trials in tainted space

  1. yrsa9425

    About goo tentacle

    Why we having sex with different Galotian not necessarily losing the virginity?
  2. yrsa9425

    When Will Fenoxo add Bianca's new content

    Bianca's part 2 is still not in the game, can we know when fenoxo will add her part 2 to the game?
  3. yrsa9425

    Incest button.

    Can't we just use a switch to change player wanna incest content or not? just a simply yes/no button, like silly mod or common fetish button.
  4. yrsa9425

    Request get incest back.

    so...we still haven't PC's Water Queen Mother&Daughters incest brood parasitism sex, or frostwyrm Mother&Daughters incest oral sex for PC's Daughters dringing up all the hole and all milk from mother, or fill up mother's allwomb incest breeding sex? I just wanna get breeding from Daughters, or...
  5. A

    [Not Bug] Ova'LEK fatal error Version 0.69.420-Public#1768

    Getting teleported to the Ova'LEK during or after certain sex scenes cause a fatal error. I think the game is having trouble finding the room its supposed to put you in, because trying the same thing with the Castech starting ship works just fine. This might happen with other ships, but I...
  6. S

    Fall of the Phoenix Bug

    During fall of the Phoenix, encountered a bug where after I did the Minigame on the bottom floor, the final dialogue with Saendra never happened and the quest couldn't end. Only option was to exit. Game Version: 0.69.420-PUBLIC#1593
  7. B

    A critical error has occurred. "tpc is not defined". v0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1558

    I dont know exactly where I were when it crashed but I was traveling North in Uveto in hostile cells. Think it was close to "Korg’ii Hold" Version: 0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1558 Message: tpc is not defined Stack: ReferenceError: tpc is not defined at window.tryApplyUvetoColdDamage...
  8. V

    Error trying to load save

    i exported the save from version 0.8.151(flash) and tried loading it in the blog version Version: 0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1507 Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'fortification') Stack: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'fortification') at o.value...
  9. B

    Latest TiTS version?

    Hi, I want to download the latest version of TiTS. I went onto to download it, but the only version of the game available for download is listed as the "legacy version". While I can play the browser version of the game, I would rather have the standalone...
  10. BiggusDikkus

    New texas bug Tits java public version

    After recieving a email from tamani about breedwell whent to check on Mirrin and crashed before getting in the gym now everytime i walk on the tile below the gym in new texas the game crashes and i recieve the following message: Version: 0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1307 Message...
  11. C

    Can't fight Lund after telling him to fuck off

    I'm playing on the Legacy Version of TiTS, Ver 0.8.159, and every time I tell Lund to Fuck Off, he just disappears from the game. Is there something else I need to do before I can fight him?
  12. P

    How the hell do I play this game?

    When it comes to technology I'm the biggest idiot you'll find, the most advanced thing I know how to do is to turn something on and off again and if that doesn't work I'm all out of ideas. With that being said, how the hell do I play this game? How do I go about the zip install option? How do go...
  13. D

    Gryvain Fever Dream

    I am stumped at the moment. I could have sworn we got some more content for Dr. Teyaal or some other Gryvain in the game, but I can't for the life of me recall. Weren't there a mother/daughter pair of npcs we could meet at a bar or other location in TiTs at some point after Zheng Chi or Dhaal...
  14. K

    Question about Kiro (watching hypnosmut)

    the 0.8.131 Changelog (January 5, 2021) reads: "Watching hypnosmut with Kiro can now lead to a bad end! Two new scenes were added" and i was wondering how one reaches those scenes. even with kiro as follower and the vr visor installed on the ship, i'm not seeing any new options anywhere.
  15. I

    Honey Select 2 Creations

    Alright, I made a dedicated thread for these! I'll be updating this every now and then when I can get to it, for now here's what I've made so far. Anno! (A.K.A Best Girl) The other characters I made will go in the comments. So far I have Anno, Tam, Stella, Helia, Fisianna, and Saendra...
  16. I

    More Honey Select Creations

    Heyo I've made two more characters in Honey Select 2! The first is a personal favorite, the batshit insane mechanic Tam! Regular Pose: Regular Backshot pose: My attempt at recreating her in-game pose: My second attempt at recreating her in-game pose: Just a random pose: And the underwear...
  17. I

    I made Anno in Honey Select 2!

    No idea if this is allowed or not since I'm new but whatever(if it is let me know and I'll take it down). Felt a sudden rush of affection for Anno so I made her in Honey Select 2. I forgot what the color of her blouse was, I've always seen it as pink so here you go a pink blouse. Regular pose...
  18. L

    Edit save for Host Shukuchi?

    A very long time ago I chose one of the options in the Space Yakuza/Akane/Host Shukichi quest, resulting in me being unable to access Akane. I tried going in and editing the value for SHUKICHI_FOURTH_ENCOUNTER (from 1 to 3), which updates the status in the codex, but doesn't allow me to talk to...
  19. Lone Wolf115

    I keep getting the gift of the gods message (email). Anyone else have this problem.

    Yes my Halloween season is on auto. I didn't put this under bugs because it didn't qualify for the guidelines. I get the message once then maybe hours or day or days I get another.
  20. Lone Wolf115

    More cat petplay friendly scenes. Now a poll post your thoughts.

    People like Belle and Syri's petplay bet refer you as a puppy even if you're a kaithrit or cat-morph. Possible time frame for the uveto relay tower? Milo TF?