Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie laughed, reassured by his pleasant nature as she accepted the handshake, though wracking her brain to remind herself of the firm-but-not-to-firm rule of etiquette. "Hiya Chief Chief. I'm Melanie, brought here by the labyrinth. Me and my crew fell down here, but I seem to have lost them on the way down, and was wondering if maybe you or your village folk have seen them?" She pondered whether or not she should specify their descriptions right away again. "Thankfully, Tom brought me here. You all seem like a fair, hardworking bunch, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes if I'm expected to earn the information, but if you've seen, or know where I might find a trio of wolf people and a boar man, I'd really appreciate knowing."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"A trio of wolf people... and a boar man. You keep some strange company with you Melanie. I personally have not heard any news... but our scouts have not come back yet and the gatherers are almost always out and bout just like Tom here." He turns the to ant in question "Go ahead and alert the out staff to keep their eyes open for a trio of wolf people and a boar man. If they find them, bring them back here peacefully." Tom nods and runs off. "Good guy, hard working, total coward though. I have seen him jump at his own shadow. If you fell down with your friends, you must have bad mouthed the labyrinth huh? Whatever or whoever runs that place has a sensitive ego.... Anyway, you are welcome to stay here until your friends come back. If they are with the other tribe though... you will have to deal with that yourself. They aren't bad people over there and this war with them is stupid... but they refuse to play nice."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie perked up at the talk of scouts, though found herself inclined to roll her eyes at the new information of war. In her heart, there was a trace of a hippie. Regardless, it was nice to find someone to level with, and she felt as if she'd enjoy staying with the chief while she waited. "Yeah, Tom started cowering the second I met him. Something or other about soldiers... but how'd you know that I badmouthed the labyrinth? Has that happened to anyone else down here?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Chief laughed happily and nodded his head "Oh yea. Being sent down here is basically the labyrinth flipping you the bird. We have seen a fair number of outsiders get sent down here and every last one of them said the same thing "I bad mouthed the labyrinth and now I am here". so I just put the pieces together over time. When Tom said "Soldiers" what he meant were the gold ants. This is really a war of attrition. Picking off the workers would starve either side off. So soldiers have orders to kidnap the workers from the other tribe and bring them back to work for them. I am not proud of it... but we have done that ourselves in return. However... unlike the golds, we don't paint the captives. We just assign them to work along side one of our normal workers so they don't run off."  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"That's a bit of a doozy, isn't it? Well, I'm just glad I ended up on the side that seems to be in the right. Thank you Chief, genuinely. Is there any way I can help out around town in the meantime? I might as well get something done for you all, since you're being so kind as to let me stay." Melanie found something oddly pleasing in a little bit of manual busywork, and was more than content with the thought of earning her keep.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I just want to make it clear... I hold no animosity to the gold tribe. They simply have a different idea on how to live as a society. If you are looking to help out... I think we have odd jobs around that could use seeing to. Some of the houses need patch work if you can work stone. You could always go out and gather more food if you feel like it. Short of that... I think things are going fine around here. Hard to keep track of it all ya know? You don't seem sex crazed either, which is a nice change." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"That's a good way to be," Melanie nodded. "As a chief, I mean. Love not war, even if there are a couple of rough patches where you don't quite see eye-to-eye. In the labyrinth, I feel like not being sex crazed is a compliment, so thank you, and likewise. A leader should be someone you can be real with, and you're definitely doing fine in that department, rest assured. Speaking of, I think I'm gonna take my leave and gather just for the sake of putting myself to work. Thanks a bunch for the hospitality, too. That's a nice change from the badlands, for sure."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, yeah, that's the way I like it!" cried Unta, as memories of past lovers came rushing back. Being one of the few tauric bodied people on Tavros had made finding mates difficult, as did the fact that Unta's womanhood had always been deep and accommodating even for a liethan, most bipedal males simply didn't have the kind of size to satisfy a girl of her shape. So, whenever a man expressed interest in her, she would often ask if her potential suitor had a friend who would be interested in joining in, just so she could get some feeling of fullness from them.

These dragon people, however, were on a whole different level than she was used to. As the two massive dicks plowed into her, she felt more full than she had since, well, since the horses on the farm the day before. In fact, Unta was starting to think that this labyrinth thing might not be so bad. After all, in the past two days, she'd had more, not to mention more fulfilling, sex than she'd had in the last two years on Tavros.

As thoughts of getting laid like this filled her head, Unta felt her walls breaking down as the two men hammed home, pushing her into another orgasm. She came hard as the two men continued to thrust away throughout her orgasm, pushing her to the heights of pleasure before cumming themselves, one right after the other, each releasing a huge blast of semen from their pent up balls. They pulled out with satisfied sighs and a rush of cum poured out after them, both their own and Unta's. Her tail lashed excitedly behind her, trying to cast her scent out into the crowd, as she looked over her shoulder to the sea of eager faces and yelled, "Next!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The chief nodded at her. "Alright, I won't keep you if you are bent on helping out. Grab a basket or two from the store house and if you need a guide, find Tom again, he is probably floating around there right now anyway." With a small wave he steps back into his house. Heading over to the store house was quick and easy. Melanie was soon there and Tom was indeed getting more baskets himself. 

Time went by with Unta, as one dragon man or occasional herm, stepped up to rail her pussy with their massive members. Cum constantly flooded out of her pussy but it didn't seem to stop them in the slightest. It was all much of the same until three of them stepped up at once... triplets! They looked like carbon copies of each other! "They there big lady! You have been doing some great work, hope you don't mind if we share the experience together!" Two of them stuff their cocks into her loose cunt at the same time, pounding into her hole while the third stood off to the side. Before she could ask what was going on, one of them pulled out and jumped onto her back before sliding his cock into her ass! the third one took his place into her pussy. "Woa! that got her to tighten up! Ha! I knew this would work!"  


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta cried out as the dick in her ass made the two in her pussy feel even bigger than they were. Admittedly, she had never tried triple penetration before, and her scream died out quickly as the giant cock in her ass robbed her of most of her breath. She had heard of some women getting gene mods that formed a g-spot in their anus, but she had never looked into it. A mistake she was beginning to regret as, aside from taking her breath away, the guy in her anus wasn't really doing a whole lot for her. The two in her pussy, however, more than made up for it. Unlike the last two, hey hammered away in perfect synch, pulling out at the same time to leave her feeling terribly empty before slamming back in and stretching her to her limit.

Despite the incredible feeling, an odd thing began to happen. The guy in her ass was clearly having a wonderful time, but the sensation of him in her anus kept distracting her from the one in her pussy and, to her dismay, she found herself slipping away from orgasm, rather than being pushed towards it. "I think I might need a short break when you three are finished," she wheezed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The guy in her ass didn't last nearly as long as the two in her cunt. He just suddenly pushed in to the hilt and flooded her ass with thick, hot spunk before pullout out with a sigh. "Geeze... done already? I thought you had more stamina than that!" The third snorted as he hopped down from Unta. "Whatever, her ass is way tighter than the hole you two are sharing... meet you back home!" With that the two remaining picked up their pace, plowing her ass much harder so they could try and catch up with their brother. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Disregarding technique, the two young men didn't last much longer, and soon another flood of semen was being forced into Unta, pushing the last one out around their embedded members. Once the three had departed, Unta turned to the crowd and made an announcement. "Okay, ladies and gentlemen! If anyone else wants to use this-" she pointed at her anus with the tip of her tail "-then you're going to have to provide some lube. Otherwise... Next!" she cried, pointing her backside toward the mass again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A few of the members gave dejected awws and left the line, clearly only interested in her ass. On and on the rampant use of her pussy went, with groups of two coming up to stuff her cunt full of dragon cock and them promptly dragon cum. While it was fun, pleasurable and a great change of pace... it did boil down to much of the same. Unta got a break after three hours of constant use, in which she was cleaned up and given a snack... but was promplty put right back up shortly after. Another four hours of public use go by before she is finally done with the last member who came up to her line and the matron waves the rest off.

"Well, I must say you have some real stamina to have gone all day like that.... how are you feeling?" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta wheezed as her legs finally gave out and she collapsed to the ground. "Best... seven hours... of my... life," she panted. "Where did all the ass junkies go? Do you folks not have lube?" she asked, after composing herself a bit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"It... is in rare supply yes. It is hard to keep things moist and wet in a land full of fire, lava and dry ash you understand yes? That and you seemed to have trouble with those triplets... I hope they didn't hurt you." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"No, no, they were no worse than anyone else, it's just that I'm not used to anal. Although..." Unta glanced around looking for Binx, and Greta.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Hiya Tom!" Melanie waved him over, hoisting a basket into her lower arms at the same time. "Chief says I'm allowed to kick back here until I find my team, so I was wondering if you know any good berry picking spots. I'm gonna try my hand as a gatherer in the meantime."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta and Binx are just off to the side, both of them look fairly normal but she recognizes the face of someone who has just had a good time. They both must have covered a few of the line goers for Unta while she took the brunt of the storm.

Tom claps his hands together happily "Oh yes! I know lots of berry spots! Come on, we can go pick them together!" He takes her hand and heads back out into the tunnels "Normally I have to go out alone, so have a picking buddy is a welcome change. We already hit the eastern halls, so lets head north! West is to the gold tibe lands... we obviously want to avoid that." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie's tail wags behind her, thoroughly pleased to take the role of picking buddy, as she nods along in response to his words and walks by Tom's side. "This gold tribe stuff is pretty serious, isn't it? War doesn't seem like its worth the hassle when we're all stuck down here together. I don't expect everyone to just throw opinions to the side and start singing kumbaya, but being stranded in a sinking ship like the labyrinth has gotta do something to bring a community closer."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Tom shrugs his shoulders. "What can you do? Everyone has their own opinion on what is right and what is wrong. how things should be ruled and what a society should be. It is a real shame that we can't get along, imagine how much we could do down here if both tribes worked together! We could possibly map out the tunnels so when people like you fall down here... we can just get you right back on track!" he sighs "But no... that is too much to ask. It's like conflict in part of everyone nature or something." He keeps leading her down tunnels before coming to a stop in a tunnel full of mushrooms and berries. "Here we are! Just pick whatever you can reach!" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie did as instructed, putting her heart into the task while humming a hearty tune as she set her four hands to work. Her height would be a bit of a hindrance for what she could reach, not that that wasn't anything she couldn't change. How tall were these ant people, anyways?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Tom stood a few inches shorter than Melanie, but looking over to him reveals the dedicated little guy climbing up the walls just a little to reach the higher up fruits. He is using his extra set of arms for improved grip, pushing them into the tunnel walls to hold himself up. "Besides the way down here, things are pretty peaceful. no nasty beasts or anything like that. The others that fell down here have told me stories about monsters they find in other rooms... they sound scary." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Greta I hate to be this needy, but would you be willing to make another modification to my body?" asked Unta, giving the chicken-woman her best pleading tone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie tried her best to replicate Tom's stance on the ceiling, sinking her arms into the walls just like he was, and trying to pull herself up the side. Meanwhile, she couldn't help the thought of messing with Tom a bit, and maybe a bit of talking herself up in the process. "Scary's right. Where me and my team came from, there were raptor men twice our heights, hefting clubs and feathers and who scoured the badlands for rogue travelers to terrorize. And there were these wall monsters too, lashing tendrils that could eat you or I whole. My team took care of it though, I'm lucky to have found a group of badasses down here."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Three months ?  Are you sure we don't have any other solution? " Luna was visibly shaken by the revelation of wendy 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta walked up and gave Unta a fond pat on the shoulder. "What's the matter sweetie? Something not working how you want it to? Just give the word and I should be able to fix it right up!" 

Tom stared at Melanie with eyes like dinner plates, fear crossing his face as he listened to her talk. He started to noticeably shake and shiver as she descried the wall monsters and by the time she had finished, he had slid back down to the floor and looked about ready to cry.

Wendy twiddled with her hands as she thought out loud. "I... I don't really know. The cave is a fair ways down and if you can't hold your breath that long you will just drown on the way there. Weather or not I tug you along, if you pass out there isn't much I can do. I know it isn't a good idea... but it is better than possibly dieing right? If you can think of something else, let me know, but going now would be rather risky..."  


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Maybe I could ask the friend I made in the forest?" Luna said trying to think something out 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Are you really going to risk getting capture again? How would you even get to her if she lives in the badger houses up above? I doubt they will let you escape twice...."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"They observe us all the time. I could leave her a note near the beach, setting a meeting place and time" Luna said while taking a piece if drift wood and some charcoal.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I guess you could try... but the chances of it gettign to her any time soon is rahter slim... they might just rip it up or something. It is your choice though... either way you are kind of stuck here now."