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  1. Amadis

    I need help with .sol!

    Mac is *nix, right? Maybe try the home folder. The folder with all of the .sols would probably be hidden and named ".macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/{8 random letters & numbers}/{Site you play on}" Actually it is probably in your user folder under " Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash...
  2. Amadis

    [WIP] ChumChews: Shark TF

    More OD ideas (in addition to CoC Tiger Shark) Forced Sharkmaid (already ithere, but it's just for preexisting nagas) <-Super easy Sharktopus (tentacle tails (vanae), and maybe tentacle legs if I feel like it) <Tails is easy, legs just needs more parser/appearance descriptions built on top...
  3. Amadis

    [WIP] ChumChews: Shark TF

    That might work, although I'm not sure at the moment how far the PC would have to go to trigger it.
  4. Amadis

    [WIP] ChumChews: Shark TF

    Done with TF descriptons for the most part, finally. I want to implement the tiger shark TF, but I'm not sure if I want to go the rare tf route or separate item route. Rare TF just requires me to add the TF descriptors and a check, and is the easiest route. A separate item would...
  5. Amadis

    Defusing the Bomb minigame

    Light's out isn't always solvable, though. THey only way you'd be able to randomize it and still have it always be solvable is by having the game itself play it in reverse up to a certain point.
  6. Amadis

    Defusing the Bomb minigame

    It's Lights Out, which seems to be a pretty old game. I do wonder if anyone ever had any interest in coding any minigames, like Cavalcade in FoE.
  7. Amadis

    Beat Syri

    If you're a tech, you can also apply 1/7 int to it once you have the "fight smarter" perk.
  8. Amadis

    [WIP] ChumChews: Shark TF

    Removed the paws from the arms, at least, since the existing parser calls for the flag don't really fit. As for the ears, both adjatha and alder's CoC artwork for sharks seems to have the ears. Sergals? e.g. sharks w/ fur?
  9. Amadis

    Captain Khorgan

    Collar, maybe.
  10. Amadis

    [WIP] ChumChews: Shark TF

    I also wonder why canAutofellate() doesn't work for taurs. They're probably long enough that it's possible without too much effort, especially for felines/chakats.
  11. Amadis

    [WIP] ChumChews: Shark TF

    I forgot. What's Burt's story behind his?
  12. Amadis

    [WIP] ChumChews: Shark TF

    I'm thinking that the naga -> mermaid tf will state explicitly that it's more snake/eel-like (i.e. naga with tail flukes), to prevent some logical lapses with length. Funny thing about shark teeth, is that the Appearance screen for sharks explicitly states that the teeth are retractible
  13. Amadis

    [WIP] ChumChews: Shark TF

    Hey! I like taurs... That said, If I do the mermaid, It's only going to proc if you have an existing naga tail.
  14. Amadis

    the rival

    I wonder if he coded the final probe to respond to both the PC's nanites and genetics, especially since he doesn't let you go without them. Also because it's now canon that the PC can be an android.
  15. Amadis

    [WIP] ChumChews: Shark TF

    I'm considering changing nagas to mermaids (it's in the outline), but I'm not quite sure how much belief needs to be suspended to imagine moving around with a naga body + tailfin. I might need to add a status effect for that.
  16. Amadis

    A few questions about traps...

    There's no actually check for c-boy, though: var gender:String = "N"; if(kGAMECLASS.chars["PC"].hasCock() && kGAMECLASS.chars["PC"].hasVagina()) gender = "H"; else if(kGAMECLASS.chars["PC"].hasCock() && kGAMECLASS.chars["PC"].femininity >= 50) gender = "T"; else...
  17. Amadis

    Please lower racial requirements

    Maybe an alternative is to have racial perks for starting races that wouuldn't evaporate once you'd teefed into another race. Like: Nuki nuts for starting kui-tans Always knotted cocks/heat for ausars Androgygy for kaithrits Pheromones for Leithans Something flavor-y for gryvains...
  18. Amadis

    [WIP] ChumChews: Shark TF

    Basically transformative Swedish fish. Link Github TF Descriptions are basically done, just need to write the appearance screen descriptions, and code it all.
  19. Amadis

    Kaede's weird view on relationships

    Your base races, (Ausar, Kaithrit) are kemonomimi's (animal ears in Japanese).
  20. Amadis

    TF items, genetics and pregnancy.

    Well, It'd definitely in the game that transformations do lower life expectancy. Vic only lives 200 years because of it, and the founder of Xenogen's lived for ~800 years and still going strong because he hasn't tf-ed, although disintegration doesn't seem like a common method of death.