Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


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Jun 30, 2016
And then another shot rang out and Jezzy nailed yet another blob. Some of the Kir-Kah were trying to grab onto Sala and she had to keep throwing the off "Gah! don't touch meee!", Sala cried as she kept shooting and kicking at the Kir-kah. As penny rushed at them they hopped out of her way and turned surrounding Penny. then they all tried to jump on her at once trying to immobilize her with their combined weight.
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Oct 1, 2015
Again she simply melts under them as they don't have a way to really deal with that and slips out from under them, grabbing one of them by the legs and throwing them aside before scooting over to try and help sala. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Penny found that a bunch of the Kir-kah had grabbed onto Sala and were trying to pull her away. and she was struggling, Punching and kicking all over the place trowing the kirkah this way and that. Penny now saw just how strong the little bug truly was! Even so she was beginning to get overwhelmed. Jezzy was still sniping the hell out of them but she could only fire so fast....
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"fine! We can play the number game as well!" As she ran towards Sala she focused up and split herself in two! Penny A took the right gauntlet and Penny B took the left, together they jumped into the fray, slamming into two Kir-kah at the same time.

Penny A: Get it out of here frog people! you aren't acting like yourselves!

Penny B: Let go of my buggy! She is mine! Not yours!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The two Penny's knocked Sala out of the Kir-Kah's grasp with their attack, freeing her from there grasp. she fell to the ground with a "oof" but quickly righted herself. After that Sala leveled her pistol and started firing again combining with Jezzy's fire they were able to start pushing the frogs back. "Hey stop calling me Buggy!" Sala somehow managed to say while firing.

Mika had been watching the whole time her mind buzzing with activity. "I have to think of something to end this quickly... before back up arrives or something! Penny's method is effective, but it takes far to long! They might overwhelm us even with Sala and Jezzy firing away with their shock guns. If only there was a way to get them all in one big attack..." , Mika saw another volley from her pod-mates and she had another thought. "well...if we could somehow make the floor slick with liquid or something we could fire into that and shock them all at once.... but were are we going to get the liquid?",  Mika thought hard then she had another idea,,,, another embarrassing idea.... She sighed heavily and blushed. "My ink.... We don't have enough time to make... more ejaculate... but my ink sac should still be at full capacity! penny could spread it around the floor so that an electric current could flow through it! oh, why are my ideas always like this.......".  she thought as she hung her head.

mika suddenly move out next to Sala. "Mika?! What are you doing, go hide!", Sala said as she continued to fire and cover the two Penny's. "I have an idea! it gomning to be weird! But trust me!", Mika said as she turned around. She then spread her ass cheeks wide and pointed her but at the Kir-Kah. her ass hole flexed a bit as mika grit her teeth trying to force her ink out. She had to thing of scary and arousing things to stimulate the ink gland in her ass. Eventually, it worked and a spary of gooey ink shot out from between her lovely cheeks. "Oooooh god!", she cried as she soaked the floor and some of the Kir-Kah in ink. Sala was super surprised and embarrassed to have seen that. "S-Solous draxum! What the hell is that for!?", Sala said with very confused and embarrassed look on her face. "P-Penny! S-S-Spread that ink a-around! it will help set them up!" Mika cried.
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Oct 1, 2015
Penny B got right to it, spreading the ink around the floor and onto the Kir-kah as she duck, dodged, weaved and slid all around the madness of combat.

Penny A: "I have to say love, I am equal parts aroused and taken aback at such a display! I hope this is going to work!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The Kir-Kah hopped all over trying to get the penny's but they just couldn't get her. As an added bonus the ink on the ground was gooey and made it harder for them to move or get a decent grip on the ground. Soon the floor around the frogs was slick with gooey ink thanks to Penny B's efforts. "Penny! stay out of the ink! Sala, Jezzy fire at the ink!", Mika shouted. Jezzy was a little confused at first but she fired on command trusting Mika's plan, Sala's shot followed soon after. The Kir-Kah were unable to escape as the bolts hit the inky floor around them. The electrical shots discharged with crackle as the current flowed through the ink and into the Many Kir-Kah, zapping them all in one go. they all writhed and squirmed as they were painfully zapped, thought thankfully the voltage was not lethal to them. They were soon knocked out as the all fell on to the inky ground. "I like your plan! its sexy and effective!", Emily said as she peeked out around the corner.
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Oct 1, 2015
Penny A and B both jumped out of the way and watches the kir-kah twitch and spams before falling over onto the floor. 

Penny A: "Wow! A rather shocking development! Really went off with a crackle! I guess they weren't too bright!"

Penny B: "Ok, enough with the puns! Geeze, we have to get these blobs out of them before they wake up and make it difficult again!"

Both Pennies start moving through the knocked out kir-kah, pulling the parasites out of their cocks and pussies. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala face palms at the bad puns, but then looks over to Mika. "Uh, you o k?" She asked. Mika had her hands on her face as she was very, very, embarrassed. A few extra lewd drops of ink fell from her butt making her shudder a little. Sala didn't say anything about it being an arousing sight to her, but her hardening peen betrayed this fact. she then ended up putting her hands oh her face as well because everywhere she looked there were, naked frogs, naked pod mates, or dripping holes. Jezzy walked past them along with Emily, as they passed the two smaller girls Jezzy put her hand on Mikas shoulder and said, "Nice thinking.... even if it was a little weird...". Emily kissed Sala and said, "You did great love! Nice job covering everyone."

Jezzy moved over to the Pennys with Emily to help dispose of the black blobs. as they pulled out and shocked the nasty things the girly boy kir-kah with rather sizeable member stirred. He moaned on the floor as his cock got hard and some pre leaked from his hardening shaft.
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Oct 1, 2015
Penny A: Do you think he would mind if I rode that sweet cock of his? I mean.. he is so cute I just want to suck him dry!"

Penny B: "I say go for it! He could use some good feels after all that!"

Spurred on by herself, Penny A moves over and quickly begins sucking the girly kir-kah off while her hand slips under him and fingers his cute butt.

Penny B: So, I think that is all the parasites so far! Good work girls!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
the little guy groans as his cock is sucked and his eye shot open as penny stuck some fingers in his ass. He gasped as his brain woke up and the first thing he felt was pleasure! He squirmed on the floor as penny A's head bobbed up and down on his frog peen. he covered his face and blushed heavily, he seemed to be the shy type. He was a very cute girly boy with nice wide girly nhips and ass but a flat chest. He was light blue like most kir-kah but his spots were green instead of the more common red. his hair was also green and short, with eyebrows of the same color. His eyes were big round and cute giving him a more child like appearance.

Jezzy looked away from the lewd scene and said, "yeah that was good team work....". Emily sighed, "i wish i could have helped but good work! now what do we do with all of these cute froggies?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny B: "Could you give them a quick look over Emily? Just to make sure no further damage has been done to them? Once that is out of the way, we just need them to wake up and make their way out of here, the path is clear behind us after all." She turns to Mika "Love, would you mind sneaking your way forward and scouting the place out for us? I am not sure if we can take another big rough and tumble like this so soon."

Meanwhile, Penny A smiled up at the adorable girly boy and started to move her head faster while she pulled her hand away and replaced it with a nice gooey tentacle which quickly pushed up his rump. She made sure to get it nice and deep befor setting up a piston motion while also pushing against his prostate to bring him further pleasure. Her gooey tongue swilred around his fair member and her now free hands moved down to cup his balls and roll them about. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh sure thing!", Emily said as she went over to the Kir-Kah and checked them over. she inspected them quite thoroughly, going into full doctor mode. she check all of the pulses and breathing and quickly bandaged any cuts she found. she looked up, "They all look to be in good shape, just some are going to have some light bruising and a few cuts will have to heal.", Emily said seeming much more serious than normal. "T-That's good to hear..." Mika said with her hand on her ass hole, she really wished she had something to wipe the ink off of her butt.

the little girly boy squeaked when penny stuck her tentacle in his ass, and started to shake and shudder as she when for his prostate. With penny going to town on his cock and teasing at his sack. he started moan much more loudly. His head was hurting but the sexings was alleviating his pain considerably. "but-but! I am unclean!" the girly boy cried finally saying something.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penn A: She pulls her mouth off of his cock and gives him a friendly smile "Nonsense! you are plenty clean and adorable!" She quickly sits on his cock, sliding it into her gooey body, though not her actual pussy, before bouncing up and down while keeping her tentacle moving. "I just can't leave such a cutey alone! Please, enjoy my body!"

Penny B: She walks over behind Mika, quickly grows her usual gooey cock, and casually slides it into Mika's ass before thrusting away. "Here you are love, let me clean you up a bit! now is a good time since the combat is over." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The little guy gives a kind of croak as Penny slides down on his meat stick as he blushes even more. "Ah!~ But-but-but! i haven't done the ritual of cleansing! there was black corruption on my Argh!~ soul!" he cried as he began to fill with lust. Penny A could feel his cock throbbing in her goo as he squirmed.

"Guh?!", Mika cried, she wasn't expecting that. Right on que her pussy began dripping as she wetted up. Her plush ass cheeks jiggled with each thrust as Mika reflexively bent over giving penny a better angle with out realizing it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny A: "Then let me suck it out of you cutie! I will fuck the corruption out of you and suck it out along side your cum! Now come on sweetie, cum for Penny! Give me your tasty seed!"

Penny B: She grabbed Mika's hips and quickly called out another cock, pushing it into her pussy before getting her hips back into motion. A happy smile sits on her face as she ruts her lover right here in front of everyone. "Oh Mika! Such an accomodating lover! Thank you for the better angle love, I will make good use of it!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The little girly frog's long tongue was sticking out of his mouth as penny bounced on his shaft. His eyes were heavy lidded as he started bucking his hips wildly into her goo. his balls started twitching as his lust was boiling in his gut. then, he came! he squirted a hefty amount of greenish cum in to Penny's A goo. He cried, "I'm sorry scarleeeeeeeeet!". His cum tasted a bit like freshly cut celery or lettuce. He then fell on his back, feeling rather spent.

"geez! Right here really?!" Sala said as she turned away, her peen going to full mast at the sight of Penny rutting Mika like that. Emily licked her lips and got comfortable, ready to watch the show, or take part if need be. Jezzy was very unsure of what to do now... she was naked now with her only clothing ruined and Penny was screwing Mika right there in front of her! Mika gave yelp as Penny took advantage of the situation and double pened her right there in front of everyone. "but that wasn't- ah!" mika couldn't finish her sentence as arousal messed with her thinking.


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Oct 1, 2015
Penny A: She shuddered in bliss as her body sucked up all of his cum and quickly converted into usable bio mass. With a happy squeal she had her own little orgasm, pumping some goo cum into his cute butt while her girl cum leaked onto his thight. "Phew... thanks for that cutie! don't think of it as sex, that was more masturbation since you weren't actually in my pussy!" She kiss his forehead and let him rest.

Penny B: "Sorry everyone, but seeing Mika dripping like that was just begging for me to come over here and just have at it! I won't take too long, just enough to get Mika and myself off!" She leans over Mika's back and wraps her hands over her breasts while her hips continue to pump away at her holes.

Penny A: Seeing her other half at work got her arousal going again and there were more pod members to play with! She moved over to Emily, sat in her lap and pushed her lips up against hers, letting her tongue slip into her mouth. At the same time she wiggled her hips at Sala, trying to entice her to come on over and have some fun.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Ah?! from behind?!", Mika said finding this to be a knew experience. She had seen this position in some of the porn she did watch, but hadn't done it this way yet. she looked over her shoulder at Penny B and got even more aroused by the mere sight of being done from behind. When penny cupped her breasts she lost her balance and fell to her hands and knees, unknowingly putting her self in the classic doggy style position.

Emily leaned into the kiss always loving Penny's taste. She slapped Penny's gooey ass to further entice Sala. Sala looked on as her peen throbbed, urging her to them. "R-Really guys?! Here?!", she said reinterrateing herself. She then gave a sigh, she was certain Penny would find some way to get her to do it weather she wanted to or not. So she moved over to them sheepishly and said, "ok fine... lets just get the over with before they all wake up! I don't want them seeing this..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny B: "Oh my! Doggy style? I didn't know you were so wild Mika! Ok then, I will give it my all!" She squeezes her breasts and picks up the pace, humping into holes fast enough for lewd slapping sounds to ring out from between them. She moans happily as her body is sent wonderful pleasure rom her first lover.

Penny A: She giggled into the kiss and pushed in a bit deeper, wrapping her tongue around Emily's happily. However, to Sala's surprise, she suddenly thrusts her hips backwards and sinks half of her big peen straight into her real pussy! This earned a moan from the little Penny as her body felt true pleasure from her favorite herm in the entire galaxy.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"But that's not- it was an acciden- oh!~", Mika was cut off buy a load moan as she was rutted like a dog. This certainly did feel different, being fucked on her hands and knees. It did in fact make the sex feel more wild. With penny pounding away at her soft ass and pussy, and giving her breasts a lovely squeeze, Mika's lust was building quite quickly. This made her pussy squeeze tightly on to the cock it knew quite well, making every thrust rub very pleasurably on her velvety walls. her ass was more or less giving the Penny B's other cock the same treatment. Mika was leaking a bunch now.... could this position be her weakness?

Sala gave an "Oh!", as half of her throbbing ten-incher was slipped into Penny's soft warm pussy. she instinctively thrust it further in as the fire of her lust were fanned, pushing all of her fuck stick into Penny A's oh so soft squishy hole. Emily then reached out and pulled Sala down to be with her as she locked lips with Penny A. The little goo was then squeezed in between them as Emily hugged them both of them together, sandwiching penny between to sexy bodies. Sala couldn't help but start thrusting into one of her favorite holes in the galaxy (thought you'd be hard pressed to get her to admit that).


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Oct 1, 2015
Penny B She gave a loud moan as both her cocks were treated so lovingly by Mika's holes. Her grip on those big breasts tightened just a bit and she started to roll them around in circles while her fingers pinched and pulled on her nipples/ "Oh Mika! I have never felt you like this before! Do you like this pose so much? Does me rutting you like an animal get your gears going?" her hips find the power to move even faster, really slamming into her ass and pussy. "Is that what my sexy girl wants? Should I get a little collar and leash with your name on it? Just bend you over and have at your holes like a dog in heat?"

Penny A: She was delighted to be squeezed in between her two pods mates but soon began to feel rather bad for Jezzy. She broke the kiss with Emily and pulled Sala down more so she could take that spot while she grabbed Jezzy and pulled her down, quickly latching onto her nipple and sucking on it like a babe. Meanwhile, her pussy clenched up nice and tight around Sala's big cock, eager to have more of it inside of her and even more eager for her cum. Sadly, she couldn't use her hips in this position, so she simply tried to squeeze her lovingly. 


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Jun 30, 2016
Mika was getting super embarrassed by what Penny was suggesting, and with Mika being Mika that turned her on even more! Mika's nipples were rock hard as penny gave her breasts all kinds of love and attention. "Oh god! She's not serous is she?", Mika thought as Penny B pounded away. this was starting feel way good and Mika soon found herself putting her ass higher in the air by laying her head on her folded arms. "Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ Ah~!", she cried as her whole soft body shook form each thrust. her lust was at it peek now she could hold on no longer! She then sprayed girl cum all over penny B's cock and waist as she shook in orgasm. She satyed there with penny still stuck in her, her ass in the air dripping girl cum. "...Please...tell aren't actually thinking of.... doing that....", Mika said as she spasmed a few times riding the ends of her orgasm.

Jezzy was surprised to find herself suddenly being suckled on and gave a surprised sounding hiss. "...Oh shit~... well i guess we're doing this now..." she said as she took a seat with them. Sala was bouncing little penny on her dick unable to help herself at this point. Emily looked at Jezzy's other tit and then snatched it up in her mouth, and was soon licking and sucking on it wanting to Jezzy as much pleasure as she could. As they sucked her nipples they were more then happy to oblige and soon Jezzy light green nipples gave them a steady stream of yummy milk.
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Oct 1, 2015
Penny B: Feeling her lover orgasm onto her cocks and tasting Mika's sweet cum quickly drove Penny B into orgasm. She slammed her cocks into her ass and pussy at the same time and began pumping cum into both holes. She moans in bliss at her own sweet release and the position Mika was in certainly made it easy to stay in to the hilt. Her hands continues to show Mika's breasts love and care by squeezing and groping them even after her cum stopped pumping. "Mmm, I don't know Mika, I like the thought of you in a cute little collar." She said while kissing her cheek.

Penny A: She is completely lost in a world of pleasure. She gulped down Jezzy's breast milk as fast as she could while her pussy tried to Milk Sala of her cum. Her hands moved up and grabbed Emily's breasts, rubbing them in circles and occasionally giving her nipples light tugs. 


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Jun 30, 2016
At this point Mika was very tired, she wished she could sleep in a nice warm bed. Penny could hear her breathing getting heavy and strained. she also seemed to be drying out a little. she didn't want to get up but she tried anyway. Finally pulling Penny B's cocks free of her holes and leaned a against her split lover. "...feeling... dry..." she said tiredly.

The other penny was surrounded by lovely naked bodies now. All of them in on one form of pleasure or another. Emily really liked seeing Penny like this so she mischievously began to mess with the smaller goo's nipples, pulling and giving them light pinches, trying to make her even more lusty. Sala was bucking away into penny soft vagina, her hand coming to rest on her Penny A's slightly smaller butt. Sala's big ball sack smacked against her gooey clit, sending little sparks of pleasure with every thrust. Jezzy was moaning out now, giving milk to two people felt so good!


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Oct 1, 2015
Penny B: Her eyes widened as she felt Mika getting dry on her. Without a word she melted over Mika's body, covering her head to toe in her moist gooey body, leaving only her eyes and mouth uncovered in golden goo. "I got you love, share in my body." she starts leaking very thin goo, trying to moisturize Mika at the cost of her own mass... which given how much more Penny A was getting, didn't worry her.

Penny A: All of their efforts were quickly paying off as her lust built up higher and higher. Her front began to melt around Emily a bit and two tentacles quickly found their way into her pussy and ass. She kept pulling out big mouth fulls of Jezzy's bountiful milk, converting it into more and more bio mass while savoring the flavor. Meanwhile, Penny's legs melt around Sala's ass and make it so no matter how much she pulls back, her cock is always submerged in Penny's pussy but can still thrust for all the wonderful friction. Two tentacles slide out and push into Sala's pussy and ass, pumping into her quickly.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gasped as she was engulfed in golden goo from head to toe and she panicked for second unsure of what was going on. but her eyes and mouth were uncovered so she calmed down after a second. Mika could feel the thin goo getting into her skin and she began to feel better already. It was quite comfortable to have penny all over her like that it was familiar and warm. "... the moister cream wore off at the worst time... that's what i get for skipping out...." mika said as shelaid there with panny all over her. "I really need a drink....", Mika said tiredly.

The other three were making all manner of lusty noises as Penny A gave a little something to each of them. Emily was gulping down Jezzy's milk with Penny, sending all kinds of lovely feeling in her milky tits. Penny noticed that Jezzys cup size had actually go up since the last time she checked! It was apparent now that she was giving them a good suckle, Jezzy had gone up to big D cups! Perhaps all the milk she had been giving had stimulated her breasts to get bigger and thus hold more pink milk. Emily was thanking penny for giving her some tentacles by moving her hips around in small circles building both of their pleasure. Sala hugged onto penny A tightly as she was both fucking and getting fucked. she thrusted faster into penny A getting desperate for release.


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Oct 1, 2015
Penny A: She suddenly stops drinking from Jezzy and pulls Emily away. "Jezzy, my other half says Mika needs a big drink, go help her please." She turns and pushes into Emily's lips, wrapping up her tongue again while thrusting her tentacles into both Sala and Emily much faster and deeper. Her pussy keeps rippling and tugging on Sala's lovely peen, trying to push her over the edge while her own pleasure is rapidly reaching it's boiling point.

Penny B: Don't worry love, Jezzy should be coming over real soon, then you will be all better." 


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Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy felt a little disappointed for her draining to be interrupted, but she saw Mika looking thirsty in penny's goo and her motherly instincts drove her to help. Jezzy cupped her tits to stop any leaking as she hurried over to Mika. "...Here you go hun... drink as much as you need... I still have plenty... ", she said as she lowed a nipple to Mika's face. Mika looked embarrassed, but she was thirsty so she slowly lowered her lips and began to suck softly on Jezzy's teat. she was immediately given a big rush of milk in her mouth as jezzy flood gate had already been opened. Mika had to drink fast to keep up, Some of the milk leaked out around her mouth. Again Mika was treated to the sweet and sour taste of shrax breast milk, it was warm delicious, and she began to perk up more and more the more she drank. Jezzy loved the feeling of mika's soft lips on her breast and put her hands into Penny B's goo to hold her head.

Sala and Emily were reaching there peek now, even though Jezzy had left them, they had done enough with her that they were well on the way to orgasm. Sala was thrusting away more confidently now that she was a little more accepting of her peen. Her pre was leaking like crazy now she was going to cum any second. Emily want to match her so she quickly ground against the tentacles in her holes. As Sala cried out so did Emily when they both hit their orgasm, squirting their juices in unison. Sala fired a big jet of hot sweet cum with Emily giving her small squirt to add some saltiness.
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Oct 1, 2015
Penny A: She moaned in bliss as she received both of their orgasms at the same time and quickly hit her own, pumping goo cum into both of their pussies and asses while her girl cum soaks Sala's peen, balls and thighs. One it was ll done she snapped back into her default form and laid there in Emily's lap while resting her chin on her shoulder. Her breathing slowed down as she shifted into resting moan with a happy smile on her face.

Penny B: She simply laid there, tending to Mika's dry body while Jezzy worked on Mika's dry throat. She kept up the flow of thin goo, rubbing it in and making sure she was well hydrated again.