What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A scene/series of events where the PC dom's Sera and/or starts some kind of actual relationship.  Mostly I only want this because she's the closest thing to Vapula from CoC in TiTs and Vapula was one of my favorites who I always wished had more content.

That more or less content for Sera sub X-pack that is still stuck in limbo after crushing succes of Sex-party X-pack for Sera.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I'm probably going to be the only one who feels this way but here goes.

Hi, I'm the guy who likes enormous, ludicrous, ridiculously big curves on people. It me. Hello. First off. That's NSFW just as a heads up [Doesn't hurt to give a warning right?]

So I would be really down for more people in the game that shared Kiro's immense dong size and output. So more cum inflation but with maybe higher cap on how far you can take it before it cuts off? Because I feel like at this point the farthest you can get is 'looks 9 months pregnant already!' no matter what your limit is. I wouldn't mind it going farther like 'Her bed might not actually be big enough for her and her stomach to both fit it tonight! As a matter of fact, she might not even be able to fit through the doorway!' or something.

I wish that Lyralla wasn't the biggest chested character in the game and also totally off limits since she's got a thing with Juro. I mean I respect that they made a character that's doing just fine without you coming along but I still can't help but feel like I'm missing out on the fun. I think I just have a size issue because I'd love if when characters are talked about having really big hips or a fat ass it was just incredibly stupidly large too. Like, seriously crazy ridiculous. Like, imagine if Shekka had an ass like this. She's human, just in case that's a turn off. :V

And on a more sensible-ish note, I'd really like if there was a way to just pick and choose what effects you wanted from different items too because I like Nuki Nuts but I'd also like to not have to be 100% committed to playing a Tanuki-looking character to have them.

It would be nice if there was an item that covered all the main appearance modifiers without extreme detriments. We've got one for butts, breasts, and a safe way to make yourself lactate but if you wanna be taller or make your dick or nipples bigger there's nothing specialized to target that yet. If there were an item that reduced libido there'd be no problem using Throbb right now but I don't know if that'll end up getting made or not because I can't help but feel like that's the point.

And finally, I don't care for non-human dicks, I wish there was a way to just toggle everyone having a human dong in text or give NPCs something that'd turn them into Terran dicks. I don't give a shit about flares or knots or what the fuck ever, I'd rather they were just human dicks. :/


Aug 27, 2015
A scene/series of events where the PC dom's Sera and/or starts some kind of actual relationship.  Mostly I only want this because she's the closest thing to Vapula from CoC in TiTs and Vapula was one of my favorites who I always wished had more content.

Really I'd settle for any characters with more depth than "Hi let's fuck" or "Oh my what a big cock you have let's put it to use right now!" Or my least favorite "Oh my you were kinda bent over so that means I can put my dick in your ass right? You'll let me won't you?!"

Vapula is one of the biggest "Hi let's fuck" characters in CoC. She literally exists to enable loads of threesomes. I know; I helped write her.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@Watchering: 2big4me, bro. And Kiro is a "mere" 21 inches. That's like an average horse cock. Personally I'm glad Fen's idea of hyper (at least as far as his characters go) isn't like, say, Sparrow's. Not that I dislike either, I'm just saying.

@Nonesuch: That threesome with Sera Ceraph, tho. Surprised it wasn't less vanilla.

@Oramel: I started coding it, but then stopped because reasons. Don't worry, someone other than Fen will get to it eventually; it's just not a huge priority right now. I'm not salty about it though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@noobsaleh: Yeah I mean we got Gedan and Jac too for coding now ^^ Myabe even Savin and Etis if it something easy ;)

And 'why so salty' anyway, right?

And due to one of our neopurples thoguhts: scene with cuntsnakes on plan...space ship. It really would be funny to have this reference using cuntsnakes on spaceship.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
Vapula is one of the biggest "Hi let's fuck" characters in CoC. She literally exists to enable loads of threesomes. I know; I helped write her.

Which is why I always wished she had more content.

Honestly I had a bigass post but rather than fill this thread with a rant about Vapula and why I like her let's just suffice it to say I don't definte her as a throwaway character, her introduction(which establishes she's not part of Lethice's demons but is a renegade), interactions with other characters and what little hints of her personality you can get from her made me like her on top of the fact that her scenes are much more intimate than most. I also felt like her character was simply incomplete, i mean she has a talk option but her conversation topics never got filled in and I don't think her camp interactions ever got finished either. I would love to have learned more about her and how she became a renegade, how she formed a crew of demons without drawing Lethice or one of her lieutenants attention. She also mentions her gang of demons will probably follow if you take her with you but they never do which was another event hinted at that never happened. I kinda wanted my own demon gang. There was a lot that was just left undone with her, but even then she's still more involved a character than say that one fairie in zetaz's dungeon or lottie, or.....ceraph....or.....pretty much anyone in tel adre not named Urta.  In just her introduction Vapula made me curious, and in her recruitment I began to want to know more because there's clearly a story to be told that sadly never will be.

That's probably all I'm going to say on it for now.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
An Amazon version of the Treatment that was hinted at such a long time ago.

That is basically the only thing I would need to perfect my Steele.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
A grass skirt/ loincloth underwear item

Something that's only partially concealing like the dove wings. IE won't get you kicked out of Tavros for indecent exposure, but you genitals are still easily accessible through the grass fronds/ plant fibers as long as the clothing worn above it has the proper exposure tags.


Hell yeah! Tribal clothes are what I want. The lack of wearable loincloth disturbs me.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Watchering: 2big4me, bro. And Kiro is a "mere" 21 inches. That's like an average horse cock. Personally I'm glad Fen's idea of hyper (at least as far as his characters go) isn't like, say, Sparrow's. Not that I dislike either, I'm just saying.

Funny seeing how Fen likes Sparrow's art, at least as far as I remember.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Every time someone complains about hyper I put another hyper herm taur in the game.

Give them a bit of non-asshole personality and I'll be okay with them. If they have huge dicks, they don't have to BE huge dicks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So then if some npc had small dick it mean IT'S huge dick? Anyway if Wsan want write new hyper herm taur for each complain about hyper what would happen after complains about micro sized npc ;)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So then if some npc had small dick it mean IT'S huge dick? Anyway if Wsan want write new hyper herm taur for each complain about hyper what would happen after complains about micro sized npc ;)

There aren't much of them to have any reason complain about :(


Jan 8, 2016
You can't (within reason) put your dick in a micro npc. Ergo there isn't much of a demand for micro npcs in a sex game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You can't (within reason) put your dick in a micro npc. Ergo there isn't much of a demand for micro npcs in a sex game.

There are other... Ways to have fun. I've seen quite inventive art pieces with an extreme size difference.


Aug 27, 2015
You can't (within reason) put your dick in a micro npc. Ergo there isn't much of a demand for micro npcs in a sex game.

Idk, I think CoC's fairy was reasonably popular.


Jan 8, 2016
Idk, I think CoC's fairy was reasonably popular.

I liked her too, but I dunno. I felt a little sad there wasn't more to her, but maybe that was a function of her just not having enough stuff written for her rather than lack of possibility.

There are other... Ways to have fun. I've seen quite inventive art pieces with an extreme size difference.

I mean, I've seen m/f fairy stuff but that's really just like hyper on a smaller relative scale. There are definitely ways to accommodate them in other ways too, but you're working with a limited set of options. Less options is less potential fun for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well with fairy comparing even typical PC size it would be for her hyper already xD

And heh I wonder if you can do hyper npc's if you would be able to do antihyper npc likes some along micro npc :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hypers not my cup of tea.

As for what I would like to see get added, so far I would like to see a monkey/ape and mouse TF, and Herm masturbastion and sex scenes.

I might add more to this list.


Active Member
Sep 7, 2015
Chastity stuff. Chastity belts, chastity cages, etc. Although the loss scene for Nonesuch's Uveto mob serves a similar purpose and looks fantastic, so I'm looking forward to that.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I much prefer fairies that are only small in a relative sense (like still a couple feet tall or whatever but obviously smaller than humans), fairies capable of shapeshifting their size via magic (really popular because it gives you the best of both worlds), or micro fairies that only do micro-appropriate things, kinda like how it was handled in CoC.

This, being able to have a fairy companion able to change their size to fit their partners tastes really works wonders. Also magic helps with the "oh god that'd break or kill me" aspect in that the magic prevents such things from happening xD


Jun 13, 2016
Honestly, I most want to see more impregnation content, but... that's just my fetish preferences talking.  Maybe self-impregnating capable tailcock masturbation or something too.  

On other things, I want a new ship.  Preferably customizeable, but... just something big enough that it at least doesn't sound like it's a space winnebego would be fine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Honestly, I most want to see more impregnation content, but... that's just my fetish preferences talking.  Maybe self-impregnating capable tailcock masturbation or something too.  

On other things, I want a new ship.  Preferably customizeable, but... just something big enough that it at least doesn't sound like it's a space winnebego would be fine.

LOL, spaceballs.