A Grand Tomorrow (For BubbleLord)


Jun 24, 2016
Pulling away from Belle once they arrived, he couldn't help but admit he didn't expect to meet a monkey-kin. That didn't stop him, however, from nodding.

"That's correct, Deeno... I was looking to buy one or two lizards. Some younger ones that aren't trained, even... I'm looking forward to getting and training some myself. Do you think you could help me out, preferably with some that are orange?"

He'd pull free his coin-purse, looking to Belle for a moment before looking to the man once more.

"I've got a bit less than four-hundred coins to spend... and you'd be earning a future client if they're cheap and easy enough to work with. It's not likely we'll be back soon, but I can promise that if we need your business I can recommend you to the Sinclair family."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Deeno beems brightly at the offer. "Well that is just fine by me! Future business is good business." he steps outside and guides them over to a gate and into the fenced in land where the lizards laze about. "These guys are pretty easy to work with so long as you have a gentle touch. They are hardy, loyal, strong and scary as any man in a fight!" He whistles and a dark blue one comes running over, pushing it's giant flat head against his hand. "You need to treat them with love, earn their trust and they will never leave your side. So you want some young and untrained ones huh? Yea, we got a fair few of them in the barn." He pats the blue lizard and takes them over to the barn.

Inside the barn is a large open room with plenty of space for the lizards. Tucked into the back are small ones, roughly the size of a medium dog, all walking around and wrestling with each other. "Now then, they respond very well to physical attention and will bond quickly with whoever teaches them what is what. So make sure that is you. They are omnivores, but make sure they get a good mix of meat and fruit. Go ahead and pick out two that you like! They are all roughly the same, no training and just starting to eat tough foods. one hundred coins each sounds fair since not much has gone into them yet."

There are six little lizards here. A brown one, a golden orange one, a gray and green one, a yellow one, a slightly off pink one and finally silvery blue one. 


Jun 24, 2016
Looking to the six presented, he couldn't help but have an interest in them all. One hundred a piece also meant that he could buy three and probably weasel in a fourth one with some haggling. That said, he did move to the golden orange one and then looked toward the grey and green one. They were both the colors he chose to wear and outfit his fellow slaves in. It was only as he looked to them that he would turn his view toward the monkey-kin.

"The orange and green one seem good. I need to make sure there's at least a male and female between them... if both of them are male or female, can you pick me out one that's another gender? Whichever color doesn't matter much."

He already knew one of these fine creatures was going to be his... probably the orange one. The other would likely go to Belle, his eyes turning to her for a brief moment with a smile. It was hopefully going to be a nice and surprising gift for the cow-kin, admittedly it was probably going to be an obvious one.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea, those two are both males." He pointed to the end of their tails were small studs that will eventually be spikes are growing. "Only boys get the tail spikes. Are you looking to try and breed them or just want to balance it out? Cause while these lizards are easy to handle, they are picky breeders." He moves over and picks up the brown one and the silvery blue one, setting them in front of Orval. "These two are females, by the way."

Belle just watched the little lizards scurry about with a smile on her face.


Jun 24, 2016
Looking to the brown and silvery blue one, he'd lower down and pet both of the critters at the information about how to discern their genders. Picky breeders was certainly an interesting thing to hear, but he knew full well that reproducing these buggers would be vital. Working with Deeno in the future was going to be needed, but being able to produce their own lizards would be equally important.

"If that's the case, would you mind dropping the price a bit so I can take both of them? If they're really picky breeders, then keeping two of them should increase my chances of them breeding, right?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Eeeeh, see, they are only fertile once a year and it only lasts for a week. That is the problem you see. thankfully they lay clutches of four to six eggs normally so you generally get your monies worth. Tell you what, in the sigh of doing future business with you, I will give you four of them for the price of three, so three hundred coins. Just make sure you come back in the future alright? This is kind of a niche market and I need all the regulars I can get."


Jun 24, 2016
He'd negotiated the deal easily enough, nodding and getting up.

"That sounds good. You've got a deal."

Sorting the coins our, he'd hand them over before looking at the four. It'd be a long-term project, but it could end up changing things greatly. This could give the estate replacements for horses for dirt cheap and quickly. Eleanor would have to admit it was a good find if there ever was one.

"We can carry them back. I'll make sure any further business we do in relation to these guys and girls is with you. Belle, let's get these runts back to the inn."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
He takes the money and motions to the four lizards. "Keep a close eye on them. They act a lot like cats or maybe even puppies when they are this young. Full of energetic bursts before flopping where they stand for a nap!" He laughs as they grab their lizards.

Belle takes the Silvery blue one and the green one with a smile. "Oh! they are warm to the touch!"

"Yea, some people think they are related to salamanders...but they thankfully don't breath fire."

with a nod, the two of them with their future mounts leave the farm and head back to the inn. The others have yet to return, but Grunder is currently balls deep inside of Felicia's pussy, cum dripping from her cunt as they are likely on round three or four right now.


Jun 24, 2016
Carrying two of the critters, he was certainly somewhat mixed on the sight the two of them came back to. While he'd wanted them to go at it, he'd not expected the bull to so utterly rut and cum so much inside of her. It made him a bit jealous that he didn't have smaller loads that could allow continuous internal cumming. Setting down his two lizards, he'd look to Belle with a smile.

"Looks like your brother is eager to give our kid a cousin. I'm jealous that we can't have fun like them thanks to my back... maybe we should go grab a bite or try to settle in and sleep?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle puts the little critters down and they scamper off to the corner of the room where they wrestle about. "yea, we could head down to the bar here and get something to eat. If you are feeling backed up i could give you some oral service Master. You don't have to move much for that do you?" she gave him a winning smile and held his hand.

Grunder looked up from his thrusting and smiled. "So you have reconciled with my sister. Good, one step to redeeming yourself in my eyes if you care about that at all. Of course....mmmm....giving me Felicia earned you many steps forward. So many months we could only talk and hope because of her previous hack job owner. Finally letting loose almost a years worth of desire for my beautiful wife to be!"


Jun 24, 2016
"Just don't break her cunt from all the fucking. Having a kid was the goal, not fucking each other so hard you don't feel pleasure properly."

His hand with Belle's squeezed, smiling to her as he chose the option she might have not even expected. Rather than get sucked off, he tugged her along and to the bar. Of course, they didn't sit at the bar but rather moved to one of the table-like booths. Orval would sit beside Belle, taking a moment to curse and settle into his seat before looking to her with a smile.

"Let's try not to drink too much, if at all. Once someone comes over here, we can order some nice food. I'm actually... glad we're getting time like this. Your brother and Felicia seem really intent to fuck their brains out, so I'd rather just relax than risk hosing either of them on accident and getting pulled into some foursome..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle was indeed caught off guard, but in a nice sort of way. She followed Orval down to the bar and slid in first so he was on the end of the seat. With a happy smile she gripped his hand again. "I am not that big on drinking anyway so that is not a problem. I am surprised though, I fully expected you to take my oral offer."

A human waiter comes over with a smile. "Hello you two, welcome to the Honey Suckle, todays specials are beef stew with cheesy bread and the special 'six ways to sunday' soup and salad combo. Can I get you two anything to drink?"


Jun 24, 2016
"Water for me. And some of that stew would be nice, too."

His eyes looked to Belle, taking a moment to wrap an arm around her and pull her nice and close to whisper to her.

"I'd rather kiss you than make you suck me off any day, Belle. I've not got chances like this often... and I intend to enjoy it."

Only when he had finished would he look back to the waiter, motioning to her.

"She'll be ordering something else, I'm sure... but if you don't mind could you go ahead and prepare us some desert? Any kind will be fine... I really want today to be special since we might not be back in town for a while."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course sir! The Honey Suckle Pie is a town favorite. What will you have ma'am?"

"I will take the soup and salad combo. With chicken soup on the side please. Apple juice with that too please."

"Excellent choices! both of the special, a water, an apple juice and the honey suckle pie. Your food will be out shortly." The waiter takes off

Belle smiles and leans gently into Orval, pushes her lips against his. At the same time, her hand rests in his lap. "that is very sweet Orval...if you don't mind me calling you that right now...but you have left an impression on me. Now I feel your touch and my body just reacts." 


Jun 24, 2016
Being called Orval instead of master wasn't too unexpected given the atmosphere the two had been sharing. Returning the kiss after she'd spoke, he'd grin and slide the hand down to her ass. Giving the softest of squeezes, he'd kiss her again while they had the time to be alone and intimate. Even if he wasn't going to have sex with her, he was certainly going to enjoy their time together.

"Your body just reacts, huh? I guess you really do belong to me in body... now I just need to keep seducing that heart of yours. Our daughter won't even know the difference between a free woman and you by the time we're done raising her. Have you been thinking of some names?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I have actually. Hannah sounds nice, but I also like the sound of Glenda. What about you, have you thought of anything on that regard? Are you going to teach her anything like combat or magic?" She has a genuine smile on her face and her hand slowly grinds on his crotch through is pants. She moves it away though when the waiter comes back.

"Here are your drinks, the food will be out soon." he scoots off and Belle instantly moves her hand back to Orval's crotch.


Jun 24, 2016
"W-well, you frisky cow-kin... I think Hannah is great. Maybe teaching her some magic would be smart, though."

It was quite nice to see her taking such a lead, but she certainly was adventurous to do it in public. He could only imagine the waiter blushing and running off and all the looks they'd get. It made him grope her ass stronger, sliding closer.

"If she's got your features, we'll be fighting everyone off in no-time..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hmm, it will be worth the fight to keep our little girl safe." she wraps her arm around his shoulder and pulls him over so they are hip to hip.

The waiter comes over and puts their food down. "Here you are! Just call out if you need me!" Again he is off like a shot.

Knowing their food is here and the waiter shouldn't be a total block any more, she fixes Orval with a grin as she undoes his belt and slides a hand down the front of his pants, groping at his cock.


Jun 24, 2016
While he'd been content to enjoy the dinner, it seemed Belle had other ideas. With her hand messing with his dick, his hand slipped into her pants and panties. But rather than down the from, his hand moved to finger at her backdoor.

"You really are intending to get me to cum in your mouth. I wanted a nice dinner, but neither of us can even focus on our meal."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I have no idea what you are talking about, I am just getting my snack all ready. Are you complaining? Should stop?" she pulls her hand slowly out of his pants and smiles innocently at him.


Jun 24, 2016
"Nngh... tease."

Rather than pull away, he'd shove his finger in to the knuckle. Kissing her to make sure the initial entry didn't give them away, it was his turn to enjoy this without involving their meal yet.

"You know, maybe we should take this back to the room. I bet that pie on your pie would be very appealing... or maybe we should get you in my lap and try to have fun stealthily."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle grinned at him. "Are you sure Orval? I'm a big girl and I don't want to crush you. How about this, you pull that finger out of my ass and we enjoy our meal. Once this food is gone, we can get as handsy as you want while we wait for that pie. Then we take this to the room and you can eat as much pie off my pie as you want."


Jun 24, 2016
Slipping his finger from her backdoor, he didn't back off. In fact, he took the challenge that she would crush him to heart. Grabbing her ass, he'd lift her up and out of her seat and into his lap as if they were a couple. Having her in his lap like this wasn't a strain on his back, but it did give her a nice bulge against her clothed cunt. He was more than willing to fuck her in the middle of the bar, but for now he moved the hand in her pants around and to the front. Once there, he'd press it into her opening while resting the other across her lap to conceal it beneath a gently display of affection to keep her close.

"I'll take my pie up there... but how about you eat and feed me while I test just how wet I can make my favorite cow-kin? I'd wager I could have you mooing if I can find the right button."

Kissing her neck, he'd keep her back while trying to keep an eye out for the waiter. For now, they had a nice meal and he was going to enjoy it with the rather heavy but tolerably-weighed cow-kin in his lap. More specifically, he was going to enjoy it while making sure she enjoyed a nice and probing feel within the cunt he had claimed more than a fair share of times.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle gave a startled "Eep!" as she was pulled up into his lap and a repressed moan as she felt his hand dive down the front of her pants. the fact they were doing this in public made it all the more lewd and that showed by the moistness of her pussy already. She wiggled her hips lightly and tried to play it cool while she took a few bites of her food before feeding Orval a few bites of his own.

"This is...so naughty. Want to take it a step further? Take that wonderful cock of yours and put it in my ass, see if you can hold out this entire time or if you will fill me up in front of everyone."


Jun 24, 2016
"If I bring my cock out," he'd pause long enough to take and swallow and offered bite, "Then I am filling you up in front of everyone. Lewd or not, I certainly can't take a chance in your backside to not go all out. So I think until then, I'm going to see just how much you enjoy this sort of thing in public."

The hand around her waist would squeeze her gently and reassuringly, kissing her neck as he dug the finger in her deeper. From just the front of the digit to knuckle deep, he was probing and pushing around in the pussy he'd put a kid in not but over a week ago. His lips were against her neck and cheeks whenever she wasn't offering him food, trying to make sure they pulled up the facade of just a lovey dovey couple. Of course, getting to kiss and have fun with the girl who had him so worried that he wasn't even bothering trying to shave was also a nice experience... but he wanted more. Which meant that as a second finger slipped inside her, he began to push and rub his palm against her pubic mound and clit, trying to get her really damp and ready to fuck.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle manages to keep up a straight face for several minutes under such treatment, feeding both herself and Orval while panting kisses on his cheek every now and again, but when that second finger slid inside and he pushed his palm against her clit, she started to falter. Thankfully, the food has run it's course so she doesn't have to handle the spoon any more. Belle rests her hands on the table and tries her best, but her lust is rising and Orval can feel it. her pussy is basically dripping inside of her panties and pants, her clit fully exposed to his palm. Every now and again she will start to sag in his embrace only to catch herself a second later.

"Orval....Master....my pussy is on fire. i need more than just fingers now. Please, stop teasing, give it to me right here. Bend me over the table if you must but this is torture now!"


Jun 24, 2016
Even once they'd eaten, she wasn't getting any mercy. Part of his playful side wanted to make her cum in this place, but instead he released her cunt and withdrew from its folds. He'd bring his slicked fingers up and to her mouth, pushing them in gently and shushing her.

"Don't you worry... you'll get it. But let's get that pie and eat it nice and slow. Take our time... I've got to still take it easy, remember. If I go upstairs or do it here, we'd need to take it easy."

Despite his injury, he had more than enough desire to tease and tempt the cow-kin. Today was a great day, where he'd acquired some runty lizards, made-up and bonded further with Belle, and now had her begging for his cock in the middle of the inn's restaurant. It was a far more welcome pick-up in comparison to the days of misfortune. And as he'd grab her shirt and pull it up, he had no regard for where they where as both hands slipped down to tug her bra down and grope her large tits. The shirt would fall back down, but unless she was really still it would be easy to spot the two and their adventurous act.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle squirmed in her seat on Orval's lap, the teasing and prodding pushing her further and further to a lust addled state. With her pussy free to relaxed for a moment, sucking Orval's fingers clean of her own juices, but when she felt him pull her shirt up in the middle of the inn, she turned redder than a tomato! She was about to protest but then her bra was yanked down as well, leaving her breasts completely vulnerable to his assault. Thankfully her shirt fell back down, but that did little to hide their adventure as her milk started to drip from her nipples, soaking Orval's hands and the front of her shirt.

"Nooo....no more...master please....I'm going to go crazy like this....!"


Jun 24, 2016
"It's not 'Master', it's Orval. You're going to be my wife, remember? I want you to be informal whenever it's just us."

The breast milk on his hands was only encouraging, knowing full-well how much she'd be revealed to the most simple glance. Groping and moving the tits strongly, he'd push his bulge against her soaked-but-covered cunt. Releasing his right hand's grip, he brought it back and down to tug her pants and panties out of the way. The next instant revealed his cock, pulling her down and onto him as the hand in her shirt up through the collar of her clothing to muffle her. Anally buried in her and quickly moving both hands to her tits, he'd breathily chuckle in one of her ears.

"Your ass is great... nice and gentle. We don't want the whole inn coming over and jerking off while we fuck or throwing us out, do you?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bell is having a hard time keeping it together at this point. her breathing is ragged and her ass grips at his cock firmly and without mercy. Her tits have completely soaked through her shirt and now with her pussy exposed to the air and her ass stuffed full of cock, she is dripping onto the floor. A few people in the inn have noticed their little adventure but have done nothing to stop it, either enjoying the view or just letting the lusty lovers do their thing.

"Orval....so full....your cock is inside me and we are in public...it feels so wrong...but so right! I don't care if they complain, please...fuck me and fill me right here!"