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  1. lightningshifter

    Orion Runners (pre-alpha) RPG Rouglike (update 2016-11-12)

    By the looks of it we can expect a very long dev time on this one before a working prototype ever sees the light of day. If it sees it. I was checking out the patreon link and noted the last posts from the dev were dated back in February. The dev seems to be serious about it but it is clear they...
  2. lightningshifter

    "Megalodon "New PC sandbox RPG game In development

    I couldn't stop thinking of Saitama and the Mosquito while watching this.
  3. lightningshifter

    Character Classes :First Impresions

    The problem with trying to use the intro to gauge the powers of the classes is that different enemy builds will pose challenges to different classes. Most introductions tend to favor the tanky meaty warriors at first at least. But you might find that you have to specialize later on to defeat...
  4. lightningshifter

    Character Classes :First Impresions

    I'm kinda glad they're taking a cue from certain other rpgs from the strategic rpg genre with classes at least. There were a few cases where you could cross class a bit . Although, I vaguely recall that FF Tactics just did job changes and you reset to whatever your job level was. But there was...
  5. lightningshifter

    Lilith's Throne (Early Alpha)

    I suspect that would become a thing once there are more group battles in game. At present there's only the one to my knowledge. It will probably become a thing eventually if enough people show an interest in that option. Its not too hard. You need the arcane essences. Then you buy or find an...
  6. lightningshifter

    Just a TITS clone

    Personally I like both CoC and TiTs for their respective approaches and presentations. I didn't really get enough of CoC2 to get a good feel of where it is going to fall in the mix. I do like the streamlined nature though. It makes me think of the older console dnd games where you would explore...
  7. lightningshifter

    [Ren'py/Python] 'Monster Girl Dreams' Alpha v26.4b (BFRPG)

    Windows 10 x64. The odd thing is its a save state that I never had in the first place. Either way it just causes the first load to bork up as I described only when loading during combat in the forest. Now if you closed the game completely and then opened it before loading it will work fine. This...
  8. lightningshifter

    [Ren'py/Python] 'Monster Girl Dreams' Alpha v26.4b (BFRPG)

    Oh I forgot to mention a loading bug that pops up if you try to load the game during combat. It will take you to the nectar delivery scene and set you at baseline lvl 4. Its almost like it has a hardcoded savestate in there that gets recalled. What you do is load a second time after it does that...
  9. lightningshifter

    [Ren'py/Python] 'Monster Girl Dreams' Alpha v26.4b (BFRPG)

    It was from the latest version at that time which was V12. I'll have to see what V13 fixed first before I can tell. Although I'm sure that save was borked by the bug already. Just go into the dungeon and save right before the boss chamber and try to load the game. It does it in V12 and when you...
  10. lightningshifter

    [Ren'py/Python] 'Monster Girl Dreams' Alpha v26.4b (BFRPG)

    I discovered that if you tried to save in the dungeon it will apparently bug up right before the boss chamber if you have to load the save. It sends you back to town upon loading and you can't retake the adventure into the forest dungeon at that point.
  11. lightningshifter

    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    It is a shame. The main appeal to the mod was it took a slightly different approach to things and splashed transformation elements into it which the original game does not contain to my knowledge. I will admit that the original game is a lot more stable to play. But it was still kinda fun to...
  12. lightningshifter

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    I've noticed that myself from time to time. You will bleed off a bit of your accrued points due to the buff/debuffing from auto-buff spells at the beginning of combat. Especially when you get to the point where you can win fights before the buffs end. It isn't a harsh problem though as long as...
  13. lightningshifter

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Yeah, some of these forms really can't compare to others in terms of ability. You practically have to level to obscene levels just to unlock the perks that will boost tf stat gains. I think this is more of the fact that attention was prioritized towards the new forms rather than really looking...
  14. lightningshifter

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Are you playing ascension or first off? If you start clean then the numbers are going to be lower than in the newgame+ modes. The challenge mode on the arena for the lvl 51 mobs only has like 120k hp or so. Draco Sweep has a variable damage curve but usually it pays off against the golems to do...
  15. lightningshifter

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    I had it happen to me with the other mod too. It seems to be a rare glitch with the standalone player. I found that the easiest solution was to reload the revamp mod or the other mod in the player and then just load your save again. If you ignore it long enough it will eventually super shrink...
  16. lightningshifter

    community made save editor

    The second link goes to a 404 page just to let everyone know. The first link seems to be to an earlier version of the revamp mod though. I'm just glad I was able to grab the Foxwells one a few days ago while it was still up there. Also, I didn't notice this thread at first. But this is...
  17. lightningshifter

    CoCEd - A save editor

    I have a question about the modded CoCED. If you click the check for updates button it always directs you back to the download for the modded one but it doesn't seem to realize it is the same version. If any future updates are made to the editor to make it more compatible with the revamp mod and...
  18. lightningshifter

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    But what happens when you actually get scores in other races that exceed 4? I was able to tweak my dragon form to 17 but it still reads as perma half salamander. I'll have to fiddle around with it some more to see if anything overrides that. I'll have to experiment some more with this new stuff...
  19. lightningshifter

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    I just accidentally discovered that there is a slight glitch with the salamander form. Once you go all the way to 8+ points in that form you will have it stuck as half-salamander in your description from that point on. Note, I do not see any evidence that it bugs anything else up. Its just that...
  20. lightningshifter

    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    I think they're really in a serious brain-storming phase where they're trying to revamp the game to make it even more interesting than it already is. Unfortunately this creates the illusion of inactivity to the casual players here. But I suspect they are still actively working out kinks in the...