CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That's not what a salamander's tongue is like, though.

Not sure when you will reply to this but I can wait as long you give some answer.

So as manders and nixes master what your stand on type of eyes and tounge that this both race have? Some that already are ingame or some new type that would be made specialy for them? xD

EDIT: Hum looks like manders eyes and tounges are human type, right? So what about nix ones?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Reptilian. Same as lizans or whatever.

I gave lizans a forked (snake-like) tongue. But after reading a bit about salamanders and looking at your picture they are many things, but not forked.

But before we talk even more about what and whatnot, I guess, its the best, when I and probably others write some example TF and appearance texts, so we all could look over it and then discuss, what fits them the most.
Actually I want them to be non-human aka unique to manders, and somewhat sexier and maybe even fiery. Ok, nuff talking, more thinking ^^

[Yet another edit:] On the picture I even see mander eyes, and mander fangs ...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
[Yet another edit:] On the picture I even see mander eyes, and mander fangs ...

Well then looks like you can think about making FACE_SALAMANDER version...but I think it would be jsut human face + larger than humans have fangs to match this pic representation of mander ;)


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Well, thats easy. I'll explain with a code example:

Modified Naga-code in

			if ([FACE_SNAKE_FANGS, FACE_SALAMANDER_FANGS].indexOf(player.faceType) != -1) 
				var venomFangs:String = player.faceType == FACE_SALAMANDER_FANGS ? "." : ", dripping with venom.";
				var dripping:String   = player.faceType == FACE_SALAMANDER_FANGS ? " " : " dripping ";
				if (player.skinType == SKIN_TYPE_PLAIN || player.skinType == SKIN_TYPE_GOO) 
					outputText("  You have a fairly normal face, with " + + ".  The only oddity is your pair of" + dripping + "fangs which often hang over your lower lip.", false);
				if (player.skinType == SKIN_TYPE_FUR) 
					outputText("  Under your " + player.skinFurScales() + " you have a human-shaped head with " +,false) + ".  In addition, a pair of fangs hang over your lower lip" + vemonFangs, false);
				if (player.hasScales()) 
					outputText("  Your face is fairly human in shape, but is covered in " + player.skinFurScales() + ".  In addition, a pair of fangs hang over your lower lip" + vemonFangs, false);
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Ok, the basic mechanics of the basilisk eyes are implemented. But I have yet to figure out the texts for the talk scene and when Benoit(e) grants them to you.
For starters, I'll try to figure out some brief texts for that later (need some sleep now) on the other hand: If someone could to help me with that would be nice.
And before I forget it: The commit is here@GitHub.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
The way this game handles pronouns is a little weird. As I recall in vanilla CoC it goes like this:

P = Penis

V = Vagina

B = Breasts

[ + ] = Has

[ - ] = Doesn't have

P [ + ] V [ - ] B [ - ] = Male (He/Him/His)

P [ - ] V [ + ] B [ + ] = Female (She/Her/Hers)

P [ + ] V [ + ] B [ + ] = Herm (She/Her/Hers)

P [ + ] V [ + ] B [ - ] = MaleHerm (He/Him/His)

P [ - ] V [ - ] B [ - ] = No Gender (He/Him/His)

P [ - ] V [ - ] B [ + ] = No Gender (She/Her/Hers)

In vanilla femininity didn't have an effect on gender but for some reason it does here. But despite the fact I lack a vagina or breasts and the game recognizes my character as male, the NPCs use female pronouns.

I don't see anything in the code that'll let me change this. I don't know how you even make it do that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

In vanilla femininity didn't have an effect on gender but for some reason it does here. But despite the fact I lack a vagina or breasts and the game recognizes my character as male, the NPCs use female pronouns.

I don't see anything in the code that'll let me change this. I don't know how you even make it do that.

You could argue that until they see the characters naughty bits, A high femininity score would make them assume they're a girl.

It's doubtful there's a single variable to change that but if Feminity score is the reason, searching for "player.femininity" would show all the instances Revamp uses it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I've just added the text for the basilisk eyes talk scene in Phase 1 of my basilisk eyes implementation. But this is just a copy&paste from the Basilisk Womb talk scene with some modifications.

If anyone wants to help me to make that scene more unique, just hop over to the Google Docs document. And if anyone wants to aid me in writing the text for the scene, when Benoit(e) grants then to you, please take a look at that section of the document, too. It would help me finalizing Phase 1 and filing a PR to CoC Revamp for it, even if they are just short stubby texts.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
You could argue that until they see the characters naughty bits, A high femininity score would make them assume they're a girl.

It's doubtful there's a single variable to change that but if Feminity score is the reason, searching for "player.femininity" would show all the instances Revamp uses it.

I thought so too but the problem is that characters that have definitely seen my cock call me female.

As for "player.femininity" I'll have to give that one a look. I've already searched with "femininity."


Active Member
Sep 12, 2015
If only there was a way to implement the option to choose your preferred gender pronouns from TiTS. I know it's practically impossible, but it would be nice.

On another note, I'm actually genuinely interesting in writing the transformative for Rabbit-morphs. Can anyone help me with this? I have no idea where to start.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well take the easter bunny tf then add to it?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I've updated the basilisk eyes talk scene with the text written by @MissBlackthorne. The changes can be viewed here @GitHub.

About your suggestion of the red feather plume, I have a neat idea for later:
When you've been granted the basilisk eyes, Benoit(e) gives that item to you and it will probably be a key item. The player can put it on as a head accessory, but when he tries this with his/her corruption above a certain threshold, it falls off immediately. He/She tries is again a couple times, and it falls off again, so the player puts it in his/her inventory (meaning key items, for the sake of being easier to handle, so players don't accidentally abandon it) for now.
If the player is wearing it and his/her corruption reaches a certain threshold it suddenly falls of. The player tries to put it back on ... (rest as stated above).

While this would probably just add fluff I think this could be a nice and decent warning, referring to Benoit(e) warning you, not to become one of the other corrupted basilisks out there:
I see...are you sure about zis [name]? It is so reckless to experiment on your body like zis....But I suppose you have done so much for my folk, zat if you wish to be one of us, i could look into it. Beware though, zey are dangerous, so while i shall do zis to thank you, I do not wish to risk you becoming like ze others...Ze demons no doubt affected our gaze too, ze perverts...

@MissBlackthorne: Your opinion about that?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I've started adding stubby summary texts for the scene, where Benoit(e) grants the eyes to you. See here @GitHub.

Again the player appearance text for the basilisk eyes:

Your eyes are grey basilisk eyes with vertically slitted pupils. They come with the typical second set of eyelids, allowing you to blink twice as much as others.

"allowing you to blink twice as much as others." Is a reference to this video:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2016
the coc xianxia mod has some unique tf mods maybe you and them can compile some of your mods features to help speed up progress if not already doing so.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well we did offer it to Kitteh to share some of our morph. I made scylla to be availlable to both through how it is implemented witheout moga hen is up to kitteh


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yes as long he in any way contact me and show interest to have those TF as long we both come to satisfing agrement for both sides it's not a against porting some new ones TF from Xianxia to Revamp just like some time ago we done with salamander TF.
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Woeful Wombat

Active Member
Dec 10, 2015
I noticed that when you have children with Phylla, the camp descriptions merge and mention both the children working and Phylla herself appearing and waving at you, making it look like this:

You see Phylla’s anthill in the distance. Every now and then you see one of your children exit the anthill to unload some dirt before continuing back down into the colony. It makes you feel good knowing your offspring are so productive. Phylla appear out of the anthill to unload some dirt. She looks over to your campsite and gives you an excited wave before heading back into the colony. It makes you feel good to know she’s so close.

Apart from that grammatical error, she should be in no condition to shovel around earth, so I assume that's a bug.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2016
Yes as long he in any way contact me and show interest to have those TF as long we both come to satisfing agrement for both sides it's not a against porting some new ones TF from Xianxia to Revamp just like some time ago we done with salamander TF.



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I noticed that when you have children with Phylla, the camp descriptions merge and mention both the children working and Phylla herself appearing and waving at you, making it look like this:

Apart from that grammatical error, she should be in no condition to shovel around earth, so I assume that's a bug.

Hoi seems noone noticed earlier this overlook so good for you to point it out. It just caused by not adding two words in code to make game show both part of text when phylla is alone without any childs and when she got already some children.

Here is that part after I added those two words (this one version is for 492 children): You see Phylla’s anthill in the distance. Every now and then you see few of your many children exit the anthill to unload some dirt before vanishing back inside. It makes you feel good knowing your offspring are so productive.

I take Kitteh will make this adjustment soon for Revamp too ;)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
I've updated the basilisk eyes talk scene with the text written by @MissBlackthorne. The changes can be viewed here @GitHub.

About your suggestion of the red feather plume, I have a neat idea for later:
When you've been granted the basilisk eyes, Benoit(e) gives that item to you and it will probably be a key item. The player can put it on as a head accessory, but when he tries this with his/her corruption above a certain threshold, it falls off immediately. He/She tries is again a couple times, and it falls off again, so the player puts it in his/her inventory (meaning key items, for the sake of being easier to handle, so players don't accidentally abandon it) for now.
If the player is wearing it and his/her corruption reaches a certain threshold it suddenly falls of. The player tries to put it back on ... (rest as stated above).

While this would probably just add fluff I think this could be a nice and decent warning, referring to Benoit(e) warning you, not to become one of the other corrupted basilisks out there:
I see...are you sure about zis [name]? It is so reckless to experiment on your body like zis....But I suppose you have done so much for my folk, zat if you wish to be one of us, i could look into it. Beware though, zey are dangerous, so while i shall do zis to thank you, I do not wish to risk you becoming like ze others...Ze demons no doubt affected our gaze too, ze perverts...

@MissBlackthorne: Your opinion about that?

Hmm...Perhaps it could be a key item like that but it be a small silver hair pin with like  red feathers which when equipped, if your pure enough turns your hair into the red feathered plume of a basilisk and if your impure (perhaps 60 +?)  it burns your skin to and has t be taken off, making your feathers become spines instead like the basilisks of the mountains? 


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Hmm...Perhaps it could be a key item like that but it be a small silver hair pin with like  red feathers which when equipped, if your pure enough turns your hair into the red feathered plume of a basilisk and if your impure (perhaps 60 +?)  it burns your skin to and has t be taken off, making your feathers become spines instead like the basilisks of the mountains? 

mmh I have yet to read through the Basilisk-encounter again, but IIRC they are bald.
Anyway: I see, what I can possibly do about that. Probably 2 new hair types for Mutations:reptilum()


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
mmh I have yet to read through the Basilisk-encounter again, but IIRC they are bald.
Anyway: I see, what I can possibly do about that. Probably 2 new hair types for Mutations:reptilum()

I can happily help write stuff for it. They'd be locked to having the item anyway.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Heres the description of a basilisk in
You are fighting a basilisk!  From what you can tell while not looking directly at it, the basilisk is a male reptilian biped standing a bit over 6' tall.  He has a thin but ropy build, his tightly muscled yellow underbelly the only part of his frame not covered in those deceptive, camouflaging grey-green scales.  A long, whip-like tail flits restlessly through the dirt behind his skinny legs, and sharp sickle-shaped index claws decorate each hand and foot.  You don't dare to look at his face, but you have the impression of a cruel jaw, a blunt lizard snout and a crown of dull spines.

I'll check Benoit(e)'s appearance next.

[Edit:]Found it:
There is a sprouting sound as iridescent red feathers emerge upon " + benoitMF("his","her") + " crown;

Ok, I guess, I'll do the following approach:

  • At high corruption reptilium will always(?) change your hair to be "a crown of dull spines" in addition of stopping your hair growth or if your hair growth already has stopped. I guess, I'll make this independent of the player having basilisk eyes.
  • At low corruption without the hair pin or if the player has it and is male or genderless I'll either make the player bald or leave it untouched. (I guess, I'll go for the latter)
  • With the hair pin I'll add some player event to handle the hair pin changing your hair, when you are female or herm.

    Maybe I'll add some code to handle this in reptilum as well, probably as a method-call, that triggers that event, without needing the player to let some time pass.

[*]And before I forget: I guess, I'll add a new phase before or after Phase 2 to work out the changes in reptilum and to add the hair-pin as a key item.

  • Note, that I think, that its easier to handle as a key item, so the player can't abandon it by accident.
  • Depends on what is easier to implement: A new equippable key item or an inventory item that you can get again and again after losing it and that will be removed from your inventory and your storage upon ascension.

@MissBlackthorne: What do you think?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Ok, I guess, I'll do the following approach:

  • At high corruption reptilium will always(?) change your hair to be "a crown of dull spines" in addition of stopping your hair growth or if your hair growth already has stopped. I guess, I'll make this independent of the player having basilisk eyes.
  • At low corruption without the hair pin or if the player has it and is male or genderless I'll either make the player bald or leave it untouched. (I guess, I'll go for the latter)
  • With the hair pin I'll add some player event to handle the hair pin changing your hair, when you are female or herm.

    Maybe I'll add some code to handle this in reptilum as well, probably as a method-call, that triggers that event, without needing the player to let some time pass.

[*]And before I forget: I guess, I'll add a new phase before or after Phase 2 to work out the changes in reptilum and to add the hair-pin as a key item.

  • Note, that I think, that its easier to handle as a key item, so the player can't abandon it by accident.
  • Depends on what is easier to implement: A new equippable key item or an inventory item that you can get again and again after losing it and that will be removed from your inventory and your storage upon ascension.

@MissBlackthorne: What do you think?

Seems good. Handling it as a key item sounds good, that way it can have its own properties right?

I can try and write some blurbs and stuff for it if you want since i'm not too busy.