Search results

  1. lightningshifter

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Don't get me wrong, it does make the game challenging. I play on the hardest mode on there which is hardcore. You should really try that mode because the enemy stats get an obscene boost that will force you into long fights. But it will also drastically point out the issues. I don't think the...
  2. lightningshifter

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Is it just me or does it feel like the racial bonuses on caps have grown harsher and harsher with each update. It almost makes it so that it feels like straight human gets the best all around stat caps at the end of the day. Although I am still acclimating to the new perks in the soulforce...
  3. lightningshifter

    Which NPCs would you most like to have preg content?

    At first I thought this was just focusing on the major named characters but I think its also striking on the unnamed encounters. Yeah, it is a bit of a buzzkill to play a female character that recklessly rides male zil cocks for instance without fears of the consequences for such actions. Also...
  4. lightningshifter

    [In Development] Wild Life - Adult RPG

    I think it would certainly be interesting if there was transformation content in a game of this caliber. This would certainly be the closest to an AAA budget game graphically if I had to say so. I'm sure in this little corner of the adult games market that many people here would be very...
  5. lightningshifter

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    I have a simple suggestion that could work around the need to code those new vine wings into existing sex scenes. The wings are only referenced in like a couple places that I have noticed. Wouldn't it be easier to just tag it so that when you get the wing transform from the marae fruit that you...
  6. lightningshifter

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Wow, I just spent a few hours trying to grind the alaraune form which turns out to be very challenging to actually obtain because there's no clearly defined path. I must of used about 80 or 90 mara fruits in a row the last half hour. I even made sure I had holi out and everything but I was stuck...
  7. lightningshifter

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    I was wondering if you could perhaps revise how you show the changelogs in game so that all the latest updates/fixes are displayed from the top of that page when you navigate there. It always throws me a little to see the patch notes for the latest and then it shows previous versions. Then it...
  8. lightningshifter

    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    Just for curiosity I was wondering when we might start to see some of these more recent changes (since February anyways) rolled up into the package. I gather that a lot of it is more to the tone of tweaking the competition but still. It is a fun mod. I figured it was safer to wait for the link...
  9. lightningshifter

    Valor and glory - New public version 27/01/2019!

    It actually happens if you buy any of the gear from the shop in wetlock and put them on. I just kinda stopped playing at that point since I was at the end of content and I hit a glitch that totally stopped all fights.
  10. lightningshifter


    Overall I think I got myself to a point where I was just staged for a long grind to get strong enough to at least survive even the worst encounters that I saw pop up there. I was at the point where I could take 2 raiders, 6 lizards, or I think 3 or 4 dogs without losing. I would have needed a...
  11. lightningshifter


    Unfortunately because the same error window popped up in every case I couldn't really give you more insight as to what is causing it. It did it to me once or twice while I was trying to use the shop too. I had to go back completely. It wouldn't let me leave the store at first. I was actually in...
  12. lightningshifter


    I was playing the latest release for a bit and noticed some glaring issues. One, when you level up you get an error message on the page. I had to click back on my firefox browser to bring the game back to the previous page. THen I hit back again to get back to the game. It seems to apply the...
  13. lightningshifter

    A very gravid situation. (Pregnancy fan and talk thread)

    I am just a touch curious as to whether anyone has a rough idea of who or what is 'presently' written and possible to impregnate or be impregnated by. I mean, its nice and all to discuss personal wish lists for which characters people would like to see this sort of content for. However, I kinda...
  14. lightningshifter

    Lilith's Throne - A Promising Text-Based Erotic RPG

    I would have to agree that this game has a good setup with the core mechanics. The perks you can select from each level integrate all of your experiences into a fluid combat system. It's very easy to pick up on which branch or branches you might want to build your character along. I also want to...
  15. lightningshifter

    Lilith's Throne - A Promising Text-Based Erotic RPG

    It has a decent setup for a more CoC, TiTs, and FoE presentation. The game is still in it's very early stages though so there's basically one zone that uses procedural generation to build the square that you explore. It has your general sexual content along with the additions of furries and...
  16. lightningshifter

    Thoughts on the game

    It's a shame but that's the way it goes until more free time becomes available to Alder again. I know I really enjoyed the story as it was starting to shape up and progress into what felt like an adventure. But I guess I'll just have to be patient and wait for the adventure to continue.
  17. lightningshifter

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    I understood that about the black magic here. However, care to rationalize a logical in the game world reason for healing causing lust? I can think of mechanical reasons such as making it potentially dangerous to rely on healing too much. But generally speaking I think it's a stretch to say the...
  18. lightningshifter

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Traditionally speaking though, black magic is always associated with things like curses, and forces that do harm and generally nothing good to anyone. Unless the magic happens to be vampiric in nature in which it would heal the caster from the damage it deals out. I dunno. It seems more like...
  19. lightningshifter

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    I wasn't talking about spells named fire, ice or lightning. I wasn't even talking about cure or anything like that. What Final Fantasy did to name their 2nd and third tier spells was to add suffixes to the words. Sometimes they added little things like -ara, -aga, or aja to words. Other words...
  20. lightningshifter

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    It's a good thing this mod isn't making any money. You kinda have to watch using copyrighted spell names tied to big Triple A companies like Squareenix. It may float under the radar in this case because it's a freebie mod to a porn game that's mostly distributed through a forums setting but it's...