Lumia maternity duty ver.0.7.22



So I unlocked maternity duty with Lumia which I was super happy about my character succeeded in being bred by hjorr and also succeeded in bredding yolihuili with eggs but after yolihuili laid her eggs and my character gave birth she was unable to to be bred by hjorr again or breed yolihuili she is not sterile I maxed out her feracity pregnancy speed fertility virility and cum production I tried a bottle of ovielixer to confirm that she wasn't pregnant and she wasn't she is a dragon using dark dragons blood and successfully laid 2 clutches of eggs went and got bred by the salamander girl who lactates alcohol in khor minos and successfully birthed a salamander so that's not the problem either only 2 things I can think of was it's either a one time thing (I hope not) or it's a bug