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  1. argenten

    Mom's Spaghetti

    Fair enough, I see your point. 
  2. argenten

    Mom's Spaghetti

    Will keep the former in mind, as for the latter, see your drunken diatribe. But feel free to keep attempting to condescend, it's doing such a great  job of proving your points...oh wait.
  3. argenten

    Mom's Spaghetti

    I can show my support for what they are saying and agree with the point they are trying to make kthnx
  4. argenten

    Mom's Spaghetti

    These pretty much sum up what I was going for and what still remains as concerns, so I'll just leave it to them since arguably they've put it better and know the nitty-gritty of the issues.
  5. argenten

    Mom's Spaghetti

    Fair enough, you are one of the coders and definitely know more about what would and would not work. As for my reaction, I'll admit a part of it is due to my concerns about how...dissolute the planning and organization seems to be and that if the mechanics really couldn't work like you suggest...
  6. argenten

    Mom's Spaghetti

    *groan* Thank you for the clarification, I mean that sincerely, but the groan is for the fact that it's been years since the offbeatr and stuff like that is still up in the air.  From what you said above, it might not have been an Offbeatr project promise...but it was supposed to be in the...
  7. argenten

    Mom's Spaghetti

    So, just to clarify: This means the Factions mechanic was promised for the game, and as of the poll and this recent revelation, officially supposed to be in the game?
  8. argenten

    Mom's Spaghetti

    That, to me, kinda proves the point a bit. That you had to find out through the comments and not actually be told straight up this was a thing. That still shows the underlying communications and awareness issues plaguing the project.  If it wasn't, it was implied for long enough that it grew...
  9. argenten

    Mom's Spaghetti

    Seriously? At the risk of sounding petulant and entitled, but what the fuck?! What was going to happen if it had won the poll? Would the Nursery be getting the same treatment? The Factions mechanic was a big draw and one of the major reasons I was willing to invest in the game, the immersion and...
  10. argenten

    Mom's Spaghetti

    And that's always been something I've been able to respect. There's been plenty of stories and games where I'd have loved to see pregnancy included for one reason or another and had to let it go because it...simply...didn' And I cannot blame you for flipping out on those that just don't...
  11. argenten


    This I like, despite being a gamer breeder, because the connection with Syri is solidly written enough that unless it happens by her choice either way (whether becoming female and pregnant or impregnating Steele.) it feels wrong and I think this happening during Syri quest will actually give her...
  12. argenten

    Mom's Spaghetti

    This I like a lot, the Nursery is going to be a major mechanic, and now that it is being worked on at last, it needs to have equally impactful attention drawn to it. I also agree with the idea of Vic making a note that he's giving this option to Steele so that (s)he may avoid Victor's careless...
  13. argenten


    The logical part of my brain that wants to just enjoy borderline mind-breakingly orgasmic sex with the puppyslut sisters agrees with you...the horny breeder in me however is going, "HOW DARE YOU!?"
  14. argenten

    [IMPLEMENTED] Inessa's relationship expansion

    I'll definitely give it a look, but I'll admit my limits with TF items. I tend to be more effective with Characters and story. Still, I like big butts and I cannot lie.
  15. argenten

    [IMPLEMENTED] Inessa's relationship expansion

    heh, I was joking but thanks for the clarification. Looking forward to seeing your stuff in the game and I'd be happy to go over any docs if you wish.
  16. argenten

    [IMPLEMENTED] Inessa's relationship expansion

    Np dude, assuming I was meant in this :P  we all need a boost or pick me up as artists and writers. As @Savin can attest, writing in a vacuum or with minimal feedback really, *really* sucks and can wear someone down even if they're doing what they love.
  17. argenten


    My Steele won't leave their quarters for a week once this happens. 
  18. argenten

    The Nursery

    That seems fair for Birgit, I agree making an ovipositor strictly for the eggnancy transfer is a bad idea but Birgit being able to take them from w/e storage Steele can put them in to carry them herself also seems like something a robowaifu wet nurse would do.  Not sure about the egg stuffing...
  19. argenten


    One of my favorite moments in the game, especially for Syri...the only thing marring it is I always feel like a heel for turning down Anno as I can't seem to just as Syri first.
  20. argenten

    SPACER Slime CYOA #1 (Prologue)

    I think that scraping by on a colony world would offer the most flexibility, not only that but a companion this early on in the game will make a big difference.