Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I was actually noticing a similar problem when I was discussing some Nursery-related content with Savin. The prerequisites for almost anything in there are going to be really weird, and writing even the barest mentions of other kids is going to be hard. You can barely even specify the race of a kid involved because then you have to write a hundred forks and it would have to be constantly bugfixed/retroactively expanded as more kid types were added.

It's going to be... interesting to see how it shakes out. :/  

So, kids are divided into age categories within the nursery. If you wanna reference another kid in a scene, just specify an age group to choose from, and then the game presumably can pick a random race/sex to grab (if a kid exists in that category). 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I really wanted to headcanon Sera as an overprotective parent, but given her personality, it just wouldn't work. At least until I commission first-time-pregnant-and-hormonal-sub-Sera.

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm an idiot and didn't read the latest updates.

@Kirovreporting: Nah, I'm not feeling the Tsundere vibe from her.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
She tries to act like she doesn't care but she does really.

She has a soft gooey center after alll and it's fantastic.


Aug 27, 2015
I wanted to headcanon Sera as an overprotective parent, but her whole basis is that she probably has tons of bastards, so it just wouldn't work. At least until I commission first-time-pregnant-and-hormonal-sub-Sera.

Speaking of bastards, why is she visiting the nursery again? I just assumed she didn't care. Maybe I misread the doc?

@Kirovreporting: Nah, I'm not feeling the Tsundere vibe from her.

The first half of this exp is all about the fact she is very careful about not having any bastards, due to her parlous financial state and just plain not liking kids.

I don't know how more obvious I could make it that she does care. Literally, I don't. I'm English and male.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
The first half of this exp is all about the fact she is very careful about not having any bastards, due to her parlous financial state and just plain not liking kids.

I don't know how more obvious I could make it that she does care. Literally, I don't. I'm English and male.

I am a filthy foreigner and I can attest that Sera caring about the PC and (in case of this x-pack) their child was evident throught. The final visit scene slayed me, and justified the whole freaking arc with Sera; my whole idea of helping her and fixing her life via the only method she can accept - subtly (huh) and while letting her be in control.

Sera trying to keep the 'I'm not gonna stop being myself or pretend to be a different person and let that weird creature turn my life around' facade towards the baby reminds me heavily of a couple of my counterculture friends who got to be parents while extremely young. Only with less slightly less loud music and alcohol and slightly more demons.

Actually, how old is Sera, exactly? Cause we never get more than a few hints at her minimal possible age, and whenever her mask of the 'Kink Incarnate' cracks, there seems to be a lot of teenage angst, and rebellious attitude and overplayed cynicism seeping out.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
"No silly, I don't," she snickers. "I just screw the absolute fuck out of everything that walks through that door, and hey, if that means half a dozen brats running around this kid-friendly environment of mine and half a dozen paternity suits landing on my counter every month, that's a price well worth paying." She sobers a little, reptilian eyes going a bit glassy; her hands ball reflexively. "Ugh! Children."

Okay, so not only did I not read this as sarcasm the first time around, but I also didn't notice you had her nursery visits up. Legitimately sorry.

I would also like to know her age. We know she went to an all-girl Catholic (high?) school, but what about college and stuff?

By the way, I noticed Sera assumes you had a 9 month pregnancy, but due to pregnancy multipliers from perks and such, it could vary.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Not gonna lie, now i've read the whole Sera preg document, all i can say is that Sera is one of the most human/real characters in this game, and also shows that even the 'queen of the bitches' is deep down a great woman and a real good parent. She has such a lovely dynamic to her and I honestly love it. Keep up the good work hun!


Not gonna lie, now i've read the whole Sera preg document, all i can say is that Sera is one of the most human/real characters in this game, and also shows that even the 'queen of the bitches' is deep down a great woman and a real good parent. She has such a lovely dynamic to her and I honestly love it. Keep up the good work hun!

I wouldn't go that far, but I agree with you in that Sera has never seemed like a legitimately bad person, as bitchy as she is to Steele.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Really liked the whole "safe spot" and "you better not tell anyone about this" angle.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2016
Tbh the dynamic of Sera slowly coming to genuinly care about Steele is one of my favorite parts of the game. Best girl


Tbh the dynamic of Sera slowly coming to genuinly care about Steele is one of my favorite parts of the game. Best girl

Does she think of Steele as a Seraphim?

Does she want Steele to Seranade her?

Maybe take her out to the horSeraces?

Or just commiSerate with her?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Dammit now I'm wondering about how sera would treat a Steele who did their damnedest to look like an angel.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Dammit now I'm wondering about how sera would treat a Steele who did their damnedest to look like an angel.

Evily rubs his hands together. Oh boy going down that road, Sera would fuck Steele senseless in order to corrupt/dirty that goody Angel look Steele has. I wouldn't be surprised if Nonesuch decided to do such a thing.
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Evily rubs his hands together. Oh boy going down that road, Sera would fuck Steele senseless in order to corrupt/dirty that goody Angel look Steele has. I wouldn't be surprised if Nonesuch decided to do such a thing.




Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I don't think we have a real angel tf/morph though. All we've got is done balm which gives you wings.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I don't think we have a real angel tf/morph though. All we've got is done balm which gives you wings.

Wings of various random colors, depending on your non-existant fur at that. Closest I could get to my image of an angel is white hexa-wings and loading up on gold vanae TFs. (which I TFed strictly for the purpose of being Sera's bitch)


Aug 27, 2015
Actually, how old is Sera, exactly? Cause we never get more than a few hints at her minimal possible age, and whenever her mask of the 'Kink Incarnate' cracks, there seems to be a lot of teenage angst, and rebellious attitude and overplayed cynicism seeping out.

27, 28? I find it difficult to envisage somebody younger than that owning a shop. Obligatory "She's technically not my character" qualifier.





Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Wings of various random colors, depending on your non-existant fur at that. Closest I could get to my image of an angel is white hexa-wings and loading up on gold vanae TFs. (which I TFed strictly for the purpose of being Sera's bitch)

Odd, I just so happened to have a golden vanae character who I gave wings, and her wings turned out black each time I use the tf (wanted to get the 6-wings version). Notably her horsecock also ended up black when I gave her one, the only thing she had black by those points was her hair, so does that mean its dependent on what color the persons hair is if they have no fur?


Aug 26, 2015
Dove Balm wing color always matches your fur color.  If you've never had fur, I believe the value defaults to black.

The horsecock is randomly pink, black, or mottled pink and black, determined on use.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Dove Balm wing color always matches your fur color.  If you've never had fur, I believe the value defaults to black.

The horsecock is randomly pink, black, or mottled pink and black, determined on use.

Ah I see, oh well I actually was glad both my cock and wings turned black, since my body was gold it made a nice gold/black theme in my opinion (At least how I visualize it mentally)


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
i never know id enjoy sera getting my pc preggers but so far ive enjoyed every bit of the doc <3


Hey @Nonesuch what would your estimate be for the Bothoric? Might commission you on that (seems the cheapest of all your $9 projects)


Aug 27, 2015
The Bothrioc are done matey, or at least as done as I dare to render them at this stage. Thank you for reminding me to update my Commissions doc though. :allears:

Sera the Broodening is also more or less done now, pending some signing and sealing. Thanks as ever for all the kind words and comments everyone - maybe it was naive of me, but I didn't expect this project to get as much attention as it did.


Ah , that's good to hear :). Maybe I'd best get back to thinking up on that nebulous comission idea I had :p

Very Naive,  that Sera doc is awesome.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
27, 28? I find it difficult to envisage somebody younger than that owning a shop. Obligatory "She's technically not my character" qualifier.

Huh, this really adds to why Sera fits as a dom for Steele and why the reversal is such an involved process, there is a significant gap in terms of age and maturity there. It's possible for them to own a shop younger than that but it'd have to be an inheritance or a savant doing it, otherwise they would likely be overwhelmed. 

The Bothrioc are done matey, or at least as done as I dare to render them at this stage. Thank you for reminding me to update my Commissions doc though. :allears:

Sera the Broodening is also more or less done now, pending some signing and sealing. Thanks as ever for all the kind words and comments everyone - maybe it was naive of me, but I didn't expect this project to get as much attention as it did.

I've read the doc finally (Been busy with a lot of other things)...and wow, just wow. I'm not a fan of fen dom for personal reasons (not knocking it, just putting it down to trust and control issues.) but you have managed to do something very, very impressive as far as I'm concerned: Get me from "Yeah she'll be fun for my fem/herm character but I won't play it just to interact with her like that." to "Her content is worth getting invested in. She's someone my fem/herm Steele finds trustworthy." Going to leave some comments here and there on the doc for feedback purposes but basically, the moments when Sera drops the act and just reacts or cares really does more to show who she is as a person than a dozen scenes...even if her new selection of nicknames make me chuckle.

The scenes in the Nursery are also very solid and evocative when applicable, even with the rather dry if accurate digs at Steele. (I cracked up at the repeat naming aside, gotta love the snark.) although the visit really, really hit you and also, to me, give a basis for why Sera would accept Steele as an owner beyond the plot reasoning and her own desire to see if Steele is strong/controlled enough.

I in no way blame you for stopping at age 5 for the sprogs, as I think that if someone plays for more than 5 years on TiTS, especially now, DM gonna go "You reached 5 years and time stopped bitches!".

...facepalm, yup, kid is Sera's alright and knows who's the sub that's for sure :p