Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx looked over at Unta "that crazy chicken... those horny horses! They wouldn't let me go until I came inside of them but after the third horse I couldn't cum any more. I told her so, and she just snapped her fingers and now.. look!" She motioned down to her balls which looked extra juicy and were the size of large oranges. "She made them bigger and I pump our triple what I normally do! Said it was a gift before walking off and leaving me to the mares."

The three climb up after her and look about the landscape. Way up here they could see all around them. The crevice they were in spans for miles on end with nothing but barren and dry rocky plateaus all around them. Shade was sparse and the only relief looked to be caves that could hold anything inside of them! There were also large green cactus plants dotted every here and there that might contain moisture if they could crack them open safely. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, that's nothing," replied Unta. "She turned my entire pussy into a giant g-spot when she realized that her horses weren't getting me off. Then she snapped her fingers and made them even bigger. I haven't cum that hard, that many times, in years. At least now maybe I won't have to hunt down the biggest dicks in the galaxy to get a little pleasure."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie stayed close to Samara's side, still on-edge around Walsh and Korlish. The latter may have been mad, and rightfully so, she thought. At the sight of the cacti, she nudged Samara in the side, whispering a few mumbles about the dagger and if she still had it, and how they could slice open the plants for water if she did. Tentatively, she gathered her words, and spoke to the rest. "The caves all around. We could open up some cacti for something to drink, and then dip into the caves for shade when we need to."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Walsh's tail wags happily "Really?! Samara, do you have that knife still?"

Samara: "yes! I still have it! Come on!"

Korlish just follows them along silently, keeping an eye on Melanie as they move over to the first cactus. With a few careful chops they each hold a large chunk of cactus full of cactus juice.

Walsh: So we can just drink this? Are you sure?"

Binx winced at her description. "Geeze, that sounds intense. This place is more of a feral sex farm than the dairy farm it is disguised as. But hey, at least she is making us some food right? It wasn't all bad, been a while since I felt that good, I just could have used a break every two mares you know? I can see why she settled down here... it is nice and peaceful!" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Personally, I think she settled down here because she has a thing for animals. Or, at least, watching others have a thing with animals," Unta replied.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie hesitated. It should be safe, right? She felt as if she'd seen it been done a hundred times, but in truth, Melanie really didn't know what the cactus juice really was, or what it could do to them. Walsh seemed to be bouncing back from the loss, but Korlish was still a locked box. Being altruistic was a step forwards in getting back on good terms, so with a bit of haste in her movements, she reached out to take a chunk. "Here, I'll just shoot a few swigs, and then give it a few minutes, just to see if it's safe." With that, she tipped her head back and drank, not knowing how to feel about the foreign taste.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Eh, whatever her reasons... it is fairly nice here... I suppose we should spend the night here before moving on right? I mean, we have shelter and food here..."

The liquid had a sweet taste to it but it was very watery and had a tang that made Melanie smack her lips a few times to get a hold of it. Her thirst was certainly quenched but she felt something more inside her stomach. Her body felt warm... not like the heat of the sun, but the tingly warmth of arousal as it began to build in her groin and make her cock erect.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"I, uh." Melanie tried, not sure how to spell it out for them. They wouldn't have to look low below her eyes to see her rapidly hardening shaft. She still wasn't used to it being so large, and held back the urge to laugh when she thought of it poking someone in the eye. The situation was serious, and she would take it seriously, so calmly, she set the chunk in her palm as she tried again to bear the news. "It uh, it's fine but... okay I don't have to spell it out for you. The damn things an aphrodisiac, but it's also kind of delicious, alright?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Agreed. Then the only question is weather or not to take her with us when we leave," replied Unta.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Walsh: "I will take horny over dieing of thirst any day." She drinks from his chunk, his cock slowly hardening.

Samara: "I agree with Walsh, lust cant be dealt with, death can not." She drinks hers as well, her pussy moistening before them.

Korlish: He sighs heavily but drinks all the same, his own cock rising up to full mast. "Alright then, we have a fairly reliable source of liquid so we won't die of dehydration. Now we just need to get some form of direction so we can try and navigate our way out of here while also dodging all the dangers this place most likely holds. So.... where to next Melanie?"

Binx nodded at Unta "That is right. She seems like a nice enough sort, and magic seems very powerful to have on our side... but can we really trust her? I mean, when her libido got going she just altered our bodies on the fly without really thinking about it. Now I make close to a gallon of cum and never run out, while your entire pussy is a G spot and you lactate now...."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"We could..." Melanie blinked, not sure how she felt with the team's direction in her hands. As per usual, her dick was a distraction, but she set it aside to scour the landscape once again. The caves that dotted the mountainous portions of rock could make for some nice shade. However, any of the other biome inhabitants would no doubt have the same idea. Mice and lizards they could hopefully handle, sunstroke they could not. "We could stop by those little caves. Each time we're walking and need a break, we could stop just for a bit to get some shade. Not too far into the caves, just settling down by the entrance, or else we might risk running into the kind of living things we don't want to see."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, I'm sure it's nothing that a few gene mods can't fix, assuming she doesn't fix it herself. Besides, if body moding is that easy for her, then think of the possibilities." Unta's eyes glazed over a bit as her still lust addled imagination took off.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Samara: She smiles and nods along "Yes, we can just hop from cave to cave while making our way out to the borders! Let's start with that one just in front of us a ways!" The group agrees and soon they are all making their way over to the cave, hornier than normal, but not thirsty any more. Reaching the cave was easy, and it looks rather vacant, just a hole in the wall really.

Korlish: "Ahh, the shade feels nice... We will have to stop frequently... our fur works agaisnt us now.

Binx just stares at her before nodding. "yea, I had to admit, with her control over bodily changes, we could get up to all sorts of naughty business. It was just so exotic to fuck a wild animal... and I relaly like squirting that much cum on every orgasm!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta quickly shook her head. "Yes, well, should we wait until morning to ask her, or just do it now?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
It felt like a strange thing to bring up, even if it made sense, but Melanie felt the urge to mention transformatives. They all seemed lax when it came to body changes, but they only took on their wolf traits to survive. In truth, it wasn't all that different, and she was sure the fair-minded bunch, even if they were still a little high-strung on emotion, would not take offense. "Maybe we could keep our eyes out for some kind of body modifier? You could all get what you need to stay comfortable in the sun, and then find something to change it back once we get out of here."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Eh, lets bring it up over dinner or something, Right now I just want to rest and let my cock not be sore." She groaned as she rolled onto her back again. "So... tell me a bit about yourself."

Walsh: Normally we would be ok with that but... we have no idea what those things might do other than change our bodies."

Samara: We only changed into wolves because Korlish knew all the effects."

Korlish: "I learned by eating them over time and simply rolling with the punches. Spent many nights in mindless rut with my hand..."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna grabbed the hand that was on her breast and said, while squeezing it "What are you doing naughty girl, you cannot touch me like that" meanwhile Luna other hand reached for Umi pussy and started to tease it. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi gasped as she felt Luna tease at her black lipped gash. "oh! I-I-I'm sorry! it was just... I felt so aroused and i couldn't help it.... ah~" Umi said as she blushed even more. What was going on?! she felt so hot and luna looked so good to her now... was it the bath that did this to her? Luna could feel Umi's clit peek out from its hood as she teased her puffy lipped zil pussy. without her realizing it again some of her lust pheromones wafted from her breasts and into the air around Luna.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Don't justify yourself, you are breaking the mood" Luna quickly gave a kiss to Umi and started to play with her clit. Then Luna got closer to Umi and gave a second and longer kiss.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi could help but be aroused now with Luna giving her kisses and playing with her clit. she gave a short moan as her lust began to build. umi was so embarrassed with herself for this... she was acting like zil from mhen'ga would... but her body was telling her that this felt good. then in the grip of her own lust Umi put her other hand to Luna's pussy and slowly stuck a finger inside.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Not much to tell, really. Grew up on my home planet, left as soon as I could provide for myself, worked on Tavros as a mechanic ever since," replied Unta.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"More interesting than me! I worked as an HR representative! My job included screwing people over so businesses could make more money. Not the best job for making friends."

Greta walked back into the room with a smile "Come along you two, dinner is ready!" She lead them to the dinning table that has biscuits, milk, pie and butter on the side. "Please, help yourselves!"   


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta sat down to the meager meal and ate as much as she dared. Now she knew she wouldn't be able to stay here long, lest she eat this poor woman out of house and home. Back on Tavros much of each paycheck had gone straight into her stomach; after all a girl has to eat, and when she weigh in at twelve hundred pounds, she has to eat o lot. "So, Greta, how long have you been here, exactly?" she asked.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta: "Oh dear... my concept of time is rather skewed. If I had to guess... over a year now. Other than you only two people have come through this area, both of which leaved almost instantly when they were told there is nothing more than this farm here."

Binx: "So you have just been here.... alone... for over a year?"

Great: "It isn't so bad... I have the animals around for company" She is silent for a moment as she nibbles on a biscuit. "Ok yea. it is really lonely and boring most of the time. I have explored every nook and cranny in this entire part of the labrynith and found nothing special. It is just a farm full of horny animals. I don't even need to be here, as you saw they are all plenty smart to take care of themselves...." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Because... I am a coward, always have been. Sure I had magic at my side but... I always panic when things get too heated or things are looking dangerous. I have tried to leave before but this place.... it is pretty much my ideal spot to bunker down. Nothing nasty, a nice home to sleep in.... sure it is boring, lonely and smells like horse all day, but at the very least I am safe here." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Alright. We'll think of something later. For now, we've got shade and water, and the whole of the landscape up ahead. Are you all alright, or can we get moving? Don't hesitate to keep resting if you need to." Melanie looked them all up and down, looking for any signs of ailment on her friends. She suddenly felt more protective of them as of late, but just a tad bit small in their presences. Melanie had been useless in the fight against the polar bear woman, and it had evidently cost them all dearly. Checking them over, and keeping their health in her best interests was the absolute least she could do.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As they are about to respond the entire group becomes aware of some sort of smacking noise, much like someone eating very noisily. It is coming from the cave they have been sitting inside of. The noise grows louder and the three wolves stand at the read while Samara slides the stone knife over to Melanie. Louder and louder it grows until from around the corner comes... a boar man. He stands up on two hooved legs at roughly 6 feet 4 inches tall and his entire body is covered in thin coarse brown fur. his nails are black in color, her has a round belly but thick muscle arms with broad powerful shoulders. Two large tusks stick out from his mouth and his nose is that of a pigs. A long black Mohawk runs over his head with boar ears sticking out the top of his head. A poofy tipped boar tail hangs from his rump. He is wearing what looks like pieced together scrap metal for armor with a big war hammer on his back. In his hand is some cactus chunks, which he is eating completely, not just drinking it.

"Uhhh...... hi?" He says in a low but confused voice.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"We uh... likewise. Hiya." Melanie said back, just as confused as the rest, but still trying to formulate a greeting regardless. She clutched the knife behind her back, gripping it tighter as she spied the war hammer on his back. "We're what you might call a little lost. Don't suppose you know much about the labyrinth, or more specifically, how to get out of it?" The boar man's own uncertainty reassured her somewhat, and she decided it couldn't hurt to be friendly. "I'm Melanie, this here's Samara, Korlish, and Walsh, and we don't know how to make heads or tails of this place." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh! Well then, hi there! you can call me Busco, Busco Tuskwrite at your service! I can tell you guys are new to the bad lands... you are wearing fur, which means you came from another door! That is pretty cool... I think." He tosses the rest of his chunk into his mouth, eating it noisily. "If you are looking for the door out of here, you are on the wrong side of the bad lands! you need to head east as far as you can go. Door is hidden at the back of a cactus valley! As for the labyrinth.... yea, I know a fair bit about it! Been here for four or five years now so I have had ample time to figure things out. Sadly, I don't know about getting out of here, but I have figured out how to navigate it... if only a little!"