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  1. Amadis

    A few questions about traps...

    That may be the case, but in the character creation screen, when you choose your bust size and are male, the doctor says "Plus, how do I know you don’t want your kid to grow up as the universe’s hottest tranz?", and not trap.
  2. Amadis

    A few questions about traps...

    My guess is T stands for trans, but according to the game, you only get the "T" if you're physically male. Ah! NInja'd.
  3. Amadis

    A few questions about traps...

    Ack. Ninja'd 1. Basically if you have a cock and no vagina, and your femininity is over 50.
  4. Amadis

    Shark TF?

    Yeah, but looking at the code, shark face is basically human face with lots of teeth, at least with how its handled now. As for skin, you would just need to add the skin type or just check if the character has scales and is a shark.
  5. Amadis

    TF items, genetics and pregnancy.

    To what extent do transformatives affect offspring? We have Vic, who underwent several mutations through his life, yet still manages to have a kid who's always at least half human, and for all we know all his kid are, (e.g. Shade). Let's say I have a half-leithan pc who can (presumably, if...
  6. Amadis

    Shark TF?

    You forgot the pigman. Manbearsharktopuspig. For sharktopodes, to work, maybe tentacle wings? Shark fins are already coded in as being wings, but having a shark tail and tentacle tail doesn't work because there's no support for multiple tail types.
  7. Amadis

    Shark TF?

    It does seem ded. Author hasn't posted since mid-december.
  8. Amadis

    Bestest Minerva Guide to Save Editing Ever

    Working fine for me. Usually in the past, it's only worked with chrome. Maybe try firefox/edge?
  9. Amadis


    Talking about realism — my char's balls when full are ~4" in diameter, and weigh 170 lbs each when full. Thats a density about 125 times that of water. I'm reasonably sure I didn't save edit that.
  10. Amadis

    Kui-Tan Cum Cascade??

    Made some final touches, and put up a pull request.
  11. Amadis

    Kui-Tan Cum Cascade??

    Maybe something like this? Wasn't sure to post this here or in Event subs. (inside normal cumflation function) if(hasPerk("'Nuki Nuts") && statusEffects[o].value3==GLOBAL.FLUID_TYPE_CUM) //Implementing Kui-Tan Cum Cascade from Codex { //Calculate amount metabolized over time var...
  12. Amadis

    Kui-Tan Cum Cascade??

    I understand that. I was thinking of implementing the same for kui-tan PCs, either through 'nuki nuts or racial checks.
  13. Amadis

    Kui-Tan Cum Cascade??

    It's listed in the codex, and when Kiro drinks it, it says: How does/ how fast does this work? I fill like it'd be trivial to implement now that we have fluid simulation.