A Grand Tomorrow (For BubbleLord)


Jun 24, 2016
Gritting his teeth didn't come close to stopping the groan of pain at the touch of the cloth. But, on the plus side, he wasn't going to be carrying scars yet.

"Nnnngh... I guess that's a week without sex... I know a lot of ladies who will be upset."

Taking a glance to the ferret-kin, he figured he'd take a shot at talking to him.

"So... you know Matilda here? I'll be taking her with me when we head back to the Sinclair estate... I'm in dire need of stories to wag at her on the road..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The ferret chuckles behind him as he works on Orval, taking the cloth away and cleaning the wounds again with a warm wet cloth.

"Oh yes, I have a few you can wag. How about the time she smashed her hand like an apprentice because she wouldn't stop staring at the young man walking past her forge? Or the time that SHE was the drunk staggering through my door have a bar fight? Or the time she-"

Matilda slaps a hand over his mouth.

"I really think that is enough now good doctor! Hahahaha!" Her laugh is strained and awkward. while Tu'sheen pushes her hand away with a sly grin, finishing his cleaning before re wrapping the wound with clean gauze.

"There you are sir. Just take it easy, no big twisting or turning and that will be back to normal in roughly a week. Maybe shorter depending on your constitution." 


Jun 24, 2016
Wrapped up once more, Orval made a clear attempt to gently pull his shirt back on. Those stories were definitely fun, since she'd be making some stories between their sex-capades. Turning with a bit of a wince, he'd face the ferret-kin at last.

"I don't suppose I could convince you to leave behind a posh place like this to come with us... so maybe I could ask a favor of you. I'm learning magic, though I've not practiced since setting out to here. If you have books on healing magic by chance, maybe I could borrow them? Hell, books on medicine could be useful for my harem girls to make sure we can cover this sort of issue..."

Grunder would hopefully have someone at least more attractive but for now he figured he could flirt and find out more about the aiding doctor.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Tu'sheen laughed a friendly laugh, not mocking or anything, just jovial as he gently pats Orval on the shoulder.

"I'm afraid you were be rather hard pressed to get me to leave here. I have steady business, a good reputation, little competition and supplies a plenty here. But for your second request, I do have some basic books on medicine and survival. You know, what plants will help you and which ones will send you to an early grave." He gets up and walks over to a nearby book shelf. "As for healing magic, I don't know anything about that. I am a bit old fashion you understand? Don't want to bother trying to learn healing magic when my skills can already do the same thing."

Matilda nods along before moving to near Orval and whispering to him. "You only have one collar and are in no shape to force him master. I'm afraid...for now at least...he is out of your reach."


Jun 24, 2016
Orval didn't need to be reminded about the collar, reaching out to give Matilda a soft spank. If she were to hold him down, he could fuck the ferret-kin senseless over a lengthy period. He'd have to remember the doctor for another day.

"I understand," he'd say while taking his time moving to the shelf and finding some books on treatment and medicine. He had an alchemist who could make medicines at least. Once he had a few, he'd nod toward the ferret-kin and start on his way slowly out.

"If I'm back in town, I'll look you up, doc. You got an ass worth looking at as much as Matilda here, so it's a shame we can't get to know each other."

Unless he was stopped, he had a wagon to return to. There was one person to collar and an angry bitch to visit...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Please be careful sir, I hate doing repeat visits!" Another light laugh follows the out.

Nothing has changed around the wagon as a tense air surrounds it in mostly silence. Belle sits not moving in the front, her eyes lost in thought, while light chatter can be heard in the back.

"Alright Master, up you go now, there you are. I guess all that is left is your trade route. Ravindra is your only option here as all other overseers keep what their miners dig up. Fair warning, Ravindra is a total hard ass and won't let up for much of anything. I hope you have a good argument and lots of coin cause she won't settle for anything less."

With that Matilda gets the wagon moving again, heading back down to the lower level of the city and way off to the side where the city meets the mountain. This place is a hot zone of activity as carts are loaded with stone and metals before being carted off to their appropriate destination. Several overseers are walking about, but one stands out among all the others. A bat-kin woman; She has a slime and lithe build, charcoal black hair sits on her head with black bat ears sticking out of it, hard steel gray eyes flick about over a small nose and a mouth with soft lips constantly in a frown. Her shoulders are slime, her arms as well but covered in charcoal black fuzzy fur. Large bat wings rest on her back and point down to a soft, if a tad small, round butt. Her breasts are B cups at most and lead down to a smooth stomach. Her hips a nice and wide, and if Orval is seeing correctly there is a bulge on her front, she might be a herm or just have a large pubic mound. Long slender legs covered in fuzzy bat fur end in normal human feet.


Jun 24, 2016
It was safe to assume the likely-herm bat-kin of the bunch was the overseer he was looking for. Motioning for Selena and Narmin to follow along with Matilda, he'd take a single look to Belle before getting down once more. As sore as he was, it was more painful that his cow-kin had still refused to even acknowledge him. He could only hope that would change soon, otherwise he might have to try and speak to her before she was ready to speak with him. As the group of four would move to the woman, he would try his best to at least appear unscathed from his back wound. Looking strong and carrying cash was one part of negotiation a beneficial deal... and with how much he heard about this bitch it was pretty much reassuring to him that he had two of the town's smiths and his snake-lover to help improve his overall appearance and reputation he might carry on looks alone.

"Excuse me, are you Ravindra? I'm Orval, a man looking to arrange trade with the Landing. If you're not her, mind taking me to her?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The bat-kin turns to face him, her eyes lowering into a scowl as she looks over Orval, then the three slaves behind him, her frown seems to deepen.

"Yea, I'm Ravindra. What does a slave lord want to trade for? You already claimed two of our smiths by the look of it. Are you targeting me to? Well forget it, you even pull out a collar around me and I will fly straight to the guards!"

Selena moves up with a friendly smile. "No, not at all dear overseer, we are trying to set up a trade route for some basic metals and ores. If you would just-"

"Oh stuff the formal talk you scaly noodle. That might work on nobles and shop keepers but I got shit to do! So what the hell do you want? Mithril? You dumb lords always want the most expensive shit right?"


Jun 24, 2016
There was at least some regard being held for the bat-kin and her quick dismissal.

"I claimed two, but Narmin and Phorcide weren't of your best. Matilda is going to work for us, however, so she needs no collar. If I wanted you, I would have walked up and collared you right away."

Moving a hand to gently wrap around Selena to pull her close, it was equally a time to rest some of his weight on her. Carefully patting his purse of coins, the slave lord would do his best to meet Ravindra's gaze. The bat-kin could see he wouldn't tolerate the same sort of treatment she'd given to his snake-kin, whether she was an overseer or not.

"As Selena said, I'm looking for iron and coal. Everything we need to make steel. Mithril is something we only need if there's room to work it in. If you're willing to talk, then let's at least get out of the public eye and ear. Otherwise, maybe I'll act like a dumb lord and bend you over for all these other overseers to fuck you into a puddle. I might not take you, but maybe letting everyone in town dump their seed in you would at least teach you enough manners for discussing business."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Ravindra throws her head back and laughs hysterically before fixing Orval with a sinister grin. 

"You have no idea what being an overseer means does it? Oh my, how you made it this far is beyond me if you don't even do your research first!"

Narmin leans over to his ear. "Overseers are regarded as nobles in the landing, so you two are roughly equals in standing, though she has a bit more on you since this is her home city master."

"I am assuming your little tart there just filled you in on where we all stand. So, why don't you try again little slave lord, and as me really nicely if I will put up with you for another few minutes to talk business."


Jun 24, 2016
Narmin's words had only done more to make him more and more in-line with his line of thinking. Noble or not, Ravindra acting like a bitch was enough that he knew putting a collar on her would quickly remove any sort of power she held. It'd take all but a snap and he'd have control of her will. However, that didn't stop him from releasing Selena and standing up straight.

"Overseer or not, I have trade that I can take elsewhere. It wouldn't be preferred, but Miss Sinclair just needs the iron and coal. It'd take time, but I wager I could find what you're offering for less if I wanted to take the time to travel. Instead, I came here. I've heard nothing but talk about how hated you are when asking around town... almost as if the place is ripe for a change."

It was a bluff, of course, as he hadn't asked around but only heard from his small posse of people. However, based on her act he was certain many overseers in the landing and its citizens would love to see her off her pedestal. She was the exact kind of person like that fat fuck from the brothel, one who he would love to break and have ride his cock for the rest of her days to make her repent. Hell, offering her to the landing seemed almost like an act that would earn Eleanor and himself the entire landing as an ally.

"My offer stands as roughly four thousand gold. I might offer more, but only when you realize that I don't care who you are beyond someone to deal with. If you can't respect me, I'll walk away."

He had still not paid the three-hundred to Matilda, which meant he had roughly seven-hundred more coins to barter with. He'd need to remember to have both women sign the envelopes as well, but his focus now was on trying to appear like the lord he was assumed as. There was no land, only the amount of slaves that boasted and showed for his power. And as long as he looked the part of an up-and-coming slave lord who would be better off being an ally rather than an enemy, then he might have a chance of pulling this all off.

"If you can, then let's keep talking hard coin. With such an attractive woman like you, I had hoped you'd be more reasonable than the rest of the town and prove the naysayers wrong with a wit and desire to make a profit."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Ravindra just rolled her eyes. "Look slaver lord, I don't care if people hate me. I have a job to do that so few other people are even willing to try! Have you tried managing an entire mine before? I have to manage equipment, people, pay rolls, outcome, income, trade routes and a boss above me. That is a lot of stress, so yes, I am a horrid bitch. People have said it to my face and I will tell you the same thing I told them." She takes a step closer. "Deal with it! I have so much to do every damn day that getting five minutes to myself other than sleeping is a gift from Alrune herself!"

She takes a few steps back and lifts her clip board to write down a few more notes as another cart heads out. "Now I get it, you want to make a trade route. you have four thousand coins huh? that would get you a good deal for certain, especially for Iron and coal. But you also have to consider distance. Where are my boys even taking all of this? Each cart needs drivers, loaders and unloaders along with several guards. More guards depending on how far it has to travel and on what roads. So you might want to start there. I would offer you a private place to talk, but I can't afford to leave the work sight right now."

The bat-kin just stands there, writing on her clip board as she waits for Orval to speak up again.


Jun 24, 2016
Finally, she was beyond herself and decided to at least get to business.

"The Sinclair Estate. If you supply the guards for a while, I might be able to replace them with guards we can offer. Not only that, but we'd be willing to use the house of Grunder, one of your smiths, as a place where we could eventually get a team out here to help you manage and run things."

He'd pull the purse free, knowing full well that keeping the building free but giving a purpose to it eventually would allow him to leverage Grunder's assets. There were plenty of bandits he could enslave and turn into guards for the trade route. Not to mention he'd likely be training Selena to be an accountant and assistant at this point, allowing the snake-kin to further think of ways to promote the deal.

"Our wagon was able to get here filled with slaves and supplies in a little over a week... I imagine that would warrant the current price. I'll increase it to four thousand and three-hundred as long as you're initially covering the guards and ensuring Grunder's building remains usable. Once we've begun to supply the guards, we can say that the three-hundred is purely for the building and anyone we send to further help manage the trade route. We can focus it along the main roads to piggy-back Haven Grove's security, as well."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She clicks her tongue and thinks it over. "Hmm, yea for that price i could get a large wagon running that route. I will cover the guards for now but you better make good on that promise to replace them with your own boys and girls. I am assuming you have the paper work to cement this deal yes? Well hand it over along with the money." She hollers to a few workers who nod and move to get another wagon on the road before the loaders start their work.

"As for Grunder's house, I would need a signed form on consent that he is no longer using it himself. So until you can get that-" She is cut off my grunder himself stepping out of the wagon and walking up to her. "Oh....you collared him too I see. Well then, since you own him, you own his stuff, so yea I will send two people over there to keep it in working condition until you garrison some people there to act an an envoy." She starts writing again.

Grunder looks at Orval, his eyes have lost the normal shine of life, like a person who just accepted their fate. "One of the miners here, her name is Felicia. She is the one I want. A brightly colored bird-kin, small plush body, large breasts, squishy ass."


Jun 24, 2016
Pulling free the envelopes, he'd hand one to Matilda and quickly count out her three-hundred. Once she'd taken her own payment and contract, he'd remove four-hundred coins into his personal coin-purse before offering the rest and the following envelope to the bat-kin.

"Matilda is signing a contract with us, but the paperwork you need should be in there. Selena, help her with any paperwork or questions she has with it."

With the business done, he would turn to face Grunder. As much as he had wanted to break the bull-kin, he hadn't wanted a situation like this. It was only as he spoke that Orval would watch him for a few moments before pulling the final collar free. He'd put it in the bull's hands, his eyes looking up at the other male as he sighed.

"Grunder... I want you and Narmin to come with me, then. And... forget about the stuff I said back at your place. I know you wish to become completely different, but I think you changing slightly is better. After all, you remaining a male will allow you to fulfill the role of a father more traditionally with this bird-kin. If I marry your sister, I realize I have to get along with you... and that means trying my best to ensure you understand I'd rather not treat my harem with disrespect. You were born a male... and you should remain Grunder. Regardless of a slightly more plump rear or appealing hips... you're her brother. And... the uncle of what will be my first daughter. So... if it matters... I'll try to ensure that you understand why Belle helped me and allowed me to impregnate her."

Turning, he would start moving toward the mines for all but a moment before pausing. It was only then that he'd look back to the overseer once more.

"I'll return shortly and we'll take our leave. I am sorry for the abrupt parting, but I am on a schedule almost as tight as your own. Once we've got this miner, I have no intention of taking any slaves while here. As for the guards, I assure you that we will have them in good time."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Ravindra waved her hand at him "yea yea, whatever, she isn't one of mine so i don't care if you take her." She goes back to the paper work in front of her, pointing to several spots as she goes to have Selena fill in the blanks.

Narmin and Grunder follow him into the mine, Grunder speaking up once more. "I do not like you Orval. I serve only because this collar forces me to do so and I do not wish to lose my free will. However, my sister sided with you and not me in a fight for her future...so you clearly have some merits I am missing. Maybe serving under you will show your true colors...be they good or bad. For now, I can not speak to Belle...I understand her actions, but the betrayal still hurts worse than any wound."

Inside the mine is a busy bustling tunnel with miners running back and forth with pick axes, wheel barrels and various other tools. It is fairly noisy in here as picks smash against rock to get at the ore inside. The bird kin is easy to spot, with ivory feathers on her arms, legs and head that contrast with her ebony skin in a shocking display of beauty. Her breasts are large, maybe DD cups, her body on the plush side with feminine features all around. Normal human feet and hands adorn the end of her limbs. Her ass is almost as perfect as Byra's, soft heart shaped and slightly jiggly. When she see's Grunder she drops her pick and runs over to the bull, jumping into his arms happily.

"Grunder! What are you doing here? Who are these two?"

"Shhh, calm your self Felicia. This is Narmin from the middle forges and Orval...my new master."

"Master?! So you are leaving me then?" Her eyes tear up

"No, far from it. I am taking you with me." He holds up the last free collar. "Put this on and Orval will own you, no one can keep you here any longer."

Felicia doesn't hesitate as she takes the collar and snaps it on willingly, sobbing tears of joy into Grunder's chest.


Jun 24, 2016
Despite how much Grunder disliked him, he could only feel that he had taken a step to earning that trust when the two were united. He could understand why Grunder enjoyed kissing and toying with Byra now, partially wishing there was a situation where he could have a reunion like theirs. Byra wouldn't be leaving his side at the rate she worked him into taking her along, though, so it was quite likely he'd never have his feminine maid crying into his chest. Looking to Narmin, it did remind him that he'd need to make the mutt's face and rump a bit more appealing, giving a spank to the dog-kin before turning away from the couple.

"Like I said, Grunder... when we get back, I expect you to mate with her. I owe you enough respect to at least let you both consummate your marriage, but understand your role doesn't change much. You can be the one to have children with her, though... it's the closest to our original deal I can imagine."

Starting off, he'd only hope the trio would follow. With a sore back and a shitty reminder that he had to still deal with Belle, all Orval wanted was to get out of the landing and maybe spend a bit of money in Haven Grove on the way back to the estate. In truth, he already had an idea of what he'd buy. Specifically... he was going to hopefully find a Mount. Most nobles and well-off individuals owned their own creatures to ride... it only fit that he finally try to acquire a horse or some other sort of beast. He figured four-hundred coins could at least get him either a young, untested, and untrained beast of just about any caliber save something like a drake. As much fun as it was to ride his harem, none of them were exactly bred nor capable of carrying him into battle or long-distances...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the trio followed him out of the mine and back to the cart. Grunder and Felicia got into the back to continue holding on to one another. While Narmin just crawled in of his own accord. 

"Alright Orval, take this back to your mistress, the deal is set and I have my money. Expect your first shipment in two weeks. I will send wagons every other week so long as payment keeps coming back with them. Now if you will excuse me, some fuck wit just broke another pick and I have to arrange it to get fixed." Ravindra storms off, yelling at a few miners in front of her to move it.

Selena moves over to Orval and passes him the paper. "She is not a nice lady...If you collar her at some point, might want to keep her in her own room so she can yell to herself." She plants a kiss on Orval's cheek and gets back onto the wagon.

Matilda helps Orval back onto the cart and snaps the crops, getting the horses moving again...wait...two horses? "Before you ask, one horse can't pull this wagon any more, got the boys to hook us up with another one...they owed me a favor. Oh yea, these papers are yours, consider me on your pay roll Master Orval." She says his name with a played up regal manor.

Soon, the wagon is out of the landing and on the main road back to Haven Grove. They have four days of travel before they reach the city.


Jun 24, 2016
Those four days pass silently, thanks more or less due to Orval opting to give everyone space. The man felt worse more so after knowing he'd damaged Belle and Grunder's relationship so much and hadn't been even worth the chance for the woman to approach. He opted to sleep on his own, thinking quietly in the night even apart from Byra. The slave-wife of a maid wasn't pushed away if she joined him, but the man was preferring to sleep on his stomach and avoid cuddling to at least prevent further injury. By the time they reached Haven Grove, however, that had changed. Orval's face was lined with stubble as well, the first sign that his face wasn't being tended to. His blue eyes focused on the approaching city, he'd lean back a bit to rest against the cloth-covering of the wagon.

"Finally... we're halfway back. It'll be nice to relax after being on the road like this. Selena told you about the inn we're going to be staying at, right Matilda?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"That she did Master Orval! Honey Suckle inn, one of the best in the city. With a group as large as ours we might need two rooms...or just get rather cozy." She smiled as she steered the wagon into the city and down the street. 

for the duration of the trip, Belle and Grunder had not said a word to eachother and Belle spoke very little to Orval, keeping her replies short. The rest of his ever growing harem were plenty chatty and tried to keep the mood cheery during the long travel on the road. Grunder and Felicia were basically inseparable, constantly next to each other while up and with Felicia in Grunder's arms while they are down. They have not had sex yet, obviously waiting for a safer place to try and concieve a child. Despite his efforts to stay solo, Byra would have none of it and was always at Orval's side, just as she vowed to be.

Matilda pulls the wagon up and the stable boy comes on over to take care of the horses and the wagon itself while the occupants slowly climbed out one after another.

Selena slithers over, happy as can be. "Well Master, here we are! What would you like to do first?"


Jun 24, 2016
With his feet on the ground and the group at last in the town, his eyes looked to Grunder and Felicia first.

"Before I say what I want to do... Grunder, I expect you both to use the room to have plenty of fun. Everyone else, you can stay and fuck each other's brains out if you like or explore the town, but do not interrupt these two."

With that said, he'd move an arm over to wrap around Selena before looking to where Belle was. It was only now that he knew that the happy snake would likely have ideas for everyone else to sight-see... which meant he was going to take the time to do something different. Releasing Selena, he'd move to Belle and take her by the wrist before looking to the snake-kin.

"You can lead everyone on a sight-seeing trip. I'd slow you down this time... so I'll have Belle come with me. But before we part, do you know places where we could get some creatures for mounts? It's only a new idea, but... it'll be important in the long run for us to start getting things we can make use-of for when Eleanor doesn't have work for us."

Releasing Belle's wrist after a quick glance to her, he'd instead opt to wrap an arm around her waist and pull her close. It wasn't an attempt to be sexy or flirty, but tight enough to try and reflect to the cow-kin that the man was wanting to at least try to mend things now. Days of shutting himself out from the others, he wanted to try and at least bond with her during the day of searching for a creature to maybe bring things to where the two of them could speak. With his injuries, he also needed someone to help carry him if the pain spiked up or something happened that brought him right back to the ground. Belle and Grunder were the only two capable of doing so efficiently.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Selena's eyes lit up like magic as she smiled. "Oh my gosh yes! On the north side of town is a mount trainer! They train Gallosh Lizards! Horse sized four legged lizards with thick battle ready scales and powerful jaws! they are as loyal as they are deadly! they reach maturity in just a year so buying a young one is a wise choice!" With that she gathers up the others and starts ushering them off to a tour of the city and all her favorite spots.

Grunder nods to Orval and takes Felicia inside to book a room and promptly start fucking each other silly while he still had his full cock size. That left Belle and Orval alone.

"...So, did you have a location in mind master?"


Jun 24, 2016
"Well... while I'd love to go see about the lizards, I want to take you out for a while."

Keeping her nice and close, he'd start out and to a place he'd seen the last time they were in Haven Grove. The sun was up and the weather nice, lending further hope to his idea. They'd pass through the streets until they reached what looked like a park. It was in the northern side of the town so it took them somewhat of the way to their destination, but as they slowed and he finally released her it would become clear that this park was different. It was filled with flowers and what looked like couples. Here, the air of romance was high... but the air between the two was far from blossoming love. Moving to one of the free benches, he would sit and look to her, his voice quiet to allow the peace of the beautifully maintained park to float between them.

"I... apologize, Belle. For all of it... including not asking you what you truly wanted to do. I listened to Selena and answered Byra's desires, but your brother made it clear that... I owe you more than just something basic. I owe our future daughter more than that. And it's been eating at me since you couldn't speak to me... but... do you... want this? Do you want to have a kid with me? I don't care if you're okay with it... I want to know... if you really want to do this."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle clasps her hands together before slowly sitting down next to him, her eyes cast down to the floor. "Master....no...Orval. I am going to be blunt with you here. When you said you wanted to collar my brother, it was the first time I have felt fear of you since the day we met. you took me away from that brothel and into a life where I can do so much much than fuck random johns for cash. you made me young again and gave me a new family in your harem." She smiles slightly but it faded to a frown. "But when I brought up my brother...all I saw in your eyes was greed. Greed for more and more and more while hardly even thinking of my feelings on it. I know, you own me, my feelings are irrelevant, but you have made it clear that we are not just things to fuck and show off...that you care about us." Another pause hangs in the air. "So why...why did you push so hard to take my brother? You already had three smiths of all quality and speed...so why him? Why did you have to push for him?"


Jun 24, 2016
Orval remained quiet, needing to think for a while as he looked away toward the rest of the park. Sitting beside her and seeing her at least smile had helped him somewhat, but it was only now that he realized just how much he had hurt her. Carefully thinking of his words, he at last sighed and looked to her.

"I... wanted to bring you both together, I guess. It didn't really hit me how badly I'd messed up until I saw you both. I've never had the sort of power I've had recently, Belle... I guess it sank in too deep that I want more in life and could finally get it. If it were possible, I'd go back and stop myself. The only way I can make up for it is to make both him and his girlfriend or whatever comfortable... and apologize."

His eyes locked on the cow-kin, turning on the bench to fully face her as he'd reach out and take her hand.

"I'm sorry for putting you in that situation and for making things the way they are. I know he'll understand why being one of my slaves isn't bad with time... but I should have backed down or at least treated both of you better. Not talking to you... it hurt to sit on the wagon and know that I'd wronged you. If not for your help... I wouldn't have any of this. I'd have not got you nor Selena and Byra out... I'd probably still be fighting for a living. I... I owe you more than that."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle sniffles a bit as her eyes moisten slightly. "You are greedy Orval. When you see something new you instantly want it and some times, like in this case, you do and say things that hurt those around you more than you realize at the moment. A wedge has been driven between my brother and I, the biggest and most painful wedge that has ever been put between us in our lives and that is completely on your shoulders. You are an idiot Orval, an Idiot with power and greed fueling his passion for a grand life style."

Belle suddenly turns and grabs Orval's face by the cheeks and dives forward, pressing her lips against his in a warm, loving kiss. "But Alrune forgive me, you are my greedy powerful idiot and not talking to you this entire time has been painful for me to. Despite our position as slave and master, we have helped each other in more ways than we acknowledge on a daily basis. I want this child between us! I want her to be born healthy and strong with two loving parents who will take care of her and see that she is safe and tended to!" A few tears roll down her cheeks as she smiles at Orval. "I want to have this little girl with you at my side. So you can bet your ass that I am sticking around still. Just promise me you will try to consider things on a wider scale in the future...and that you will be kind to Grunder."


Jun 24, 2016
The sudden kiss had shocked him, but none so more than the eruption of her feelings afterward. Looking at the crying but smiling face of Belle had struck a note inside the male, leading to him swallowing his own words. His hands moved to her cheeks in mirroring of her own actions, pulling her into a kiss before popping off and trying his best to smile.

"I... I'm so sorry. I promise, Belle. I... I might fuck up, but I know you're there for me. I... after we get back, I'm marrying you and Byra. For our daughter, for you... for even Grunder, I know how much I have to change and show that I'm serious."

He'd release her, instead taking her hands and moving them away. The instant he had, he'd pull her in for another but brief kiss. They'd gained a small group of spying couples, of course, but as he broke the kiss he would only smile.

"I'm thinking maybe I'll have everyone work on the perfect ring... one that Byra will even be jealous of. You... you really deserve it, Belle. Until then, I want you to be by my side. Slave or not, there's not a cow-kin I love more in the entire world right now. And I want everyone to see me with you... even if they don't like it, they can shove it up their asses with how happy we are."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle laughs and holds onto his hands, a smile on her face. "Don't tease poor Byra like that. It is time that you think of your crest Orval. A mark that will tell people with a simple glance that we belong to you. I actually read a bit on slave marriage. You get your own special ring made of gold and jewels with your crest on the front. We get a matching gold ring with your crest, but instead of jewels, they inscribe small intricate chain designs around the outside. It shows we are loved and valued more than your average slave...but also serves as a reminder that we are still owned by you in the end."

Belle takes a deep breath and stands up, helping Orval up with her. "Well, come on then, you wanted to go look at the Gallosh Lizards right? Sitting here certainly won't help that idea...besides, people are staring and it annoys me." She rolls her eyes and turns to the right which makes a peeping tom look way from them.  


Jun 24, 2016
A crest for himself? It hadn't really occurred to him, but the fact that Belle had been reading on it had meant she was for the idea of properly marrying. That was enough to at least make it something for him to realize and hold in his mind for later. Rising to his feet with her aid, he'd pull her back and give her hand a teasing squeeze before pulling away with a much more happier grin on his face.

"Let them stare... it's not like they have a chance with either of us. But yeah... getting going probably would be smart."

Releasing one hand and squeezing the other tightly, he'd take the lead but go more than slow enough to watch her. They'd ask around and no doubt find the trainer, but the fact he had reconciled and at least come to an understanding with the cow-kin was huge for him. Keeping her nice and close, he was just glad to make things right for now with her. It also gave him time to hope for the lizard trainer to really give him quite the deal...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle holds his hand and walks next to him so they are hip to hip the entire way there. A guard directs them out the gate and around the wall until they come across a farm with a yard full of giant horse sized lizards. Said lizards are basking in the warm sun, their scales being almost any color of the rainbow, while a few workers walk about and pick up after them. Off to the side is a farm house and way in the back is a barn for the lizards to sleep in.

"Let's go try the farm house Master. I imagine that is where they do business rather than around the lizards themselves."

The two approach the door and knock, which is soon answered by a toned and lean bodied monkey-kin man! he looks to be in his mid twenties with short brown hair, round monkey ears, thick lips and bright pink eyes. His body is thin but toned, made for agility. His arms are longer than normal and covered in fur from shoulder to wrist. His ass is on the flat sie with a long monkey tail above it. His legs are lean but look strong and durable with strange hand-feet at the end of the furry legs.

"Hello there you two! Welcome to my farm! My name is Deeno! you here to buy a lizard?" his voice is warm and friendly.