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  1. Gardeford

    What content would you like added?

    no it isnt, since the entirety of their side of the fighting is getting you hot. Such things will be listed in the codex when its finished. the codex is an actual in game thing in this game.
  2. Gardeford

    What content would you like added?

    I could probably add a leave option but ot might disable them for a while or something. The fight implies you're taking part in the festivities and you can choose to not fight so not fucking or partying is a dick move
  3. Gardeford

    Help, how do I commission someone?

    Whats your price range?
  4. Gardeford

    FanArt Collection CoC2 Girls

    That kas is p. Good :D
  5. Gardeford

    A suggestion

    Dunno why this is in bug reports
  6. Gardeford

    What content would you like added?

    None of them are chosen champs of gods/goddesses but lots of HV people praise lumia
  7. Gardeford

    New Races Speculation

    Kobolds gonna be closer to scaly
  8. Gardeford

    What content would you like added?

    Kitsune wife already has a huge estate at her fingertips iirc, why would she live in a tree
  9. Gardeford

    [Finished] Tessa Expac.

    I have some issues with your lack of meaningful variation, but this is much better than the og doc imo.
  10. Gardeford

    Willow Update! (Editors Needed)

    You should be keeping track of your projects.
  11. Gardeford

    Willow Update! (Editors Needed)

    This whole thing was going on on the forums as well. They cant tell you if you arent looking. :p
  12. Gardeford

    [Submitted] Nymph plant TF

    Horse tf is already happening in harvest valley, and the tf is a backstory element
  13. Gardeford

    Frog girls of Mhen'ga sex expac (rejected)

    Ostensibly yes but not that will go to your nursery. Im working on a pc frog preg for the tainted versions. Frog preg goes by so fast and there are enough of them that you wouldnt see them while they're pregnant
  14. Gardeford

    What are things in TiTS that you absolutely hate to happen or do?

    my complaint is purely selfish, i want the fuckin, just not the downsides
  15. Gardeford

    What are things in TiTS that you absolutely hate to happen or do?

    Blue balls proccing every time my character sleeps
  16. Gardeford

    [discontinued] Menvo

    Bimbo penny is what happens when you give someone with a bimbofication kink access to gdocs >.<
  17. Gardeford

    [CONTEST] Merry Jizzmas Writing Contest Entries Thread woooooogahhhhh Fen Note: You've really grown as a writer since you first started writing for us. This one is a solid contender, and you went out of your way to support a ton of body types. I'm...
  18. Gardeford

    [Editors Wanted] The Horror from Beyond

    I would fully support more actual info coming through the servant. I feel like that would be more satisfying than the current trend of having the necklace pulse whenever anything's about to be said.
  19. Gardeford

    [Editors Wanted] The Horror from Beyond

    Fair, but the pc isnt a horror protagonist, and railroading them into acting in ways that could be percieved as stupid, or having them be duped too often by smarter enemies with no way of coming out on top results in backlash ala dr badger. The only way to win here is just take the necklace off...
  20. Gardeford

    [Editors Wanted] The Horror from Beyond

    If stories of that variety are going to get in at all, they should be told by someone you can have sex or a friendly relationship with. This is a sex game and any non sex content should be directly involved with or enhance a character who you can have sex or a relationship with. None of these do...