Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika didn't want to be away from Penny either, but it didn't look like she had a choice in the matter. "there's no way this is real..those thing must have done something to us..." Mika said as she moved to her door as well. When they got close golden writing appeared above the misty doorways. It said to both of them: you know stand at the trial of the mind. To pass this trail you must choose, to walk a mile in the others shoes. "What could that mean.....", Mika said as she looked back at penny.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"to walk a mile in the others shoes... so it want's us to be each other? Or maybe to experience something through each others eyes? Bah, too many questions, I am going for answers!" She cast one more confident look to Mika, gave her a nod, and stepped through the door.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked back at penny as she walked through the door with her hands clasped together nervously. she was getting a bit blue around her face as she looked at the misty door. She was afraid of what might happen ,but she had to go through with this! So, after straightening up and taking a deep breath She two stepped through the doorway. As she stepped through she felt faint as everything around her began to shift and change, after a few seconds the world become solid again...but for some reason Mika felt like she didn't...she then looked down. Too her horror she was now staring at a red pile of goo beneath her! She was hyperventilating now as she saw nothing but red goo where her body had been. she felt like she was melting so she cried out in terror! She tried to move her legs but they were just a blob right now so she fell face first into the ground.

As penny stepped through she had a similar experience, with the world shifting and changing around her with ot finally became solid she felt like she had as well. if she looked down she would see the beautiful naked form of a golden colored squilliden beneath her still more or less her same build as she normally would. it must have been very disorientating for her to have a solid but very flexible body now. She herd a shrill gurgling cry from her right and when she looked she could see the struggling red from of a galora version of Mika!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"What the hell?!" She looked down at her solid body and non changing form. Panic rose in her mind as she moved her hands about and looked at her feet. She tried to change form, to make a tentacle, to split in half... heck, she tried to just melt into her primal form... but nothing worked! She then heard the cry to her right and saw a melting goo Mika! "Ahhh! Mika!" She ran over, her solid body feeling weird as it jiggled and wiggled with each step, and grabbed the top half of her now gooey lover. "Mika! Calm down! you have fo focus! Listen to my voice! Calm down and focus on me! Your body responds to your mind now so if you keep panicing you can't take shape!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was breathing very quick and heavy as she struggled with herself. at first she didn't recognize penny as she grabbed onto her meting form, but once she got a look at her face, she saw the same face of her lover just slightly different. Mika was very afraid right now so she hugged onto Penny tightly as her whole red gooey body shuddered in fear and confusion. So she tried to clam down and breathe in Squilliden Penny's arms. So she listened to Penny's voice and tried to focus and sure enough Mika's shape began to stabilize a bit but she was still kind of wobbly and dripped here and there. "Penny w-w-whats going on?! whats happening to me?!" Mika said still very confused and afraid.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Easy love, easy. Take deep breaths. I... I think we switched races! you are a galora now and I am a squilliden! you are not melting away or dieing, your form is just unstable. Take deep breaths ok? Follow my lead, in... out... in... out. There you go love, nice and stable breathing. Now focus on what you normally look like. Your lovely curvy body, your big supple breasts, squeezable rump and long enticing legs. Piece it together in your head and bring it out to reality." Several beads of moisture leak down her thighs. "Oh... so this is what it is like to drip! Pleasant!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika would have grit her teeth if she had any at this point as she thought about herself, as she did her body grew more and more defined and eventually she got her legs back. Mika stumbled a little so she kept hold of Penny, she was used to having at least some kind of support in her body, but with a gooey form she felt very unbalanced. She then finally got better look at squiliden Penny and she was awestruck by her beauty, she would have started dripping if she was her normal self, needless to say she felt very aroused by squilliden Penny. for some reason when she saw her drip from her pussy goo-Mika licked her lips and wondered what that might taste like. She then quickly shook her head making the darker red goo versions of her tentacle hair whip around and jiggle. "Where did that come from?!", she thought as she looked at her own gooey red hand. "Oh penny I-I feel" she said as she hugged her switched lover.

Around them they could see a rocky canyon with two sets of parallel stairs leading into a brown stone building ahead of them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I know Mika, I know. This is just so... weird! I can't move my body at all, only the limbs." She grabs her big breasts and lifts them up. "I mean, my boobs have their natural jiggle, but they feel heavy now and so out of control. thank goodness squiliden are naturally flexible other wise this would be way too weird for me to handle. Though I have to admit, this warmth between my legs is wonderful! Is this how you feel arousal Mika? I am envious!" She chuckles and stands up with Mika so they are both in a normal standing position. "Just focus on your body shape for now, you should solidify soon enough." She looks down the stairs and at the brown stone building. "I guess that is where we are supposed to go huh?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"I-I guess so...", Mika said as she shakily tried to keep her balance. As she saw Penny's endowments jiggle around she felt a strange urge to go over and grab her and put her body all over her. She shook her head again, "Guh!? Is this want Penny feels like when she sees me?" she thought. She then walked up the steps with Penny holding on to her tightly as she tried to make herself more solid. but suddenly she tripped and fell out of Penny's hands and with wet slap she hit her head on a stone step. She gasped and readied herself for the pain....but none came.... nothing not a single inkling of pain in her head. she held her head puzzled by this. "I-I didn't feel a thing..." Mika said in shock.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny giggled and bent down to help her up, but the position gave Mika a perfect view of her moist slit. "Yea, physical pain doesn't mean much to galora you silly girl. Why do you think I can take pounding after pounding no matter how big the punches are and still get back up? Sure, it might toss you around a little, but it certainly won't hurt." She takes Mika's hand and slowly helps her stand up again. "Now be more careful, i don't want to have to run around gathering up blobs of Mika!" She laughed warmly and started up the stairs again.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika's eyes kept running down to Penny moist pussy lips as she spoke. She gulped, she kept wanting to reach out and put her hand to penny pussy but she held herself back, not wanting to just start doing things like that to Penny. She shook her head again to clear her thoughts. Of course! Penny was right, she had seen penny survive all manner of physical attacks in the past. "Pull yourself together Mika! You have things to do!", she thought as she straightened herself up and moved carefully up the stairs. eventually they got to the stone building the inside was very warm and it had a very earthy sent. As they walking inside they saw a wall with a very thin tall hole on it. they could see a what looked like pull switch on the other side through the thin hole.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiled and looked around the building, happy to find it so warm and welcoming. she peeped through the hole and saw the switch on the other side. "Well, i think the obvious answer here is for you to use your new gooey body to squish through the hole and pull that lever." Despite her words, she moved away from the all and smiled at Mika before sitting down and spreading her legs. "however, I don't think we will ever get this chance again! So my love, lets play with these swapped bodies. Come here, I know you want to spread yourself all over me. Go head, I want you to."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika stared lustily at Penny's wet juicy box and gulped. "But-But I don't know how to even do that....", Mika said sheepishly. However, despite her nervousness she scooted over to penny and sat down in front of her. without her thinking her hand went over to Penny's now solid squiliden pussy and stuck a finger inside. She gasped out as she could taste penny wetness with her hand! It tasted so good to her that she moaned immediately. This make her feel very strange and aroused, "Oh! Oh god! what was that?!", she said in shock, her hand stayed there however.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny's eyes widened and she moaned as her now solid body sent pleasure down her spine. "Holy! That... that feels amazing! You are so warm and slimy!" she bucks her hips slightly against her hand with a smile. "That Mika, is your entire body tasting me! Vaginal juices, Girl cum, ejaculate and breast milk all taste AMAZING to galora. It is why we seek it out and how we earned a stereo type of being fuck happy sluts..." She shakes her head and her smile comes back in full. "Anyway, right now you are tasting me with everything you have! Now come here love, take me into your gooey body, i want to know how that feels."  


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"ooh penny! i cant take it!", she said as she threw herself onto squiliden Penny. Her head rested on Penny's big lovely tits as her hips smacked lewdly against Penny's. She had to have more! more of that taste! "Aaah!~ I feel so weeeird!", she said as she hugged penny tightly. then Mika lover half began to slowly envelope penny from the waist down. I felt marvelous to goo up around penny's waist and crouch. This all felt so alien to her, she wasn't sure what to do now so she just kind of squeezed penny in a kind of weird gooey hug on her legs, ass, pussy and everything else below the waist.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny's toes curled in bliss as her lower half was sucked into mika's lovely red body. Her arms wrapped around her back and pulled her closer and deeper into her breasts. "Oh mika! that feels amazing! So warm and soft!" She looks down at her lover with a smile. "Go on then, think about tentacles and cocks, try to summon up some toys for us to play with. If not, just push into my holes love, I just need to feel more of you in me, around me and all over me!" She leans forward and locks lips with Mika, her mouth opening to invite her inside.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was quivering on Pennys legs as she could taste the yummy stuff coming out of her pussy even more now. "mmmm!" she then kissed penny passionately as the lust began to build. she swirled her gooey tongue around in penny mouth. oddly enough Mika kind of tasted like cherries as her tongue brushed up against Penny's. Mika needed release badly now she could feel it, so she thought about what she wanted to do......she thought tentacles would be the easiest thing to use, but this was going to get really weird feeling she could tell. "Oh....W-Well here I go...I'll try my best....", Mika said as she went back in for the kiss. Penny soon found something tickling her clit and pussy from inside the warm red goo. Mika was focusing on making a simple tentacle to give penny pleasure with so she closed her eyes and made a 8 inch long tentacle inside her goo and slowly she pushed it inside. She moaned loudly in Penny's mouth as she tasted more of her sweetness as she slid her tentacle inside her lovers depths.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny moaned into the kiss as she cherished Mika's embrace. The warm goo around her lower body spurred her lust forward and she tried to tighten the embrace around Mika only for her arms to sink into her gooey body. She kept her legs spread wide as she enjoyed he kiss, tasting her now cherry flavored lover with a small smile on her lips. Feeling the tentacle slip into her pussy sent all new pleasure through her new body, making her shudder and groan. She instinctively clenched her walls around the tentacle, an action that was thankfully still easy to do, but it did more to her than it did to Mika. She slowly started to melt into Mika's embrace, letting her body be taken away by the warm goo around her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gasped into penny's mouth as she felt the walls of the soft squiliden pussy squeeze her gooey tentacle. this was such an alien feeling for her but it was also a very pleasureful one. she had to have more of that girl cum she couldn't help herself she she began to slowly thrust into that juicy box of Penny's. Mka could never really say it just she always liked the look of penny's pussy and ass, they were her favorite parts of her! so, she did her best to wriggle that tentacle around with each trust trying to give penny what she wanted. She was scared for second when she realized that Penny's hands had sunk into her, but she quickly remembered that she was made of goo so she didn't have to worry. the inside of penny was so tasty to her that she without thinking stuck another tentacle in Penny's ass! This made her moan out and break the kiss as she yelled, "Oh god! I-I p-put stuff in there!?"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The tentacle in her ass didn't taste anything as there was nothing to taste, but it certainly had an effect on penny! She threw her head back and moaned loudly to the ceiling, her soft pussy twitching and squeezing on her tentacle as her ass tightens up at the same time. "Oh Mika! I feel so full! So wonderfully warm and full!" Her toes curl and relax inside Mika's warm gooey body and she bucks her hips back against the tentacles currently squirming inside her. Her eyes lid half way down in lust and her tongue hangs out the side of her mouth as bliss rolls through her body. "Mika... please... cum inside me. I need to feel that at least once!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oooh~ Pennyyyyy~ I need your cum so bad! I feel so hungry!", Mika cried as she started thrusting the tentacle cocks in and out of the two holes with gusto. This was a lust and hunger the likes of witch she had never felt before. Her goo rippled over penny's entire lower half as she gave Penny the most lusty stare she had ever seen from the shy little girl. her face also looked quite a bit distressed, her gooey body was doing all sorts of thing that she felt she was losing herself to her lust. Her hands had grabbed onto penny's big squishy tits and started grouping and teasing her nipples, trying to send Penny to the moon with pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She could see the need in her lovers eyes, feel it in her desperate motions. Penny stopped trying to hold herself back and simply grabbed on to the pleasure that Mika was flooding her body with. The increased pace pushed her further down the road of pleasure and the sudden groping of her new solid breasts was the final straw. With a cry of bliss she fell onto her back and came. As her body is a replication of Mika's but with her libido. a water fall of girl cum sprayed from her pussy and soaked into Mika's new gooey body! Her legs shot out straight and her back arced off the floor as her mind fought to hold on and her body quivered in bliss. "Mikaaaaaa!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As the girl cum shot into mika's now red gooey body it was quickly sucked away and disappeared. Mika threw her head back as she just about screamed in pleasure. The cum was just so delicious and orgasmic that she shuddered as she felt her own orgasm begin. Huge loads of red gooey cum were shot into Penny's ass and pussy as Mika continued to cry out orgasmicly. A few red gooey tears feel from mika's face as her galora orgasm hit her like a hover truck."Pennyyyyyyyyy!", she cried in turn. when she was done Penny no doubt felt very full and warm. Mika was giving slow deep breaths as she laid on top of Penny big beautiful bust. she had to focus to keep herself solid, least she turn into a puddle from the force of her orgasm.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny lays there panting while running her hand through Mika's gooey hair. "Mmm, that was amazing love. I feel so warm inside... I hope it was good for you dear." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"It-it was so much I was k-kinda scared to be honest...but it just tasted so good I-I couldn't help myself! I-I had to have more....." Mika said with a sightly tired expression. "I have no idea how you deal with so much....feeling.... it felt overwhelming". she hugged penny softly as she tried make her legs come back.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"you learn to cope with those desires. You can't give into them or you will just turn into a breed happy primal. But no need to fear love, I am sure we will switch back soon enough. One time letting yourself go isn't going to break you after all." She plants a kiss on her cheek.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
After about a minute or so laying comfortably on top of Penny, Mika finally forced herself to stand up. She stumbled around because she was used to having a spine, even if it was a flexible one it was still supportive. Eventually she leaned against a wall for support. "Penny...I don't know how you can walk like this....." she said as she looked down at her red jiggly legs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny slowly gets to her feet as well. "I don't know how you deal with being so restricted! You can't change anything so you just have to hope everything is to your liking in the end! I am already feeling rather cramped like this..." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika actually laughed a bit, looks like they were both in the same boat." Penny...can I lean on you?" she asked with hopeful eyes. she want ti do this for two reasons, she didnt think she could walk very far on her own, and she wanted to be close to penny because she was nervous.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Do you even need to ask at this point love? We are pod mates, anything you need, anything you want, I will give it to you." She steps up next to Mika and lets her lean on her shoulder. "Better?"