TF items, genetics and pregnancy.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2016
To what extent do transformatives affect offspring?

We have Vic, who underwent several mutations through his life, yet still manages to have a kid who's always at least half human, and for all we know all his kid are, (e.g. Shade).

Let's say I have a half-leithan pc who can (presumably, if it gets written) get Ellie pregnant If said pc now takes catnip but keeps his leithan junk, can they still gt her pregnant?

This is more of a lore question, than a mechanics question.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
To what extent do transformatives affect offspring?

We have Vic, who underwent several mutations through his life, yet still manages to have a kid who's always at least half human, and for all we know all his kid are, (e.g. Shade).

Let's say I have a half-leithan pc who can (presumably, if it gets written) get Ellie pregnant If said pc now takes catnip but keeps his leithan junk, can they still gt her pregnant?

This is more of a lore question, than a mechanics question.

I was told that Kelly, a character that claims she got mutations from her father taking too tfs, is not correct as tfs don't pass on their children. But I was also told that the people on New Texas are getting some tf effects from having several generations of taking the treatment.

So the answer seems to be it only affects populations in the really long term if a specific tf is abuse across several generations.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Most preggable NPCs are able to interbreed with humans/other relivant humanoids without or with minimal medical aid.  Asaurs, Kathrit, etc.  When pc is pregged, he is usually an incubator. 

To awnser your question, yes/maybe/no.

It depends on how compatible Steele's genetics  are at the moment, and the type of fertility meds both parties are using.  And lets not forget Steele's microsurgeons, which could serve as a loophole to allow this if none of the aforementioned conditions are filled. 


Aug 26, 2015
Lore is that mutations are not passed on unless bred into the populace through multiple generations of use, as seen in the huskar and New Texans.


Jan 8, 2016
So no matter how far your TFs go you body somehow remembers what you were born as and your original race determines the offspring?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So no matter how far your TFs go you body somehow remembers what you were born as and your original race determines the offspring?

Nope, only your human DNA because reasons. What reasons? Who knows, but reasons.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So no matter how far your TFs go you body somehow remembers what you were born as and your original race determines the offspring?

Not somehow. Nothing actually prevents mods to avoid affecting reproduction cells' genome.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
cept maybe them fancy nanobots you inject into your body in the beginning of the game. Unless they only prevent changes to your DNA that would cause unsightly mutations and genetic information breakdown.

I'm sure no one wants to end up like this once their genetic makeup breaks the fuck down due to using way to many transformations.

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Active Member
Apr 19, 2016
cept maybe them fancy nanobots you inject into your body in the beginning of the game. Unless they only prevent changes to your DNA that would cause unsightly mutations and genetic information breakdown.

I'm sure no one wants to end up like this once their genetic makeup breaks the fuck down due to using way to many transformations.

Well, It'd definitely in the game that transformations do lower life expectancy. Vic only lives 200 years because of it, and the founder of Xenogen's lived for ~800 years and still going strong because he hasn't tf-ed, although disintegration doesn't seem like a common method of death.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well, It'd definitely in the game that transformations do lower life expectancy. Vic only lives 200 years because of it, and the founder of Xenogen's lived for ~800 years and still going strong because he hasn't tf-ed, although disintegration doesn't seem like a common method of death.

which is why the nanobots the PC injects themselves with will prevent such a thing from happening. I don't wonder how the little things manage to function after a given amount of time, damn things must be pretty sturdy and self-sustaining. Probably get the energy to run from the host who injects them which means... the PC must have a larger than normal caloric intake.


Aug 26, 2015
Well, It'd definitely in the game that transformations do lower life expectancy. Vic only lives 200 years because of it, and the founder of Xenogen's lived for ~800 years and still going strong because he hasn't tf-ed, although disintegration doesn't seem like a common method of death.

Transformations only lower life expectancy when done in excess.  Victor was changing into something new every week for decades, eventually the anti-aging treatments stopped working correctly.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
How often do you all TF?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
How often do you all TF?

Thanks to savescumming I've only had a couple dozen TF's over my currently 150+ day adventure, and I've generally maintained the same Vanae body I got near the start, so not as much as I could is the answer. But since I've currently got demon, bird, squid, human, horse, etc. body parts clogging up my DNA, any kids I have will be better off being like their other more genetically stable parent.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Pops Steele didn't beget PC naturally, partially because his DNA was soup at that ppint, and partially because he wanted to create a worthy heir without playing a good old genetic roulette. I am surprised (and relieved) that his role in engeneering your traits wasn't as prominent as it could have been, and even was toned down in the recent tutorial rework.


Jan 8, 2016
How often do you all TF?

Not much. I have 4 characters and IIRC one is a Treated Leithan bimbo, one is a regular male Leithan from the start, one is a female centaur, and the other is a human girl that never makes it off Tavros. Aside from being a taur, TFs were never my thing unless they were forced on me as a bad end.


Aug 26, 2015
How often do you all TF?

I take the initial doses of zil rations and naleen nip fairly liberally to turn the character from short and slim to tall and curvy, because that gets me going.  Then I load up with whatever form I'm gunning for on the run and leave it that way for the rest of the game.  Conveniently all of my preferred forms are on Tavros or Mhen'ga, so I can get into shape before meeting Dane.

The one exception is if I'm doing a horse, in which case I'll add the wings and horn when they become available because durrhurr snowflake.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
How often do you all TF?

When I make a new character I take a set to alter body shape/fertility/cum output/all those little things, Pick a theme for my character, and start loading up on TFs to suit them. Typically, my characters are loaded with catsnake (hips, ass, and breasts), squidkid (femininity and reflexes), and lizardbunny (fertility and virility -I WANT BABIES) DNA, with a side of wasp people, and all this usually without actually taking any physical features specific to the race.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
How often do you all TF?

I usualy start human and only Tf I take is to reach form I wish and not changing afterward. So it's small to moderate amount of changes at start then stablizing my poor Steele genome by stopping mutating :smugdog:

zero point sixty

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I usualy start human and only Tf I take is to reach form I wish and not changing afterward. So it's small to moderate amount of changes at start then stablizing my poor Steele genome by stopping mutating :smugdog:

I'm the same. And because I want to go through as much content as possible in the form I have in mind for the character, this sometimes results in me rushing through the main quest because I want to be a Red Myr or whatever. Also, a lot of save-scumming.

Functionally for me it's just like extended in-game character creation, but I know a lot of people are into the actual idea and process of TF, which is cool, just not especially what I'm here for.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
How often do you all TF?

Few doses of Knot a prob then that's it. The original race choices suit me fine. (Although now my half ausar character has been tfed to half huskar ) 

I also had a question that was sort of in the same category as this question. How much of PC is actually passed on to their kids. Hopefully more than just whatever hair and eye color you had when you conceived. But I'm honestly expecting some cheese like how it was explained in CoC that humans are weak breeders and never pass on anything but a sperm cell to clone whatever you knocked up or got knocked up by. Though I think I would be a more viable explanation like

"Because of centuries of modding and gene splicing Victor mutated his cells so much that your birth was a bit more complicated than anyone though. After years of morphing his cells they adapted and evolved to better suit change, transforming at a more rapid rate than anyone else. Unfortunately because of this very little to none of your genetic and physical traits are able to be passed on and instead adopt and adapt to the already present genome. Thus creating an almost cloned child of the other parent."  


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hopefully more than just whatever hair and eye color you had when you conceived.

Nope, that's about it for now, because "complexity" and also apparently your human DNA being the only thing that matters.


Aug 26, 2015
"Because of centuries of modding and gene splicing Victor mutated his cells so much that your birth was a bit more complicated than anyone though. After years of morphing his cells they adapted and evolved to better suit change, transforming at a more rapid rate than anyone else. Unfortunately because of this very little to none of your genetic and physical traits are able to be passed on and instead adopt and adapt to the already present genome. Thus creating an almost cloned child of the other parent."  

That's exactly the opposite of what happened, though.

The PC will probably only pass palette, if that, because an infant who's a formless blob of possibility is difficult to write for.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Honestly my wishful thinking and daydreaming regarding Steele's cute lil' babies always involves the kid taking on the trait of whatever parent isn'Steele.

From what little we have, the best example is Briha's babes just being described as "half-myr" with Steele's hair and eye colors at moment of conception.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Even the "half-[insert species]" thing shouldn't always apply in my mind, because the kids still end up having to be half of whatever Steele is. Since Steele can completely relinquish their genetic humanity, that means every kid would need to be able to be as varied as the PC species-wise, unless Steele's "half" is always ignored in description. At which point they may as well be a pure-blood anyways.

Yep... but alas even if you TF completely away:

apparently your human DNA being the only thing that matters.
because an infant who's a formless blob of possibility is difficult to write for.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm the same. And because I want to go through as much content as possible in the form I have in mind for the character, this sometimes results in me rushing through the main quest because I want to be a Red Myr or whatever. Also, a lot of save-scumming.

Functionally for me it's just like extended in-game character creation, but I know a lot of people are into the actual idea and process of TF, which is cool, just not especially what I'm here for.

Ok so I looked briefly what my PC usualy taking and it tourns out mostly after finishing Mhen'ga I got all I want. I mean Throob can be bought from Penny, Naleen Nip form Naleen and few other for some specific body parts are at vendors at Tavros. The one TF I really would use right away...isn't even written and I starting to think if I not wreite it and submit for some coder to code it won't happen for a looooong time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That's exactly the opposite of what happened, though.

The PC will probably only pass palette, if that, because an infant who's a formless blob of possibility is difficult to write for.

How is that the opposite? That's...pretty much my point. Nothing about the PC gets passed on except for meaningless hair and eye color. I don't think it should be that hard to implement certain flags and parser calls that would allow the child to inherit steel's, say, tail or ears. I think the "difficulty" mostly comes from people not wanting to take time to write variables and or code them. Difficulty shouldn't be an excuse as to why something can't be done. 


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
How often do you all TF?

I TF until I have 10ft in height, 10 dicks of many different sizes and types, a tentacle tail, glowing gold markings, red skin, 13 inch elf ears, red carapace armor, ahrodisiac red saliva, tanuki black eye mask(Gold eyes), glowing gold furred tanuki tail, nuki nuts, glowing cum, glowing gold floor length volume curls, dragon wings, black scales, 100 clitorises inside my vagina, F-H cup tits, brute speech, and then I walk around naked everywhere because Armor is useless to my Shield Master Tech Specialist. I start as a gryvain herm on this character.

Otherwise I stay as a regular human girl, or become a taur male. These are the characters I typically play.

I mostly use that other body because I'm trying to find a way that TFs would make something like 'The perfect warrior' who doesn't necessarily have to be sexy but has to be able to do anything that TFs would make them able to do. The glowing gold is for a light source in the dark.