall the ground, clutching her head in pain. “You bitch!” The cleric shouted, kicking Hest in the stomach. “Just because you don’t feel satisified with yourself doesn’t mean we should entertain your little perverted fantasies!”

Urgash, suddenly, stood up, eyes flushed crimson. Walking up to Madeline from behind, the orc gripped her shoulder, hard. “I’ve seen enough to know what sort of person YOU are, Greywall,” she said through gritted teeth.

“Unhand me, you brutish greenskinned filth!” Madeline shouted, outraged by the orc’s actions. “I’m part of a noble family, not some peasant girl!”

Urgash tightened her grip. “I know,” she stated, before throwing the cleric onto the bed. “But that only makes you a hundred times worse.”
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion winced at the knee jerk reaction of Madeline. She was easily offended, beholden to a stubborn and blinding pride, and just as beholden to a prejudice that did not allow her see Hest in any but the broadest and most unfavorable of strokes. She was making enemies quickly. He saw it in Urgash, as well, as she approached Madeline, and ended up throwing her onto the bed.

Bastion saw a need to mediate.

He would interpose himself between Madeline and Urgash, naked, seemingly unaware of his nudity in the moment. He looked all three of his comrades down, looked them in the eyes, to be sure they wouldn't try to get past him. First and foremost, he was the shield that guarded them all. He would never allow anyone to pass him when he set his heels. "Madeline." He looked at her over a pale, soft shoulder, his wine pink eyes under dark hair holding a somber, and somehow, very sad gaze. "Nobility isn't heritage. It isn't blood, and it isn't status. It is responsibility. It is attitude. You are beholden to higher standards, and you are failing to meet those standards. Do not use those celestial invocations again, to assuage your own sensibilities. You disrespect yourself, and you disrespect the title you take such pride in, with such pettiness. Until you know the difference between your own desires and necessity, do not let me hear you use those invocations again. Next time, I will intervene. She is our comrade, and it is my task to protect my comrades. I will protect her from you, if you force my hand."

He looked to Urgash, and Hest, then back to Urgash. "I apologize, Urgash. I beg your forbearance in this matter. If you still feel your pride not sufficiently assuaged by my words, I will apologize in whatever manner you deem necessary." He lastly turned to Hest. "And to you, I owe an even deeper apology. I have not taken your well being seriously enough, I see that now. I hope that you will not feel untrusted enough to withhold your honesty from us in the future. I appreciate your candidness, and so long as you remain honest and true with us, I will not see you abused so. Not anymore."

He took a deep breath, then sat next to Greywall on her bed, taking her hand. He'd come down harshly on her, and hoped he'd not pushed too far. "Misses Greywall. We will be relying on you to keep us alive. We need to be able to put our faith in you when our lives seem lost. You are the one we must be able to trust above all. Hest, Urgash, and myself. Please. We all need each other. In the coming days, that need may be greater than we can all imagine now."

Although Bastion spoke at length about nobility, it was well known that he was a commoner in origin, if that... he was an orphan, from a monastery that was only supposed to foster female orphans.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
As Bastion finished his speech, his three companies remained still, breathing heavily for the moment. Then, Hest, stood up, getting to her feet before bowing. “You...are quite an unusual paladin indeed,” she said, looking at him. “I shall make sure to fully brief you on what ails me next night, but for now, we shall settle with this.” The demoness then covered herself back up and slipped the covers over herself, resting.

Meanwhile, the scarlet haze had slowly drifted from Urgash’s eyes, her once-erect length now flaccid as she covered her face. “...I...oh gods...” the orc collapsed to the ground on to her knees. “I can’t believe I fell into one of those moods now...”

Madeline felt where Urgash had gripped her. Sighing, she whispered a healing prayer, dulling the pain. Then, she turned to look at Bastion, and asked, “...was I truly that bad?”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion bit his lip, looking between the three. Urgash was mortified, as was Madeline, though she might be more confused about what her part in this was. Hest just seemed worn out. Bastion had the overpowering sense that Hest was indeed the worldliest and wisest of the bunch. Suffering brought about wisdom, and he sensed that Hest had been through much. Unfortunately, what they needed, and quickly, was a bonding experience.

"Hest, I'm afraid I can't let you rest just yet. I need your help." He'd have to take a chance, here. To Madeline's question, he'd smile, and kiss her on the cheek, and squeeze her shoulder, before rising and guiding Hest up to a sitting position by her shoulders. "Please, humor me. Everyone. Give me just a moment." He'd start pulling their beds together, to the center of the room, lining them up, and he'd direct them all to sit around in a circle, taking a center position between the three women. "Listen. I'm speaking a lot about tolerance, a lot about unity, and a lot about our need to bond, but actions speak louder than words. I firmly believe that. Hest, you've stated that we will need experience in sexual matters. I have spoken of placing my trust in you, but faltered when matters proceeded in a manner I wasn't comfortable with. My faith in you was weak, for all the strong words I spoke. Madeline, I ask you for humility and an enlightened perspective, but I have hardly humbled myself with my rambling speeches and threats of intervention. Urgash... you've an orc's aggressive instincts, yes? I hope I do not overstep in saying, that I believe you are exerting considerable restraint for our sakes.

"My proposal is this. If we've need of carnal experience, and bonding, allow me to play the part in action that I play in words. I will pleasure you all, in whatever manners you see fit. In exchange, I ask only for your consideration of my wishes for us to act in harmony, seeking cohesion and synergy. Madeline, I ask that, if it be within your power, to allow Hest the same pleasures of which we are party to. If sexual subjugation is a theme going forward... we cannot ask of her this herculean effort of will that we cannot even expect of ourselves. I will take responsibility for her lusts. If all of us should be afflicted with unnatural lusts, I will take responsibility for all of it, and gladly so. I am your shield. Madeline, Urgash, Hest. I am here for you. And I am willing to prove this to be so."

As he gave yet another inspiring speech, he sat between them, arms demurely holding one another, knees folded beneath him. He left himself vulnerable and uncovered, his soft manhood exposed, his softer skin left on display, stretched over an altogether impressive physique, that nonetheless managed to seem... soft, for all its tone, and appealing curves. He had hips that made it easy to imagine him in a feminine role, and a look in his eyes of abashed innocence. He was throwing himself at their mercy, in many ways, seeking unity.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
The three conpanions, roused by the paladin’s words, got on their feet, as both Hest and Madeline stepped out of bed while Urgash stood up, shaking her head and wiping her eyes before turning around, looking to Bastion.

The orc, walking up to the paladin, looked down at him. “Thanks for speaking-you have no idea how terrible I would’ve been if ya hadn’t stepped in.” She then shrugged. “Or some.” Urgash then looked down at herself, pausing in thought for a moment before saying, “are you sure you still want to keep me around?”

Meanwhile, Madeline looked from Bastion to Hest, not knowing what to think or do. She clenched and unclenched her fist, flashing between her earlier anger and present guilt. Damn, she thought. That paladin boy...he’s definitely got a way with words...do I really have to do this?

Better you not, Madeline thought. After all, who knows why they were keeping that on. For all she knew, the cockring was the only thing keeping her restrained. And even if it only kept her from climaxing, it would make quite the mess-besides, they’d be leaving soon, and she didn’t want to be smelling of fiendish cum. It also could have some corruptive properties of its own, although what the cleric did not know.

On the otherhand, Madeline thought, Bastion seemed to feel it mattered. He may not be experienced, but he had a good heart. Not only that, but the collar was still on, and she still had her command words. It wasn’t like she’d be able to do much even if she could climax.

Madeline closed her eyes and sat down on the bed, letting herself calm down to meditate on the decision, as Hest waited, staring at the cleric with her violet eyes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion watched them all, as much as he could, trying to gauge their reactions. Urgash seemed quite emotional after all was said and done, and he blushed at her candidness. He decided to hug her, slowly approaching her and pulling her close, then holding her tight. "Make no mistake. You're here because we need you. I know we haven't known each other long, but I've already started to respect you. Your self control is more than noteworthy. And again, I apologize if my suggestion that orcs are naturally, ahem, wild, was insensitive. I know little of the world. You're the first I've ever met of your kind, truly. I've only ever known what I've been told of orcs." He'd pull back from her, flashing her that ridiculously charming smile of his, cheeks rosy.

Meanwhile, he did keep an ear towards Madeline and Hest. Madeline seemed to be struggling with the decision of whether or not to remove the cockring, while Hest simply waited with baited breath, probably figuring the best thing she could do in this was keep quiet, and perhaps she was right. In the end, though, Bastion decided to remind her, "Again, I will take responsibility for this decision, Madeline." He hoped he hadn't erred grievously in this matter.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Urgash nodded. “Thank you for saying so,” she said. “As well as again for stepping in, even if it made part of me want to ram my cock up your ass.”

Madeline, hearing Bastion’s voice, broke concentration as she looked to him. “Ah! was I mumbling?” she asked. She then looked at the orc and blushed, ashamed of herself for what she had said to her. “I...my father said your kind killed his brother when they raided a farm.” The cleric sighed. “I suppose, though, you’re at least alright. Definitely a better woman than that no-good scalie sneaktheif of a maid who, according to my sister, stole her ring. Thankfully, she made sure to whip up that little scoundrel into shape! She started singing then!” Madeline then chuckled, much to Urgash’s distaste. “Of course, weird thing was, could never find the ring; guess whoever she pawned it off too had already sold it!”

The orc looked at Bastion, eyes tinted pink. “Can you shut her down again so I don’t want to grab her by the scruff of her hair and shove my dick down her throat? Please?”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion looked between Urgash and Madeline as Hest waited oh so patiently. He blanched as Madeline made the situation worse all over again. She was oblivious to it, too, he could tell. Hooo, boy. He looked back at Urgash as she started revving back up, angry, blinking over her admission that she wanted to fuck him, then feeling his eyes widen further as she mentioned shutting Madeline up. "I, uhm... it would seem that your aggression is strongly tied to your libido, no? Perhaps I can be of more immediate service, Urgash. Please, forgive her this time. In return, I'll, ah, entertain you to your satisfaction." Obviously, she was attracted to him. He could see the looks she gave him, eating his naked form. She'd even been checking him out before he'd been unclothed. Then again, most looked at Bastion with such lust... it was probably a safe assumption that most wanted him. Still... he seemed dreadfully bashful, demure. It was hard to imagine him taking any sort of initiative, as nervous as he seemed. But that proved to be a rather unclear picture of what he was in this situation.

He was certainly less sure of himself without a full suit of armor on, or a battlefield around him. His iron visage wasn't with him here, in the bedroom. Instead, he looked as delicate as a cherry blossom petal, as he snaked his arms around Urgash's neck, then kissed her lips. Tusks didn't seem to bother him at all, nor her green skin, nor any attribute that made her alien to him. He kissed her passionately, locking lips with her, and then kissed down her neck, and down her breasts, and down her stomach... pushing her back just enough to expose the cock that she was so very much focused on, until he was kissing the head. He had a delicate touch, and one that was beyond intuitive... when servicing like this, he seemed as patient and practiced as a well used whore, with a lover's sensibilities. It was a treat just to watch, so sure were his movements, and so passionate. His wine pink eyes were deep pools watching Urgash, as his small, pink tongue danced around her crown, and his lips tenderly, wetly stroked her length, suckling as her bobbing mass of phallus weighed heavily against his face, overshadowing it as he bobbed up and down her length, licking, and pulled back up to the tip. Eventually, he'd finally take her cock, holding it near the root in one gentle hand and would push it past his lips, suckling her halfway down its length with lewd, slurping noises, suckling mightily enough that she'd feel it well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Feeling his tongue lap against her length, pleasuring her with such a delicate touch, Urgash moaned softly, rubbing her fingers through his hair. She looked up at the ceiling, eyes half-lidded and mouth agape. Her skin grew warm to the touch, glistening with sweat as it dribbled down her muscles. Gripping his hair, she pushed his head down further, before hilting herself in his mouth with a thrust of her hips, grunting pleasurably. “Gods bless your mouth~”

Madeline, seeing this, crossed her arms as she tried to look away. She didn’t want to admit it, but she was feeling a little jealous of the two-despite her noble birth, he seemed to care more about a slutty fiend who can’t get it off and some brutish orc woman! It felt unfair, in her mind, that he should prefer their company to a fellow member of the cloth!

Sighing, she looked to Hest and asked, in an annoyed tone, “so do you have any ideas to why the orc doesn’t like me, you Abyssal wench?”

Smiling, the bound demoness said bluntly as she walked over to the cleric, “because you’re honestly a terrible a person.” She then sat down next to her. “Also, I’m pretty sure the maid wasn’t responsible for stealing your sister’s ring and she just lost it up whoever’s asshole she was sticking it in.”

Madeline growled, but didnt say anything back and held herself back from saying a command word. Besides, that’d just cause more trouble for her.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion found his current lover to be much less... delicate. All of his delicate ministrations seemed to amount to nothing, as she rammed her dick down his throat, choking him and turning his face into a pitiful, crying visage as he struggled not to retch and couldn't breath. He didn't have a trained gag reflex... it was by sheer dint of his constitution that he didn't end up throwing up, gagging on that dick. It was... horribly unpleasant, but he did his best, though he was just a hole to fuck now, and there wasn't much for him to do.

He missed most of the conversation between Hest and Madeline, while at the orc's mercy, and decided he'd be much, much more careful promising such foolish things in the future.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Hearing him gag, she pulled his head up, letting go. “Ah...” she muttered, seeing his expression. “Sorry about that.” She then spread her legs apart more as she leaned back, pulling up her sack to display her lower hole to him. “I suppose you wouldn’t mind doing something else, right?”

Meanwhile, Hest stood up and went to her own bed. “Goodnight~” she teased at Madeline as she slipped under her covers, leaving the cleric in a rather foul mood.

“Well fuck you too,” she muttered underbreadth. “And hope to the hells my family will do something about you.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion pulled back when Urgash released him, and then she spread her legs, revealing something else. He shook his head. "Forgive me, but I am not so inclined." Her lack of responsiveness to his foreplay hadn't stoked his own lusts. He had no interest in continuing their lovemaking... feeling very little love in it. Bastion was a creature that cared for intimacy and passion, and she had neither, merely bestial lust, that he could see. While he didn't look down on such things, it did not excite him in the least, and he was not interested in taking command of such an unresponsive lover.

He watched Hest and Madeline split apart, and sighed, worrying about them. "Perhaps we'd best rest as well..." He might need to try having a bit more of a talk with Madeline, before she felt completely isolated from the others.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Nodding, Urgash sat up, yawning. “Gotcha,” she said before stepping off of the bed and lying down on her own. “See you around morning!” She then drifted off to sleep, snoring loudly.

Madeline, meanwhile, looked at Bastion. “So, I see you still prefer my company as a fellow human,” she said, smiling. “Wouldn’t you agree?”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion looked towards Madeline as Urgash laid down for some rest, and sighed. He'd go scoot her over on her bed, sitting next to her. "I'm afraid you have me mistaken, Madeline. When it comes to sexuality, my preferences run towards intimacy, and the savoring of small emotions and tactile sensations. That isn't to say humans are a better breed at such things... in fact, the best for such preferences, from my understanding, are elves." He'd look towards Hest and Urgash, as he spoke to Madeline. "You're playing a dangerous game. Your pride will come at a cost, possibly a greater one than you can imagine right now. We're a small group that needs one another. Are you truly alright making enemies of your only allies? Is your pride worth so much that you'd rather suffer alone, than fight together?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
As soon Bastion spoke, Madeline’s smile crumbled away, her eyes starting to water; her pride faltered as she realized just how much he didn’t care for her attitudes. Looking everywhich way but at him, she stuttered our, “but...I’m better then them...I’m a human noble, a maiden...I’m purer than those two...It isn’t fair...I shouldn’t be on their level...” She wiped her face then, shaking her head before looking back at Bastion. “Why am I anymore a problem than a slut or a brute?”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion sighed. "I realize that these attitudes aren't your fault, Madeline. You were raised this way, with an elitist attitude. You view the world through the lens of nobility. If you'd have my take on such, it is poison. Social separation for its own sake, self uplifting done by an entire social class for no better reason to make them feel better than themselves. Truly, everyone does this, to an extent... but the rich and powerful need constant reminders that they are, indeed, rich and powerful. It is a fundamental sign of insecurity. Why should her natural promiscuity or her aggressive nature make them any lesser than you? In the journey we are about to embark upon, it is precisely these things that makes them so needful to us. They have qualities that not only do we need, but cannot grasp at ourselves. These are not limiting factors that put us above them... these are differences that create the paradigm of talents upon which we will shortly be staking our very lives.

"Which brings us back to your role in that. You are here to, primarily, support the talents of others. Your magic allows them to do their jobs as effectively as they can, an integral part of the party dynamic, absolutely needed... but no more so than any other. Please, Madeline... if there one thing I wish of you, it is that you could throw aside your poisonous view of the world, and allow yourself the idea that those you see around you are your equals. Myself, I am nothing. Less than nothing! A bastard with no surname, raised illegally in a monastery for women. It was only by the sympathies and the virtuous, life risking actions of others that I am allowed a life at all. Humility is all I've ever known, so it is an easier concept for me to grasp. I have never had wealth, nor a shred of power. I am only respected among the church because of my accomplishments, in acquiring the mantle of paladin. Every day I remind myself of all those I owe everything to. The kind souls who, without their guidance, I could never have made it this far. Is there anyone in your life who you feel has made you a better person through their wisdom?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Stunned silent, Madeline took a minute to take in his words, her eyes wide; it was as if she had been struck by lightning, so strong was his speech. She couldn’t help but be impressed by his conviction as her noble status was dissected before her.

Finally, she clenched her fists, looking away from his gaze. “I...suppose there’s a few people; the head priestess, Elena, was one such. She would always tell me to not let my passions get ahead of my goals.” Madeline then chuckled dryly. “I guess I didn’t learn it hard enough though, did I?”

Madeline stood up and walked to her bed, before then looking to the beautiful young paladin; despite the tears dripping down her cheeks, she was smiling. “Also...I suppose I can say you did that for me too.” She then slipped under the covers and closed her eyes, resting.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion watched her go to bed, and decided he should let her rest. Perhaps, with any luck, she'd truly digest what he'd said, and come to a revelation about her interactions with others. Meanwhile... he looked at Hest and Urgash, both under their covers, then move back to his own bed. He'd give a sigh, and lay himself down to rest, hoping that things would come together soon. They'd be discovering many new things about their foes soon, after all... they needed to be a strong party, and soon. He soon slipped into sleep, and he would spend his night dreaming of quiet contemplation atop a mountain.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
As the rooster cried, Madeline rose, immediately sitting straight up from her bed. Looking around, see saw Urgash, naked with her cock flopping out, lying right next to her bed, snoring heavily. Apparently, some time during the night, she had rolled right out on to the floor; despite this, she had not waken up.

Sighing, she then looked to Hest, whose bed was now empty. Apparently, she had gotten out of it earlier than she had thought, if the demoness even was asleep. The cleric, suspicions raised, got dressed as she looked about the room for wherever she had gone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion slept restfully, and was among the last to rise. He was used to going without sleep, and had also learned to take sleep where he could, to keep himself sharp. It was a warrior's prerogative to stay sharp and alert in the field. He'd awaken shortly after Madeline to find her looking around for something, and judging by her expression, he first checked to see if... yes, Hest was gone. He'd rise and start slowly pulling on his heavy armor, strapping bits and pieces in place. It'd take him a good few minutes to finish, but if there was going to be trouble... he'd want to be armored.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Madeline, sitting on the bed with her hands on her knees, asked Bastion as he was getting armored up, “could you check with your divine sense if Hest is nearby? She couldn’t have gone far with that collar on; it probably has restrictions on it that would prevent her from just walking around without any clerics to keep her in check.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion glanced at Madeline as she asked him to use his divine senses, and nodded. He'd about pulled half his armor into place, moving as swiftly as he dared. He cast his spell, detect evil, and peered about for a sign of Hest... while vaguely wondering if it would even actually detect her. He didn't have a specialized ability to sense outsiders, if she wasn't actually evil as he'd presumed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
As he cast his spell, he felt his skin tingle from the divine energy coursing through him. His senses now aligned, he looked around again. He could sense a powerful aura above him, unlike anything he’d experienced before; it was like comparing the sun to the light of a torch. Such an intense feeling would knock any ordinary man on to his knees.

Madeline looked to Bastion. “So do you know where she is?” she asked.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Memento Mori. The phrase flashed through Bastion's mind as he cringed in outright fear, feeling that looming presence overhead. Like a man trying to look up at the executioner's axe, but unable to crane his neck far enough, what he sensed was just beyond his sight, but brought him terror regardless. He felt doom... he felt a terror that made him long for such a mercy as death. Oblivion would be an easy, simple thing to face by comparison. What he felt was what would break a man's will... he could see the truth of losing this fight, which was like as to an inevitability when he felt out the scope of that aura. A broken doll, torn into pieces. That was him, that was his lot. And it was with a child's whim and ease that they would tear him asunder.

Bastion did not remember falling to his knees. He did not remember gaping in astonished horror at the ceiling. But there he was, half armored, trembling like a leaf as he stared sightlessly towards the heavens.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Madeline, seeing Bastion so helpless, walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder, gripping it tightly. “What is it, Bastion?” she said, her voice wavering with concern. She had never seen him be so affected, so locked in horror. Whatever he was experiencing, it must be quite terrible indeed, she thought.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bastion came back to his senses, after a moment. He took deep, steadying breaths, clutching at his head against a sudden, powerful headache. "Above us... I sense a dreadful presence. I've never felt anything... comparable."