The Nursery


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Whenever Gedan's out of ultra-crunch for her real job, I'd guess. Couple more weeks? Unless Fen wants to tackle it, but he's as buried under the backlog mountain as I am and I'm pretty sure he said he doesn't ever want to touch pregnancy/child code.

Well few weeks still look fine for any preg fan than...someday xD

I wonder how many new preg stuff would other writers produce knowing that nursery will be opened in max few months...


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Well few weeks still look fine for any preg fan than...someday xD

I wonder how many new preg stuff would other writers produce knowing that nursery will be opened in max few months...

Never say "max". : P


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Never say "max". : P

Wasn't it better than say in min few weeks?

And we all know any plans devs may try to make can crumble very next day due to unforseen troubles. weeks, months, years...we WOULD get nursery eventualy maybe even faster than proper nursery FoE will get (I mean the one from act 2).


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Wouldn't an option to speed up the pregnancy through some techy/sci-fi nursery gadget go better with the story?

That way you aren't wondering why no one comments on your 9+ month disappearance or how your cousin hasn't managed steal your inheritance yet.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That way you aren't wondering why no one comments on your 9+ month disappearance or how your cousin hasn't managed steal your inheritance yet.

I think we already got enough cases when "world wait for our glorious PC action to make it own action". Plus some other thread was about how world isn't living on it own and it ends with thoughts that amking world live on it own and progress will be more harmfull to game then jsut freeze stuff like main story progress when PC go to some side planet to fuck local flora or fauna or go back to Tavros to sit in Nursery :D

To not look far away on first planet...somehow no matter how late you would get to probe cousin is EXACTLY in t hat momemt just moemnt before found probe and suprising you was too early for him/her to decide what to do with probe so whole scene starts. Another planets probes are similar thou in Ant planet it's hilarious thinking how...cousin and Dane may be stuck for months or year if PC decide to not visit tavira palace after leaving Tarkus with coord for Myrellion.


Aug 27, 2015
I know this is unrelated, but Gedan's a girl? How do I not know these things?

It's probably because I'm an idiot who doesn't pay attention then acts surprised when I realize things later than others.

Your confusion may arise from the fact she wasn't until fairly recently.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
>Implying there aren't people who already *actually play that long*

I have seen save files with 1.5k+ days on them. YEARS, TED. YEARS. People don't care!

jaw drops in horrified awe The longest any of my saves in TiTS have run is 150 or so days...and that's because I did the bulking out at the gym after finding and finishing Bess' character arc. Why would they do that?

That being said, Glad to hear the nursery is going to be a regular project but not going to immediately demand things and nonsense from the devs because of it. Certainly not going to touch the last nerve that is the Dorna sisters. 

There are a few characters I'm curious about being affected by this, but figure the story'll take care of that itself.
Jul 27, 2016
Alright so hypothetically speaking, if Steele were to have a kid with a non-generic mob NPC, would the other parent be allowed to visit their children in the nursery?

I ask because I might have drunkenly promised a buddy of mine I'd try writing up and submitting a pregnancy expansion to Alex on the condition that they stop bothering me about it until the in-game framework existed. And this is the framework, existing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
I look forward to the nursery's full inclusion into the game. I can't wait to see my little princesses of the deep and my Taivra(sp(I'm too damned lazy to look it up right now)) heirs.

ON the note of time played >.> I've spent about 250 so far on my main. I have NOT yet completed Bess and I did the full gym thing (something I somewhat regret now that I've been playing with Emmy >.>). I thoroughly explore almost every aspect of the game as I go through it on my main. The biggest single reason that number is so big is mostly because I ALWAYS go back and get my steele back to where I want her to look after something changes her. With her complicated appearance and farming some of the TFs that can take a while. Look at me rambing. The point I was trying to get to is that, the wait time in the nursery is totally manageable. To clarify, our rival (grr, I'm gonna take her out! maybe to dinner O.O), has already at least once, in my game, been stuck "waiting on steele" so that she could follow Steele to the next pod. I'm not certain that this is the ONLY outcome available from the Taivra encouter, but it is indicative of a patter. The rival much like their father isn't capable of doing what Captain Steele does, and just like uncle fuddyduddy has to swoop in behind and clean up by catching a table scrap or somesuch. The point being that in this story, however it gets run through, The PC motivates ALL action/reaction. There are things that happen in the world without the PC sure the myr go to war and end up ALMOST ending the war . . . then the PC comes in and all the sudden, the planet is glass, or the orange myr come along more definitively, and so on. While some might consider this to be poor story telling it is in fact GOOD game writing. The character is SUPPOSED to be special. When Ripley goes into cryosleep the movie STOPS (Alien in case you're movie challenged). In this game as with many kinds of stories. The main character is the observer for the audience. Without it in play there is NO story to be told. So I suggest checking your sense of completionist storytelling at the door when you look at this kind of thing. It's a game, and a smutty one at that. It is NOT, <i>The Moon is a Harsh Mistress</I>, <i>The Master of the Five Magics</i>, or <i>God Emperor of Dune</i>! This is a game.


P.S.: I gonna go ahead and fold up my travelling soapbox and walk away now before I make everyone hate me >.>


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Considering the 'revelations' that have happened on the preggomom thread, what's the point of the Nursery to begin with? It'll either never be used or Steele and the players that do use it will have such onus and contempt thrown at them that the kinkshame will drive them away?


Jan 8, 2016
Considering the 'revelations' that have happened on the preggomom thread, what's the point of the Nursery to begin with? It'll either never be used or Steele and the players that do use it will have such onus and contempt thrown at them that the kinkshame will drive them away?

I really don't think that's going to be as big of a concern as that thread is apparently making it out to be, somehow.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I really don't think that's going to be as big of a concern as that thread is apparently making it out to be, somehow.

maybe, there's been some backtreading there yes. But it'll be awhile before I stop feeling like I'm considered somehow unclean for wanting it in game based on the reactions there. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
I really don't think that's going to be as big of a concern as that thread is apparently making it out to be, somehow.

Agreed. I think people over there are forgetting this is a porn game.

Like goddamn, just don't overthink it so much. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Agreed. I think people over there are forgetting this is a porn game.

Like goddamn, just don't overthink it so much. 

Apparently part of the inherent problem is that it's already been over thought and made hyperrealistic in the face of potential Sci fi options that would allow at least female Steele to not have to go into battle in her third trimester. At least that's the impression the thread has given me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Apparently part of the inherent problem is that it's already been over thought

I know that's why I said it.

Honestly, and not to be a dick, it seems like a couple people are projecting their own childhoods/parental insecurities on to the game. 

Like I get it, I had a shitty childhood too but goddamn.... it's just porn. People should not be having an emotional crisis about what happens to their virtual alien wasp children. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
mnow that's why I said it.

Honestly, and not to be a dick, it seems like a couple people are projecting their own childhoods/parental insecurities on to the game. 

Like I get it, I had a shitty childhood too but goddamn.... it's just porn. People should not be having an emotional crisis about what happens to their virtual alien wasp children. 

I meant the mechanics. I thought the general state was there was no way for it to work for alternate means of speeding up pregnancies or finding Scifi equivs that would allow NPCs or fem/herm Steeles to not put their children in danger. As it has been said, it's a porn game so there's too many ways it could be looked into and overly so...but there is something to be said for consistency. Turns out there are ideas but are being shot down for realism...idk about you, but considering this is a futuristic world with DNA rewriting nanites...I think having the option to put fertilized eggs in tubes from the Honor Harrington series for example would make as much sense as a race of space kobolds that bear eggs within  days.

There's plenty that's plausible but little to nothing actually worked with in terms of genuinely working with the space exploration genre. To be frank, full on 9 month or longer pregnancies for those in dangerous professions in the 'modern space era' feel just as implausible as expecting all applicable female or herm NPCs to be willing to bear children at the drop of an adventurer's helmet.  There are too many established works that weren't smut related that have alternate means of bearing young/easing a pregnancy for me to think that there's nothing that will work in TiTS. 

Idk if it's a coding matter or a story matter, but there has to be a way to fit the plausible if not the indulgent. 

<i>The Moon is a Harsh Mistress</I>, <i>The Master of the Five Magics</i>, or <i>God Emperor of Dune</i>! This is a game.

Full props for being a fan of 3 books I almost never see referenced anymore. You're actually the first that I've met that's read the Master of the Five Magics. Very well done adventure story with a strong element of "hero's journey of self-discovery." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
I think having the option to put fertilized eggs in tubes from the Honor Harrington series for example would make as much sense as a race of space kobolds that bear eggs within  days.

That wouldn't be pregnancy tho. The main reason to get knocked up in TiTS is for the pregnancy experience. 

Making pregnancy faster/easier is one thing, having a machine go through it for you is another. 


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
That wouldn't be pregnancy tho. The main reason to get knocked up in TiTS is for the pregnancy experience. 

Making pregnancy faster/easier is one thing, having a machine go through it for you is another. 

This. For many people, the physical effects of pregnancy on the body are as much of the appeal as the actual production of offspring (if not more).

Also, the point of all this "overthinking" IS to avoid people having negative emotional reactions. The idea is not to "kinkshame" people who want to have pregnancy content, but to try to make it so that people who want it won't find parts of it icky. Just throwing things in without thinking about the implications can cause problems; worst-case scenario, the scene might end up being removed (like Steph Irson's original Myrellion content).
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
This. For many people, the physical effects of pregnancy on the body are as much of the appeal as the actual production of offspring (if not more).

Also, the point of all this "overthinking" IS to avoid people having negative emotional reactions. The idea is not to "kinkshame" people who want to have pregnancy content, but to try to make it so that people who want it won't find parts of it icky. Just throwing things in without thinking about the implications can cause problems; worst-case scenario, the scene might end up being removed (like Steph Irson's original Myrellion content).

To be fair, if people don't want it, Sterilex is a thing.



Full props for being a fan of 3 books I almost never see referenced anymore. You're actually the first that I've met that's read the Master of the Five Magics. Very well done adventure story with a strong element of "hero's journey of self-discovery." 

Would you recommend the Master of the Five Magics? Whats it about (without spoiling the plot)


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Also, the point of all this "overthinking" IS to avoid people having negative emotional reactions. The idea is not to "kinkshame" people who want to have pregnancy content, but to try to make it so that people who want it won't find parts of it icky. Just throwing things in without thinking about the implications can cause problems; worst-case scenario, the scene might end up being removed (like Steph Irson's original Myrellion content).

No it's not. Bickering over where your virtual babies go has nothing to do with whether a scene is "icky" or not.

That's what most of the arguing is over. 

It's over thinking when you make a big ordeal about a problem only 1 or 2 people have. This problem not being something that's even in the game, but what MIGHT be implied about the quality of life your imaginary brood might have.

It's a tad ridiculous.


Aug 27, 2015
Also, the point of all this "overthinking" IS to avoid people having negative emotional reactions. The idea is not to "kinkshame" people who want to have pregnancy content, but to try to make it so that people who want it won't find parts of it icky. Just throwing things in without thinking about the implications can cause problems

This. Nobody thinks you're "unclean" for wanting pregshit ffs, get over yourselves. If you are unclean so is the greater portion of the player base, going off the recent poll. That content has to exist, period, that's why the great pregophobe Savin has written this thing. The discussion is about how to direct it effectively so unpleasant implications are limited at the same time as avoiding the CoC-esque "They grow up and get out of your life immediately lol" situation.

You may consider some of the matters being debated as being besides the point and you're right, many of them are. The fact that somebody like Couch doesn't think the PC should be allowed to have kids at all during their adventure will not change the fact that the PC will be allowed to do exactly that, in gratuitous numbers. However I'm of the opinion it's a really fucking good thing for events with consequences to be properly thought through rather than being thrown in blindly because it's somebody's fetish. That's how we wound up with Badger and the Irson debacle. I also think it's pretty mean to implicitly pick on MP for bringing up her concerns about parenthood, given she's the one writing the lovey-dovey preg content off her own bat in the first damn place.

Also fwiw, I think a gestation-quickening machine/drug in the Nursery would be a *much* better way of handling long pregnancies than "you sit still for 9 months".
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Also fwiw, I think a gestation-quickening machine/drug in the Nursery would be a *much* better way of handling long pregnancies than "you sit still for 9 months".

Especially since we have an established example of such technology as one of the starter perks.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Also fwiw, I think a gestation-quickening machine/drug in the Nursery would be a *much* better way of handling long pregnancies than "you sit still for 9 months".

Sure would be.

Too bad we can't have that. except maybe as some nebulous "late game unlock" which means it inherently can't solve the base issue.


Aug 27, 2015
Sure would be.

Too bad we can't have that. except maybe as some nebulous "late game unlock" which means it inherently can't solve the base issue.

This better not be a Fen edict.