A Grand Tomorrow (For BubbleLord)


Jun 24, 2016
Tongues intermingling was all it took to ensure Orval didn't look back and see his bitch boy getting her ass reamed and pumping cum into the cowgirl. The strange sensation of her tongue wrapping around his was unlike anything he'd experienced, slowing his pace for a moment as he focused on pushing into the makeout session. But the tight cunt and the rest of her wasn't forgot, pumping his hips harder. The hand clenched around the nipple, tugging as he slipped a second finger into her backdoor. She'd feel the man throbbing inside her, his moans into the kiss a clear sign she was the next to take the gut expanding load. Wallis had certainly set him up, the mercenary actually considering the idea that he'd share Estelle if he acquired the brothel.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Selena's nails dig lightly into Orval's back as she squeals into the kiss. her walls begin milking at his cock at a frantic pace as the lamia  crashes into her first orgasm of the night. Due to the bath they are in he can't see how much girl cum she is leaking but judging by the rapidly pulsing walls of her vagina, it would be an impressive amount. Her ass squeezes at his invading fingers, trying desperatly to stop them from moving but ultimately failing to do much other than push them in a tad deeper. She quivers and shakes in Orval's embrace for roughly a minute before she starts grinding on his cock again, her switch has been flipped and she is hungry for more of his amazing dick. Slowly she pulls out of the kiss and looks at him with lust addled eyes.

"Please mister....cum inside of me. Make me feel even better! Then fuck my ass and my mouth! Use me! Fuck me!"


Jun 24, 2016
Seeing the girl break into a slut was the utmost rewarding of moments. She wasn't broken permanently, but her switch getting flipped made him feel even more dominant than before. The lamia was his... and she'd be his for good come morning. Hilting himself in the orgasmic cunt, he pumped the belly-stretching load inside. Byra, Belle, and now Selena had taken his seed. The two fingers in the snake's submerged as came loose as he pulled out of the filled hole immediately. The water was stained as it gushed out, Orval wrestling her quickly to lay facing away within the bath. There was no hesitation as he reached around to grab both of her tits and thrust into the backdoor. Moaning and enjoying himself, Orval began considering this as a regular time. All three of them would be worth being bankrupt... he wanted to be greeted to a morning with the trio sucking him off. This was the future the blacksmith deserved!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Selena hits a second orgasm the moment she feels his massive load spray into her waiting pussy and womb. Her taut stomach quickly pushing out into a cum gut by the time he was finished. She couldn't even get a word in edge wise before Orval had flipped her over and shoves his mighty cock right up to the hilt in her ass. She screamed out in bliss as her previously stimulated hole finally got what it needed, a big cock shoved inside. She clenches her ass down on her sick and even manages to push back against him to increase impact when he thrusts forward which also causes his balls to slap against her cum drooling pussy. 

Behind them, Byra is being well cared for by Belle as she she keeps the little girl thrusting into her like she is possessed. Byra has drank so much warm milk that her stomach has bulged out a bit and amazingly enough, Belle seems to have to run dry! Having gotten acustomed to Selena's thick tail up her ass, Byra pushes back against it, seeming to enjoy the large insertion for now.


Jun 24, 2016
(Her pussy is on the opposite side of her body, right?)

"F-fuck! You're a keeper for s-sure!"

The ass-smashing anal was awesome for him, throwing his head back while he delivered ball-smacking thrusts into her. Byra was having fun as a male, as he finally saw as he looked back, but the bitch had so much tail in her rear that she was going to be one loose fuck for a while.

"N-ngh! S-second load a-already... th-this ass is g-great!"

Both hands squeezed the girl's tits before he wrangled her up and out of the bath to fuck her standing. The attempt was clearly the blacksmith hoping to drive the cunt-leaking snake-kin into a blissful and post-sex daze. The empty-chested Belle needed fucking and the gut-toting slut-boy were both in dire need of a proper rut... so making Selena squirm and recover kept her here and kept her busy with her soon-to-be-double-stuffed dancer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
(Yea, pussy in front, ass in back, standard human lay out for ease of use....hue.)

Selena is completely caught off guard when Orval picks her up, the large snake lady thinking someone of his build not able to do so. Unable to support herself with her tail, gravity takes over and she slips down onto Orval's cock straight to the base, slightly deeper than normally possible. She squeals in his embrace, the simultaneous pleasure from her breasts, pussy and ass proving too much for the triggered snake girl and she hits a third orgasm, her girl cum squirting from her pussy and into the tub below. As her orgasm begins to die down, she feels Orval's second load surge into her ass and she actually hits a fourth climax as her belly is stuffed even further, giving her a fairly pregnant looking belly. She doesn't squirm or scream as her body is wracked with more pleasure than she has ever felt and the moment it comes down she goes limp in Orval's arms.

Brya, now free from the ass gaping tail, turns around to watch the impressive rutting display going on behind him. he rests on Belle's stomach with his head between her breasts. Belle is also hypnotized by such a feat and watches on with awe before finally speaking up. "No way....you broke Selena! No one has ever come close! She was building a reputation as a cock breaker!"


Jun 24, 2016
After pumping Selena's backdoor full and the girl going limp, Belle's compliment didn't fall on deaf ears. His hands clasped the fucked-out snake-kin's nipples and tugged them while lowering her back down and over the edge of the bath. When he pulled out of that sperm-filled backdoor, Orval was panting and looking on at his handiwork. Had Wallis not aided him, it was quite likely she would have "broken his cock" as Belle said Selena had been gaining reputation for. It gave him a good idea of just how difficult pleasuring all three of these women would probably be... but a spank to the conquered woman's heiny dismissed such thoughts for now as he turned to move over to the other two. The swishing of the water as he lowered down to where Byra and Belle's bodies met, resting his hardening prick on Byra's rump with a smirk.

"Don't you two worry... haaa~... it's your turn while she recovers. We've got the rest of the night... and I can't let my buttslut and her attending cowgirl not have fun!"


Orval was panting atop the bed with Byra laying atop him and the other two girls pulled close on his sides, having crashed hard after hours of rutting. The man's body was covered in sweat and cum-alike, his eyes half-closed. He was just mere moments from passing out, his cock looking far weaker now that it was so utterly used. How many times had he filled, emptied, and then refilled the many girls? No one could understand it, but this night had so far been the best of his entire life. Byra was his to shape and mold and even if it left him scraping by and having to depend on his new employer, it was worth acquiring both ladies now. Selena was the kind of woman he could see being useful for more than just sex, especially if his boss needed a dancer. Belle's milk was pretty much a great way to ensure he never went thirsty and maybe if she got knocked up she'd produce even more milk to sell! And Byra, of course, was the epiphany of a slutty maid who would suck his cock and present her ass at the drop of the hat while tending to him so long as he kept her safe and tended for. These three women were the start of a grand tomorrow... one where he could foresee himself building a harem and trying his hardest to establish himself. A blacksmith one day and a slave-owner and entrepreneur the next.

"The three of you... were well worth... the fact I'm going to be... shooting blanks for days..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With that, all of them fall asleep in post coitus bliss. The night passes peacefully for Orval in the warm embrace of his girls. The morning however, does not bring him immediate joy as when he opens his eyes the most noticable thing is his missing sluts! All three of them are gone, the room is spotless and his clothes have been folded up on the dresser. Orval can't even get a grasp of his surrounding before the door is pushed open and Gurkin steps inside with his trade mark scowl. 

"Get up, get dressed, the mada wants you in her office NOW." 

the moment he is dressed Gurkin grabs his arm and all but drags him up the stairs in his mighty grip. He opens the door to the Madam's room and pushes him inside before closing the door. Many questions are answered right away as he takes in the room. Madam Estelle is pacing back and forth with an angry look on her face, Byra is in her maid uniform and staring at the floor, Selena looks worried and looks at anyting other than the madam and Belle is indifferent, just waiting in her spot. All three of them are standing off to the side against the wall. Madam Estelle suddenly looks up at Orval.

"Orval! Finally, someone who gets things done properly! i hope you had a good night because I am having the worlds worst morning!" She waves her hand at the three girls at the wall. "These three have made a real blunder...not so much 'Byra' as she likes to be called, but the other two. Apparently Marcus Wange hired both of them, took them up to a room, got drunk and ordered the Grand Opalescence, chugged the entire fucking thing, walked out of the room in a daze, distracted Gurkin with a lie, ordered more drinks and then left WITHOUT PAYING!" She pauses to breath and recollect herself. "So this is a real problem. that fat bastard has built up a real tab, one thousand coins! If I see that lard bag again he is done for!" Again, a moment to collect herself.

"Anyways...your training of Byra is top notch. I have never seen someone go from bashful to butt slut in a single night. For that, you have my thanks. However, I know Marcus was bumming off of your room and received a blowjob from Byra which means some of this fault falls to her as none of them checked for his cash. So...as things go around here..." She looks to the girls. "Byra, your debt is back to five hundred. Selena and Belle, you are both back in debt by five hundred gold."

Byra remains silent and looks at the floor with a face of mock shame. Selena looks livid with anger but keeps her mouth shut. Belle just nods, knowing full well this was on its way.

Selena speaks up first. "But Madam! I was going to travel soon! You can't do this!"

"I can and I have!" Madam Estelle shouts back at her. "Now the three of you stand there, shut up and let me finish business with Orval!" She waves Orval to sit down and smiles at him. "Again, I am afraid I must decline our morning tryst dear. I have much to do and money to make it seems. Wallis has taken the liberty of subblying you food for the trip, he has it down stairs. Again I must thank you for training Byra so well. So, as our business has come to an end, just have Gurkin show you to your horse..and best of luck with your new boss." She smiles and sits down at her desk.

Orval's time at the brothel is up...he better act fast or his power play will be for nothing! 


Jun 24, 2016
Having been dressed and immediately rushed off had left the mercenary rather sore and lacking of a more proper shower. But when he had been brought in and keyed in on how even Byra was now going to cost him it had ultimately inspired a moment of hesitation. The fact she had immediately opted to even back out of their arranged sex made it clear that she was desperate for the price she had been shorted. It was a sign she was angry at herself as much as the others... and that was what he was waiting for.

"Estelle, wait! I'll buy the three's contracts!"

Without any hesitation, he pulled free his coin purse and moved forward to place it on her desk. The entire thing had been put down, his eyes meeting the woman's gaze. In his armor, even unarmed, he had to hope she viewed him as the dominating figure he was trying to be.

"I have about fifteen-hundred gold... it's all I have. It's my fault just as much as their fault that Marcus slipped away. It only makes sense I give you all of my money in return. You got me this job and you're helping set me up... if I can take them and care for them, they'll earn me more gold I can use when I return here. I can try and pay off that fat fuck's debt fully, too, if you'd be willing to give me a cart for a single horse to pull for all of us. Hell, I'll even offer to take care of Marcus for you if I see him again."

His eyes looked to the three women, knowing full well that Byra was in on it. Selena was clearly upset, so maybe he could earn favor with her for this act. But Belle accepted it? It was like she was almost okay with this way of life... and a possible reason to inquire and attempt to find out if she had any other skills beyond being a milk-filled cocksleeve. But thinking like that wasn't going to help, causing his eyes to fall back on the Madam. It all boiled down to if this gambit even worked, of course, since the trio would otherwise be stuck here. After a failure like this, though, and the anger Selena showed... he had to hope Estelle thought about the money and didn't start to try and piece together the full truth. Unarmed, he wasn't very certain he could take Gurkin on if she did figure it all out...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Madam Estelle looks at the coin purse in front of her. She reaches out and takes it, counts out all fifteen hundred and looks back at Orval. Her mind seems to be rapidly working with this information. It is a few minutes before she finally speaks. "Fifteen hundred flat. That would buy you all three of them right off the bat. Selena already wanted to leave, Belle paid her debt years ago and Byra didn't have much of a foot hold so her leaving wouldn't have much impact." She scratches her chin a bit, staring at Orval with piercing eyes. The silence in the room stretches on for minutes, long and heavy...before she smiles.

"Normally during business, you take income over flat amounts of cash....but you say you will come back to spend more hmm?" Clearly she is expecting his new job to be very lucrative. "Very well Orval...they are yours." She takes the coins and puts them in her desk before standing up. She goes over to her bed and takes out a box. Inside is a gold ring with a ruby inside it as well as six black leather collars that are studded with the same red gems. Without a word she gets up and puts a collar on each of the girls. Byra seems on the verge of tears of joy, Selena seems baffled now and Belle is..once again...passive. The madam then hands the ring and three remaining collars to Orval.

"This ring is called a 'Masters Ring'. While you wear it, anyone wearing the connected collar is your property. While they have those collars on, they can not think hostile thoughts about you or raise their hand against you. Should they think anything bad, the thought is purged and replaced by happy thoughts about you. Should they try to strike you, they will be overcome with blinding lust. Even more so, they won't be able to achieve release unless it is your cock that pleases them. Finally, you can command them. Point your ring at anyone wearing the neckless and say 'Your will is not your own' and poof, bye bye free will. They will be puppets at your command. They won't even take care of themselves, their very life at your control. To end it point the ring and say 'By my mercy, you may act' and they return to normal. Very usefull for rowdy slaves." She sits in her chair and leans back. "Orval...I see us having a future together, and that makes me very happy. Next time you come by I will attend you personally for the first night. Now then, you don't want to be late do you? Take your slaves and go."

She is evidently done now...that is rather rude.


Jun 24, 2016
It had worked. Not only that, but she had given him a ring and collars to reign the trio in. But hearing that they couldn't even think I'll of him? Such a thing meant the trio would be forced to learn to love him rather than do so personally. But turning down or questioning the gift wouldn't help any of them, especially since he was bankrupt now. Slipping the ring into his pocket rather than on for now, he strung the remaining collars onto the front of his waist.

"I look forward to it, Estelle. And thank you for the chance... I'll try my best to not let you down with your friend."

Looking to the trio, he'd move over and kiss Byra on the lips while pulling the maid slut up against him. Giving Estelle, Gurkkn, and his other two slaves a show didn't bother him in the slightest. But as he pulled away with a hearty spank to her rear, he'd motion toward the door with a knowing smirk.

"Alright, you nice piece of ass... go with the others and pack. I'll grab my food from Wallis and meet you three with Gurkin. Don't be too long..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Byra squeaks happily at his embrace and gives a complaining moan when he pulls away. With a a nod the little maid scoots from the room to go and pack her things. Selena is still frozen in place, one hand lightly touching the collar around her neck. Belle rolls her eyes and takes Selena by the hand, leading the stunned lamia out to go pack their things. Down below the brothel is rather quite as much people don't show up till after lunch time. Wallis is behind the counter as per usual, cleaning some glasses and getting ready for customers. He waves at Orval as he approaches.

"I'm guessing things worked out?" He askes while placing a large bag on the counter for Orval, stuffed to bursting with travel rations of high quality. "I could hear the mistress from all the way down here!"


Jun 24, 2016
Watching the maid, the lamia, and his cowgirl all walk off had been nice, but the satisfactory grin on his face as he walked through over to the bar was one that said it all even as he was asked how things went. He moved over to the counter and took up the bag, his grin growing to a smirk.

"Better. Estelle gave me a ring and collared them. If I put the ring on, I can do whatever I want with them... but I think I'll save it for if they get unruly. If this job goes well, I'm definitely coming back. I even get to spend my time with Estelle personally! It's all thanks to that meal that I kept them nice and pleased... now I just have to do my part and keep things locked down."

His eyes shifted to where Gurkin would no doubt be waiting for him to return and finish following him, but his gaze went back to the goat. Were there any way, he'd be buying the brothel today. Having someone like Wallis, however, meant that when he did return to the city and its fine establishment he would have someone on the inside to help him begin or even carry out a takeover. Marcus had been a scapegoat, but if things went his way... maybe he could end up becoming richer than the small-dicked asshole of a scapegoat. Bringing the bag up and over his shoulder, he'd raise a hand in farewell as he moved to rejoin the bear-kin. With luck, Madam Estelle would give him some means to travel with all of his women, otherwise they would be stuck at a walk. But even if that happened, it was all worth it. They had food and he had women and a femboy to ensure there wasn't need of holding it in or using some unfortunate bandit. Orval was a slave owner who had the potential to not even have to use the rings... and as he'd wait with the larger male, that was pretty much the utmost sweetest sensation yet!

"So, Gurkin... did you ever have your eye on one of the boys and girls Estelle owns? I mean... just to have some small talk."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Gurkin looks at him with his stone cold eyes before sighing and nods. "Yes, I do. Phian, the little mouse girl who works the common room. Gray fur, lightly tanned skin...adorable big ears." He coughs and returns to his stoic pose. "Why do you ask?"


Jun 24, 2016
The big guy liked a petite mouse girl? That hadn't been what he expected, taking a moment to reel in his own shock with a smile.

"I figured I'd ask. Maybe next time I visit, I pay for her to see to you while you're on duty. Maybe have her ride you. You deserve it for what I bet the next few days will be like..."

His eyes turned to the stairs, hoping the trio hurried along soon. His axe was the last thing he needed to retrieve, his free hand moving to idly turn the ring over in his pocket.

"You... uh... know if these collar things can be tuned? I'd rather not influence their thoughts... getting them worked up and being able to order them around is useful, but... I think a woman should choose to love or hate me regardless of having to suck my dick or not... you know?"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I do not like the collars...they make me feel uneasy. Yes you can tune them. Find any mage worth their salt and they can change it for you. You are going to work with Mistress Eleanor Sinclair yes? She is powerful mage, ask her."

With that, the trio comes down the stairs. Byra has a small bag on her back, Selena has one as well and Belle has a larger back that she totes around with ease. All three line up in front of Orval in a line. Belle speaks up first. "We are all ready to move master. At your command."

Gurkin grunts and leads them all out the back door. A simple wooden wagon is there with a a horse strapped up to move them. Without a word the girls get into the back and sit down, waiting for their master. Gurkin turns to Orval and hands him his axe back...holy shit it looks amazing! The edge is razor sharp and the entire thing has been cleaned and polished. "Here...I got bored and cleaned it up a bit. Treat your weapon right, is the only thing you can rely on in combat."


Jun 24, 2016
The arrival of the trio had brought his hand out of his pocket and to greet them with a wave. By the time they had reached the wagon and the trio moved into the wagon, he had just enough time to put their packed food up and into it before turning and being met with the sight of his well-cared-for axe. His hands reached out to take the weapon, turning it over and examining it with some sense of shock. It was like the big guy had experience working metal!

"I... uh... thanks, Gurkin. I'll definitely see about getting you time with Phian when I return!"

Turning the axe over and carefully angling the weapon, he slid it into the groove-like harness of a sling on his back, not stopping until it was nice and secure to prevent any accidents. He'd learned who he was going to work with, some woman mage by the name of Eleanor Sinclair. It was better than going in blind, but it also meant that maybe he could pick up some magic from the woman. Hell, if she was willing to help him tune the collars to at least make training the other two fully it would be useful. Byra was loyal to his cock, but both Belle and Selena would no doubt take time and effort. Both of them, however, weren't so simple nor hated by him to simply break them. Maybe he could fine-tune the trio's collars rather than the ring itself... keeping one or two of the collars for those utmost necessary of moments.

Pushing the thought to the back of his mind for now, however, he gave Gurkin a nod of farwell before turning and moving to the wagon's driver's bench. A quick stride up and onto it allowed him to reach it in no time, looking back to Byra within the wagon with a smirk and patting the seat beside him.

"Come up here, Byra... the other two need the room. We'll have to see if we can fashion some shade using the wagon's kit for all of us. We've got quite a good bit of traveling to do. So all three of you need to get as comfortable as possible! I won't be using that ring unless necessary, so feel free to lay back and enjoy yourselves. Nothing lewd until we're out of the city, though!"

(We're finally leaving the brothel after a few pages of anal and vaginal plunder =3= progression!)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Byra instantly jumped to the seat next to Orval and leaned up against him with a happy sigh. With a bit more space, Selena lets her tail uncoil and Belle leads back to stretch her legs out with a sigh. A simple snap of the reigns and they are off on the road. They get some looks from the towns folk of SKarhl port, but no one does anything stupid. In roughly two minutes they are out the front gate and onto the open dirt road to the north! Today is bright and sunny but with a cool breeze wafting over theri skin. Belle is talking to Selena in the back, trying to snap her out of her stupor while Byra clings happily to Orval with a smile over her face.

The ride north is a simple one, they just have to follow the road. Day one of their trip goes smooth and without incident. Selena finally snaps out of her stunned state while the other two are the same as always. Right now the wagon is rolling through a small patch of trees that cast a lovely canopy over the road. The peaceful nature is broke though as Orvals combat experiance kicks in...they are being watched and followed.

(Hey, I will move the rp when you are ready. If you want to spend three pages making power plays and fucking whores..go for it! I have certainly enjoyed myself.)
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Jun 24, 2016
The first day of traveling had gone so smooth that the man's axe was resting on the other side. The brief night hadn't even involved sex, the trio of lovely slaves ultimately making the trip pleasant. Even without a cover over the wagon, the shade of the trees had already inspired Orval to bring things to a halt. The man looked about with some discretion, his hand moving to the axe as he turned and kissed Byra's neck for Belle and Selena to see and hear.

"We'll take a break for lunch. I've been a bit needy... so why don't you and me handle my problem? Selena and Belle," he finished addressing the femboy and looked to the other two, "You mind arranging some food? We can all help Belle relieve her breasts a bit for a drink, let her have some water and fruits to keep her hydrated."

He'd need to keep his axe at the ready, of course, despite the casual assignments and attempt to be calm he was making. If his gut was right and someone had plans for them, he'd need to be quick on preparing his weapon to deal with them...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Byra's eyes practically glowed with the though of servicing her master again. For the sake of speed she simply reaches down and removes her panties, leaving the maid uniform on. She quickly gets down between Orval's legs and frees his cock fromt he confines of his pants. With as much love and care as Byra can muster she starts stroking, licking and kissing his cock for a good minute before opening up her mouth pussy and taking him straight down to the hilt with a happy hum. It isn't more than a few seconds before she is bobbing her head up and down the cock that she loves the most.

Belle groans as she streatches out in the wagon. "Of course master, it shall be as you say." She grabs the provisions back and starts getting out various items. Dried meat, bread, fruits and ending with water skins. Selena does simply helps out with distribution, handing meat and bread to the two up front while sorting out fair shares for herself and Belle as well. Minutes later they all are eating and enjoying the cool breeze in the shade. 

Everything is going swimmingly...until Orval hears a slight whistling noise to his left. The moment he looks over it is too late. A dart flies straight at him but drops short, sticking into Byra's neck and making her panic and fall over. The dart falls out on its own and hardly a trickle of blood comes out. The effects however, are near instant as Byra's eyes fog with lust and she begins to masturbate furiously with one hand on her cock the other fingering her butt.

"Aww man, that was supposed to hit the big guy!" whines a voice from the left. Soon, a kobold kin steps out. Kobolds are often confused for small dog kin but this is not the case, they are in fact closer to lizard-kin. They sport fluffy dog ears on their heads, furry arms and thighs, but have scales on their chests and front the kneecap down they have scales that end in clawed lizard feet. This one is not exception as he/she, it is rather hard to tell gender here, has gray fur and green scales. It maybe stands three feet four inches tall and has the most adorable face Orval has seen with smooth skin, pink eyes and slightly pouty plump lips. Matching gray hair is kept pulled back in a short pony tail. At most they sport B cup breasts but it could jsut be large As and a pleasent rump if a tad small. They are wearing leather armor pieces, a stone dagger on their hip and holding a dart tube in their hand. 

"You there! Human man! Tremble in fear as I have come to take what is yours! Bow before the all mighty....Dink!"


Jun 24, 2016
With his favorite cock sucker so quickly moving to suck him off and even prepare just in-case he wanted more, Orval had leaned back and was enjoying a piece of meat while he fed his meatstick into the bitch boy's throat. The wagon had kept them close, almost intimately so while everyone went about enjoying the meal. Having been alert hadn't exactly been necessary, but it helped the instant the dart struck Byra and causing her to fall over in the front of the wagon. The sight of her fingering and jerking herself off was pleasing, but his hand had quickly pulled free the axe from its sling and hopped off the wagon by the time the Kobold-kin emerged. Small as they were, the gender-confusing shrimp had made the first blow. Though he hadn't been able to modify the collars yet, "Dink" was practically begging to be a target for him.

"Interrupting us and hitting Byra like that... I think I'm going to have to teach you some respect, Dink!. Selena, tend to Byra! Belle, come help me out with either your fists or something nearby!"

One hand had finally deposited his prick back into his pants, the bulge uncomfortable but necessary since the armed kobold had a dagger that could be used on him. Her armor likely wouldn't fit him or the trio, so that meant he was likely going to store it or look for pieces he could mesh together. If he captured this one, the scaly mutt wasn't going to be wielding a weapon or trusted by his side anytime soon. Heck, making their armor set into a single chest-guard for the buxom cow would let him start training the big-titted woman as a warrior to help him. Her seeming lack of expertise in anything beyond sex was pretty much something he could start working on now. Angling his axe and turning it around, he'd rush Dink and swing the blunt back-end of his weapon toward the shorty's shoulder for now...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Selena quickly wraps Byra in her coils and lets the lust crazed girly boy use her pussy as the lust dart runs iits course. Belle is also quick to react, jumping out of the wagon and ripping a large branch off a tree..with one hand...? Oh dear, it would seem that is Belle's hidden potential, raw brute force. She quickly joins Orval's side, waiting for an opening where she wont hit her master.

What Dink lacked in size or power was easily made up for in speed and grace. she jumped back and avoided Orval's axe with ease, brining up her blow dart to her lips and firing at him. The dart hits Orval in the chest, but simply gets stuck in his chest piece, the point missing his skin by a long shot as darks are not meant to go very deep.

"Curse you! Stop wearing armor and let me hit you! You might just like it! This stuff lasts for a while and feels real good!" She brings her weapon up again but is quickly interrupted by Belle slamming the branch down right next to the kobold, making Dink jump to the side to avoid being knocked over. "Geeze! Crazy cow bitch! You trying to kill me?!"

"No, just scare you and make you loose focus." Clever cow...Dink is wide open!


Jun 24, 2016
Though the dart had been caught in his armor, Orval was certainly not happy at fighting someone so underhanded to shoot lust darts at him. The strength displayed by Belle was promising, since he could train her to help in a lot of ways while in a fight. The use of her branch had, after all, given him an opening on Dink.

Swinging the reversed weapon as a bludgeon as he charged, he was almost on top of her in an instant. One hand darted out and took the blowgun first and foremost, knowing fully well that the risk of turning another of his slaves or himself into a lustful slut was more dangerous the knife the small one wielded. He pulled it up and away, swinging the blunt end of his weapon for Dink's noggin...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The blunt side of his axe connects with her head when she reaches out to take her dar gun back. It rings off her skull like a bell, her eyes rattling around before the little kobold falls over on the floor, face down ass up position. She is out like a light.

Belle casually tosses the branch aside and waits for further orders while looking at Dink. "Lots of talk, not much performance...though her speed is admirable her combat sense is terrible. This is like her first or second attempt at this.."


Jun 24, 2016
The defeat of the kobold-kin was quick and effective, the man looking to his weapon for a moment as he sighed in relief and turned it back over.

"Well, thanks to my armor we had no issue... but I didn't expect you to leap to action so fast! I think you should train with me when we get the time, Belle. But for now..."

He'd pull one of the three remaining collars free, kneeling beside the shrimp and pulling one of the collars on and tightening it before fixing it in place. Removing the stone dagger, he'd toss his axe to the dirt out of either of their reaches to the side of the wagon. Using the knife and his free-hand, he'd start cutting away at the little one's armor.

"Get my axe put back in its sling, Belle... help Selena with Byra's lust, too. I'll toss this one's armor near the wagon for you all to pick up. She won't need it, but I think we could fashion something for you from all of it. A proper weapon will have to wait... you can have her dagger once I'm done with it though..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle nods her agreement. "If that is what you want master, then I shall train with you. I jumped to action because my master was at risk and I will not stand for it." She pauses on her way to get his axe. "Just so you know master...I am happy to be here, I am just not the best at showing emotions until they are too strong. Sorry if I offended you in any way." She moves over and puts Orval's axe back into it's sling. With a quick jump she is back into the wagon and  takes over for an exhausted Selena who has a stream of Byra's cum leaking out of her. Byra doesnt hesitate to start pounding Belles pussy, the poor maids lust still flaming hot.

As Orval cuts away the small armor pieces he learns two things very quickly. The first is that Dink here is not wearing any clothes under neath it, and two, Dink is sporting some extra equipment. While her body is most certainly female now that the armor is out of the way, instead of a clit, she has a cute 6 inch dog cock but no testicles. Under that cock is a normal pussy. By the time Orval has cut off all the armor pieces it is clear that he doesn't have enough to make something big for Belle as her large breasts will certainly hinder progress. Maybe a stomach guard? Some leather gauntlets and arm guards? Hard to tell as of now.

Now complete, a naked kobold lays in front of Orval. The collar around her neck has activated and the buckle has dissapeared making it impossible to take off, just like the others.


Jun 24, 2016
"A herm... but no balls? She can't have kids using this thing, but..."

His eyes shifted to the now nude kobold's rump, taking his time to study her body well. The itty bitty titty dog-lizard had a nice enough ass... but her size was certainly lacking for anything proper. She was small enough to just about reach his waist, so kissing her was pretty much impossible while rutting her. Dink was practically designed to be a cocksleeve!

"Don't worry, Belle! I believe you that you're happy! Just make sure Byra gets what she needs!"

Putting the stone dagger in his belt, the man wrapped an arm around the small fry and recovered the blowgun. Without using his ring, things would be strange... but the weapon could help with that extremely. Moving to the wagon, he'd toss the shrimp up onto the driver's seat before climbing mostly up. But raising her rump and dropping the blowgun into the back. Both of his hands moved to hold her shoulders and keep her facedown as he climbed up and pulled his pants down to let the prick flop between the dick-clitgirl's derrière. Both hands squeezed to hold her still, slipping the still slicked-up dick into her cunny nice and slow. The armor was still below, but with him pinning the nude kobold there was no way she could even take his axe. The girl's small size was perfect for giving her rough loving even without the safety of his ring!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Dink is still out cold so she doesn't give any reaction to him using her like a cock sleeve. She lays under him, limp as it gets, while he pounds away at her rapidly moistening cunt. It seems her body is awake enough as after the first few minutes her walls start gripping at his cock as she drips her juices around his cock. Man, this little girl was juicy! Movement were frictionless due to the excess lubricant and after a while her pussy molded to the shape of his cock making her the perfect tightness for his cock.

In the back of the wagon, Belle is still working with Brya and Selena has started chipping in by shoving her tail into the maids ass. Byra's eyes were fogged over with lust, no emotion other than primal desires. Selena leans back enough to speak with Orval. "Umm...master...whatever she uses in those darts is pretty virile. Byra isn't slowing down back here." She pronounces master oddly, like the word is sour in her mouth.


Jun 24, 2016
The shifting of his new kobold's fuckhole didn't go unnoticed, Orval panting as he thrust nice and deep into her. Despite her size, she could certainly take it like a champ. Her hole had already matched his length, lending into the quickly impending climax. But then, as the two ladies worked over Byra's cock and ass, he heard Selena speak up. The sour nature of which she had spoken didn't go unnoticed, his eyes turning to her as he buried himself fully into Dink for the moment. Grumbling, he looked between the trio and his newest "friend" before ultimately slipping up and out of her.

"Damn it... just tie her up for now and let her sit there, then. You clearly won't be able to fuck it out of her. Use this kobold's clothes down there as bindings, Belle... Selena, I want you to come with me! We're going to go for a walk."

His eyes had looked to the snake-kin for a moment, before he finally released his grip on her shoulders and pulled her back and up to her knees. Both arms went down and hooked one-by-one beneath her thighs and picked her up. Dropping to the ground, her lewd pussy was in plain-sight for whatever spirits might be watching in-front of him, his cock throbbing beneath her as he'd start off. Whether Selena followed or not was ultimately her choice, since he refused to use the ring... but no matter what he wasn't going to leave his little cocksleeve behind. Dink was going to likely wake up soon and the instant she did, he wanted to have at least got off using her hole. Cumming inside her wasn't exactly an option, though, since unlike the other three who had likely been aware of when they were pregnant... she was just some wild kobold-kin. For all he knew, the little scaly mutt had been trying to get knocked up by him in the first place!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle and Selena look at him, slightly surprised at his choice of actions but obey none the less. They use the destroyed leather gear and Tie Byra to the bottom of the wagon in a spread eagle fashion. She moans and whines, thrusting up into the air eager for more release but continued to find nothing. Once that was done Selena got out of the wagon and followed Orval with haste. "Where are we going? Why are we just leaving Belle and Byra back there? Isn't that dangerous?" Ugh, question after question, it would seem Selena has no intention of being a good slave.