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  1. lightningshifter

    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    I probably should point out what version I was running off of too. That previous bug report post right before this was a clean game run from Basically I try to start new games with each version that is released since I've noticed it tends to prevent bugs version change bugs with the...
  2. lightningshifter

    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    I've encountered a little bit of a tricky bug that can pause your game play at higher levels. I don't think it can happen until you have a game running long enough to go high level though. Occasionally you'll be trying to run around in your match and suddenly the clock will stop in the game...
  3. lightningshifter

    [[PROJECT CLOSED AND UNDERGOING CHANGES]] Mephisto's Tower, A massive 18+ RPG

    Actually I've seen several examples of Ys style combat with modified rpgmaker already. It's pretty cool stuff if done right. Some examples are Crosscode, Devil Sealing Stone, Secrets of Grindea, and if you wanted one from the hentai category of games now I would go with Violated Heroine. Hell...
  4. lightningshifter

    FluxBorn - Alpha

    Well, seeing as how you don't have much content storywise yet it doesn't take you very far. There's also no means of examining your character that I could tell. Transformation style games usually provide some manner of referencing your physical description so you can see how your character has...
  5. lightningshifter

    Exhibitionism management

    Mmmmm.. Parasite Eve had a few good ones. Actually that's a classic trademark of Capcom games like Resident Evil as well.
  6. lightningshifter

    Funny naming easter eggs

    Well, I don't check the forums every day. I did skip a few versions but I've always used that name. If there are things like that shouldn't they sticky a topic to explain special mechanics so people don't have to ask why something suddenly happens when they're not even trying to find things like...
  7. lightningshifter

    Funny naming easter eggs

    Contrary to the tittle here I decided to comment because I downloaded the latest backer version and decided to start a new game. Well, I was kinda surprised when I discovered that one of the favorite short names that I give for my human (usually tech specialist) triggers an automatic shift to...
  8. lightningshifter

    Adventures of Tara - [RPG Maker-3D-English] *Free Update* v0.07.D9 [11/3]

    I had a quick question. When they're talking about body transformations that's just size  changing right? I mean I'm just asking for clarification and I don't mind one way or another what kind of transformation it is. I just thought it was a little bit vague.
  9. lightningshifter

    Valor and glory - New public version 27/01/2019!

    I skimmed through here and didn't see anyone mention this crash bug. But if you have one piece of equipment and try to click and drag another piece of equipment that fills the same slot into it to swap gear it will crash. If you want to swap gear you need to remove the old equipment first and...
  10. lightningshifter

    I'm Back and i'm looking for some more games

    Try Loki's Corruption, The Last Demonhunter, and the Last Sovereign. Admittedly only the first one fits fully to your requirement of playing as the succubus. I pointed out the other two because they do have succubi content in them but they are a bit different in style.
  11. lightningshifter

    Are they still working on this game?

    I dunno what to say to that... Anyways I can confirm that there is still progress being made in FoE since I play with the github version which is more up to date than the standard releases.I did notice that the updates have slowed up quite a bit recently though. If Alder is working on other...
  12. lightningshifter

    Sites like ?

    There are a handful of what you could refer to as games. However, the search criterion on that site limits you in ways that make it extraordinarily hard to search up the few true games that people have put up in that site. So unless you know about an author on there that posts one you would...
  13. lightningshifter


    This might be kinda off-kilter from the discussion. But I've been thinking about this for awhile now as I've revisited TiTS. The weapons they often use... Well especially some of the firearms on Myrellion. If you didn't have a shield up and you took a high cal rifle shot wouldn't that kinda...
  14. lightningshifter

    Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

    I do like the aesthetic touches with the UI. It brings back pleasant memories of the good old games like Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale. They put a lot of effort into the artwork to weave a beautiful and intricate story. I think it's entirely understandable that we would expect the development...
  15. lightningshifter

    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    I will just point out that the mod's premise fits in just fine with a lot of school themed anime. Especially the ones that use the academy concepts while setting them in a fantasy scenario where they're actually training to defend a city or whatever. 
  16. lightningshifter

    CoC RPG XP

    It is possible to make an open world styled game like CoC in rpgmaker. It just takes a TON of work to make it happen. I wouldn't call it a flatout suicide mission. I would say the risk of burnout would be extreme if you're thinking of tackling this one alone though.
  17. lightningshifter

    How to rigger new Sera Content?

    Sera cracks me up. She's gotta be the most free spirited demon merchant I've seen portrayed. She's got a wicked temper but not too wicked. She's got a very strong dom side that she's not afraid to play on her customers.  I tend to play with maxed out intelligence since I really favor Steele...
  18. lightningshifter

    Hn0's Custom Image Pack [Version 6]

    The images that I noticed in showing as little x's in boxes were some of the ember images.  You see like one or two other images but I thought I'd bring this up. Also I don't recall seeing the campground images save for the original in chrome. Chrome is nice with a lot of things but it it seems...
  19. lightningshifter

    Hn0's Custom Image Pack [Version 6]

    I don't know if this has come up in discussion but, I would also like to make a recommendation for something that could be edited into the first post. I have discovered through play that the revamp image packs load better in Firefox than they do in Google Chrome. In fact there are many instances...
  20. lightningshifter

    getting gwendy and others pregnant please help

    I definitely got Layla pregnant. It at least gives confirmation text that she is pregnant. I don't know that it actually progresses though. Admittedly I play off of the github version so I have a slightly more recent version than the last release.