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  1. Etis

    Targeted mutations

    It is brought up really often. Short answer: no.
  2. Etis

    Goo-morph Player Character Race

    It does not give you all the features race should have. Like ovipositor. BTW, hidden feature of Amber Seed is how it works with goo-morphs :)
  3. Etis

    Valor and glory - New public version 27/01/2019!

    On 4k screen elements are too small. And elements are misplaced and with warped proportions. I hope it would be possible to disable combat animation. And purple shadow IMO doesn't work. It still implies body proportions.
  4. Etis

    Goo-morph Player Character Race

    GaloMax is both Rahn and Galotean TF ATM. At the 4th stage, it gives you Rahn appearance, on 5th Galotean. But it has too many limitations to be really considered full race TF.
  5. Etis

    Cham-eau-leon, the cloaking mod.

    Well, it was psionic amplifier originally. And still is, just coded to change description depends on what power wearer has - magic or psionic, or no at all. It barely counts as clothing. It comes into armor slot, but it's nothing more than a set of armbands and anklets. So you should either be...
  6. Etis

    Cham-eau-leon, the cloaking mod.

    Synth Sap does that. Just have to wait who-knows-how-long to get it in obtainable game (or you can use save editor). My old "Ilusory Attire" thing can fit it pretty well. But it was supposed to require a psionic power to really work. Note: stats are raising depending on PC level, this one is at...
  7. Etis

    capacity question

    Colenso, breaking news! One of THEM is a sunflower!
  8. Etis

    Current version of Carnal Souls?

    I'd expect it to end up as a smut version of No Man's Sky.
  9. Etis

    capacity question

    Most simple and pure way - use EasyFit (also adds wetness, though). Becoming a taur (flat bonus for tauric body, most taur TFs also adding extra bonus). Some other TFs can add capacity as well.
  10. Etis

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    You can already have a tail with a dick at the end. Slapping people across the face with a dick is fine too. You can already have a tail with a vagina, which can be used as a socket to hold a paddle.
  11. Etis

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    If they were 10 when it came out, it would feel like a lifetime ago. It's from our abyss of time 8 years is like yesterday.
  12. Etis

    how to get rid of certain genitals

    Or you can buy it from incubus which moves in Zetaz cave after you clean it. He sells it much cheaper than Rathazul as well. Just don't drive him off, he is harmless.
  13. Etis

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    If PC has nothing in ranged slot, he has "Magic Bolt" attack instead of the ranged attack on the second button. It works exactly like old Magic Bolt. If PC has something placed in the ranged slot, he can use Magic Bolt from magic specials. Even if used from the specials menu, it still counts as...
  14. Etis

    [POLL] How Often Do You Update?

    Was updating to git builds regularly, now stuck with public builds :)
  15. Etis

    Pirate Base

    Slut Ray gun IMO is an absolute must have for a tech. It is a lust AND energy weapon, and not many foes can outlast even one Volley with it. And you don't feel stupid stripping in combat when using it.
  16. Etis

    CoC Mod Loader

    Won't work. CoC does not have "data" and "engine", it is a spaghetti of both.
  17. Etis

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Well, yes, but it has a problem: magic bolt is ranged, staff is melee. Though... It can be resolved this way: if you have staff in the melee slot and nothing in ranged, you have magic bolt as ranged attack.
  18. Etis

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    It was created to be a magic basic attack. I don't mind having another special, but having a basic attack which suits for a mage IMO is important.
  19. Etis

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Well, I've offered to change perk to work as bound blade attached to staff so it would be melee but with same non-physical damage.
  20. Etis

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Speed is also an accuracy in CoC. So it is more like better aiming, as for other ranged attacks.