The Golden Venture (OOC Chat+Info)


Jun 24, 2016

The Golden Venture
A Tale Of Mercenaries

Alright, so right off the bat this thread is pretty much everything related to "The Golden Venture" RP. Any questions/comments that those participating would rather ask here can be done so. If we're looking to bring in replacement members, then look here and we'll try to pick you up if we have room. There will be a list of people on standby/waiting, which can be found below.

The Golden Venture is the story of a group of misfits on the continent of Eokesh, known to foreigners as The Golden Wetlands. In this land, pirates and mercenaries reside on opposing ends of the continent, pressuring the two major powers known as the Free-Lands and the Golden Republic who fight for the namesake of the island. Gold can be found over much of the island, giving wealth and power to the two nations when it comes to trading and hiring mercenaries for their wars. Rivers, mines, and even the shores themselves seem to be spotted with the splendorous stuff. And for the mercenaries who come from abroad, the people of the Golden Republic trying to return their great country to power, or the barons of the Free-Lands fighting petty wars... this gold has enough worth to try and fight in a corrupt land where even a reclusive monstergirl nation resides. Sex and bloody scandals abound... but who will endure the Golden Venture and come out on top of the world?

Character List
Coming soon

Waiting List
To Be Announced

Summary of Events
Will be updated as thread progresses!

Extra Information
Any information on the setting can be found here!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd be interested. Do the players vote on the setting or ya gonna just flip a coin to decide? What will character creation look like?


Jun 24, 2016
I'd be interested. Do the players vote on the setting or ya gonna just flip a coin to decide? What will character creation look like?

Nice, a response. Glad to see interest already.

As for the setting, it CAN be voted on, but if the group can't come to an agreement I will more than likely put my foot down and do something akin to a coin-flip. Character creation, on the other hand, should be handled in a two-part manner. This is both to ensure people have an idea coming in on what they'll have to work with as well as to show that this isn't a "bring your 100% done idea and we'll bend everything to it", as that's not as much RPing in a developing and more "flowing" form but rather a more scripted and boring manner. Think of how bad it would be if you knew EXACTLY how everything was going to be and you'll understand why I'm choosing this method specifically.

The first part should be akin to what you can find examples of from other people's inquiries (such as the one I made), where you present ideas you have that are friendly/adaptable to many situations. If you want a fox-morph, for example, you should have the idea somewhat ambiguous so you can either be a race genetically evolving that way/undergoing specific gene therapy (Sci-Fi setting) or someone who became that way via corruption/transformatives/magic (fantasy). These very basic ideas will encompass gender (genitals and/or personal preferences), basic appearances such as hair/fur colors and clothing, and "professions" (such as a soldier, town whore, yada yada) with some basic references to what/who they might sexually have in terms of how it works or what arouses them.

The latter part will likely occur in the "prep" stage that I'll be carrying out via PMs more than likely. This will be when the group is ironing out the setting, starting details, basic histories that connect everybody, and basically the "nitty gritty" to ensure the RP starts with some basis of how everyone got to one spot and better allow us to "launch" the RP itself (such as opening posts in other threads detailing the setting). As an example, I'll go ahead and post how people can submit their basic character ideas using one of my own. This isn't the GMPC, but simply an example so people understand how the character creation's first stage will go.


Odom Derer: A part Wolf, mostly Human male bandit in his late twenties who had been quite famous for his skill with a bow. Spent the last five years in prison, serving out time for his prior crimes. Has a fascination with "pretty faces", regardless of gender or race, from his time as a bandit.


Hopefully, this will give an idea of what people should post/PM me with, as it'll be a somewhat (not much) lengthy process to lock in our characters as well as iron out the starting point of the RP, regardless of the setting.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
I am interested. As long you don't mind some minor English mistakes. (English is my second language). It will be my first adult oriented game but I have 11 year of rp in dnd, so I think I will be alright.


Jun 24, 2016
Minor mistakes are fine. The only issue would likely be with those who RP out broken English (to the degree it becomes impossible to make sense of it). Remember people, if interested PM me/respond in this thread with the first part of your character creation details.

Once I have a few people, I'll go ahead and make a PM involving everyone I've picked to begin working on the setting and the rest of the stuff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zina: A female crocodile morph bruiser in her thirties that has spent most of her life as hired muscle for anyone that  would pay. Likes to take those smaller then her to her bed.


Jun 24, 2016
Nice to see a bit of variety (I've learned female characters are popular) with the current interest. Gonna start doing a bit of questioning later tonight to those who have so far shown an interest. This doesn't mean anyone is in yet, only that I'm hoping to test the waters and see how everyone is feeling/what they'd like to see.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Helwen : A young human that came from a land where only human could be found.  She is in her early 20. Her parents died when she was young and a coven of religious woman took care of her education. She is very innocent about the horor that thrive in this world. She was kick out of the coven and now she must survive in this new world.

This character was made with the coc like setting in mind, but I could tweak it to make it work in tits setting.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Katyusha Volinskaya: A human woman in her twenties who speaks with a thick accent, though whether she does so out of habit or for the hell of it is anyone's guess. Competitive, athletic and an alcoholic. She's along for the ride more than anything else. Well, that and the money.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
(if fantasy)

Aiko Yin: A naturally born female kitsune in her mid twenties that spent the majority of her life as a priestess but has since left the order. Has a weakness to those who know what they want and make it known.

(If Sci-Fi)

Pix Neas: A short female pixy morph in her early twenties. She's crude and more than a little crazy and loves to work as a merc. Finds large people sexy regardless of gender
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Number Nine (Real name forgotten): A human looking creature, save for his light green skin and pink eyes. Created in a hidden laboratory, he recently escaped and is searching for clues to who he used to be. Rarely fights with weapons, preferring to use the eight long retractable tentacles that sprout from his back. Will likely accept affection from anyone willing to look past appearances.   


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Mina: A human male with very feminine features and a thing for dressing in female clothing and calling himself a she. Mina has spent most of her life studying under famous mages and wizards but has a fascination with life and death magic and other occult matters that culminated in her wanting to become a necromancer (which I assume is forbidden magic). She is very subtle about her craft choosing to keep the most dubious parts of it a secret from others. Mina is rather curious about sexuality and is very interested in girls of all kinds or anyone that is at least as feminine as she is.

I'm not really interested in a sci-fi setting.
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Jun 24, 2016
As a note, this thread will be undergoing a change either today or tomorrow to become the OOC thread for the session. If you've not been included by the time we launch, do not worry. I will very likely be making another game once this has launched and will be contacting/including those that didn't get picked/dropped out from this one. There will also be a list for those who want to be replacements should we need to remove someone that people will be able to opt-in for.

TLDR: This shit is gonna be an OOC thread in a bit/later and if I haven't talked to you/included you by the time it starts up, just be patient and I'll bring you in for something else.

Phil Ein Blank

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I'm interested, though as a warning Mondays are difficult for me.  I only have a few very short windows when I'm not working to be able to read and post.  Though if included I will try my best to at least make a single post during one of those windows.

 Rose: A human doctor who prefers to avoid direct violence whenever possible.  Though piss her off and she as a sadistic streak you would best avoid being on the wrong side of.  Highly skilled the creation a wide variety medicines, tonics, restoratives and poisons of all kinds.  Strong selfish tendencies prevent her from becoming attached others in a romantic sense, though open to partners of either gender if they are able to catch her eye.  An accidental exposure/corruption/magic (whatever is appropriate to the setting) has caused minor physical changes to Rose, as part of her body is merged with a poisonous plant.


Hannah:   A sweet little thing with a talent for death and sex, but little guiding will of her own.  Trained and used as sex toy and assassin for so many years she has no idea how to survive on her own without some to follow  and give her orders she might just down and wither away.   When her first master betrayed her and she killed him self defense on pure reactionary level she was left without the guiding hand she craves.  So, after nearly dying she set out to find another to command her.  ((Physical traits can be discussed if another player would like to claim the role of her new Master/Mistress.  Otherwise she can be trying to make a go it by herself with partial success))


Jun 24, 2016
Alright, the thread has now been converted into the proper OOC thread for the first RP. Any further interests are to be taken to PM and will be (at best) earning people a spot on the waiting list. Stay tuned if you're still interested for the second RP and if you're part of this RP I advise you to keep an eye on this thread/use it for any questions you may need answered that the others could answer or that you don't feel needs to be PM'd.



Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
I read the first post of the RP and I must admit that I'm excited to see where it goes and will enjoy following.


Jun 24, 2016
Going to be looking for another person to replace Ecnalab. He's withdrawn from the RP, which means we have a slot open. Characters intended should be somewhat or mostly Human, based upon the setting and initial plot the RP is within. I'll be reaching out to a few people, but anyone interested in an active RP I recommend to PM me. Thanks everyone =3=


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
Hi guys, none of you will know me but i have been talking to Bubble about joining the rp so will be introducing my character at some point in the near future. Gonna post her bio for anyone interested and for reference.

Name: Katelyn Archer (will use kate most of the time)

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Age: 27

Physical description: average height for a human woman her age at about 5'4", she has a thin body with little to no curves, making her light enough to climb trees easily, has B cup breasts but they appear flat under her normal clothes due to a cloth strip used to bind them. Her hair is a snowy white colour, usually tied back in a loose ponytail that reaches her middle back but untied it reaches her waist. She has fair skin, slightly darker on her arms and face from exposure to sunlight although it is near impossible to tell the difference. She has red eyes, they were originally green but changed colour during a fight in a magical laboratory that got a vial of demon blood splashed in them, she has a regular looking face, not androgynous but not very feminine.

Sexual equipment: A normal vagina and normal anus, where they are supposed to be.

Sexual exploits: Complete virgin, doesn't want to have sex very often if at all but may do with people she knows and trusts.

Possessions: Her outfit consists of a pair of flat, comfortable, leather hunting boots with thin soles to allow near silent movement in forest. She wears a pair of simple brown leather leggings and a dark green tunic that reaches halfway down her thigh. She has a long black cloak with a hood, the bottom is frayed and worn and reaches her ankles. Kate has a short sword on her hip in a scabbard and a crossbow in a holster on her back with a quiver of bolts she fashioned herself. The crossbow was once standard military issue but has been modified over the years, the string has been replaced and the stock shortened for ease of use, it also has a crude scope that allows some magnification and the barrel is etched with hundreds of runes, an expensive magical enchantment to make the bolts fly faster and further with more accuracy. She also has several pockets on the inside of her cloak, one of which is filled with a small number of extremely expensive long metal bolts with runes etched on their length, these are enchanted with explosive magic. On her back she carries a small bag with spare parts for her crossbow as well as a basic survival kit. Kate also wears a battered old silver necklace with a locket that contains a picture of her sister.

Character bio: Very skilled marksman, good at tracking and moving undetected through woodland. Not a very good close range fighter but can hold her own, prefers to ambush enemies from long range.

She joined the Aravarsian Democracy military at the age of 18 to provide for her younger sister who she had looked after for many years following the death of their parents, their dad died in the war and their mother, stricken by grief, killed herself soon after. She spent 5 years of service under a corrupt officer that used his position to move slaves around the country, using the platoon to defend the carts with cages full of slaves on board. He was never arrested because he paid his superiors off whenever a soldier in his platoon tried to talk to his superiors about it, then he would have the traitor killed. One time when moving slaves out of the capital she saw her sister in one of the cages on a cart, so at night she snuck into the officer's tent and stuck a dagger in his throat, making an escape on horseback with nothing but her uniform, her equipment and her sister.

After spending several weeks going from small town to small town, dodging the authorities they got in touch with a friend of their fathers, they were willing to give both of them a bed at their tavern in The Combined Nations of Ulatahn. Using the last of their money and selling the horse to afford passage on a boat to Ulatahn they stayed there for a few months before Kate got enough money from odd jobs to afford passage to Eokesh, where she hoped her skills gained in the military would let her earn money as a mercenary. She sends most of her earnings back to her sister so she can afford schooling.
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Jun 24, 2016
An update for all you fellows following Golden Venture! Artwork by the lovely @VivInSpace! Gridon and Jen, the company leader and the wounded scout, are here for your eye pleasure =3=7

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hello everyone. I have recently been talking to Bubblelord and have decided to join in on this RP. I look forward to working with you all and without further to do, here is my character bio!

Name: Willow Yorlind

Race: Wyvern morph

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Physical Description: A hyper feminine boy standing only five feet tall. His skin is lightly tanned and incredibly soft and smooth. Long straight silver/gray hair grows from his head, pulled back in a pony tail so it doesn't get in his eyes. Speaking of eyes, two golden slitted eyes adorn his face right above a cute button nose. Plush lips with a slight pout rest under his nose and his cheeks are covered by small patches of small snow white scales. Long elfin ears sit on the sides of his head and take in sounds just fine. A slender neck leads to small shoulders and a flat chest with pink nipples. From the bicep down his arms are covered in snow white scales until they reach his hands where the scales come to a stop on the backs of his human hands. The rest of his torso is devoid of scales save for a long scaly white tail that hangs just above his rump and can be used like a third arm. His hips, heart shaped plush butt, crotch and genitals are all smooth tan skin, but from the middle of his thighs and down are snow white scales that come to a stop at the top of his normal human feet.

Sexual Equipment: An eight inch long, two inch thick dragon cock above two four inch round balls that hang nicely. A normal looking human ass, magically modified to produce lubricant when aroused.

Sexual Exploits: Extensive use of his ass being penetrated, minor use of his cock...normally masturbation.

Possessions: He doesn't have much to his name. A sturdy pair of leather boots, slightly worn slack pants, a tan tunic under a leather chest piece, some iron gauntlets that are slightly too big for him and a dark green cloak to keep the wind and rain off of his body when outside. A small back pack adorns his back, full of meager travel rations.

Character Bio: Since Willow was a kid, he lived on the streets of Eroth, living off scraps and begging. As he grew up and developed into a feminine form, he soon became a target for slavers. One day he was caught and sold to his new master, Tiberius Cloin. He had him trained in proper service since he was fifteen and when he turned eighteen, was subjected to Tiberius' will as a cock sleeve, his ass quickly being turned into a fuck toy and cum dump.

Willow is a run away slave from Eroth. He was kept as an exotic slave due to his white scales and with his soft apperance was often paraded around as a female and dressed up as such. On an almost nightly basis he was taken to his masters room and his ass was used for hours on end. Finally getting sick of it, he lashed out with his tail when his master intended to use him again and scored a lucky blow to the neck, knocking his master unconscious and giving him a chance to escape.

Having no where else to turn, Willow has been on the run since then, one year has passed and he sleeps with one eye open lest his master send men to retrieve him for punishment.