Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Dr.Garam gave a nod to them and said, "Well the replacement was a success, and I dare say her new face looks even better then the first one she got after her accident. she wanted to surpise you so I'll leave her to it". They could see Emily nod in response. Mika's heart was pumping quickly as Emily slowly removed the white cloth from her face.......The same pair of light blue glowing eyes gazed back at both of them but the face around them was dicedely moer human like. The synth skin around her face was of the same color as her real skin, fair complexion. she had a cute little nose with a small set of cheekbones and a slightly pointed chin. Over all her face was rather cute an very feminine. Small back lines ran across her face here and there while her lips were a light blue color, them being the only real way to tell that her face was synthetic. When she finally spoke they could hear that she was actually rather soft spoken and she had a very slight British accent . "All....this time...not being able to speak......and I'm at a loss for words.....", she said as her eyes began to water (looks like they fixed that too!). Mika's eyes also began to water up as they looked to each other. "If you do that....You'll make me cry too......", she said as she swiftly got up and hugged Emily tightly.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny quickly steps forward and grabs them both in her arms, lifting them off the floor and hugging them tightly against her body. "Oh Emily! you look amazing dear! Look at how cute you are! Oh and I love your accent! you don't need words right now, just hug me you adorable girl you!" Her joy flies off of her body as she gives them both a firm squeeze and slightly pulling them into her gooey form.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika and Emily both laughed a little as they were lifted up by penny and pulled into her gooey hug. "Ah....scenes like these are part of why I became a doctor....but as much as I hate to interrupt, you have a payment to make" Dr.Garam said as he held out his holo-reader. Emily looked at penny with hopeful eyes, "Did you actually managed to find all the money?!", she said her voice straining just a bit.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny gently puts them down, pulls out her credit chit and taps it against the holo-reader which pings green as payment is completed flawlessly. "Mika and I won a big couples tournament yesterday which gave us one hundred grand AND we spent the night in a luxury hotel! You are one hundred percent paid for sweety!" She smiles at Emily and holds Mika against her by the shoulders.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"hmmm the couples competition eh? Well that must have been fun for a couple of first timers.", Dr.Garant said with a knowing smirk. Mika looked to the side with her cheeks reddening. Emily gave a questioning look at the two of them wondering just what this "couples tournament" was. "Penny.....Mika..... you have no idea how grateful i am to you both. You've given me my life back! i dont think i can ever repay you...", she said as she held them in her gaze, her eyes still watering
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"You don't have to sweety. We did this because we wanted to, not because we wanted some form of payment. Though I would like to ask...what will you do now? You have medical experience right? Will you look to become a doctor again? Cause...I mean...after what has happened on my ship and...all of this. You could...come with us? Just an offer! I completely understand if you just want to settle down somewhere safe again."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily eyebrows raised up, "Oh wow....I didn't even think about what I'd do next...the thought hadn't crossed my mind until now.", she said as looked down thinking it over. "Well, Ms.Emily do give me a call if there is any discomfort or stiffness in the prosthesis, other then that you are released. I trust you can show yourselves out." Dr.Garant said as he left the room. Mika looked back at Penny and wondered just were penny was going with this, but it didn't really matter, Emily was free now! "Well i suppose I am out of a job now aren't I? I guess I can stay with you until i figure out what I want to any case shall we depart? i do want see this fancy hotel room you two won.", she said with a big smile on her face, showing off her newfound ability to show more expression and loving it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course! come along Emily! We have the room for several more hours!" She grabs both of them by the hand and leaves the hospital, heading back for their fancy hotel room and quickly making it back inside. "Tada! We get to slep here tonight! The bed is super comfy and you can see the beach from the window! Go ahead and look around, I need to speak with Mika for a moment in the bathroom." She pulls Mika into the bathroom and closes the door. "Mika, what do you think of Emily? Do you like her?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Right." Emily said as she sat on the comfy bed, testing its softness. "nice prize!", she called back to them as they entered the bathroom.

Mika had a confused look on her face as she was brought into the bathroom. She tilted her head to the side as penny asked her about Emily. "Huh? do I like her? W-Well sure. S-she is pretty nice.", she said as she looked at Penny questioningly. "Why do you ask?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well...she has been with us a while now and even shared in my...nightly antics several times. I for some reason feel compelled to try and protect her after such a horrible thing happened to her so...I wanted to ask if maybe we should invite her to our pod? It has to be a shared opinion between us, because I care far too much about you to risk making you upset. Maybe I am jumping the gun I am also hoping you will be a voice of reason if that is the case."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika's eyes sifted from left to right in thought as she took in what Penny said. She was still new to the whole idea of pods and the thought of adding someone new to the group wasn't something to be taken lightly. after staying silent for a couple of seconds she finally said, "Um......maybe we dont want to rush this......I'm not s-saying no or anything but, maybe we should give it a little more time? I-I mean.....we got to know her in these past few days and all but she only just got h-her voice back.....maybe now we can really get to know her better.....", she rubbed her hands together uncertainly as she spoke.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Yea, you are right. She just recovered and we don't want to freak her out either. Let's just give her more time, get to know her better." She leans forward and kisses Mika softly. "thank you love, always keeping me in check." With that she opens the door and walks back out. "Sorry about that! So, how are you feeling Emily?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily give a contented sigh as she laid on the bed. "I feel wonderful now, like a great weight was lifted off of my shoulders. when she saw the mini fridge she asked, "say what do you have in there?". Mika looked back then said, "Oh uh they have some complementary wine in there or something....".


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea, some bottles of fancy wine. We didn't bother getting into it." She jumps on the bed and hugs Emily tightly. "Geeze you look just amazing now!" She lightly brushes her hand along Emily's cheek. "So soft and realistic!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Hey that tickles! I can even feel through it, that's the best part!", Emily said as she grinned back at penny. "honestly Penny, you and mika are really something special, most people would left me there in that ship....but saved me! For what its worth.....since i couldnt say it then i will now thank you so much!" she said as her new faced beamed with gratitude. Mika was pulling out a bottle from the mini fridge. "Well.....M-Maybe now is a good time for that toast i was mentioning....what do you think Penny?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny suddenly looks a tad skittish. "Ok...but only a little bit of wine. You see, we don't process alcohol like humans do, we just absorb everything we eat and take everything it has. So...alcoholic beverages hit me really hard and apparently I am a very...physical drunk. the last time I had too much to drink I got very hands on with this group of girls that came to the bar to have a good time. One thing lead to another and the next thing I know I am waking up with four naked human girls around me and the entire room smelled of sex."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika eyed Penny for a second, perhaps trying not to think about the scene she just described. "Oh well, sure..... I was only going to have a little myself." she said as she pulled out three wine glasses for them. "A toast for me? oh you girls, you spoil me you know that?", Emily said with a giggle. After Mika poured them all a small glass and handed them out. "I've herd this was human custom, but many other races do something similar. so uh, what better way to celebrate." she said as she held up her glass. "Well said Mika dear, i dare say you're right. well cheers then.", Emily said as she took a drink.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"To Emily's new upgrades, Mika's beauty and great adventures in the future!" Penny quickly tossed back her drink, bringing the glass back down with a satisfied smack of her lips. "Hey, not bad, a bit too high class for my liking but as a once off sort of thing i don't mind it all that much. What do you two think?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"uh......dittio I-I guess....", Mika said before she took a drink. She winced a bit, she never did like the bitter tastes of alcoholic drinks, but she felt that the gesture would go over very well with Emily and make her happy. After shaking her head to to clear her thoughts she turned back to penny and said, "All right, looks like were ready to start our search for w-whatever is hidden here on cephodeia. I-I know of a few spots on the planet that such things could hide. One of them being an ancient squiliden temple on an island off the coast of this continent. the place hasnt been fully explored yet so what we are looking for could be least thats the uh, hunch im getting."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"It sounds like a good place to start! We can take my ship and fly on over whenever we are ready to go. What about you Emily? Are you coming along?" She took another drink of the wine, the red liquid dissipating inside her gooey body. Starting to feel a little warm she puts the glass down lest she jump Mika and Emily in a drunken lusty manor. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Ah yes, you did mention you were hunting for artifacts and the like back on the ship. Well i don't have much else to do, so I don't see why not.", Emily said with a nod. "It might be handy to have a medical professional around anyway don't you think?", She said as she then finished off her glass. "Well, ok. As long as you feel up to it.", Mika added cautiously. "Well.....I'm ready to head out if you are Penny...."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea! Lets get a move on!" She hops up to her feet and puts her duster back on. "We just gotta get back to my ship and fly over. you have the coordinates right Mika?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Of coarse I'll upload them to you ships terminal we get there". So off they went back to Penny's ship. After going back to Zuko and singing the the ship out they were soon heading a to an island off the coast. As the flew above the Cephodiean ocean they could see many colorful slug like creatures dive in and out of the surface while strange squid like things flew through the air on strange wing-like tentacles. most life on cephoidea resembled mollusks of one form or another with very few creatures if any, having a rigid skeleton. Everything must have seemed very alien to Penny (then again who knows what kind of crazy stuff lives on her home world....). after two hours or so of smooth flying an island came into view. It was large as far as islands go, and had a very dense looking forest covering most of it. only a few small buildings could be seen dotting the island most likely research facilities. After being hailed by the island security they were directed to land in a clearing on the south side of the forest.

Stepping out of the ship they were immediately struck by just how quiet it was. the forest around them was most covered in dark green foliage with with a few vibrantly colored flowers here and there. occasionally small little octopus looking creatures would swing this way and that in the trees, perhaps theses being evolutionary cousins of the squiliden. "You sure have a lovely looking home world Mika." Emily said as she looked about.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"So...swimming slugs, flying squids and now tree octopus...your planet as the coolest wild life Mika! So many tentacles too, I wonder how many people get frisky with them?" She grins lewdly and gives Mika a playful slap on the bum. "So, where is this ancient temple? Are other people there? how dangerous is it?" She throws question after questions while looking around the landing zone.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika Jumped a bit at the slap to her curvy rear. "Hold on, hold on Penny...." she said as she started typing on her terminal. "The temple is more or less in the center of the island, it was discovered about about three years ago and they're still finding new things out about the place. say's here that the temple itself was built in dedication to the squiliden goddess of....." she blushed for second,".......fertility..........". she said with a slightly uncomfortable look on her face. "U-Uh anyway...there might be a few other archaeologists around here, but other then that not may people live here."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh my, goddess of fertility! Now that is interesting. I didn't know the squiliden had such a goddess. I guess I should keep it in my pants while we are there lest things get....fertile." She gives Mika a teasing kiss on the cheek and laughs. "So, we need to get to the center of the island. Lead the way honey! Emily, you go next, I will take up the rear!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Alright, sounds good to me.", Emily said as she slid her way behind Mika. she then slowly reached out and gave her butt a quick squeeze. "lead the way oh wise one!", she said as she gave a sort laugh. Mika turned back quickly with her eyebrows raised, Emily gave her the most innocent look she could muster with her synthetic face. Mika sighed and said, "Well we just have to head north from here...",  Mika explained as she lead the way forward. As they made their way through the forest a few of the "tree octopuses" followed along inquisitively. A few of them of them coming down here and there to get a better look at them, then swiftly jumping back into the trees when they drew close.

Eventually they saw a large stone building poke out from the dense forest. As they closed in they saw that it was surrounded by ornamental stone pillars with a statues on top of each. many of them were missing parts, but one of them stood out among the rest. A tall statue stood on the middle pillar seemingly devoid of wera and tear for the most part. It was a statue of the squiliden goddess of fertility (and other things). she was depicted as a voluptuous and beautiful squiliden woman with wide hips and big lovely beasts. she was shown to wear no clothing except a sash around her waist that did nothing to cover her pussy and ass witch were both meticulously detailed. As they looked at the statue something seemed.......familiar about it..... In fact it looked allot like a certain shy squiliden girl who had a similar set of "assests".


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny stared at the statue, awe struck by the detail and trying to place who it reminded her of. With a sudden spark of realization she clapped her hands and pointed at Mika with a smile. "Mika! That statue looks like you after having like three maybe four kids! Right now you look like a mini version of her. hey...are YOU the fertility goddess given physical form! That would make you even more amazing than you already are!" Her eyes light up as she grabs Mika and starts looking her over. "You really do look like her! Oh my gosh, my wife and pod mate is a fertility goddess!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was herself, quite surprised and embarrassed by the striking resemblance. It was like someone in the distant past had made a nude statue just for her. "That's one hell of a coincidence!", Emily said with a smirk. Mika's face was turning purple, it felt like they were staring at her naked. "C-Come on I-I don't look .......that good....... B-besides, we don't believe in the old religions anyway...we're monotheistic these days.", she said as she looked away meekly. ahead of them they could see an iron fence had been constructed around the temple, most likely to stop looters and the like from getting at the ruins. A single male squiliden could be seen leaning against the entrance. He was apparently security for the place, judging by the uniform he was wearing. He spotted them and worked her way over to them saying, "Oh hey, you the folks who just landed not to long ago? they said you were coming to see the ruins?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes sir we are! My name is Penny, this here is Emily and last but certainly not least, this is Mika who is probably the decendant of that fertility goddess or something. Seriously, back us up on this one." She suddenly lifts Mika's shirt and bra over her head! "Look at her breasts then look at that statue...doesn't she look like a toned down version of that goddess up there? Emily thinks so but Mika here is in denial. Maybe an outside opinion would help"