DracoGuard Question


New Member
Jun 21, 2016
I have a question regarding the DracoGuard TF. For me one of the most interesting parts of the gryvain are the internal 6 balls in place of the prostate. But these are not in the wiki and nothing like that happened to my character when I tried taking a lot of the TF. So if this transformation is not implemented, might it be possible to do it? It's part of the race and I really like the idea. If I just didn't find out how to do it, a hint would be nice. If it's not in the game and there is no time to implement it, still a big thank you to Fenoxo and his team for creating this totally awesome game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I haven't looked at the TF's code but I'm pretty sure it just increases your cum volume and decreases your # of balls to 0 and says 'yup, now you've got 6 internal testicles represented by this big cum volume number'


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I haven't looked at the TF's code but I'm pretty sure it just increases your cum volume and decreases your # of balls to 0 and says 'yup, now you've got 6 internal testicles represented by this big cum volume number'

Nope, does nothing at all related to testicles.

Must thank you for making me go look, though, I found a typo! To the bug section!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
it's not a bug just an oversight.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Naw, see, a bug is when something doesn't do the thing it's supposed to do correctly, but if it doesn't do something it doesn't do or was never intended to then it's not doing it wrong.

On serious note, though, I do think it should do something, just it's not a bug. Like I said, maybe Savin thinks it isn't part of the item then we have to defer to that. We just have to await his input.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Yes, character creation does allow that, but it's not a bug just an oversight. Two probable reasons, though, is that Savin forgot or he thought it didn't matter.

I don't think we have a mechanism for internal balls?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
It's done that way now for Gryvains and Ovir, but this sort of solution still results in PC's prostate being ment ironed in the scenes instead of balls.

I don't really see the point of making the distinction. An internal-testicle-having individual would need to have a prostate anyway, since that's the thing that makes the goo that the sperm swim in and also pushes it out. And vice versa, an individual that only had a prostate wouldn't be able to produce sperm, making the presence of the prostate kind of pointless, biologically - you'd be all juice and no seeds. So I think it can be safely assumed that anyone that has a penis and doesn't have external balls has both internal balls and a prostate.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Might have to compromise somewhere. Like scenes just referencing your prostate and Appearance screen referencing your internal balls.


Jan 8, 2016
The real problem, for me anyway, is the parser [pc.balls]. Kinda hard to differentiate shit when you have something like

{if (pc.balls > 0): You feel her hand sliding down your [pc.butt], getting a good squeeze and grope before her fingers daintily alight upon your [pc.balls]. You start a little, but groan when she gives your [pc.sack] a loving stroke and squeeze.}
{else: You feel her hand sliding down your [pc.butt], getting a good squeeze and grope before her hand slides along the [pc.skinFurScales] of your underside, slowly stroking you before she gets to the [pc.biggestSheath] of your cock. Your tauric anatomy prevents her from reaching any further, but she makes sure to give you some sensual, invigorating rubbing before pulling her arm back.}

The way the balls parser works is that it describes your balls or ball, and if there aren't any balls it references your prostate. Tl;dr having internal balls would immediately fuck up a lot of scenes. Also, justifying ball size would be pretty difficult...
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Nonsense, they just wouldn't be mentioned (in scenes) if we go by what Trogdor said.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I don't really see the point of making the distinction. An internal-testicle-having individual would need to have a prostate anyway, since that's the thing that makes the goo that the sperm swim in and also pushes it out. And vice versa, an individual that only had a prostate wouldn't be able to produce sperm, making the presence of the prostate kind of pointless, biologically - you'd be all juice and no seeds. So I think it can be safely assumed that anyone that has a penis and doesn't have external balls has both internal balls and a prostate.

One of the things; and yes, without some serious gene-modding wizardry the prostate only configuration shouldn't work as far as reproduction is concerned. So I'm down with just assuming that internal balls or some equivalent is present for any character without the external ones. BUT this doesn't change the fact that we have a body part specifically mentioned as one of the features of certain races and yet it doesn't even get mentioned anywhere for PC


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
One of the things; and yes, without some serious gene-modding wizardry the prostate only configuration shouldn't work as far as reproduction is concerned. So I'm down with just assuming that internal balls or some equivalent is present for any character without the external ones. BUT this doesn't change the fact that we have a body part specifically mentioned as one of the features of certain races and yet it doesn't even get mentioned anywhere for PC

Again, I don't see the need. Unless they're external and being touched or swinging around or doing anything that can be observed or felt... there's no need to mention them. If they're inside you, they may as well be your spleen or liver.

The real problem, for me anyway, is the parser [pc.balls]. Kinda hard to differentiate shit when you have something like

{if (pc.balls > 0): You feel her hand sliding down your [pc.butt], getting a good squeeze and grope before her fingers daintily alight upon your [pc.balls]. You start a little, but groan when she gives your [pc.sack] a loving stroke and squeeze.}
{else: You feel her hand sliding down your [pc.butt], getting a good squeeze and grope before her hand slides along the [pc.skinFurScales] of your underside, slowly stroking you before she gets to the [pc.biggestSheath] of your cock. Your tauric anatomy prevents her from reaching any further, but she makes sure to give you some sensual, invigorating rubbing before pulling her arm back.}

The way the balls parser works is that it describes your balls or ball, and if there aren't any balls it references your prostate. Tl;dr having internal balls would immediately fuck up a lot of scenes. Also, justifying ball size would be pretty difficult...

Exactly what would you write to describe what testicles are doing inside you that wouldn't be grossly inaccurate of what testicles actually do?

if (pc.balls == 0 && pc.cocks[x].hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_INTERNAL) { Your testicles sit there inside you and do nothing but produce sperm the entire time. }


Perhaps it would be simplest to simply retcon Gryvains such that they have a prostate/testicle hybrid organ, and then you can just call it a prostate and be done with it, instead of suggesting that you have separate testicles and then trying to describe how big they are whilst simultaneously not running afoul of all the places pc.balls the integer normally leads to text describing external testicles.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
also to note, if you start off as half Grav you get a prostate that's around 2k something. If you take a different transformative that gives you balls it changes your prostate size. Generally if you take those transformatives and you get balls and then remove said balls and just have your prostate again the prostate is of considerable smaller than it was before. Prostate size is governed by the Ball Efficiency tag. Playing around in minerva allowed me to discover that playing with ball efficiency numbers increases prostate size.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
also to note, if you start off as half Grav you get a prostate that's around 2k something. If you take a different transformative that gives you balls it changes your prostate size. Generally if you take those transformatives and you get balls and then remove said balls and just have your prostate again the prostate is of considerable smaller than it was before. Prostate size is governed by the Ball Efficiency tag. Playing around in minerva allowed me to discover that playing with ball efficiency numbers increases prostate size.

Actually, no. Ball size and Prostate size are one and the same. Cum efficiency is a separate stat that's influenced by stuff like Celise's scenes and Vi's.. potency test or whatever. However, TFs that would normally grow or shrink your ball size will only do so if your ball count > 0, so if you wanted to have "Gryvain testicles" what you'd do is grow giant balls via whatever means, then have Dr. Lash remove your balls, and you'd be functionally a Gryvain as far as cum is concerned.

As for TFs giving you smaller balls, that's because the formula used to determine cum volume for a character with no balls outputs considerably smaller numbers, therefore in order to make Gryvain have 'normal' cum volume, their ball size is huge, like 20 or something. But then, if you grew external balls but kept the same huge ball size, you'd have ridiculously large cum volume.


New Member
Jun 21, 2016
I don't think we have a mechanism for internal balls?

A changed description for the prostate would have been enough for me but I guess it's impossible since there are no prostate types?

Also the distinction between prostate and balls doesn't exist in this universe because you can still knock someone up without balls if I remeber correctly. So having 6 balls instead of a prostate being stimulated by anal sex is possible and I'd very much like that description as I think what has been written for the gryvain race regarding sexual organs is awesome.