I need help with .sol!


Jun 15, 2016
I've been wanting to try out level editing for a while, so I was going to try Minerva (the TiTs Editor doesn't work on Mac, even with Vine). There's only one problem: I can't freaking find the .sol files. I've tried searching ".sol" and the only time I've found one is when I downloaded one. I also tried the usual location every single person cites, but there's no Macromedia when I get to Preferences! It's driving me mad! I know I have several saves, but I just can't access them!

Here's some technical info if it helps to answer my question:
Mac OS X 10.8.5, Firefox 47.0

Please, somebody help me!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Mac's search function is far better than PC's. If you already have a few proper saves, you really should just be able to search .sol and have them pop up <1 minute.

Firefox isn't set to auto clear your history and cache after every session right? And you are talking about the Normal Save, and not Save To? (cause this creates .tits)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That it is. Unfortunately, I haven't had a mac in some time- and that was Leopard, so I can't do much to help you figure it out. Hopefully someone else will pop by and lend a hand.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2016
Mac is *nix, right? Maybe try the home folder. The folder with all of the .sols would probably be hidden and named ".macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/{8 random letters & numbers}/{Site you play on}"

Actually it is probably in your user folder under " Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects"