The Hardlight Strap-on.


Aug 27, 2015
Starting this thread to chase after a few things regarding this piece of gear.

First off: does anyone know of any scenes that use it, aside from male raskvel? I could do with looking at some done by other authors for consistency's sake.

Secondly: I remember somebody mentioning in-game that the thing provides full tactile feedback to the person using it. Is this true? Does it simulate penile orgasm?

This leads on to my third point. When I think about the strap-on/pegging fetish, I can't help but feel part of the very appeal of it is that the giving party doesn't feel anything, at least genital-wise. They are inflicting a very intense sensation on their partner whilst being free to enjoy their partner's reaction to it from a remove. There's an interesting and unique interplay there, and it would seem like it would be doubly true in a universe like TiTS, where you are free to grow a cock and enjoy, ahem, full tactile feedback if that is what you wish. Am I completely barking up the wrong tree with this logic? Fans of strap-ons, do let me know.

Fourthly, we all agree it makes this sound when it turns on, right?


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Starting this thread to chase after a few things regarding this piece of gear.

First off: does anyone know of any scenes that use it, aside from male raskvel? I could do with looking at some done by other authors for consistency's sake.

Secondly: I remember somebody mentioning in-game that the thing provides full tactile feedback to the person using it. Is this true? Does it simulate penile orgasm?

This leads on to my third point. When I think about the strap-on/pegging fetish, I can't help but feel part of the very appeal of it is that the giving party doesn't feel anything, at least genital-wise. They are inflicting a very intense sensation on their partner whilst being free to enjoy their partner's reaction to it from a remove. There's an interesting and unique interplay there, and it would seem like it would be doubly true in a universe like TiTS, where you are free to grow a cock and enjoy, ahem, full tactile feedback if that is what you wish. Am I completely barking up the wrong tree with this logic? Fans of strap-ons, do let me know.

Fourthly, we all agree it makes this sound when it turns on, right?

I finished writing one a few weeks ago. The rough agreement when I sought clarifications was that yes, it provides sensory feedback to the wearer, and that it doesn't actually produce semen at all. (I made something of a song and dance of it acting like it was, but it actually doesn't do in the end).

I'm kinda in the same boat; the limitations on it mean that we can't just effectively treat it like a faux-cock and blindly allow access to cock-havers-only scenes (which would potentially be massively useful from a supported-content standpoint), but the sensory feedback takes away the 'uniqueness' of it being a stuntcock. I have like a 3/4 finished scene from a few months ago that throws all of that out of the window under the guise of the hardlight donger in question being a custom deal, so the owner of said donger has made it do all of the things she wanted it to do (read: all the things wanted it to do).


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
1) Off the top of my head: Anno has two scenes (for catching and for pitching), Shade pitch with this thing like a boss, Lola, Yammi and Canada except it as a substitute for normal dicks, although the scenes don't change much based on that. Reaha has a neat variation of her normal strap-on scene for people with hardight(missionary ftw). Wsan's NT Bad End scene has a ridiculously proportioned hardlight used by Ellie for some taur on taur action.

2)It does indeed. With a certain know-how, it can even be tweaked to provide feedback with higher sensory resolution than normal organics (as demonstrated by Anno). By the same logic, this function can be toned down or forcibly turned off. It doesn't produce semen and in some scenes it simply vanishes after wearer's orgasm, leaving a somewhat awkward and unsatisfactory emptiness behind.

3)So like performing a one-sided oral/petting, or using toys on them, but with added bonuses of a better view and a bit of a workout thrown in? I can certainly see the appeal, even though I am by no means the target audience for pegging. However, I don't agree that hardlight is made extraneous by people's ability to grow the d. The line of reasoning similar to the one that prevented Saendra from doing just that without PC pushing her is likely commonplace.


I have like a 3/4 finished scene from a few months ago that throws all of that out of the window under the guise of the hardlight donger in question being a custom deal, so the owner of said donger has made it do all of the things she wanted it to do (read: all the things wanted it to do).

That's great news, but on the other hand PC will have a reason to suffer from the light sabre penis envy. Poor PC, everyone and their grandma have cooler shit then them.
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Aug 27, 2015
I'm kinda in the same boat; the limitations on it mean that we can't just effectively treat it like a faux-cock and blindly allow access to cock-havers-only scenes (which would potentially be massively useful from a supported-content standpoint), but the sensory feedback takes away the 'uniqueness' of it being a stuntcock.

Yes, that's how I feel about it. Because it can't be used as a full-blown cock stand-in and so needs to be given its own separate scenes, it seems as if we should be making the most of its uniqueness, instead of trying to make it a-cock-but-not-really. As is it's something of a struggle to come up with unique scenes for those bounties, because you may as well take existing scenes and make a couple of adjustments. However

By the same logic, this function can be toned down or forcibly turned off.

I could use this to handwave the kind of scenes I have in mind.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
don't agree with the sound part... that's just too strange. Really don't wanna imagine a sex toy made out of hardlight that sounds like a lightsaber. I mean really lightsabers are pretty much akin to plasma sword.


Aug 26, 2015
In addition, Terensha and Lerris also have hardlight strap-on-eligible scenes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Now I'm really curious to see your and Gedan's scenes, just so I can see for myself what the 'full potential of a stunt-cock scene' would end up beeing like. The elements and dynamics you have described had not been realised in the few old-school strap-on scenes we got so far.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
1) Also Aliss, the Ovir who sold them to you in the first place.

3) If you wanted that, it's not like regular strapons and dildos don't exist in-canon.

4) I rather thought them to be more like Mass Effect's Omni-blade, since it's literally the exact same thing going on.


Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Phantasy Star photonic blades?



basically another word for hardlight/laser or any other freaking thing made out of light that's made into physical form where you can touch the fuck out of it... :laugh:

though in the case of using it as a sex toy... yeah you definitely don't want the burn/slice through anything ability to be active :magical:
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Aug 27, 2015
I rather thought them to be more like Mass Effect's Omni-blade, since it's literally the exact same thing going on.

You have a very odd idea of what happens during sexual intercourse.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
You have a very odd idea of what happens during sexual intercourse.

I meant, as far as the technology, not the application of said technology. :p

Though, technically, I guess it's used for that, too. Khorgan's sword is apparently some kind of hardlight blade.

You momentarily think she means to surrender, until you see the hilt of a sword in her hand. With a flick of her wrist, the hilt erupts in a blade of sheer force, glowing a brilliant blue in the dim light of the sundered core.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Omniblades are flash-forged blades made of silicon, not hard light.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Explain to me how light is hard and can be used as a solid object if it's not flash-forging some kind of solid material :p

It's sci-fi shit that's sorta like a hologram, only it can act like a physical object. Flash forging leaves you with a solid object that may or may not be very hot and in general makes your device require raw materials instead of just a power source. Even if heat wasn't an issue, you'd still have a fake dick after everything was said and done and at that point you might as well just use a regular ass strapon like some kind of savage.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
It's sci-fi shit that's sorta like a hologram, only it can act like a physical object. Flash forging leaves you with a solid object that may or may not be very hot and in general makes your device require raw materials instead of just a power source. Even if heat wasn't an issue, you'd still have a fake dick after everything was said and done and at that point you might as well just use a regular ass strapon like some kind of savage.

If you can't explain how it works then why are you suggesting my explanation is wrong? :p

In mass effect do you ever have to worry about ammo/raw materials for your melee attack? No. Does a shard of silicon fall on the ground if you miss a melee attack? No. Do you ever have to worry about ammo in TiTS? No.

I figure that the material used is so thin that it loses the heat needed to melt and reshape it almost instantly, so it never has a chance to transfer significant heat into your partner's sensitive bits.

Anyway, I only suggested the two technologies were similar because they both turn energy/light into shapes, and therefore they might make similar sounds.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
If you can't explain how it works then why are you suggesting my explanation is wrong? :p

In mass effect do you ever have to worry about ammo/raw materials for your melee attack? No. Does a shard of silicon fall on the ground if you miss a melee attack? No. Do you ever have to worry about ammo in TiTS? No.

I figure that the material used is so thin that it loses the heat needed to melt and reshape it almost instantly, so it never has a chance to transfer significant heat into your partner's sensitive bits.

Anyway, I only suggested the two technologies were similar because they both turn energy/light into shapes, and therefore they might make similar sounds.

Completely different processes.


Aug 27, 2015
@Trogdor I see my thread has got like 10 new replies, and I open it to discover it's just you trying to get the last word on a completely ridiculous argument, as per usual. Please knock it off.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Omnic bullshit comes from an established game of some notority and it won't be used. Hardlight is a surprisingly prevalent sci-fi staple. Move on!

As far as simulation goes, as said it does provide simulation. I think it's a bit of a toss up on what people would like best; obviously you have a thought going re:not feeling it, rather domineering and in complete control, while other people would naturally want the stimulation as well, to make it an actual replacement phallus as opposed to a dildo you move with your waist instead of your hand.

In TiTs, being a very lewd game of transformation fetishisms, it's naturally a fake-dick in all respects. You could probably make a half-decent blowjob scene for one, though that'd be a bit boring to write for giving it's pretty featureless! In the same vein, though, if you wanted to do a conventional strap on scene you could just say the PC (or the other party) presses a subtle button.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
if you wanted to do a conventional strap on scene you could just say the PC (or the other party) presses a subtle button.

The introduction of [pc.cockOrStrapon] makes that a whole lot easier, and is why much more of my recent content supports hardlights! The inability of hardlight wingwoms to cum buckets is pretty annoying, but that ship has long since sailed, I'm afraid!

It would let whoever is topping edge themselves and control the pace of their orgasm really effectively, as well as allowing both traditional strap-on scenes and pseudo-cock scenes. Personally, I was toying around with the idea of several different controls for the hardlight content I'm writing, like a "rigidity" setting that could make the strap-on completely inflexible (like a normal glass or hard plastic one) or give it a bit of natural weeble-wobble like a real dick. Also maybe some fun stuff like temperate settings or on-the-fly texture/size changes. I don't really know if that's possible/permissable, but I figured I'd just pester Savin ask when I got to the point of actually writing said scenes.

Fine with me, as long as it's called out as being something exclusive to "every model but the PCs."


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Muh suspension of disbelief is utterly broken by Techie PC having more trouble tweaking their strap-on to add cool new features than they do with military grade shields. Fake penis envy intensifies. :shibe:

Shame that Nonesuch didn't come up with the 'liquid light' idea he used in Sera x-pack when the hardlight strap on was being drafted.
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