[Going under rewrite] Daddy and Baby, an Incestuous New Texan Event

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Here's the link to the doc, and yeah, I've gotten far enough where I can confidently post this in the Event Submissions thread.

So the basic premise that you get approached by a freshly Treated Cowgirl, who seemingly wants a baby. She starts rubbing ya dick but her father steps in. She runs, he follows, he backs her into an alleyway. You can follow them and watch as they go at it.

Disclaimer: I have removed the incest impreg, Fenoxo cleared up a lot about New Texas and the culture, as well as the stimga around incest babies, hence I have removed the impregnation.

 So, the original Idea Thread is here if anyone wants to read through it. 
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015

PS: No, Steele cannot fuck the daughter.


This post was a roller coaster of emotions. In all seriousness though, voyeur scenes are a-okay.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This pretty much sounds like what you would expect on New Texas. I wonder if the Treatment negates the negative side-effects of inbreeding?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Headcanon says yes. Personally I just ignore the possibility in smut (like I do with the problems of spontaneous anal), but if it helps make other people less squeamish, by all means handwave.

This has been a good week. Pregnancy and now incest. Relevant to my interests/I am okay with this/Take this Savin/etc.

EDIT: Remind me again, how do New Texans "legally" have children?
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Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I wonder if the Treatment negates the negative side-effects of inbreeding?

Well since the Treatment makes the birthing ratio 10:1 in favor of girls, you're bound to have a lack of monogamy. So you're gonna have a bunch of single mothers with big families. Theres nothing major from stopping the bulls from accidentally impregnating their kids 18 years down the line. So I assume that the Treatment does some stuff to prevent the downsides of incest.

Remind me again, how do New Texans "legally" have children?

I think its tied to the mpther, the father might not play a roll in the legalities.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Well I mean like, both drink the water. So does a couple have to go down to Big T's office and get permission or?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Well I mean like, both drink the water. So does a couple have to go down to Big T's office and get permission or?

Birth control isn't 100% effective. It's just enough to keep the cows from being preggers all the time forever; NT probably has a normalish birth rate after the face, maybe a touch lower (towards sustained rather than growth). 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I mean, space birth control probably should be (Sterilex is), but New Texas could probably purposefully tweak its potency to be less "preventative" and more "deterrence." Considering Sterilex is also easy to OD on, I'd imagine any contraceptive that was in something as abundant and prolific as the water supply would actually have to be pretty weak, and rely more on its consistent nigh-omnipresence as opposed to "drink a glass and you're sterile."

... I don't really know what I'm even getting at here lol, just throwing some shit onto the floor and staring at it.

Like a New Texan homestead.

Gosh, you must have read my mind. I was writing up the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
This is not really my thing but it's a pretty funny read.

My only problem is with the DNA being jumbled up to justify the incest baby. From what I was told transformatives don't pass to the children unless several generations are taking the same drug. So that argument could be standing on tenuous ground(or I could be misunderstanding).

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
This is not really my thing but it's a pretty funny read.

My only problem is with the DNA being jumbled up to justify the incest baby. From what I was told transformatives don't pass to the children unless several generations are taking the same drug. So that argument could be standing on tenuous ground(or I could be misunderstanding).

Only example I can think of of gene-mods actually being passed onto a child is Kelly. Imma guess Lukadoc and QuietBrowser made it so like that when they wrote the character. Shame they aren't writing for TiTS anymore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Only example I can think of of gene-mods actually being passed onto a child is Kelly. Imma guess Lukadoc and QuietBrowser made it so like that when they wrote the character. Shame they aren't writing for TiTS anymore.

When I told Fen this I was told this was downright non-canon and that Kelly was dumb.

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
This is not really my thing but it's a pretty funny read.

My only problem is with the DNA being jumbled up to justify the incest baby. From what I was told transformatives don't pass to the children unless several generations are taking the same drug. So that argument could be standing on tenuous ground(or I could be misunderstanding).

Well if the Treatment makes it so the birthing ratio of Cows to Bulls is 10:1, then males must be producing more sperm that pass on the X chromosome, meaning that the Treatment does have an effect, somewhat. I think, I'm probably way off tho.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well if the Treatment makes it so the birthing ratio of Cows to Bulls is 10:1, then males must be producing more sperm that pass on the X chromosome, meaning that the Treatment does have an effect, somewhat. I think, I'm probably way off tho.

That could be the contraceptives in the water, the treatment could be reducing the production of Y-sperm(which is different) or something else is happening to the male babies.

The treatment is said to having a permanent effect with each generation one that's becoming increasingly significant, but it's an unintended side-effect that occurs when populations takes specific transformatives for generations. I was told that in general transformatives do not affect the children DNA probably with a good reason.

It depends on Fen's-Eddicts, but besides that there are ways to work around it, like fixing the DNA of the fetus post-conception, kinda like Vic Steele did to design his baby. We kinda already do that with mitochrondia.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Who...cares? I'm here to get off, not verify how realistically the game handles genetics. c:
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Only example I can think of of gene-mods actually being passed onto a child is Kelly. Imma guess Lukadoc and QuietBrowser made it so like that when they wrote the character. Shame they aren't writing for TiTS anymore.

I was under the impression that the first two Briha kids produced some genemod carry-over.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Does it matter for this scene?

I recommend nixing the ending blurb of "it's okay it's the future" for incestbaby, as it just reads awkwardly. You can have Steele do a thought blurb of "science will surely make everything come out okay" or something like that if you'd want.

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I recommend nixing the ending blurb of "it's okay it's the future" for incestbaby, as it just reads awkwardly. You can have Steele do a thought blurb of "science will surely make everything come out okay" or something like that if you'd want.

What ending blurb? If you mean the father calming his daughter bout the baby. Thats just the prelude to the impregnation sex. The scene itself is going to be slow and loving, his daughter is going to be a puddle in his arms.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
It reads a lot more as "Hey player, nothing bad will come of this and it's a-okay! It's the future!" to me.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
"Sure it's not common, but modern medicine will insure no inbreeding defects." Something like that?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It reads a lot more as "Hey player, nothing bad will come of this and it's a-okay! It's the future!" to me.

"Sure it's not common, but modern medicine will insure no inbreeding defects." Something like that?

Or it could just not be mentioned at all? I know the forums like to go on massive tangents about unfortunate implications, but most people don't care. Calling attention to it just ensures that people are going to find something to be disturbed about.

And I'm saying this as someone who was disturbed by the old Irson content.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Oh I don't care either, I'm just all for justifying incest, pregnancy, and inbreeding to the more squeamish.


Jun 16, 2016
I haven't taken biology in years, but you'd need both family members to share a mutant gene in question to get some kind of defect, right? It's not like every family shares some negative recessive gene, so you can just say that this family doesn't. Inbreeding is more likely to bring out these traits, sure, and repeated generations of it raise the chance even more, but it's not guaranteed. If someone's squicked out about incest, that's another matter, but if the only thing that bothers them is that the child will be deformed, that shouldn't be an issue. If you really want, you can throw in a scene afterwards where the girl births the child and it comes out fine, though the trait may not be immediately apparent in the child's life span. I feel weird, like I'm defending incest, but it's not as if all instances of it lead to The Hills Have Eyes.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
I haven't taken biology in years, but you'd need both family members to share a mutant gene in question to get some kind of defect, right? It's not like every family shares some negative recessive gene

It's not qualitatively "mutant" genes, at least not as we in the age of cancers and the x-men refer to as such. It's recessive genes and the truth about incest that is a relatively well hidden fact is that the likelihood of having a genetic malformation based on one incestuous relationship is almost nil, the difference between a non-incestuous relationship and a 1st generation nuclear incestuous relationship is so negligible as to be laughable. The taboo came about as a result of aristocracy and the whole princes must marry princesses or vice versa or whatever. What happens are the recessive genes have a LOT more capability of cropping up. But even a second generation of incestuous relationships is only about 5-10% more likely to have such. The problem is a CONSISTENT sibling or parent/child bonding over the course of 3 or more generations.

What ending blurb? If you mean the father calming his daughter bout the baby. Thats just the prelude to the impregnation sex. The scene itself is going to be slow and loving, his daughter is going to be a puddle in his arms.

The point is that When you say, "it's the future", even to a character in the game it cannot actually be meant for them. because anything said is by it's very nature happening now. The only reason for saying such would be for time travellers (ohboycanoworms), or breaking the 4th wall in a story.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
If this draft is final in a sense that it outlines all the content, than IMO there is too little attention paid to the PC, even for a voyeurism scene. 

As a side note, populating the game with more voyeur content may be a decent way for new writers to cut their teeth without having to deal with the dreaded PC Blob.

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The point is that When you say, "it's the future", even to a character in the game it cannot actually be meant for them. because anything said is by it's very nature happening now

I... never said 'it's the future', no one accused me of that. They're just saying that my current ending blurb is basically saying 'yo, science is good, future science stuff" without even mentioning future or science.

"The Treatment jumbles up our DNA enough so that our kids will be perfectly healthy, that's the second thing they teach you in Tr-Ed.

That's all they're referring to.

If this draft is final in a sense that it outlines all the content, than IMO there is too little attention paid to the PC, even for a voyeurism scene.

Naw, not done yet content wise.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I haven't taken biology in years, but you'd need both family members to share a mutant gene in question to get some kind of defect, right? It's not like every family shares some negative recessive gene, so you can just say that this family doesn't. Inbreeding is more likely to bring out these traits, sure, and repeated generations of it raise the chance even more, but it's not guaranteed. If someone's squicked out about incest, that's another matter, but if the only thing that bothers them is that the child will be deformed, that shouldn't be an issue. If you really want, you can throw in a scene afterwards where the girl births the child and it comes out fine, though the trait may not be immediately apparent in the child's life span. I feel weird, like I'm defending incest, but it's not as if all instances of it lead to The Hills Have Eyes.

Takes several generations for defects and bad genes to start showing up. Again the argument that this is the future in the game and genetic engineering is the norm means bad side effects of incest sex and breeding isn't that much of a concern. Only bad thing I see happening is others in the public view thinking your a freak. Then again depends on where it's happening, this is on NT where practically everyone is fuck happy.
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