As the group resumes they're treck and continues to move forward, ( I'm assuming a marching order spreading our 3 fighter types out evenly), Kay up front with Jinni directly behind him, with Claire on Jinni's left and Anja on his right and Purgat bringing up the rear. The path continues for a while and narrowing at one point and becomeing more waterlogged in another, you boots squishing seemingly very loudly in the mud and muck with no background noise. After awhile, theres is a curve to the right, then back to the left the ground becoming a bit more solid and the overhead foliage becomeing thicker taking from the lighting provided by the sun a good deal. In fact, if it were any tine other then noon to mid-afternoon it would be very hard for a human to see. The path then continues straight ahead (spot check Kei 21, Claire 7, Jinni 17, Anja 16, Purgat 14), seeing nothing out of the normal everyone continues ahead and trees growing taller and more dense as you all proceed.
Eventually, the long path opens into a sparsely lit clearing and (Kay being in front gets the first spot check: 23) before entering the clearing, noticing a translucent layer of webbing covering the floor covering the entrance to the clearing (based on your time spent growing up in the forest Kay, you know it would be a mistake to touch it), as well as some medium sized creatures wrapped in webbing and hanging from some of the sturdier looking branches, And thats when it happens, Purgat gets hit from behind on his back by something bowling him over face first into the dirt and he feels a sharp prick of pain in his shoulder blade like a bite (Fortitude save 1) the venom takes hold almost immediately and he begins to feel weaker (take 1 point of damage to your HP and 3 points of temporary damage to your strength) as those who turn toward the loud thump see
a human (medium) sized spider pulling its fangs out of Purgat's back and hissing at the other four that remain, rearing up menacingly its two front legs and clicking its fangs.
(Attack 13 VS Kay's AC 18) As the group readies itself a large web wooshs by Kay's head and spatters against a tree nearby. Letting everyone know that theres probably more than one of these things close by.