trials in tainted space

  1. V

    Error trying to load save

    i exported the save from version 0.8.151(flash) and tried loading it in the blog version Version: 0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1507 Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'fortification') Stack: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'fortification') at o.value...
  2. B

    Latest TiTS version?

    Hi, I want to download the latest version of TiTS. I went onto to download it, but the only version of the game available for download is listed as the "legacy version". While I can play the browser version of the game, I would rather have the standalone...
  3. BiggusDikkus

    New texas bug Tits java public version

    After recieving a email from tamani about breedwell whent to check on Mirrin and crashed before getting in the gym now everytime i walk on the tile below the gym in new texas the game crashes and i recieve the following message: Version: 0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1307 Message...
  4. C

    Can't fight Lund after telling him to fuck off

    I'm playing on the Legacy Version of TiTS, Ver 0.8.159, and every time I tell Lund to Fuck Off, he just disappears from the game. Is there something else I need to do before I can fight him?
  5. P

    How the hell do I play this game?

    When it comes to technology I'm the biggest idiot you'll find, the most advanced thing I know how to do is to turn something on and off again and if that doesn't work I'm all out of ideas. With that being said, how the hell do I play this game? How do I go about the zip install option? How do go...
  6. D

    Gryvain Fever Dream

    I am stumped at the moment. I could have sworn we got some more content for Dr. Teyaal or some other Gryvain in the game, but I can't for the life of me recall. Weren't there a mother/daughter pair of npcs we could meet at a bar or other location in TiTs at some point after Zheng Chi or Dhaal...
  7. K

    Question about Kiro (watching hypnosmut)

    the 0.8.131 Changelog (January 5, 2021) reads: "Watching hypnosmut with Kiro can now lead to a bad end! Two new scenes were added" and i was wondering how one reaches those scenes. even with kiro as follower and the vr visor installed on the ship, i'm not seeing any new options anywhere.
  8. I

    Honey Select 2 Creations

    Alright, I made a dedicated thread for these! I'll be updating this every now and then when I can get to it, for now here's what I've made so far. Anno! (A.K.A Best Girl) The other characters I made will go in the comments. So far I have Anno, Tam, Stella, Helia, Fisianna, and Saendra...
  9. I

    More Honey Select Creations

    Heyo I've made two more characters in Honey Select 2! The first is a personal favorite, the batshit insane mechanic Tam! Regular Pose: Regular Backshot pose: My attempt at recreating her in-game pose: My second attempt at recreating her in-game pose: Just a random pose: And the underwear...
  10. I

    I made Anno in Honey Select 2!

    No idea if this is allowed or not since I'm new but whatever(if it is let me know and I'll take it down). Felt a sudden rush of affection for Anno so I made her in Honey Select 2. I forgot what the color of her blouse was, I've always seen it as pink so here you go a pink blouse. Regular pose...
  11. L

    Edit save for Host Shukuchi?

    A very long time ago I chose one of the options in the Space Yakuza/Akane/Host Shukichi quest, resulting in me being unable to access Akane. I tried going in and editing the value for SHUKICHI_FOURTH_ENCOUNTER (from 1 to 3), which updates the status in the codex, but doesn't allow me to talk to...
  12. Lone Wolf115

    I keep getting the gift of the gods message (email). Anyone else have this problem.

    Yes my Halloween season is on auto. I didn't put this under bugs because it didn't qualify for the guidelines. I get the message once then maybe hours or day or days I get another.
  13. Lone Wolf115

    More cat petplay friendly scenes. Now a poll post your thoughts.

    People like Belle and Syri's petplay bet refer you as a puppy even if you're a kaithrit or cat-morph. Possible time frame for the uveto relay tower? Milo TF?