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  1. Etis

    Stupid choices

    It's not that useless. Melee tech build is currently viable with Slut Ray gun as the primary weapon since it gets no benefits from perks (aside from slight boost from Gun Tweaks). Why would someone regret that? Bow is good, and Water Queens are not. You rarely can do things better; that's the...
  2. Etis

    Stupid choices

    You shouldn't. Almost all of them are exceedingly well balanced - equally useless.
  3. Etis

    Stupid choices

    Well, I'm not savescumming choices withing a playthrough. There are choices which I'm never taking, though. But generally, TiTS is not about having real, meaningful choices. Mostly the only real choice is "stay clear."
  4. Etis

    Stupid choices

    Why would I regret doing anything with magical ability to redo everything right?
  5. Etis

    Is there a Bunny TF in the works?

    Note, it would likely be Laquine TF.
  6. Etis

    Favorite TiTs Doctor

    Lash. He is the only one who is actually working instead of... Well, you know. Though I'd like to see Khan again.
  7. Etis

    Frozen Half-Gryvain companion

    Ah, yes. Now I remember - the question was about inconsistency since one of the primary Draco Guard effects is becoming a herm.
  8. Etis

    Frozen Half-Gryvain companion

    I think this started when half-gryvain lore was not set yet.
  9. Etis

    Frozen Half-Gryvain companion

    Let's admit - it's we. That's the thing with masks - it is sometimes difficult to see behind them. We are merely asking why you've decided to take an all-herm race for a pure female NPC. "Not into girls" does not mean "hate own anatomy". And if she is okay with herms it is not heterosexual, it...
  10. Etis

    AMP, the spiritual AI. Gauging interest.

    Okay, if seriously - why specialized prospector bot would even be humanoid if it is designed to explore seas and barely even be seen by anyone but fishes?
  11. Etis

    AMP, the spiritual AI. Gauging interest.

    Does not compute. Big tittehs are meh, not hot.
  12. Etis

    [Implemented] Pet-Play Bets With Syri

    For the current challenge, real combat hit/miss function is used, not some aim check.
  13. Etis

    [Implemented] Pet-Play Bets With Syri

    A bit of off-topic, but this reminds me... Why the game is basically "PC shoots Syri 20 times while she tries to dodge"? No reflexes checks, no intelligence checks.
  14. Etis

    Alternate ways to achieve oviposition

    Yes, now you can't get rid of it aside of save edit.
  15. Etis

    Writing my own CYOA project, game and Planet. What engine does TiTs use?

    I'm not sure that TiTS has support for illustrations aside busts at the moment. Other things are possible, in a many different ways to implement. You probably should read this. If you want to code it yourself... Well, it takes some skill and know-how. You probably should get a look at the source...
  16. Etis

    Writing my own CYOA project, game and Planet. What engine does TiTs use?

    TiTS is written using ActionScript 3. It has no engine per se.
  17. Etis

    Share your favorite characters.

    You can have multiple pregnancies.
  18. Etis

    Quick Taur Question

    Second would require more strength than flexibility, but why not.
  19. Etis

    Quick Taur Question

    That's why I prefer cat-taurs. Because of answer for "can they assume X pose?" is always "yes!"
  20. Etis

    How to mature Kai/Kia more Mature

    The problem is - Kiai is an elf. They don't get old.