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  1. Frogapus

    [WIP]Embry Expac - Monkees in Space

    I know this is probably terrible forum etiquette, but I just submitted an Embry holiday encounter for Fenoxo's Christmas contest. My hope is that it doesn't conflict with any of her new stuff Thernn is working on. If anything, I'd love a glance from all the Embry experts here to see if there are...
  2. Frogapus

    [CONTEST] Merry Jizzmas Writing Contest Entries Thread

    Right at the buzzer! Here's some Holiday Cheer with my favorite adorable monkey girl, Embry! The poor thing's been so neglected since her writer left, that I wanted to give her a happy holiday with the PC. Be prepared for a ridiculous level of sweetness! (Plus blowjobs, snowballing, cuddles...
  3. Frogapus

    Tlako in a nutshell

    I am the necro queen!
  4. Frogapus

    Tlako in a nutshell

    Bit of necroposting, but I found the perfect second installment to this thread:
  5. Frogapus

    The future of Madam Xotchi

    See if you can spot this one: "Today has been very educational for you, hasn't it Steel?" she remarks kicking off from the wall, something cradled in her four arms. The impatient edge is gone from her voice--it's softer now, low and almost musical, but still with the faintest rasp. "You've...
  6. Frogapus

    Hi every one

    Don't you shame me. I worked hard for this title!
  7. Frogapus

    Hi every one

    Welcome to the forums! It's weird here ... o.o
  8. Frogapus

    Can we please talk about the feminine penis?

    Being a trans woman, reading through all the dude responses on what a feminine dick should be, completely at a loss as to how to respond to this thread. I can confirm, though, that HRT shrinks your junk, AND that HRT also softens your skin/makes it more delicate. So I guess you could describe...
  9. Frogapus

    Lore questions and discussion.

    Also, I'm pretty sure I wrote it in, but the Grim-R is also made by the Camarilla. I envision it as something akin to the Apple model of things. You can't upgrade it, and just have to buy an entirely new model when it gets slow.
  10. Frogapus

    Who is Best Girl in TiTS

    I'm gonna say Embry, but I am incredibly biased there.
  11. Frogapus

    The future of Madam Xotchi

    I've been on-an-off working on an encounter for her, but it's kinda dependent on when I get the time. Id' say it's about 80% done, but if you'd like to take a look at it, you can see it here:
  12. Frogapus

    [Submitted] Raga of Matri (Space Oni tsundere)

    As much as I appreciate the effort and the appreciation, sadly, it's not to be. The original draft of her was dubbed too close to lolicon, so now the submission is permadead.
  13. Frogapus

    Raga of Matri

    Also, she's benched. Her original version strayed too close to lolicon, so she's permabanned.
  14. Frogapus

    What's the "cutest" sex scene?

    D'aww, thank you! That's exactly what I was going for with her!
  15. Frogapus

    Halloweiner Dreams Contest Entries

    Oh wait, we're, allowed two entries! I don't know if this is allowed, but I wrote a monster encounter last year that didn't get picked, so I stripped it down to a dream encounter. Enjoy a dream of a horrific tentacle monster...
  16. Frogapus

    Halloweiner Dreams Contest Entries

    Oooh, I haven't submitted something in a while. How about getting molested by the hand-wall from Labyrinth? I'll also throw in a terrifying dream-witch that infects your codex, too. Because there's not enough horror-porn here. Hands (Kama-Tanha)...
  17. Frogapus

    Caption Contest Submissions

    Shoot! I'm too late to actually qualify, but I still want to put one together. Does anyone have the link to the image thread for all of these? Fen's a meanie and took down the contest post so I can't find it.
  18. Frogapus

    Caption Contest Submissions

    Anyone know of a good program to use for this? I love writing, but I'm shit with technology.
  19. Frogapus

    President and CEO of the Gyre Grand Camarilla, Dagon Scrote

    I am the very epitome of subtle.
  20. Frogapus

    President and CEO of the Gyre Grand Camarilla, Dagon Scrote

    (And yeah, I know I need a new scanner.)