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  1. YEsManKablaam

    Your Custom Class?

    mostly paladin style sword and board with guarded stance group heal and domination and bull rush for support tanking and then swap to the spiral blade (want a 2 hand holy blade tbh lol) with holy ward on the tank of the party or whoever might be vulnerable otherwise, blessing, celestial smite...
  2. YEsManKablaam

    Who is this "Sariel" that showed up in the recent public patch post?

    cool good to know thanks. I haven't really touched archery but well maybe wouldn't be terrible to peek at then.
  3. YEsManKablaam

    What are the plans for the Mallach Temple as of now?

    I'm just curious since i think the place, While a side goal can really have a decent amount of things added to it. mostly just thinking about like npc's moving there from other things (notably the cat trio from that earlier quest either if you sent them away they have troubles getting out of the...
  4. YEsManKablaam

    Who is this "Sariel" that showed up in the recent public patch post?

    What reward? and does that include victory sex if you brawl or only if you submit?
  5. YEsManKablaam

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I must investigate this! Edit: yup never noticed that before i feel silly now. Well good that it's in there then!
  6. YEsManKablaam

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Before i give my new little gripe I wanna thank whoever made Brienne summon her bull on turn 1 every time cause that was my last gripe and now it's all settled. Just hadn't gotten around to playing this in quite some time. New thing is really small honestly but to me it's a bit annoying you...
  7. YEsManKablaam

    Is Arona's new set missable?

    ah ok. so what was confusing me is that it just wasn't happening there wasn't anything getting in the way of it eventwise though sometimes I'd have dreams take precedence or Brienne but after like 4 days of just waking up and starting the day fresh (after like 3-4 days where people talked to me...
  8. YEsManKablaam

    Is Arona's new set missable?

    WAIT I got it you need to sleep at a camp not the tavern like i was. Ok cool figured this out. Also probably need to have Arona as a snooze partner. I dunno. That's what did it for me made a camp and slept in it with her.
  9. YEsManKablaam

    Is Arona's new set missable?

    hmm... I did that and just slept. swapped to having arona as my sleeping partner just in case. So far nothing. It's a bit late for me so I'll tackle this another time if I missed something obvious i saved on an alt file post winter city spooky dungeon so I can always go back. Though what's the...
  10. YEsManKablaam

    Is Arona's new set missable?

    You need to go to ghosty dungeons for big spooky scary times. teh patch hits I've done the spooky wolf dungeon and the only other one I THINK is the winter city crypt one? But I went there with just Arona in my party and it completely overrides my party choice. I don't think there's another...
  11. YEsManKablaam

    Wayfort Discussion

    This was actually why I took him in since there was a healing option that failed at the time and I was like ok maybe we can like fix this and then the dialogue just takes a 180 where your character wants to fuck the shit out of the behemoth and i'm like noooooo but now i'm stuck with them there...
  12. YEsManKablaam

    Permanent Non-Sexable NPCs

    So Nelia... might have some sex coming maybe is what i'm gathering. Makes sense to gate it at least a little I mean not everyone will just fuck everyone at the drop of a hat. Though I was surprised seeing Nelia at the tavern and nothing for her. The tavern just seems basically liek fuck central...
  13. YEsManKablaam

    Your gripes with CoC II

    If you have level 5 cait you can have her use her revive skill on you to keep you alive once per rest which can help if you aren't a tank champion or get a little too much aggro to handle sometimes.
  14. YEsManKablaam

    Possible demerits and/or consequences of selling your soul

    The only thing I hope honestly is that you can still kind of do things with the gods like Lumia and Keros even if you don't sell your soul. I have no real interest in Keros but Lumia I'm liking the look of and while I will likely keep my soul I would like to kind of explore stuff with them...
  15. YEsManKablaam

    Grainne In Party?

    not likely due to how much work it is to make a companion and write things for them in everything in the story after you acquire them. Also Cait will sleep with other people she goes out of her way to mention it to you if that would bother you. Not to say there can't be a relationship later I...
  16. YEsManKablaam

    Some confusion about Kiyoko/Kinu content

    Honestly there isn't a best. There isn't much point unless you really want a specific personality for whatever reason to even see what the various choices do. Just take it one decision at a time and see what happens was how I did it the way it's made I don't see it set up as a way to tailor your...
  17. YEsManKablaam

    Giving Elthara her Scythe back

    gave it back anyways it was her favorite she said so why not lol.
  18. YEsManKablaam

    Who is your favorite companion?

    Yeah so like that is mostly fine but it does force you to have camp supplies on you in case the debuff strikes if you're in the middle of like what was it called the rift up above? or like the kitsune forest and stuff. It's not unbearable but it's enough of an inconvenience that I factor it into...
  19. YEsManKablaam

    Who is your favorite companion?

    I'm aware of that that is kind of why I worded it like that I feel your tone is a little accusatory I don't think I should need to put this in the confession thread that I don't like dicks. It's just something I'd like not something I'm pushing for since I know the odds aren't really there but...
  20. YEsManKablaam

    Who is your favorite companion?

    It's been a bit since I had her in active party but the way it was last I remembered is even so you can't really like fuck her on the spot? Though that might be due to my champion's size.