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  1. Frogapus

    Starfinder Campaign Guide project update / minor help needed.

    Oh my god, I never thought of that! And I came up with them! That's a perfect in-universe reason for not having seen them. I believe that Uveto Station is a repurposed Wabeship, though, but it's definitely not a typical one. (Though the glimpse you get of the interior when you romance Xotchi IS...
  2. Frogapus

    favourite and least favourite character in tits.

    Tove creator checking in here: I can totally see where you're coming from on them. The Jewish stereotype in a fantasy/sci-fi setting is hard to shake, whether they're Tolkien's dwarves or Star Trek's Ferengi. I want to say that I have tried my best whenever possible to steer clear of the...
  3. Frogapus

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I'm periodically around, but I don't always have the time to do all the writing I'd like to do. There IS an Embry Xpac in the work by Thernn, but it's on hiatus at the moment.
  4. Frogapus

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    This is maybe not unreasonable. A lot of folks play the game in different ways. You actually reminded me about folks who stack mutations in Fallout, accumulating them and using serums or perks to stabilize them and mitigate drawbacks. And yes, while I know that Fallout and TiTS are different...
  5. Frogapus

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Uh, dude?
  6. Frogapus

    [Submitted] Leyak - Floating Jellyfish Heads

    It's entirely possible that I sketched them too cute. Maybe they need blank eyes to look a bit more unearthly.
  7. Frogapus

    [Submitted] Leyak - Floating Jellyfish Heads

    Hey all! Frog's being weird again! Here's a small Dhaal encounter with some floating jellyfish heads, the Leyak. They're ravenous for fluids, and only become sentient when they get fed. If you lose...
  8. Frogapus

    Meet Mimsy, The Tove Seductress!

    Oh yay! I wholeheartedly approve of this, and I totally dig the concept! If you'd like any extra input on the project, just PM me. I'm super excited at the idea of more toves in the game, and the concept you've outlined here is awesome! ^Love this in particular! The toves are a great way to get...
  9. Frogapus

    Just here to say "Hi" .. So, Hi!

    Welcome! I'm super happy you're enjoying the game! The forums can get a little wild, but everyone's here because of a similar love for the game. Remember that there are mods if things get weird.
  10. Frogapus

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    That's a really cool idea! ^_^ You should totally write that up and submit it! Or if writing's not your thing, you could always commission one of the writers on the boards.
  11. Frogapus

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    Got one in the pipeline. Fenoxo mentioned that Bhakar is undergoing some final tweaks and is on his way.
  12. Frogapus

    [What if?] Sci-Fi Species in TiTS

    Your post and graph have given me a fantastic idea for a new alien encounter. I'm gonna start writing it now.
  13. Frogapus

    [What if?] Sci-Fi Species in TiTS

    My takeaway is that its hard to write radically non-human species (much less TFs) in a sex game. There's a sweet spot of "not human but still sexy" that can be harder to hit the further you drift from human norms. A good example is stuff with bug morphologies. Humanoids with arthropod features...
  14. Frogapus

    [WIP]Embry Expac - Monkees in Space

    Woo! Glad to see you back up, thernn. I hope you haven't lost too much ground with the PhD progress! I hope all the naysaying on this thread hasn't gotten to you. You've done some amazing work on Embry, and I know it's gonna be gorgeous when you're done with her. Just remember to go at your own...
  15. Frogapus

    Looking for Doms

    I ended up doing the same thing on the last post on this topic, but I'll plug my creation, Xotchi, especially if you want some more formalized BDSM sessions with aftercare options The play is rough (she's a sadist), but the aftercare is very sweet. Lots of...
  16. Frogapus

    [Submitted] Too much lube? No! Too much FUN!

    Thank you! i was going to post a description of the encounter, but I figured the email did a good job of it, so I just hyperlinked the googledoc in the email. I like to think of them as Ferengis meet the Muppets, but I dig that manic dwarf energy, too!
  17. Frogapus

    [Submitted] Too much lube? No! Too much FUN!

    From: CVepar @ camarilla.mome Subject: Too much lube? No! Too much FUN! Hey there, friendquaintence, I'm Crocell Vepar, head of Research, Development, and Patent Consumption here at Yibb's Workshop, and I've got some exciting new product news! We've recently discernalyzed a new FEATURE in...
  18. Frogapus

    A Night on the Frogapus Railroad

    Oh snap! I wasn't planning on it, mostly because I don't see much love for her on the boards (the opposite in fact--lots of hate and people getting into her for reasons I didn't anticipate). I figured folks just didn't like her. Oh yay! I'm s.l.o.w.l.y. working on an Xpac for Tlako, but don't...
  19. Frogapus

    A Night on the Frogapus Railroad

    Oh shit. I still gotta finish up those out of fuel entries for your game! Since I'm gonna maybe revise Bhakar at some point, I might end up recycling the Nyomi species, so space oni might be a thing. Unless space oni are already in game, or got approved. Man, I feel my enthusiasm draining away...
  20. Frogapus

    A Night on the Frogapus Railroad

    Decided to put together one of these for anyone wanting to look up various Frogapus-related projects. Usually writing some niche or downright weird stuff. BDSM muppets and tsundere nightmare witches are my jam. My more recent stuff usually tries for representation and positive sex. Safe BDSM...