Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Um, ok....", Umi said as she walked back to the hut with the two girls. "So we'll be safe at night? those weird snakes won't come after us when then sun comes down will they?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Tom leaded her down the tunnel, to the left and then through a long looping tunnel before the two of them came out into another large circular room, this one twice the size of the one she started in. It was here she saw lots of ant people just like Tom, all sporting the copper colored chitin like him. "Here we are! Copper village! The chief is likely in his long house at the back of town. Ready to see him or do you want to explore first?"

The matron slowly sped up until she was at a fast but still deep pace for her thrusts. Her cock scraped against Unta's walls with every movement while her tail pushed into that soft ass like a second cock. Her large balls slapped loudly against Unta and every now and again the matron would lay a firm slap across her ass. "You have some good holes on you. I think you will more than earn your supplies here"

Wendy shook her head while they went into her hut. "No, for all the time I have spent here, none of the animals have ever given me any troubles." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta could feel the pleasure steadily building in her loins. "Keep going, ma'am. You're about to join the very short list of people who have actually brought me to climax," urged Unta.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The matron just grinned at her new fuck meat and picked her pace up again, rapidly pounding the entire length of her cock into Unta's pussy while her tail fucked her ass as fast as she could move it and as deep as she could stick it! A low growl comes from her throat and she leans over Unta to get a better grip, locking her in place. "Good! I'm going to stuff you so full!"

Luna, Umi and Wendy all slept through the night peacefully, using leaves and body heat to stay comfy and warm. When the two of them woke up, Wendy was gone with a simple note scratched into the sand "Gone Fishing" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The first blast of cum from the matron was all that Unta needed to slip over the edge. Her passage clamped down hard on the intruding cock gripping it as best it could and drawing out every last drop of semen.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Good morning! God! My feet itch, I think I am not adapted to all this fur... Whatever I am going to find wendy. I hope she has caught a lot of fish I am hungry!" Luna was very happy this morning even with all she has been through in the last days. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
umi woke up with Luna looking around before saying, "so I'm still here....", sadly. she then shook her head to try and get her self up faster. Hearing Luna being so perky made Umi wonder, how in the world did she stay so positive?! "Hm, actually some fish would be nice...."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a loud roar the matron hit her orgasm in full, huge torrents of seed flooding Unta's pussy, rapidly filling her up and up until it began to leak out between the two of them. with one final slap she pulled out and wiped her cock off on Unta's ass. "With that... buckle down, cause you have drawn a real crowd here!" She laughs and walks away, her spot quickly taken by a dragon man with a 28 inch long 4 inch thick cock. Without a word he slammed it into her pussy and started thrusting while squeezing her huge butt.

Wendy showed up ten minutes later with four medium sized fish. "Hey you two! Got breakfast here. Help me start a fire would you? Just dig a pit and grab some wood from around here. I have a flint and steel in my hut." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna immediately started to gather some drift around the beach. "So wendy, does the cave look empty with only the door or do we have a lot of bullshit ahead before leaving this part of the labyrinth?" Luna asked while carrying a large branch from the beach.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Eagar are we?" she asked the newcomer, as he went to work. With her pussy still sensitive from the recent orgasm, she could definitely feel him. Still, she looked around for Greta and Binx, wondering if she might need their help later, and wanting to get a better headcount of the crowd.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Cave was empty. Just a funny shaped room with a weird wooden door at the other end of it. The hard part is getting to it for you two. I can hold my breath for a long time... you two probably can't."

the dragon man doesn't respond, he just keeps pounding away at her cunt, moaning at the spacious pussy wrapped around his cock. Greta and Binx were in the back of the crowd still trying to attract more people to get into line. a quick head count showed 23 eager dragons ready and waiting to use her body for their pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"well then.... just how are we going to get there? we cant stay here. there has to be a way!" Umi said as she fiddled with the hem of her sundress.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"How long did it took you to reach the cave?" Luna said while trying to start the fire. "I hate flint and steel, I miss my lighter so much right now!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Quiet type, huh? Sorry, your first time I so long has to be with a saggy cunt like mine, I'm sure you were expecting something much better," she said, with a faux pout, trying to elicit some sort of response from the guy railing her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With several minutes of trying the fire cataches and slowly starts to burn away in the pit. Wendy stuck the fish on sticks and hovered them over the fire to cook. "It was bout three minutes going at a swift pace and it is mostly straight down as well. Can you two handle that?"

The dragon didn't falter on his pounding but he did finally speak up. "No! Your cunt is perfectly fine! Not saggy at all. Just been a while since my last rut and I am rather eager to bust a nut." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"It's not like we have a choice... I think I will be able with you helping me, your fish look delicious" Luna said 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"oh geez that sounds like an awfully long time... I-I don't know if I could hold it for that long... but what choice do i have?", Umi said with a worried look on her face.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well... it isn't the best plan. But if you can't make it now... you could stay here with me for a while, work on your lung capacity and take swimming lessons. A few months at most and you should be able to make it without a problem. I know you want to get out of here... but dying won't help either." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Come on then, honey, blow your load for me. Don't worry about finishing me off, there are plenty of others who can take care of that, you just have your fun and let it out," Unta cooed to the young man.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi's eyes widened. "A-A few months?!" she said her face in shock. Umi looked chest fallen after that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy gave Umi a pat on the shoulder. "Come on... it won't be that bad! We just avoid this forest and this place is like an island paradise! We can fish and swim and fuck until the sun sets!" She gives her a reassuring smile. "Who knows, maybe it won't take that long?" 

The dragon man nods his head furiously as he ruts away at her spacious hole. His cock throbs and leaks pre cum at a constant rate. It doesn't take long before he slams home one final time before hosing down her insides with a fresh hot dragon cum! "Aaahhh, thanks for that lady! I might come around for round two!" he slaps her ass and moves away, a second dragon man taking his spot and doing the same thing, ramming into her pussy with his huge cock. "Ha! A fresh hole to fuck and cum inside without penalty! Tell me large dragon woman, what gets you going? I am in a good mood to share!"  


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, if you don't mind sharing, then why don't you scoot over and let a friend slip in there with you?" Unta asked playfully.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"A great idea! Hey! Next in line! come stuff this hole with me!" At his call another dragon man comes up and shakes his hand before slamming his cock into Unta as well, their cocks rubbing together and giving her a good stuffing. They both groan as the feeling of sharing a hole and begins to thrust one after the other so Unta alway's has a thick dragon cock in her at all times s well as movement. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
the last part of what Wendy said made Umi blush. she was very unsure of what to think about all of this... but for now she was hungery. "So uh, when do you think those fish will be done?", she asked to take her mind off of her troubles.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy rotated the fish over a few times before poking them with her spear. "I would say they are about finished now, doesn't take much to cook them through. Though if you want them crunchy, leave them on just a bit longer. It's what I am doing." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie stared in awe at the communal setting around her, feeling oddly out of place with her dark green chitin. "Wow, this place is the real deal Tom!" As she fidgeted with her basket, she felt worried about her presence in the village. The last thing she wanted to do was intrude where it wasn't her place, especially if it meant offending her biggest chance of reuniting with the gang. A tad self-conscious, Melanie made sure everything about her was in place as she spoke. "It'd be rude not to see your chief first, I think, but we should drop off the basket somewhere. Anything I need to know before I meet the guy? Say, why do these guys all have copper chitin, but I ended up with the dark green? Bah, don't let me go off on a tangent, I'm just a little nervous butting into your society like this."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Tom pat her shoulder "Don't worry, I am sure everything will be fine. The store house is that large building off to the right... you see it there? Kind of sticks out right?" He starts walking that way with her at his side. "The chief believes that we should all work together and be equals! He likes to treat people fairly, lead us forward rather than boss us around!" She gives her a proud smile. "As for our chitin... we are born with it! It is how we know we belong here! The other tribe is the Gold chitin ants. They believe that the strong will lead and the weak will follow. Might makes right and all that. I hate to admit it... but they do have some good points about their life style. Dark green is a rare color. It means you don't belong to a tribe. Other dark green ants just make their own living while drifting about. I guess you fit that bill?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie ran a few fingers over her chitin, poking it without any real reason to. Before acknowledging his act of comfort with a reassuring smile as she headed to the store house. "Huh, I'm liking the sound of that. Your chief fella, I like his ideals and this community already, and I'm all on board for going to see him."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the two of them make their way through the village, nodding and waving to various other ants that know Tom. They eventually make it to the storage house where they meet with another ant named Laurance who took their baskets inside and sent them on their way. Moving through the town again, they move to the back of the town and up to a larger building. Due to a lack of resources, none of the houses have doors so Tom knocks on the wall and smiles. "Just take it easy, Chief is a great person!"

Soon enough an older ant, maybe forty or so, steps out with a smile. "Well, Tom, back already huh? Brought a visitor?" He offers his hand to Melanie "hi there, I am Chief Chief... yea, silly name choice right?"