When Willow aimed his ass back to rub his cock, Orval didn't hesitate. One hand secured that cute tail, the other grabbing the base of his boy's cock. He'd give small jerks, using the tail hold to keep him from slipping away. It also meant he could pull the plush butt up against his cock while masturbating his effeminate boy.
"It's always hard, seeing this prick still able to get hard and not just knotting your butt into a boypussy. Byra once blurred the line, but the knot wasn't needed to plow her into my wife. Your aunts and mother simply came and rode my old cock in bliss."
He released the tail, plugging the cute hole with two of his free hand's fingers. Milking the prostate as he jerked Willow off, Orval wanted to take the intimate cleaning to make his decision at last.
"So Willow... do you like this cock? Or do you desire mine? If you wished, I could give you a pussy and show you what you're missing when I knock up your mother and aunts... not for a child, but the experience. Or I could give you a proper cock, let you fuck Yalna as hard as me... of course, I still expect blowjobs and the ownership of your backdoor. What do you think?"