A.N.A.L (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Kay's mind raced as he saw the glaive but not Claire. He wasted no time calling out the light to imbue his sword raising it threateningly. There was too much wrong with this place for things to make sense and he would not put up with more bullshit. "Talk. NOW."


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
(Purgat & Jinni) 

As Jinni reads his book only half paying attention to Purgat and his exploration, he notices that Purgat wanders up and down the rows of bookshelves, his claws leaving a line in the old wood as he goes, he ends up finding a bookshelf pushed up against a wall in a corner at the end of a row of bookshelves that form a makeshift hallway in this room and (Purgat's spot check:18+1=19 vs unknown check of 8+8=16) he notices 2 things, theres a draft coming from behind said bookcase, carrying a faint metalic sent on the wind mixed with the ever present stench of death, and for some reason the book case is sweating some kind of clear goo, theres something off about this bookcase that makes Purgat's hair on the back of his neck stand on end. Jinni doesn't quite notice this (among the number of reasons, the most prevalent being that he probably doesn't care what Purgat is doing) and continues to read his book.

(Anja & Kay) 

The Skeletal figure stands from the chair, "there is nothiiing heeere fooor yooou..." and as Anja looks about the room there are no signs of your former slave companion other than the aforementioned glaive. The creepy figure stare at the two of you, taking ine step away from the chair and onto the floor, "I'm afraiiid I caaan't do thaaat, shes dead IIIII've undone heeeer, she iiis no mooore. Nooow," his gaze shift to Kay as he sommons power to his blade, "prepaaaare, to jooiin heeer..." (Initative rolls: Anja:21 , Kay:20 , Crypt Thing:13)  he readys his sharp claws and readies for combat.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
A Rapier isn't going to do well against bones, so she's gotta act quick. Despite being untrained in feats of acrobatics, she makes a dive (no skill in tumble, but a +5 modifier for dex checks) for the Glaive on the ground whilst the Skeleton is focused on Kay, thinking it would fare much better against such an opponent.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"What did... what did you say?" Kay's semblance went dark, a glare of pure anger overtook his usually gentle eyes. He raised his sword hand exposing the green chain on his wrist. "Your lies are a sin. Your very existence is an affront and yet you speak of unmaking?" The paladin focused on the holy symbol of his undying faith as he called for a higher power then any of the present. "Oh Goddess Marae, green mother of life, your son calls for your presence and your favor. Let your resplendent light show this unholy creation the meaning of unmaking. Turn, you foul creature! Run in fear of what true light is capable of!"

(Turn the Unholy)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Jinni looks up from his book. "Wouldn't you prefer if I was to help you?" He asks even as he walks to the stairs. "Be right back~" He goes down stairs and looks for the others.

"Hey so there's a mimic upstairs..." He sees the fight in progress. "I'm thinking I should of stayed upstairs..."


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
(Anja & Kay)

Anja dives at the glaive as Kay's sword draws in light from the power of Marae, the Crypt Thing seemingly distracted by Kay and his prayer.

(Anja's tumble check: ☆20+5=25, Kay's turn VS Crypt thing's WILL save 6+3=9 VS 5+8=13) 

Anja's dive is smooth and fluid-like as the glaive slips right into her hands and she comes up standing with it pointed at the haunting figure as Kay's blade glows with holy light that bursts forth to shine on the creature, it shudders, takes one step back as the red pinpoints of light flicker before they steady to burn brighter, it then charges at Kay, the Turning spell seemingly having little effect on this particular creature, it claws outstretched as its hand rears back and claws at Kay with one hand and then the other (Kay's AC:18 VS 18+5=23, 19+5=24) each catching his soft flesh and (dmg: 1+4+3+4=12 dmg) cutting him open on his arm and torso. Around this time you hear Jinni through the doorway as he rounds the corner "Hey so there's a mimic upstairs..." He then pauses as he sees Anja and Kay's current situation, then turns back around and heads back to the staircase "I'm thinking I should of stayed upstairs..." 

(Purgat & Jinni)

Purgat's clawed hands slam onto one of the impostor bookshelve's shelves and pulls on it attempting to lift it yelling "piss off bitch!", but it doesn't budge. As he looks back at the bookshelf he notices that it starts to grow wooden arms out of the sides, two wodden mounds appear on the top to house it's yellow eyes, and a couple of shelves above your hands start to form a maw with its vicious looking teeth. Its around this time that Purgat realizes that the clear goo he saw earlier is holding his hands fast to the mimic. (Opposed grapple check: Purgat: 6+7=13 VS Mimic's ☆20+13=33) The mimic giggles at Purgat's foolishness and slams him with both of it's arms, taking the opening to attack. (Purgats AC:15 VS 19+5=24, 6+5=11) you manage to jump away from one of its arms but the other connects across your back (dmg: 7+4=11). Around this time Jinni reaches the landing again and sees the mimic has assumed its true(er) form, "Hehehe, I dont get to eat your kind very often, i wonder what you taste like?" It giggles as it's tongue waggles and a few inches or so from Purgat's face. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Anja just gets up from her tumble as she sees her friend being slashed open by the creature. This causes her to see red, and drives the glaive straight towards the undead monster's spine, as she growls: "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM, MONSTER!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The pain came as a shock to the paladin, he had truly believed the light would have driven the undead monster to it's knees so when it's claws raked on his flesh opening large tears on his upper body, the damage was also dealt to the man's morale. He could hear Anja's cry and for once the light's voice sounded just like hers. It did not speak of a higher purpose but rather of plain and bloody vengeance. Using the same motion that knocked him back, he twisted his step, shifting his body and with the same momentum the creature used against him he struck back with his flaming white sword burning brighter then it ever had.

[Divine Smite, 1d8 +5dmg +2d8 +3 atk roll]


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Jinni sighs. "Ugh what a drag. It seems I must save you today, just remember I expect you on your knees in gratitude for this." He points a finger and mutters a few words, causing a beam of energy to hit the mimic.

(Attack roll: 8+7=15, damage if hit is d10: 6+5=11)